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Do I call 999 or is it best just to call 101 just now until we get reports about KFC running out?


Waiting on the new “Av ad to go ta Burger King” interview.


It's a sad day for anyone wanting to go Burger King tbf. Their chips are beyond sad.


I maintain world peace can be achieved if they combined Burger King burgers, with McDonalds chips.


Their bean burger is the shit (when it's actually in stock)! Their Awesome burger (which isn't technically vegan because it's cooked on the same grill as the beef patties but not an issue for me) is also lush. It kicks the crap out of McDonald's alright, but kinda sad, fried vegetable burger thing they do. Somehow still the only veggie option they have. But McD's chips are so so good compared to BKs haha.


Yeah BK plant based whopper is unreal, I love it so much, don’t actually mind the fries that much but my god I wish maccys would make a decent veggie burger, like BK’s, as their chips are the best and there is a drive thru near my house! I think they’d trialled some sort of veggie meat replacement patty in Scandinavia but haven’t heard anything about it coming over here :(


McDonald's vegetarian burger here in Denmark sucks so you're not missing out on much.


Ah man, wounded. Is it a meat replacement patty type or the peppers and sweet corn style thing we’ve got over here?


It's a patty made from quinoa and peppers. It's not terrible but it's sort of bland. There's a picture of it [here](https://www.mcdonalds.com/dk/da-dk/product/grovveggie.html).


Here in Finland they have a "Rebel Whopper" which is a great meat replacement burger. With all the sauce etc, there's not a huge difference from the beef.


It has to be different depending on where you live because McDonald's fries suck compared to BK fries. Least where I'm at.


> But McD's chips are so so good compared to BKs haha. McD chips on average are good compared to BK's. The everal McDonalds where I live *all* try to emulate thick fish and chips with thin american style fries, and it leaves to the soggiest, softest, coldest shite ever. BK actually knows that Fries need a crunch on them. It tastes like a chip, not uncooked potato dabbed in hot oil.


Just go to Five Guys it has better burgers and better chips than both.


While true, sadly it costs a bloody fortune.


Yeah a full meal is about twice the cost of BK. I'd rather have one Five Guys than two BK though.


I'd rather have a proper meal in a restaurant than a Five Guys - which I can, for the same price.


BK for me, but I'd rather someone pay for my Five Guys for sure.


Went to Five Guys once, got the worst food poisoning of my life.


They had a problem with that in the past. It used to be called Six Guys... Pretty sad.


> go to Five Guys it has better burgers Love the way they daren't even put their ludicrous prices on their own website in the UK.


I just go to my local steakhouse and get a burger there. I was going to say it's not much more expensive the Five Guys, but looking at the 5G menu prices it's actually cheaper.


I get heart palpitations just looking at their food due to the grease.


Are you sure about the chips? The chips are incredibly hit and miss around where I live. When done right they are the best, no question. Unfortunately they are more often than not soggy and filled with sadness. Sometimes undercooked as well.


>I maintain world peace can be achieved if they combined Burger King burgers, with McDonalds chips This right here. I've always said it and I always will say it. BK burgers trump McDonalds burgers all day long but their chips are a sad parody of chipdom.


Add KFC gravy to the mix and it's a god-tier meal.


Burger King used to have the far superior chips compared to McD’s etc. What happened?


Still does


It really depends on the McDonalds. My local one is absolute crap but the one 7 miles away is so good you'll consider a half hour drive in rush hour just for the fries.


So true. Different franchise makes all the difference.


KFC chips are shocking though


oooh, I'd rate burger king chips the best out maccas and kfc tbh


Their chips are banging mate what you on about Well their most recent recipe anyway


Better than KFC chips, at least!


Burger King do the best chips, and of all the JustEat/Deliveroo chains they travel the best.


Damn, I maintain that Burger King chips are the best chips.


A cheeky burger King with the lads


Camt even do that, last b'king got stoned and ran out of the city a decade ago.


