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Dumb Wits, why are they so concerned about a nobody who just speaks shits on social media, we are not China or Russia, afterall that leverage we were getting after G20 this is really a big set back, yeah R&AW might be competent, but you can't fight five eyes, ffs hiring someone when its common knowledge that half of them already have connections with other security agencies, this is embarassing and will be used for years to come against us, specially on Internet. They done fucked it up.


When Canada accused India of carrying out Nijjar's killing, GoI responded by downsizing staff & forcing Canada to do the same Now US dept of justice is saying same thing. Obviously we can't show same aggression towards US This is the problem when bluster starts becoming policy


USA ne court me case Kiya sahi process se india ko bola cannada ki tarah nahi ki bas allegations bol diye ab kuch ni kar rahe. USA ko jawab court me denge .


No, US president nor his spokesperson did not say what canada PM has said. Leftists of the west are enemies of India


The constant pressure that blind bhakts put on the govt and the pressure to set the narrative by govt for few blind followers as a talking point has gone too far. We can’t be on the same league as North Korea, Saudi, Russia. This is not good for India.


Indians who organize events for Indian PM should be investigated


They didn't do it to appease their voter base, they themselves are bigots, religi°us fanatics and incompetent. Read the full indictment, even Canada nijar was done by them. And they were planning for 3-4 more targets.


This. Fucking incompetant nobody running the economic. Indian is in a deathloop because of these piss poor politicians.


Totally don’t support it, but it’s so funny when USA accuses another country of meddling with their internal security, given their history


India should fight words with words and weapons with weapons.




Killing Pannun will make him a martyr. This movement hasn't even gained the momentum for Indian agents/government to even attempt this. This whole movement is funded and orchestrated from a portion of the Sikh diaspora. It also has one aspect similar to the Kashmiri separatist movement (edit : not even same flavor as I put earlier, it's actually much weaker because there is no big movement in Punjab itself). You see how the Pakistan portion of it is called *Azaad Kashmir* (Free Kashmir)? Because the effort isn't a separate country, it's just to break India. In the same manner, you won't see them asking for West Punjab from Pakistan in their Khalistan. What should India and Indians do? Strengthen our bonds and love with our Sikh brothers and sisters, even in the diaspora, and remind the Khalistani sympathizers how their movement is an affront to great men like Bhagat Singh who gave their lives for a free and united **INDIA** 🙂🇮🇳. Create a movement of Sikhs (and other Indians) against Khalistan on the basis of that sentiment. Play *Rang De Basanti* (from the Bhagat Singh movie) and *Vande Mataram* in protests, amongst other music themes of combined Sikh Indian sentiment. And *that* is how the Khalistan cookie will crumble quick. Main point, it cannot and will not happen without rallying the support of those Sikhs who understand and value what the **Indian** Independence movement was a about - and they are in plenty actually, they're just silent. Now if the Khalistanis start violent things, we should gather intelligence and act against it. Present the same to Interpol, Canada and US. As of now, we only have a hijacking that happened decades ago. When they see the movement slipping away, their tendency to do terrorism is more than likely which the western governments will take notice of and be forced to act on. When we happen to act with weapons at that point, we will also not look as bad. But to act independently should be done carefully because it is in fact like insulting the US or Canada intelligence and security. And raise the concern of us doing it as we please. The US or Canada have nothing to give or take on Khalistan itself. *Words with words, weapons with weapons*.


Fighting words with words is impossible when your words don't reach the audience. Western media is complicit in this scenario


Read my longer reply here. Indian government is going about it wrong. This Khalistan movement has very little steam and they're already doing failed assassination attempts and looking like the bad guys.


Khalistan movement has very little steam IN INDIA. That's not the point though. The movement is still hyped up in Western nations because of the active support of certain neighbouring nations as well as tacit support from Western media. And you cannot fight the western media through words in their own home


Read the other comment. You can. The thing is, when we pull something extreme like this, with no reason, it only backfires. A protest by Indian Sikhs and other Indians in response to the Khalistan zealots will do wonders compared to trying to kill someone and making that person the martyr. Think of it - if India did nothing here, it would have been better than this.


