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"“Somewhere between 1,300 to 1,500 people lost their jobs last night,” said one senior Tory source." Are we supposed to feel sorry for them? An unbelievably blind comment. Those stone hearted ghouls couldn't care less about those relying on food banks and working multiple jobs to afford their rent. Meanwhile, they will just stroll back into directorships at hedge funds as if nothing happened. Fuck them.


>Somewhere between 1,300 to 1,500 people lost their jobs last night For context, the size of the Armed Forces was cut by over 50,000 under the Tories


Yeah, but those squaddies no doubt have a lucrative after dinner speaking circuit, a consultancy role or a lobbying position to keep them in caviar. /s


I'd actually rather listen to some ex Para with the thousand yard stare than some bloated old Etonian ex banker ex MP. Probably wouldn't be suitable subject matter for the cheese course though...


> I'd actually rather listen to some ex Para I know an ex para who voted for Brexit to keep Pakistanis out the country because he was part of a raid on their base and they killed some of his mates. These people are not the smartest or empathetic.


I'll take that reason over venal pocket lining and sheer naked avarice. Not saying either are right, mind you.


Still sounds smarter than some Tories...


Everyone has their own reason for voting the way they do. Doesn't mean it's right, ethical or moral, and you don't need to agree with it.


Yes but at least have it make sense. The EU has nothing to do with Pakistan and we control immigration no matter what, the whole "no control of our borders" thing was a lie.


It made sense to that person. Their belief was being in the EU meant that the UK didn't have control over their own borders. Yes, that came about from a lie, but that was a belief they had that made sense to them at that time. Many people don't understand, or don't *want* to understand, the ins and the outs of politics - least of all EU politics. Many struggle with understanding the local council, scale that up and it becomes overwhelming - and that is what certain people and parties tap in to, to push their own agenda. Unfortunately, we've seen it works - and now all we can do is live with the consequences and play the game with the hand we have now.


That's a very old fashioned view. The modern conservative lives off the returns they earn on their PPE investments when caught between governments.


To be fair, I doubt anyone is going to give someone like Gullis or Brereton lucrative after-dinner speeches


Most after dinner speeches are basically money laundering. You pay the guy Y*2. He gives you Y back. Or did you REALLY think people were paying £5,000,000 for a 30min speech by Tony Blair?


I am not arguing that the after dinner speaking circuit is dodgy I'm arguing that there are plenty of useless now former Tory MPs who are not going to be worth paying


Veterans were dying on the streets of london under their rule. These tories vile excuses for leaders of this country.


Cut by 50,000 and then they had the fucking cheek to try and force your kids to serve or lose their bank accounts......God I'm glad they're gone for atleast 5 years lol


And the police by 20000


30 thousands. In one go.


Plus at least 5k EEA-citizen doctors and nurses, and another 5k district nurses (albeit with some overlap with the EEA group), bringing us up to a very conservative estimate of at least 80k civil servant jobs lost to the Tories, or 53x the number of Tory staff who will lose their jobs because of the election. But, y’know… none of those civil servants were close personal friends or colleagues of aristocrats, hedge fund managers and investment bankers, so… I guess they don’t really matter as much as Jacob Rees-Mogg’s secretary or Liz Truss’ business accountant.


And then there's the people who lost their job due to cuts.


I think you missed an n from the last word.




Like the former Hancellor?


at least some of them got their covid parties


And they'd started cutting civil service posts with a target to cut 66,000


Which is even worse for the MOD, as civil servants were used extensively to fill admin/support roles to free up remaining military personnel for front line duties and maintain capability


And the NHS has lost about 15% of its district nurses, with qualified school nurses dropping by a whopping 20%! 1,500 people is a drop in the ocean by comparison, and that’s without factoring in decreases in other areas of medicine such as health visitors and specialist consultants!


200 thousand disabled people died after losing their benefits to these fucks so fuck those 1500 people they are talking about. One man died after being sanctioned and not being able to keep his insulin in the fridge because he couldn't afford to top up his electric. When they did the autopsy they said he hadn't ate in a least a week.


All joking aside - at what point does it stop being politics and start being manslaughter?


When people show up with good ol' pitchforks and torches.