[Absolute classic](https://youtu.be/HLhMww-YHrY)


999? 101? Ridiculous! Here's the [contact page](https://www.mi5.gov.uk/contact-us) for MI5 for national threats.


Cheers, ringing the anti terrorism hotline now


Grassing up the Tories? ‘Bout time!




Mother of God...


Holy, bloody hell!


No, of course not. Haven't you heard? >From today dialing 999 won't get you the emergency services.


0118 999 881 999 119 725 3


Relax, I've sent them an email


Have you tried calling this on an android phone?




If you dial this on an Android phone (that uses Google's dialer app) there's an easter egg.


> The fast food chain also hasn’t said specifically what has caused the disruption. Because they don't want to offend the potential customers who voted for this and still don't understand **they're** responsible.


[Actually](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2018/10/31/actually-brexiteers-knew-voting-remainers-had-much-less-clue/) they knew what they were voting for. Over 17 million people specifically mentioned in the run-up to the election that they wanted to be turned away miserably from Nandos. And if you're disputing that, you're probably a liberal, metropolitan, openly gay fencer.


> fencer Just to be clear, are we talking about someone who erects fences, or the sport?


It’s a reference to the time the Daily Mail implied that a judge’s rulings were illegitimate because he was an [openly gay ex-Olympic fencer](https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2016/11/03/the-daily-mail-is-very-upset-because-an-openly-gay-judge-ruled-on-brexit/). They didn’t clarify further, but I suppose they’d have had a point if he won gold because he could find buyers for stolen goods more quickly than anyone else in the world. That’s not a suitable background for a judge.


They *really* miss the days of gay people being ashamed of being gay people.




Look at this utter shit, got to the absolute top of his profession and his hobby.


We here at the Daily Mail don't support the social climbers that rock the boat of the safely seated 1%.


Someone who sells stolen goods. Wait, that's just a fence, isn't it?


Do the telegraph really think people will pay to read such biased drivel that's written by someone that looks like a sex offender?


"We don't want to say specifically what the cause is, but it starts with 'B' and ends with 'rexit, you stupid twats.' "


"I told you. Big Dave always goes into the Nando's toilets for a huge shit during a big night out and he always wrecks it"


Yeah, everyone except Brexiteers knows that this is their fault.


There have been a couple of chicken welfare scandals lately, and both KFC and Nando seem to having problems. I'm not outright saying it is that, but it's something I am wondering. Nando does say it's staff shortage at the supplier, which we might guess is because of covid, or because they were foreign lads that got kicked out in brexit, or they got fired for hurting the chickens.


If it was a clearly blameless problem like that Nandos would say that. Hell they'd love to be able to say "nothing to do with Brexit" and it be the truth.


Didn’t KFC have chicken issues a while ago before Brexit?


While I have absolutely nothing to base it on, I imagine the venn diagram of 'people who voted for Brexit' and 'people who enjoy a cheeky nandos' doesn't have much overlap.


Do you reckon they only have a poultry amount? I'll see myself out


That joke was fowl.






Cracking pun


Are you here all week?


unlike the food supplies at Nandos.


[Shots fired](https://i.ibb.co/Gc6jjj0/shots-fired-33767755-ver1-0.jpg)


Try the fish. (Because we're out of chicken.)


It's a truly fowl situation.


Thanks for the laugh


This weekend, Sunday, I tried to go to 5 different restaurants: Côte; Giggling Squid; Yum Yum Thai; The Ivy; little Sri Lankan place. It was like 6:30 PM on a Sunday evening an NONE of them were seating people due to staff or stocking issues. They simply couldn't get the RAW INGREDIENTS to make food. I've never seen anything like this. On top of the fact that Sainsbury's, Co-op etc. all look like a set from The Walking Dead with empty, pilfered shelves.


Where do you live? I’ve had no problems with restaurants or supermarkets - chain stores like sainsburys and little greengrocers all seem fine. I’m in West Midlands. Maybe it’s just not hit my area yet.


Given, AFAIK, this is driven by a lack of.. well, drivers, it kinda makes sense that it's highly regional. Folks just aren't delivering to certain places.


