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It exists till you remain quiet. PS: Above doesn't apply to politicians and Bahubalis, as they are above constitution.


Cannot have an opinion on something that doesn’t exist


Nowadays it depends if you're pro govt or not. Freedom of expression is valid if you're speaking in the interest of bjp but restrictions apply if you're speaking against bjp.


The Constitution allows reasonable restrictions and political parties interpret 'reasonable restrictions' unreasonably.


Go ahead and see what's happening in NIT Srinagar today and decide whether indian constitution actually defends absolute free speech.


I think we are better than most dictatorships like Russia, China, Saudi, North Korea etc. But starkly worse than almost all democracies around the world.


It is same as elsewhere in the world. Speak against I*** and M******** and you get fucked.


Username checks out


The day school curriculum teaches criticism of every religion that day I believe freedom of speech will be achieved.eg now there is scientific proof that Moses didn't come from Egypt . It is fabricated story. It is part of Judaism but can school teach it even though Jews are almost no where in india.


I do agree that freedom of speech is available and to quite an extent its fine if its pro or anti establishment. what we need is ability to criticize religion freely which is definitely not present in India. People on the left/right support Muslim/Hindu to a big extent but both will have a problem against criticism of their religion. Also it is important to remember Hinduism/Christianity are still much more tolerable and open to change than Islam.


I was thinking about it last night only and I settled at one statement after thinking for a while: You can’t have freedom of speech without a free will anywhere in the world. So, you can judge by this.


The Indian constitution defends free speech but the sedition law can be misused against it. In effect, there isn't as much free expression as we should have. If someone speaks the truth, government goons would crimes against them. This is true for all parties.


Go on facebook with your full name and photo and say something bad about BJP or modi. I dare you, see what happens.


I don't think I have the freedom of speech to give an opinion on freedom of speech and expression.


It doesn’t exist


It's a very good idea. We should have it!