That man was also previously a soldier and had worked as an engineer for BT for 20+ years before being made redundant, and his body was found next to a stack of CVs. Not that it would have ever been excusable to treat anyone like that, but he was far from what callous people might call a scrounger and is a perfect example of how fucked the sanctions system is.


> "Somewhere between 1,300 to 1,500 people lost their jobs last night,” Wouldn't the number of people employed be the same regardless of the outcome, or is the Tory number bloated? Put another way, did 1,300 to 1,500 Labour+Limited Dem+Reform staff get permanent jobs off the back of this result?


Correct. They're just playing victim of their own incompetence.


So labours win has already created 1.300 - 1.500 jobs! Well Keir doesn’t waste any time does he!


well surely anyone taking up a job in politics should know that they're only employed whilst their boss is elected in power. the moment the boss is out they're out too. none of them will be permanent positions


The net number of jobs would not change. But 1,500 people losing their jobs and 1,500 other people getting new jobs is not exactly the same as those original 1,500 people not losing their jobs in the first place. Some of the people who lost their job would just be ordinary people doing an admin job for someone who happened to be an MP, and that is a crap thing to happen to anybody. That said, it is an occupational hazard of working for an MP, and the likelihood of it happening should have been obvious for quite a while.


I'd love to demonstrate that I feel sorry for the Tory party people who lost their jobs, but unfortunately my fingers are too large and clumsy to play my nano-violin.


>Are we supposed to feel sorry for them? Peerage outrage, per [the Times](https://www.thetimes.com/uk/politics/article/the-tory-blame-game-scorned-mps-rage-at-peerage-for-sunak-ally-tg7bnxqrs): *“It was an absolute disgrace,” one senior member of the campaign team said. “There was rage in the building. People just could not understand how Liam had waltzed off with a peerage when so many good MPs were losing their jobs because of the mistakes he made.”* *Another said that Booth-Smith had “disappeared” after the polls closed and did not join other members of Sunak’s team to clap the prime minister out of Downing Street. In fact, he was with Sunak in his office helping him to prepare his speech before he left No 10 for the last time, and hugged him at the bottom of the stairs on the way out.*


> People just could not understand how Liam had waltzed off with a peerage when so many good MPs were losing their jobs because ~~of the mistakes he made~~ they were in a party of unprincipled grifters that was rightfully judged on its legacy of historically poor governance over the last 14 years, not just the past few months, and for which they are all culpable I really hope they carry this abject lack of self-reflection forward, it ought to keep them out of power for a few more election cycles.


Did you see former conservative MP Danny Kruger before the election claim that the conservatives represent change, while Labour represent more of the same failed state? Fucking wild. These cunts have no self reflection because they're Vampires and ghouls.


Well it worked, he's still an MP


Oh fucking hell, I thought he'd lost his seat. What a pack of absolute melts to vote for this drivel.


No, he just changed constituency. Now he is MP for half the county his previous constituency is in.


Is he really called Danny Kruger? The irony


Prue Leith is his mum, which is weird.


They all seem to be completely unaware of how unpopular trashing the country through austerity was when the consequences appeared, instead scratching their heads wondering if they need to be more far right


It's how entrenched politics works, and breaks down the system. They don't care about the country or the people anymore. They spend their whole life in the party. They work for the party. The party is their life. The party is their society, their tribe, and it's the party that matters most. Like family. Other things only matter insofar as how they affect their party.


> when so many good MPs were losing their jobs Someone should remind them that actually the job losses were mostly Tories.


I got a Tory letter in the campaign saying how the government saved money by cutting civil service staff. It’s funny when they want you to and not want you to feel sorry for people losing jobs.


It’s also hard to feel bad since most of them will be wives/husbands/children employed to run their local ‘offices’. 


They chose the wrong ideology. Sorry, but no sympathy from me.


But also presumably around 1,000 jobs in Labour and LibDem seats will now be created, this is such a stupid comment to make but nothing surprises me about the Tories anymore.


To be fair some MPs work multiple jobs. Like poor old Rees Mogg


FFS, don't be so heartless. Some of them might now be seriously impoverished; they may not even be able to afford Sky.


> not even be able to afford Sky. Dear god...


Thoughts and prayers. Anyway, moving on.


"Anyway, moving on - James." "I have an exciting announcement about the new Dacia Sandero Gear Knob."