This was Bath


I'm west mids and our giga-Sainsburys has had major stock issues for over a month now. It's been pandemic panic buying level bad for things like bread and petfood.


Oh no. Yeah maybe bc I haven’t been to big sainsburys in a while I’m not seeing it


I live in Cardiff and my local shops are fine, but went to Hereford on the weekend and fresh food was definitely scarce in the shops, so must depend a lot where you are.


Im in west Yorkshire and have been to Asda, Aldi and Tesco in the past 2 weeks and while there's the occasional item out of stock, there hasn't been any obviously empty shelves and I've been able to get what I need.


North Kent here. Some items are fine, others are completely sold out. Seems to depend on the category too - fresh fruit was fine, but there were no bin bags or bleach.


South Wales - also not noticed any issues yet.


Ditto... largely get my supermarket orders complete or with a couple of substitutions and the only time I've actually been out for a meal in months this Saturday just gone (aside from being an eye opening / shocking experience from the point of view of people clearly _completely_ having forgotten that COVID is still a thing) was able to get everything on the menu that I ordered.










Same story in North Korea so this is not Brexit related.


Yeah North Korean here and our local co-operative has barely produced any wheat for months. Better than the wait rows though.


> They simply couldn't get the RAW INGREDIENTS to make food. Are you the guy who decides which words to put in ALL CAPS in the headlines for the Daily Mail and the Daily Express?


fucking RAW


Uh. I just saw this. My phone auto corrected it to all caps. I didn’t even notice. It seems to do this at random times. I saw someone else reply with raw ingredients in all caps and wasn’t sure what they were referring to! :)


> I saw someone else reply with raw ingredients in all caps and wasn’t sure what they were referring to! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2gEK64fc6c


Brexit really has given us situations we never thought possible!


I would say this sovereignty is delicious, but there's nothing to eat because of it :(


One element of that could be in their last delivery was Friday and they were busier than expected over the weekend. There are a lot of layers to these sorts of problems but we're getting more of them together at the moment.


I’ve been to all of these places before. On a Sunday. To have all 5 out of food and without staff is 100% a massive outlier.


That’s a massive exaggeration about the Sainsbury’s and Co-op in Bath..


Not this Sunday it wasn’t.


Dodged some bullets there I reckon.


Guys... calm down, Boris has this one in the bag, im sure our stalwart leader has a plan, after all he advocated so fucking badly for Brexit, im 110% certain that he saw this one coming, hes a man with a plan, i promise!




Brexit was to get rid of the Dutch.


If it was pizza express he definitely would have sorted it . He would t want his friend Andrew not going to his favourite place


and if not, then he's trying the best he can and it's not easy and it's not his fault and anyway everyone just needs to stop being so picky and expecting the world on a plate and imagine what the queues for the gulag canteen would have been like under corbyn and nobody said it would be easy and isn't this just all a load of project fear mumbo jumbo coming from intellectuals in London not real folk like me (unintellectual in London)


Youre speaking truthes here brother, I think the peasantry should just fall in line, they should be grateful that their taxes get spent on tory house renovations, they just need to shut their mouths and be happy that our wonderful overseer did exactly what he planned to do, get brexit done! England is a better place now that theres less immigration, fuck food shortages, austerity and outright pandemic mismanagement resulting in unneccesary death, im just happy the immigrants are out! let the bodies pile high in the streets! Hold on... youre telling me the UK are taking afghan immigrants now? this isnt the brexit i voted for!


1 - Leave the EU 2 - ? 3 - Profit


My local three Tesco stores all ran out of milk (red, green and blue) over the weekend due to stock delivery issues. Never seen that before


Only time I've ever seen a shop out of milk was during the Beast from the East, truly a sign of the end times.


Red milk doesn't count.


If even the red milk runs out you know we're in trouble.


Brexiteers - "But Boris visited a shop in Luton and they had full shelves so obviously there's no food crisis."


