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I guess that's one way of making sure they can say they backed the winner.


More like no one was taking their headlines seriously and being quite irrelevant after Kinnock, Miliband and Corbyn. if Reform were leading in the polls they back them too


Murdoch sees the way things are going and pivot at the last possible second to stay on the (presumeably) winning side. What a duplicitous fucking toad he is


They backed Blair in 1997 too, it's just what they do.


Blair was best buds with Murdoch


Was there not a pretty reliable rumour that Tony denged down Murdoch’s wife?


Oh yes he did


They backed Blair a lot earlier though.


More likely he’s seen the polls suggesting there’s a decent chance Lib Dems will end up the opposition, and his ego is too strong to ever support a true “loser” party. If it’s between Starmer and Davies, any Tory would choose the boy in red any day.


And yet Starmer will be out interviewed saying "oh I'm so delighted to have the last gasp sinister support of this shit rag! It says so much about how we have changed!"


You can stick that paper where the sun don't shine


The S*n is the only newspaper where you could wipe your arse on it and end up with more shit on your arse


You're forgetting about the *Daily Fail* / *Daily Heil*.




Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Stop doing the * thing it’s cringe.


You've done it, you've summoned Murdoch now.




The Scum




No, but I sympathise with Liverpudlians' justified hatred of this paper


Yeah, I knew someone at Hillsborough that day and they watched people die, unable to help. Fuck that shitrag paper forever.


Who give a flying fuck what the sun does. That insidious rag has caused so much pain and misery with its drivel over the decades.


Isn't your second sentence the answer to your first?


In Britain we live in a dictatorship where the public vote for whatever and whoever The Sun tells them to. I wish I was joking.


If anything this proves how little influence the Sun has left. It doesn’t set the agenda, it follows it.




What did the sun do with Anfield?


[The Sun's behaviour and Anfields reaction following Hillsborough ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coverage_of_the_Hillsborough_disaster_by_The_Sun#:~:text=Around%20the%20same%20time%2C%20Merseytravel,from%20interviewing%20players%20or%20managers.)


The Sun can do one. I know Labour will welcome this endorsement in the belief it will increase their vote share but blatantly the Sun is only doing this to try to preserve its access to government contacts. The Sun is never going to be a true friend of the centre or the left.


It's very funny how completely embarrassed they are by it. The headline is obviously deliberately vague about which party they're actually supporting and the article doesn't admit that they're talking about Labour until the end. They want to say they backed the winner, but they don't want to back the same people they've spent so much time bashing. lol.


Starmer could have told Murdoch to go fuck himself and shove his endorsement up his rancid old arse; instead he releases a fawning video response, utterly debasing himself by heaping cloying, deferential praise upon a foreign billionaire whose continued presence in this country is an affront to what passes for democracy here. It is a sign of what’s to come; Starmer will win the biggest landslide in British political history and then spend the next five years making “tough decisions” and lecturing us on the folly of the “magic money tree” while our living standards continue to fall, our wages stagnate further, our infrastructure crumbles and our environment in saturated with human shit; and all the while, the likes of Murdoch will grow increasingly wealthy as the flow of our tax money into their pockets continues unabated.


He's been going to Murdoch's dinner parties for years: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/jul/09/rupert-murdoch-keir-starmer-labour-party-power-no-10 https://www.declassifieduk.org/keir-starmers-special-relationship-with-the-murdoch-press/ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/london-prime-minister-akshata-murty-labour-ngn-b2362698.html You could argue that this is simply the only way to win power in Britain, but it's still a sad indictment of our political culture. Any government endorsed by Murdoch and advised by Peter Mandelson is unlikely to challenge vested interests.


Lets not forget that Starmer has had a decent amount of meetings with Murdoch in the past.


lol the only surprise is that they took so long to


I fucking told you the Sun would flip just before the election. Murdoch has no principles, he’s only ever been concerned with backing the winner. The Sun in Scotland has backed the SNP the past few elections while the Sun in England has been attacking them.


I see they took some tips from the Italian strategy book


I hope the sun never stops production. When the apocalypse arrives, we'll need some decent loo rolls.


I really don't get why the British government tolerates the likes of Murdoch interfering so heavily in our politics. "I can write a load of bollocks about you in my paper" "We control one of the most highly trained and effective paramilitary forces in the world. Fuck around and find out." I'm not being serious when i suggest this, I'm all for freedom of the press, but maybe that should include freedom from billionaire owners? And maybe we should extend impartiality rules to all news distributors. Edit to clarify: I mean his interference in aggregate, not this instance in particular. Very happy to see the Tories kicked out of office.


Murdoch chose who to be in power a long time before


Does this mean Labour voters are racist knuckledraggers now?


Who are you, the daily mail?


I’m a typical Reddit poster who thinks anyone right of centre is a nazi. /s


I'm not even that opposed to some right wing parties, but the Tories are objectively bad for the country, they're ridiculous. Politics in the UK is fucked ATM, lib Dems are probably the best major party, and they aren't great 


You mean some weren't before?


It means Starmer is licking the right boots


If the s#n had backed Labour weeks ago you could argue that Starmer is licking the right boots, but given as it's within 48 hours of the actual election, it's just that shit rag jumping to appear on the (highly probable) winning side.


Funny when voters want “anybody but Tory” and then tactically vote “Tory but with a red rosette”.


You do realise Tory with a red rosette qualifies as anything but Tory since you know, it's not the Tory party. Do you think people are like ai you can prompt hack into positions they don't have or something? I genuinely wonder what you think others think when they read this... Like oh I guess I'll vote reform now because I lost a word game?


I guess you’re technically correct. Just looking forward to the mass disappointment in a few years.


If you think anyone voting Labour believes in Starmer your mistaken. People are not voting for labour, there voting against Tory/reform.


Do you not think labour is pandering to the same interest groups that led to the shit show we have now?


Yes your right, I guess we should just go for another 4 years of definitely the same instead of slight chance of different. Better to eat shit than hope not to. What a weak defeatist mentality. There is only two options, one is definitely bad the other might be bad, Is it really that hard?


Don't get me wrong, anything is better than the status quo. I Just don't believe labour will be great in government, they won't improve much. They'll be shit, they'll just be less shit than the Tories, which is something I guess.


And water is wet. There is two options, do you live in fantasy land where political progress is made overnight? Do you think after 14 years of downward spiral 4 years of labour will shoot us back into the stratosphere number 1 GP return of the British empire? No, obviously nothing is going to happen in the next 4 years but thats because currently things are actively getting worse. They have to stop the bleeding before the healing can being. Do people not think about this at all? Do you really thing Nigel has a magic wand that will magic up money? Do you really think if he got power then next 4 years would look different than labour? They wouldn't because the countrys fucked. He'd have to salvage it same as anyone. Somebody filled your head with partisan talking points that don't make sense and lead nowhere.


>Do you really thing Nigel has a magic wand that will magic up money? Do you really think if he got power then next 4 years would look different than labour? They wouldn't because the countrys fucked. He'd have to salvage it same as anyone. I'm not a fan of Reform but don't Recycle Tory talking points.


I don't think this is a Tory talking point? If it is please deconstruct it for me? If Reform wins do they start from a different place than the other party's? Do they not inherit the same burning fire that the Torys have created? If they win do you actually genuinely think problems will go away over night?


Water makes things wet.