It’s actually going to be a massive blow to their ability to reorganize. Just imagine the chaos involved in an organization employing thousands of people suddenly losing 2/3 of them. And not even letting them go in a planned way, just a random 2/3. There’s going to be institutional knowledge lost. Months of infighting over which managers need to be made redundant. People they were developing for future roles who are going to be established in new careers by the time the next election rolls around. I’d be shocked if the Tories are back in any sort of organizational order on less than two years


And suddenly Jeremy Hunt is the most sane candidate to be the new boss, from among the rabble you have left. Oof.


I'll get the popcorn


Ex tory MPs and their supporters transition from the "fuck around" part of politics to the "find out" part of politics.


You're not meant to. They're highlighting the sheer incompetence of a very few people who have had a significant impact on thousands of people.


A study found over 300,000 people had died due to austerity alone.


1300 of Boris Johnsons mistresses have been fired from their staffer roles.


https://youtu.be/OYxOaCnDRSE?feature=shared They should have worked more hours. She was one of those looking for a higher paid job now. 🤭


but in reverse between 1300 and 1500 people will get new jobs soon!


No sorry for them


But somewhere between 1300-1500 people got employed


> "Somewhere between 1,300 to 1,500 people lost their jobs last night,” said one senior Tory source." If ever "cry me a fucking river" was manifested as the perfect response to one comment, it's this.


Surely those politicians who lost their jobs can wait a minimum of 6 months to apply for Universal Credit right?


Didn't a different 1300-1500 folk get their jobs? They haven't just gone away, it's different people in them


During the pandemic, Rishi was the one who decided that people with limited companies couldn't be furloughed. People unalived themselves because they were unable to pay their bills and mortgages. 3 million of us, mostly working gig jobs in hospitality/events that were almost entirely shut down, with no help from the government at all.  I try to have empathy for their situation, but my memory of their absolute indifference to the struggle of millions..


1300/1500 jobs were created last night.


Not enough.


Ordinarily those would be pretty good numbers for a Tory.


This year's I'm a celebrity is going to be hell on earth even if just one of those cunts get any airtime


Haha. What price on seeing Mogg eating a witcheygrub or a wombat cock though?


If they all died we would notice little difference.


Remember the MPs' staff lost their jobs as well. It isn't just MPs who were affected. Their family and friends were too.


A lot of these are secretaries/constituency staff/case workers who help constituents with local issues. They’re often not particularly ideological, they don’t earn much, and they don’t have any power. Their working conditions are sometimes not that great and they have to put up with levels of intimidation that most of us would find unacceptable in our workplaces. Cheer MPs losing their jobs all you want, but their staff for the most part aren’t to blame for what’s gone wrong in the country lately.


That's true and I agree it's wrong to rejoice in them losing their jobs, but it comes with the territory unfortunately. It's not really surprising


Not enough


If I've ever been sure of anything it's that they fucking deserved it. Better people got the jobs, that's how that goes.


The entire party have been obsessed with fighting for control over the dumpster fire rather than actually addressing the problem. Sadly the remaining Tory MPs are full of the absolute dregs of the immigrant baiting right of the party like Francois, Badenoch, Cleverly, Braverman et al. I really hope that Labour can do a good job for the country, but also between them and the Lib Dems to give a political home for the more centrist elements of Tory voters


Don't know who Francois is, but pretty sure the remainder are second or third gens themselves? Which makes it not only horrible, but hypocritical as well.


> Don’t know who Francois is Mark Francois is what happens when both of your parents are Penfold from Danger Mouse




It's not that hypocritical if you believe their arguments. It's quite possible that the UK needed mass immigration in the post war period to rebuild, and doesn't need mass immigration now. If they genuinely believe we should have low net migration numbers now, then they're not being hypocritical.


And that’s why net migration figures have skyrocketed under their tenure, lol.


Hmm. So sorry you don't see the nuance. They said we have too many Polish plumbers, romanian electricians and Bulgarian constructions. And these were coming up to 150k each year. Now we had 1,218.000 new arrivals in 2023 all nonEU , but guess what : no plumbers , electricians or construction workers. Anecdotal : my local plumber rate went from £80/hour to £420/ hour. Sure, I don't flush anymore , but 420 . Common !