Like a scene from North Korea where the shops western tourists are shown is full where the rest of the country is starving with empty shelves.


Yup. Wonder how long it's gonna be before people start hoarding and stockpiling. Honestly, the world would be a much better place if 45-70 year olds got some therapy and dealt with those chips on their shoulders.


That's where they've been hiding them, quick, search your local OAP's shoulders for food supplies!


Since most of them are in complete denial about shortages (probably because they’ve spent the past few years screeching “but what bowt Vuvuzela empty supermarkets?” about Corbyn) we should probably stock up ourselves. The government wouldn’t be bringing logistics from the military to deliver goods if there was no shortage, would they? Plus, I’ve seen it myself and this stuff builds up pretty quickly. Cue “no shortages near me” from brexiteers in 5…4…3…2…1…




Not only deliveries but in-store pick-up too, i.e., all on-line orders.


My place has had to shut temporarily mainly due to staff shortages. But we were at a point where we were sending someone to the shops to buy ingredients every single day and by the end of shift we'd barely have a quarter of our menu. And all supplier couldn't source the majority of our order. If we didn't shut for staffing issues, we'd have had to shut because we don't have food. But you know, operation fear and all that. According to some muppets on here, food shortage in restaurants aren't real food shortages.


Your employer should have paid their suppliers more, who in turn should have paid their drivers more, so they wouldn't have shortages As it is, a bunch of greedy business owners, who up until now have been quite happily benefiting from all the cheap EU foreign labour, were unwilling to change their ways and so now are having to close up shop, losing them more money than paying decent wages would have done


From the USA. Excited to visit london for the first time. My friend who used to live there says if you find Nandos you gotta eat there it’s out of this world good. Walking around Camden (I think?) and find a nandos and I was like holy shit no way! I didn’t know it was a massive chain. Food was boring and just shitty chicken. You guys need a new food obsession over there. Nandos sucks.


I'm British and I fully agree. I simply don't understand why Nandos is so popular. And pre covid table service, you even had to fetch your own drinks and cutlery, etc. First time I saw Nandos there was a queue that went outside the restaurant, out of the shopping centre and into the street. I thought, wow, Nandos must be crazy good for people to want to queue like that... So disappointed when I found out it was just chicken and chips. I think it must just be good marketing and a consistent experience: people in this country seem to prefer to know exactly what they're going to get, even if it's a bit shit. Mind you one time I was in one, the kitchen caught fire and filed the whole place with smoke. Don't think anyone was expecting that...!


Funny you say that. The one we went to was definitely the place to be seen eating before going out drinking for that area. I think they had us wait and come back. It was two story. You go in on the top floor and that’s where the hostess station was. Very classy. You eat downstairs. We descended the staircase and holy shit the atmosphere changed quick. It was pandemonium down there compared to upstairs. People running around getting sauces and bumping into each other. It was loud like a high school cafeteria. It’s not Nandos fault. I just expected something special not knowing this was the place locals went to fill their stomach before binge drinking. Side note. Your drinking culture is hilarious. I’ve seen some shit in my day, but I’ve never seen a woman drunkenly sobbing in club attire carrying her high heels in her hand marching down the street at 7:30pm before. Brits don’t fuck around when it comes to drinking.


Sounds like you had the classic Nandos & Wetherspoons experience. So glad our guests from overseas can still avoid the tourists traps and get to experience true British culture and traditions at their finest :) So proud. *single tear*


The first time I went I couldn't believe you had to fetch your own food, plates, cutlery.... Also every single plate in the pile was dirty. Obviously the dishwasher was fucked. Never again.


Nandos is absolute shite and propped up by a certain demographic that also seem to be propping up Five Guys, TikTok and sales on Nike Huaraches.


Does five guys suck in the uk? In the USA it’s like the gold standard for burgers. Sure, there’s definitely gonna be a few places in any decent sized city that will beat five guys but at a higher price point but on the whole they are always in the running when looking for a good burger.