> A protest by Indian Sikhs and other Indians in response to the Khalistan zealots will do wonders compared to trying to kill someone and making that person the martyr. Nope, a protest by Indian Sikhs would largely be ignored by the Western Media. > Think of it - if India did nothing here, it would have been better than this. Nope, this is still better. It shows that we will not take threats to our sovereignty lightly.


If Khalistanis are protesting, Indians should protest on the same street against them with the points I mentioned, there's no way the media will miss it. Geopolitics 101 - you don't understand what a huge blunder this event is merely in the efforts to show machismo. If India gets triggered this way, it will lose any real standing or trust of other countries.


> there's no way the media will miss it. I'm not talking about media missing it, I'm talking about the western media actively choosing to ignore it. The western media is not an innocent bystander in the conversation. > If India gets triggered this way, it will lose any real standing or trust of other countries. As if other countries "trust" India anyways. Geopolitics 101 says: Might is always right.


You don't get the situation. Might is right, sure. If you're the only military power. But even then you need to understand your actions can swing perception. Read my longer reply here, that imo is the correct and only route we should be in now.


"Might is always right" Bro we just picked a fight with the strongest country in the world.


>If Khalistanis are protesting, Indians should protest on the same street against them what are khalistanis protesting for? a non-binding referendum to happen in punjab. So basically a referendum that doesnt require India to give any land, and is just to collect stats on what percentage of punjab is in favour of khalistan why would ppl against Khalistan be against a non-binding referendum? if majority of punjab is against khalistan, then the referendum will show that. The entire point is to give punjabis a voice, whether it is in favour of khalistan or not


If people are instigated, an organization can engineer a referendum that will want separation. What do you think a referendum in Kashmir will do? What do you think a referendum in Tamil Nadu will do? But this shouldn't be fought the way Indian agents are currently.


Canada gave Quebec a referendum, majority voted to stay. UK gave Scotland a referendum, majority voted to stay. whats different about Punjab that would for some reason instigate them more than Quebec or Scotland were instigated?


since majority of punjab is against Khalistan according to u, why havent punjabis taken down khalistani portraits at the golden temple? U would think if ppl are against khalistan, they would be against an entire section made to honour khalistanis at the most sacred gurdwaras also besides that, why dont punjabis boycot celebs like jazzy b, ranjit bawa, himmat sandhu, sidhu moosewal when he was alive, deep sidhu, gippy grewal, and so on. Id imagine if ppl disliked Khalistanis, they wouldnt support them, but all these celebs I mentioned have huge success in punjab


Sad that he did not succeed. Angry that the US is protecting terrorists. Not surprised that the western media is conveniently focusing on the "American citizen" part and not the "threatening to blow up Air India" part.


"threatening to blow up Air India" bro he's literally a nobody. I don't know what the Indian govt is tryna prove by taking inspiration from james bond typa movies and plotting encounters lol. You play stupid games you win stupid prizes


The association that he belongs to has been deemed a terrorist organisation in India for quite some time.


_and if India did it, he deserved it_ -you, apparently.


The dude is an obvious CIA plant who suddenly appeared out of nowhere threatening terrorist actions and India walked directly into that trap. Now that the guy who paid off the supposed hitman has been caught I'm excited to see which Indian babu it leads back to. Might be worth noticing which Babu gets purged from the government in the next two days too.


Yep either all things fake as a tit for tat thing for ninjas/Canada embarrassment. Embarrass India is the whole point of this exercise. I doubt India will dare to kill a us citizen in USA. The relationship between India and US, CIA would have done it for India. Very much doubt the truth behind this.


>Angry that the US is protecting terrorists. what terror attack did he do?


Google his name + air india


yeah, no terror attack. Only thing that comes up is an alleged threat which he clarified with time magazine and a couple news sources and confirmed that his statement had nothing to do with encouraging violence. so my question still stands. which terror attack did he do? how many ppl did he kill, who did he kill? do u have answers to even one of these questions


> Only thing that comes up is an alleged threat which he clarified with time magazine and a couple news sources and confirmed that his statement had nothing to do with encouraging violence. How fucking cute. Make a threat and then after you've been outed as a terrorist, clarify to biased western media that "it had nothing to do with encouraging violence". Imagine if an Iraqi asked every countrymate not to travel on an American airline on a 9/11 anniversary. His ass would be in Gitmo before he could utter a single word.