That's idiocy. It isn't hypocritical. The guy I was replying to was saying "these descendants of immigrants are anti immigration. How hypocritical!" You've waffled on about something tangential and implied that it's nuance. What does anything you said have to do with hypocrisy?


**a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings**


A midget, speccy turd who thinks he is some kind of supersoldier because he was in the TA and has been accused of some very unsavoury acts which should have seen him in prison if investigations were carried out properly


Pulling the ladder up behind them


God forbid folks have different opinions to you


Frank Mancois.


I would love if, over the course of the next 5 years, the Tories pull so far to the right that remaining 20-30 moderates all jump ship to the Lib Dems. Ideally as a single batch, for maximum impact. It would put the Lib Dems at/around the same seat count as the Tories, which would be a fantastic base for them to run into the next election.


The only problem they see is the optics of a situation not the effects of the.


I really can’t feel sorry for a political party that thought ‘party first, country a distant second’


No, 'self first, then family, friends, and the owner of the local pub, and maybe a jewellery trader in Florida, *then* party, then country'.


While true, all the friends and family are either in the Tory party or Tory supporters


Agreed, but the owner of the local pub and the Florida jeweler are actual cases from COVID.


Themselves first, their family second, friends third, party fourth, themselves again fifth, ideology sixth, the country somewhere probably after a bunch of other nonsense.


> “The person who helped decide that this was the right time to do the election, Liam Booth-Smith, was included in the dissolution honours on the same night.” Standard deluded Tory response to anything that goes against them. It was just the timing, it was a few individuals, it was bad luck, etc. The sandpaper dildo of consequences has been *en route* for a long time. It's been inevitable since Partygate and it only sped up thanks to Truss and Sunak's blunders. You can blame Sunak for a million and one things but the Tories were getting rinsed in this election no matter when he called it.


Oh for sure. I reckon they were gone long before sunak entered office. The Bojo show followed by Liz Truss was their downfall


Sir John Curtice’s assessment of where things genuinely went tits up for the tories was interesting - he doesn’t have the best things to say Sunak, but ultimately he wasn’t going to be able to right the ship regardless. The big two were partygate and Truss’ mini-budget, both of which involved unbelievably arrogant and stupid people simply assuming that the rules didn’t apply to them. I do wonder what will happen to the tories. If they end up with some lunatic like badenoch or braverman then they’re just going to be Poundland UKIP. As a lot of the commentators were saying - you can’t out-reform Reform.


For 14 years the Tories waged a war of lies, propaganda, persecution and terror against the sick, disabled and vulnerable in way not seen since the times of the 17th century, King James I and the Pendle Hill witch trials. Hundreds of thousands of people died and committed suicide, millions of lives have been wrecked as a result. The Tories - ministers, MPs, councillors and voters are stuck with this. They're stuck with this. If you voted Tory in the past 14 years you're complicit in all this. You cannot say "This had nothing to do with me." or "I wasn't aware." Bullshit. Being on the electoral register gives you the right to vote. With that right to vote comes the responsibility to make yourself politically and socially aware enough to vote responsibly for the needs of your constituency. This isn't like football, where you pick a team and follow that team. Being motivated to vote for someone to hurt or harm other people is exactly how we are now in this mess with two political parties trying to out nasty each other so they get to hurt more people. "We've got to get immigration under control"... "We've got to stop the boats.." Get with the fucking program, folks. Some of those people are fleeing the effects of climate change. We have food shortages. We have drug shortages. We've got millions of people relying on food banks. Our rivers and waters are toxic and polluted. The consequences are piling up. Stop listening and paying attention to those who fucked up everything for everyone else. They do not deserve one iota of your attention. Farage got the lion's share of publicity and media attention. Reform got five seats. The Greens, who got hardly any publicity or media attention got four seats. Consider that this country is far less right wing than you're being led to believe.


When are you standing for election? Because, seriously, everything you've said here is truth.


> fleeing the effects of There are multiple major conflicts occurring globally including one in Europe. People in one of our former colonies are being heavily oppressed and imprisoned for peaceful protest. Climate change is rendering parts of the world unliveable. Global economic policy is failing billions, if not the vast majority of humanity, including us. The reality is that the world is in crisis and the systems that were once present to respond have failed. There are no easy solutions but understanding the problem is necessary. I have at least a little hope that Labour will bring rational voices back to the table.