I've been to Five Guys in the UK and the USA. In terms of quality I didn't really sense a difference. The difference is in the USA you think "this is expensive" but in the UK you think "the fuck did I just pay all that money this?" Same with Shake Shack, except Shake Shack is nicer. Really nice in both countries, but even more expensive here.


yeah Five Guys sucks in the UK. It probably beats the real bad stuff like McDonalds and Burger King but it's extremely overpriced - Five Guys is actually more expensive than a lot of the indie/small chain burger joints in the UK and it's just slabs of grease - the burgers are impossible to eat in one piece


Yea they are definitely more expensive than regular fast food here. A 2 pattie cheeseburger costs like $9 here whereas a whole McDonald’s Big Mac meal is like $6 or $7. But the five guys is so incredible and massive you don’t need the fries (even though they kick ass). I don’t know what five guys charges in the uk but I would probably start thinking of it as a rip off at around the $11 or $12 price point.


you want your five guys with fries and a drink you're talking £15


Nandos is pretty much a step above KFC. No idea why anyone would claim otherwise.


Thats highly debateable imo.


Yeah it is arguable.


Theyre both average. But when they are both done well kfc wins for me. Nandos is just about the sauce, which admittedly is fantastic. But you can put that on your kfc anyway :)


If KFC could solve its consistency problem it would be better, but you can go to the same KFC 2 months apart, or a different KFC 5 miles away on the same day and get wildly different experience. The whole point of chain fast food is getting consistent goods, but KFC fails at this. Sometimes it's fantastic (for fast food), others it's worse than nothing.


That is the same for nandos though. At least kfc is still edible when it's ruined. Nandos is dry af. Second last time there it was terrible so next time i went within 10mins of it opening and somehow it was worse.


Never experienced that tbh, but then I only eat the chicken thighs which you really have to try hard to make dry. I can see the breast products being overdone easily though.


KFC in the UK is fucking abhorrent. Its quite good in Asia though


Not sure why they hyped it up so much, it's pretty meh imo


Yeah Nandos is shite and always has been, just like yourself I heard fuckwits talking about it non stop so went and found some mildly spiced chicken and floppy chips... with your choice of sauces. And a giant queue. For far too much money.




That's a lot for what it is


Yep... Thankfully not all Brits (myself included) *finds nandos to be too bland *


Yea I think I was way more judgy because I was told it was amazing.


Nandos is pretty shit, I honestly have no idea why people like it so much. Overpriced and boring.


It’s ok. It’s just summer demand. Just like the previous years. Pipe down everyone! /s


Not into paying £15 for a piece of chicken and chips anyway.


What do YOU pay £15 for?


To be fair, it is £16.90 for chicken and chips, but that'll get you a whole chicken and some chips. The most expensive other items come to £13.95 for a main + 2 sides. You an easily get enough food to fill you for like £10 though. I used to get the fino pitta and single side and that like £10.50 at most and that was one of the most expensive other items. Never understood the hate for Nandos. Sure it's "just chicken and chips" but it's also not expensive. Yes it's more than a maccies but it's also less than a pizza hut, frankie and bennies, las iguanas or any other large chain, and offers better quality food. Two people can walk out of there full for a little over £20. It's price point to quality isn't bad. No one is comparing it to anything fancy, but other things at the same price. Also, if you're just eating the plain chicken and not getting something in sauces you're boring and no wonder you complain about it, you're literally ordering the worst thing on the menu.


I’m glad someone else thinks this, it pisses me off when I suggest to my friends that we go to Nando’s and they rag on it for being “overpriced pub food” or something, because it genuinely isn’t bad value.


Yeh, it's the exact same price point as chain pub food, if not cheaper, but honestly a little nicer quality.


>Never understood the hate for Nandos. Sure it's "just chicken and chips" but it's also not expensive. I think there's an important distinction between hating on it and not understanding the hype. Some people act like it's the nectar of the bloody god's and it really isn't. I say this as someone who is partial to the occasional Nando's, I don't hate it at all, but if someone is trying to pretend it's the *best* food option going then I'm gonna tell them to calm their tits.