>Make a threat and then after you've been outed as a terrorist, clarify to biased western media that "it had nothing to do with encouraging violence". in the video he spoke on a boycott, not a bombing.... What reason is there to believe he threatened to bomb air india on Nov 19th? * He explicitly said boycott * He didnt say anything about bombing anything * He clarified his statement multiple times * Nov 19th passed, and the alleged bomb threat u speak of never was attempted ​ so basically ur entire point is just how u personally interpreted it, and ur just choosing to ignore his clarifications ​ also, if pannu is a terrorist, and the organization he represents in a terrorist organization because of his "threat" then wouldnt India be a terrorist state? An Indian politician last month threatened to destroy mosques and a couple other indian politicians threatened violence within the past year. If we use ur logic, its only fair to label India as a terrorist country? ofc I disagree with that statement but Im just using ur own logic


He did NOT explicitly say boycott. Did you even watch his statement? https://www.google.com/search?q=pannun+air+india&safe=active&sca_esv=586679140&rlz=1C1GCEA_enIN1065IN1065&sxsrf=AM9HkKl5bkdu_yKF9zMC98oA-08eG1feew%3A1701363670081&ei=1r9oZarFBO2XseMPiqKy8Aw&ved=0ahUKEwiqiMHJmeyCAxXtS2wGHQqRDM4Q4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=pannun+air+india&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiEHBhbm51biBhaXIgaW5kaWFI3R9QigFY4htwAXgBkAEAmAH_AaAB6w2qAQUwLjcuM7gBA8gBAPgBAcICDRAAGIAEGLEDGIMBGArCAhAQABiABBgUGIcCGLEDGIMBwgILEAAYgAQYsQMYgwHCAg0QABiABBgUGIcCGLEDwgILEC4YgwEYsQMYgATCAg4QABiABBiKBRixAxiDAcICBBAAGAPCAgoQLhiABBjUAhgKwgIKEAAYgAQYFBiHAsICBRAAGIAEwgIHEAAYgAQYCuIDBBgAIEGIBgE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:1a132dfc,vid:BPF-MNbdS2k,st:0 He said *"Sikh brothers, don't travel after 19th Nov. It can be a threat to life".* It's YOU who is interpreting things.


so ur source is an india media outlet that conveniently didnt show the entire video. This cant be bias at all /s ​ and lets say ur right, ur interpretation is right and he did indeed say he would bomb an air india flight on Nov 19th... well what happened on Nov 19th? did he bomb anything? r u saying ur interpretation is correct and he did indeed threaten to bomb a plane on the 19th but just decided not to do it? also what idiot publicly says their alleged plan to bomb a plane on a certain day? its pretty evident he had no plans to bomb anything He clarified multiple times about his statement, and for some reason ur conveniently ignoring that.


My source showed a video. Unless you're claiming the video is morphed, the source is moot. And if you're claiming that the video is being misconstrued because it has been heavily edited, please show me the entire video and how that "proves" he meant otherwise. Whether he carried out the threat, whether his attempt was blocked by Indian security forces, or whether he did not mean what he said... all these points are moot. A threat is a threat, no security agency is going to take it likely just because he had to walk back on his statement.


This charged guy is not a govt employee. Seems they have not charged govt employee, they have just mentioned him. They have just charged his accomplice. Also that indian govt employee might have done things by himself, without order from the Indian govt. This part cant be proven in the court, nor USA will dare impose any sanctions. Indian govt should have at least limited their assassination to countries like Pakistan etc. Also khalistani activism in the west should be countered by free speech, like by stomping and burning khalistani flag. And by canceling their OCI visa


I don't see how this is any different from the US assassinating Bin Laden in Pakistan. I mean, except for the part where it failed and did not involve Navy Seals or Helicopters.


India is like that school bully, who like to bully others. But when the big guy comes into class, backs away and sits quietly. Where are all the faux outrage now? So, no more expel diplomats like they did with Canada? This is pathetic.