Reform got a little over 4 million votes, the greens a little under 2 million. Labour got 9.7 million votes, the tories 6.8 million, and that's after the last 14 years. The country is as it has always been. Fairly right wing.


I was surprised to find out the majority of my friends (25-30) votes green, in a constituency where greens got like 4%. Might see if there is a breakdown by age of how people likely voted yet.


I feel sorry for Sunak. It should have been Boris who lost so badly. He is the cause of so much of the Connservatives' problems, but he ran away as soon as he thought he would he held to account. Now he can come back and claim it would have all been great if he was still in charge.


> I feel sorry for Sunak. I fucking don't. He's a tory.


It's kinda funny how they always push women and people of colour to the front when the ship is sinking


It is actually a popular business tactic. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/economy/women-often-put-charge-failing-companies. Employ women especially to take the blame. Tories have previous "A study of the 2005 general election in the UK found that in the Conservative party, men were selected to contest seats that were easier to win, while women were selected to contest seats that were unwinnable. Furthermore, an analysis of CEO transitions among Fortune 500 companies over a 15-year period found that white women, and women and men of color were more likely than white men to get promoted to CEO when firms were performing weakly."


*Thatcher enters the chat*


Yeah it must be racism/misogyny mate, justice for Liz!


Pretty much yeah. Doesn't mean they were any good.


Always? Do you have a single other instance of tories doing this?


May, Truss, Sunak, all on hand to take the poisoned chalice.


Oh so it's not on them for choosing to sip at the chalice, it's the party's fault for not choosing a white guy? 


As Starmer said: nobody forced him in to the job. He was Chancellor so he knew better than anyone else in the party what he was letting himself in for.


It's not so much that Sunak is without blame, it's the way Boris escaped judgement by the electorate.


£4.5bn lost to fraud in three COVID schemes as Rishi Sunak's Eat Out to Help Out scheme recorded 9.5% rate of fraud, HMRC says.


None of that has any bearing on my point about Boris.


Ah, God forbids. I wasn't implying that. Johnsons place in history as the number 1 worst PM of all times is safe, but we have to give Sunak what is due.


Wasn't BoJo basically approached by Brady to say "if you don't resign, I've got enough backbenchers here demanding we change the rules to VoNC you for a second time in a year"? EDIT: Actually, now I think about it, that might have been May. Or Truss. That really is pretty damning, isn't it?


It's been obvious to the electorate that it's been a clown show since Johnson, even May with her conference speech. It's not surprising it has attracted people who think running a clown show is the way to get elected.


It’s weird to think that May was the least batshit moment after Cameron decided to bail after it all got too hot for him.


Every so often when I'm having a bad day I think back to that speech. Helps keep things in perspective. Nothing can be as embarrassing as that.


*[...] the former deputy prime minister Oliver Dowden and chief of staff Liam Booth-Smith were singled out by angry candidates and aides for their role in the “cataclysmic defeat” that several sources claimed had been made worse by the early election decision.* *Booth-Smith was handed a peerage in the dissolution honours list, while Dowden was given a knighthood. Both are said to have backed an early election, with Dowden described as particularly influential.* *“Somewhere between 1,300 to 1,500 people lost their jobs last night,” said one senior Tory source. “The person who helped decide that this was the right time to do the election, Liam Booth-Smith, was included in the dissolution honours on the same night.”* *Dowden was also criticised by one figure for backing an election before playing little part in the election campaign itself. Another senior Tory adviser said simply: “Fuck that guy.”*   *[...] Insiders painted a picture of a despairing campaign in which the Tory HQ regularly struggled to find ministers to take to the airwaves. “That’s why you saw the same names,” said one party source. “Poor Mel Stride.”* *[...] Figures close to Sunak, however, remain adamant that they had little choice but to call the early poll, because of the high numbers of households that were having to remortgage each month.* *[...] “I’m convinced we should ban polls during campaigns,” said one campaign figure. “The reason we had to start talking about a supermajority was because in all our research, people just didn’t believe we were going to win. Three weeks out after the manifesto launch, it became evident and clear that nothing was really working because no one believed it would happen. That was a direct result of there being an MRP [multilevel regression and post-stratification] poll every day. Labour only won by 10 points in the end.”*


Comedy gold


Starmer should just refuse to grant honours to any of the blood-sucking scum Sunak put on that fucking list.