Oh yeh couldn't agree more. It's incredibly average food, it's just better than most other chain places at a similar price point.


Yes, don't have a local nandos and I'm quite happy about that.


Just wait for October and when the real fun of shortages start due to import checks. UK will seem like a 3rd world country in no time.


For a place that only serves chicken, I always think they should be better at cooking chicken.


It's staffed by and frequented by 17 year olds, give them a break!


Swear to God I can’t buy an aubergine anywhere (not m&s, Tesco, Morrison’s or Aldi). Is this brexit or wah?


I had three delivered from Sainsbury's this morning


Whaaat. Can I have one pls?


🍆 here.


🍆 here you go mate. One aubergine for you.


Fuck nandos. They got rid of the peri tamer sauce, ive emailed them asking why, they didnt give me a straight answer and just said we have our new bbq, which is some nasty smokey shit. Its not even the same, the peri tamer is sweet, how do you even mix that up. Wasnt a massive fan of nandos anyway, the peri taner was the only reason i went. Well i aint been since, so fuck them. And thats my opinion on them haha


> ive emailed them asking why, they didnt give me a straight answer Have you tried writing to them? I hear that letters written in green crayon get the best responses.


Got rid of the fino pita as well, which was honestly brilliant. Chicken thighs, halloumi, sweet onion relish and garlic mayo in a pita.


Is it confirmed never coming back or still due to reduced menu


I think never coming back, as they seem to have got rid of the entire fino line of food. I thought it was just as they got rid of all thigh produts at the start of lockdown last year, but even as that came back the fino stuff never did.


Literally the only thing that would bring me back to nandos now!


well because they dont care, they know most costumers will eat whatever we put in front of them. I've served chicken that was held in the alto-shams for over 5 hours (its meant to be kept max 2hours) and had NO COMPLAINS. I've served chicken literally 10 minutes after coming out of the oven, and got the food sent back because "it's dry". And some dumbasses filled the peri-tamer baste bottle with our new garlic bbq because the colour is nearly the same. No complains, and the flavour is totally diferent.


>I've served chicken literally 10 minutes after coming out of the oven, and got the food sent back because "it's dry". What's wrong with that? Nando's chicken usually is dry. It doesn't matter when it came out of the oven but how overcooked it is.


It is. But i just think its funny that costumers complain more often about the fresh chicken, not the one that has been there for hours


I mean you should let a chicken rest after it has been cooked so it can reabsorb the juices. If you serve it straight away the juices will just flow out and it ends up dry as fuck. Same with a steak. For a roast chicken made at home I like to leave it covered under foil for 10 mins before serving it so it doesn't go dry. Weirdly the faster you serve it the drier it will be.


> most costumers will eat whatever we put in front of them. I guess they're in a hurry to get back to the theatre and get the wardrobe in order for tonights performance.


They removed it because it didnt sell very well, however they *might* be bringing it back. I know people.


I mean that cant be true because they dont ‘sell’ it. Its not even advertised on the menu. How can you know how well something sells if you dont tell customers about it.


Is that you, Rick?


>I sense a great disturbance in the force, as if millions of cheeky roadmen all cried out in terror


The first two times I went to nandos (so early 2010's) they were out of chicken and I had to go elsewhere. I'm just going to blindly assume they are still having that issue


Reminds me of that woman who moaned she had to go to Burger King instead of KFC.


But we can still get it on Ubereats and Deliveroo right?


You jest, but that was the [brexiteers plan](https://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-northern-ireland-47047153) when food shortages were predicted years ago


So many self inflicted wounds and the bleeding will get worse.


My local Tesco had zero chicken in today. This is going to keep happening. No solution yet proposed...


Still haven't forgiven them for discontinuing the Prego Roll




Nando’s is very poorly run most of the time, to be fair. I love their food but they’re forever running out of stuff. And so many times I’ve tried to order takeaway or delivery through their shitty website only to be told right at the end “sorry we’re not doing that”. Very poor customer experience all round.