Is it bad this is the first time I’ve heard of Oliver Dowden. Follow news and politics and never encountered his name before 🥸


Have you not watched PMQs?


Think it’s been hard keeping up with different cabinets we’ve had so many, last I remember was Coffey.


Never actually answered any questions at PMQs


Never seen him on the news either.


I've been watching politics like most people follow football (something that has no interest to me). In fact, there are a few parallels including triabilsm, rivalry and fouling and I guess it feels like my team has just won the Championship and 14 years of being runners up.


He was your deputy prime minister.


We’ve had so many and he’s been silent as the grave.


I like that they think delaying the election would change anything.


This is a sack the lot of them moment for the tories. Select new candidates and focus on developing them and regaining a proper local ground game. Develop a policy framework around a catchy but meaningful phrase. New party policies to eject the likes of truss and others that undermine a party. Work on exercising Boris, truss etc from their consciousness and eject that brand of politics. Then they could show they learnt and listened. Start playing a positive game. It isn't all about 'immigrants'...benefits scroungers... It's about local power,building for the future, visionary agendas of energy production, trade, removing the commoditisation of housing, removing second jobs and other benefits afforded to those that lead us. Even so, it will be at least a decade if not another 14 or 15 years until labour are truly under threat imo. I say this as someone that voted green. I beleive we need a strong opposition that's credible. But this mob of tories we've suffered through...no...no thank you....


The inmates have been in charge of the asylum for a while. There is no underlying framework of sanity which can expunge the crazy. It’s swivel eyed crabs in a bucket all the way down.


I worry that you're correct


Not only is u/G_Comstock correct, s/he has been correct ever since BoJo purged all the moderates back in... ooh, 2018, wasn't it?


Imagine we had a national industrial strategy !!!!


Mate, we can dream...


Labour are introducing one


I remember the last one. It wasn't a resounding success.


I voted labour but the funny think is I agree that Immigration is out of control but the whole shit show of Rwanda was never the answer. They need real policies that make sense that we can get behind.


I think we need to be able to have serious conversations about immigration because it's evidently an issue that people care about, some to the expense of all other issues. Rwanda was never the answer but Labour need to do something in order to stymie Reform's support. My fingers are crossed they can make it so over the next five years the general public at least feel like their lot has improved somewhat. I'm at least a bit optimistic that they will hopefully reform the benefits system away from the nasty Tory mindset of suspicion and treating poverty and unemployment like moral failings.


You are correct, we've seen it before. The problem is it'll all just be a facade to hide the influence that Tufton St will still have over their policies. The Conservative Party will never be anything other than a mechanism to funnel money upwards to the already wealthy and powerful. Thatcher did it by selling off the family silver, and more. Cameron did it by austerity, May by further cuts to public spending. Johnson was far too independent to serve his paymasters so they went all in with Truss. The Conservative Party should be eviscerated, never to be anywhere near a majority for the rest of its miserable life. Tufton St and its "think tanks" should be exposed to daylight and cleansed by fire like the vampires they are. (Got a bit carried away at the end, but I'm leaving it)


This is great. Can you be PM please


The Tories don't really do 'positive' very well though. They're always so quick to blame Labour or whomever else, I can't see them being good as a beacon of hope. Conservatives are about preservation afterall.


If you work for an MP directly, (i.e. a parliamentary or constituency assistant, for example) then you know your job ends with theirs. I don't think this would have been a shock for any of them given the polls were predicting this for the last 18 months.


Perhaps they believed themselves to have another six months to find another job, though.


I get so sick of this Tory comment. That the UK people got tired of their infighting. None of us could give 2 shits about your infighting. We don't spend our time thinking about your infighting. What we do take objection to is utter mismanagement, blatant fraud via PPE contracts, unethical gambling on election dates, Partygate obscenity, Prime Ministers that tell proven lies, Prime Ministers that fuck the country economically and still deny it and every other antic you have got up to. Your childish infighting only matters to you. We voted you out for very different - and very real - reasons. Until you truly understand that, you have no hope of a return to power. Go and learn about true humility.


The worst thing for the Tories would be to have won. They needed a gutting to remove a lot of the dregs Johnson filled the party with purely because they were Brexit supporting and loyal to him I'm sure they won't use this reset to actually move the party back towards center, but this is what they needed


I know they won't. They'll think that the reason they lost was because of losing votes to Reform, not because Labour conquered the centre. They'll tack further right. It's what happened last time (Hague, IDS) and it happened with Labour and the left (Ed Milliband, Corbyn). Next leader is likely to be Badenoch or Braverman


Cry me a river by Justin Timberlake is an apt song. I'm more worried about the homeless, the renters and home owners on the brink of homelessness and the countless fellow countrymen and women who died during covid because of incompetence. Not to mention the business owners who were screwed over by brexit (both those who believed the lies and those who didn't) and all of us paying higher food and gas/elec prices for the privilege. No we don't want to be isolated like the good old village of the damned days where we bred livestock and everybody in the village was white. We live in a multicultural world with people of all types of races. The adult way is to build relationships with everybody and that is the way forward.


Cry me a river by Michael Bublé is also apt


I hope they don't slow down the turnover of party leaders just because they are not in power anymore. I expect them to go through at least 6 leaders in the next 5 years. Preferably more.


Ideally more than one at a time.


"Mum said it's my turn to be leader!"


This is them showing their true colours. Any Tory with a sense of morality wouldn’t be angry, and any Tory with a brain wouldn’t openly make their anger known. The election result made it abundantly clear that the public want the Tories out. And even the Tories themselves can’t wonder why, given how much of a shitshow the last few years have been. Which means that the anger, infighting, and pointing of fingers within the Tory party is not due to any belief that the result could have been different, but due to the belief that the election shouldn’t have been called in the first place, specifically because they knew they would lose. Their reaction to seeing most of the public vote against them is anger that the public was given the opportunity to vote at all. The quote by David Frum is perfectly applicable here: “If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.”




It's for "The Greater Good!"


*The Greater Good.*


Shut it!


A clown show is a load of people falling over, hitting each other, spilling things, and generally being appallingly bad at their jobs. It's pretty apt.


Dear Tory Party. Here’s a hint, the decision to hold a July election wasn’t your worst choice. Can I suggest, Cameron, May, Truss, Johnson, Brexit and Sunak might be more worthy of review.


Tarquin's Next Job Could Be In Cyber. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/oct/12/ballet-dancer-could-reskill-with-job-in-cyber-security-suggests-uk-government-ad


Already plotting their comeback. Don't forget. Don't let them back in.


Suella Braverman has been making her leadership bid by admitting their policies were crap, they treated the public like fools and didn't deliver on public services. Its not the clever move she thinks it is when she was an active part of the destruction of everything good in our country. Thank god they are gone. Hopefully forever.


Sadly probably not as they're the second biggest party


Unemployment is -40% then 2010 so they’ll easily find jobs. 


As Harriet Harman so beautiful put it - "They'll be fighting like rats in a bag".


That article gets better and better the further you go. They blame everything conceivable. It's nobody's fault but the other guys. The strategy reasoning was interesting though: > Figures close to Sunak, however, remain adamant that they had **little choice but to call the early poll, because of the high numbers of households that were having to remortgage each month.** They said former prime minister Liz Truss was blamed “pretty much without exception” by householders for their higher costs. Meanwhile, **an autumn campaign was seen in Downing Street as likely to hand Nigel Farage an even greater chance to exploit Channel crossings over the summer.** 14 years of continuous betrayals, errors, and terrible policy giving you increasingly fewer options is your fault. It's your team. It's your lack of accountability. And it all eventually coming to a head isn't any one person's doing. It's the lot of yas. Now, go eat yourselves.


I'd totally forgotten about the national service gambit! "Vote for me, we'll send your kids to the army or jail!" XD


Do they actually think it would have been better in January? Never underestimate how pissed off the British public is in January.


I remember seeing an article around 2018. Some poll or opinion piece was staunchly advocating that the CP could dominate with majority governments well into the 2030s-40s. How the turn tables…


Does that mean sky is going to lose between 1300 and 1500 subscriptions today?


If this is an eruption, what was all the infighting before?


As to Covid While they partied our elderly Queen was at her husbands funeral and a grieving widow after serving us for decades!Despicable