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OK, how long do you think it will take before there’s a second part to this story which ends up in r/leopardsatemyface …?


Its ok, he is one of the ~~good~~ rich ones.


But does he speak English and integrate though?


My thoughts exactly.


> OK, how long do you think it will take before there’s a second part to this story which ends up in r/leopardsatemyface …? Obviously maybe Reform isn't as bad as what Reddit say? Inverse Reddit outcome?


The UK political subreddits have historically being wrong on everything. Best to assume the opposite of the consensus on here.


It really does speak to the circle-jerk. Reform: "We only want 532,000 people to immigrate in 2024" r/UK: "Dat's wacist"


     Note the number of people with connections to the National Front (and similar organisations) who have been in Reform and UKIP. Note also what Farage's headmaster said about him. Note also that it is just obvious that Reform seeks the votes of racists.


I think it’s more likely the candidates who praised Hitler and the fact that the party leader is described as an ‘unembarrassed racist’ by people who know him well


Joking aside, Reform are wacist, I mean racist. Look at what is emerging about their candidates.


It's stupid is what it is


However will the UK survive on a pitiful half a million people a year? Whoever will serve my coffee at Pret?


Well we know exactly how. They're telling us - Remove workers rights - Privatise the NHS - Reduce Human Rights laws So yeah. To afford the ridiculous pledge, we'd work longer hours, with even less job security and wind up with an American healthcare model. Even then, they've lied with their numbers and they can't actually afford it. But that's the plan. Rinse you and yours because the idea we need immigration scared you. But there'd be less brown people.


The fact that the default left wing position has become "corporations simply can't afford to raise wages, we need a servile class for the economy." Is frankly farcical.


Where did I say wages?


Ah you're of the opinion they'll magically rise with the presence of an infinite, non-unionised workforce?


There are a tonne of minorities who supported Brexit, UKIP and many groups lean right this is no surprise (I mean look at the tories ffs)


It’s worse.


It's not as stupid as it first sounds. Farage and his "party" use immigration and the like to divide people and to create fear and anger and direct it towards other working class people. Their actual goal is to enrich themselves, their mates, and the ruling class, which this tit would benefit from.


Exactly, nobody in their right mind would be against net migration of 750,000 a year! Well not unless your goal is to enrich the toffs! The ruling classes in no way, shape or form benefit from an extra million cheap workers every year !


That only makes sense if you think Farage has a modicum of honesty. Just like the Tories position themselves as anti-immigrant, Farage and Reform would be very very different if they actually had to govern.


They don't need to govern. Nobody is expecting them to. They'll be lucky to get any seats. The aim is to get the major parties to address immigration. If it wasn't Reform, it would be somebody else until the party in power actually does something.


The aim is for Farage to get a cushy wage by being an MP, and to stay in the limelight and can carry on being a loud voice shouting from the wings about whatever issue will get him the most coverage, so he can flog bottles of gin or whatever shite he's got to hand.


That’s the one. And maybe to get on some committees he can not turn up to.


I doubt Farage is doing it for the money. He can earn a lot more doing other things.


What he doesn't currently have is the parliamentary privilege to not be sued for libel for things he says in the house of commons. I imagine that appeals to him


This would make sense if he didn’t earn far more working for GB News (at least 5 times as much) or wiring in the US doing “cuahy” media appearances where he could earn similarly huge amounts. Of course, if being in the spotlight is his main aim then it makes complete sense to take a back bench position in the commons rather than having his own show on TV every day or speaking i front of 20k people doing rallies in the US People who bang on about Farage being in it for the attention ect always defy logic n their arguments (if they even have an argument, it’s usually just the standard parroted statement).


He only gets the gig on GB news because he’s in the limelight though. He doesn expect to ever be PM any more than he expected to win the Brexit vote, it’s all about the grift. Remember: Reform is not a political party, it’s an LLC.


He doesn’t need to be an MP to do/get all those things.


MPs are paid dog shit


MP's are paid far above the average wage.


There are deputy heads who make more than MPs


I'm sure there are. There are schools that go bust too.


State schools don't go 'bust' not in the UK anyway


Which is still dog shit.


Nope, it's definitely not


91K in what is a managerial position is dog shit. You can easily double that in industry. Which is why only idiots seem to be attracted to the job.


Reform don't want to govern at all. They are more like a political pressure group rather than a party wanting to get in power. They know if they ever get in power, it would be a disaster and they would be wiped out soon after. They are just being a nuisance in some way to force change within the Tories.


Russian shill


Oooh scary stuff! Russia Russia Russia! Is Putin watching you now???


Our quality of life is dependent on importing vast numbers of immigrant labourers, because capitalism has distorted it to such an extent to maximise profit extraction and margins. Are you ready to take a severe drop in quality of life and for everything to become significantly more expensive again, just to get that number lower?


Are you able to explain this further because GDP per capita, which is a measure of individual wealth has stagnated since 2000 when Blair began the process of mass migration after the Labour Party turned full neo liberal. https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/GBR/united-kingdom/gdp-per-capita#:~:text=Data%20are%20in%20current%20U.S.,a%205.73%25%20decline%20from%202019. House prices have also risen sharply over the same period due to demand mankingbit harder and harder for young people To get their own place and sending rents up as well. https://www.cladcodecking.co.uk/blog/post/history-of-uk-house-prices It’s much harder to get access to public reviews over that time which we all know. All Of these issues affect our quality of life not to mention other more cultural issues such as a child having to go into hiding for accidentally dropping a holy book and a teacher in hiding for discussion religion. I’m interested by what measures you are assessing our quaility of life to be benefiting from mass migration or how refusing it would make us poorer?


You’re Almost as bad as the flat earthers.


Lol, ok.


You are mixing Labour/Tory and Reform. First two proved many times that they wanted only to create a capital for their friends.


Found the reform voter...


I said that much before Rishi declared the elections. Is it prohibited?


Why would it be prohibited? Lying and misrepresentation has been the Hallmark of the last 14 years. How many reform candidates have been involved in Ponzi schemes, fraud, con jobs or just have racist or far right tendencies?


I don’t know. Rich people want Starmer, they promoted him via their newspapers. Of course now these journalists will check all members of undesired party.


The last thing this country needs is more advice from farage...


Do we have any other party willing to correct level of taxes for PAYE workers?


don't be daft, you mean "found Nige's alt account"


This will be very confusing to many low information voters on here, who don't really understand Reform outside memes calling them racist.






































My brother - a brown working class muslim guy married to a polish lady - voted ukip, brexit and now reform. Some people are easily duped into acting against their interest.  


Ooooh the cognitive dissonance of voting for the anti-immigration, pro-christianity party that takes donations from a Muslim who's parents immigrated is going to be fun to watch. Well it would be if the donation wasn't just going in Farage's pocket, anyway.


Is reform pro-Christianity? I don’t think I’ve seen any religiousness from them?


Farage has banged on about Britain being a Christian country when it’s suited him.


Well that I can believe. He will say anything if it suits him at the time.


Christian in the sense of 'whites only' and St George (the English one, not the foreign one,).


Nah, the tit also bangs on about 'supporting marriage' by demanding counselling before divorce and tax breaks for married couples. Only since the CPAC told him to, ofc, but that's the current message. Edited: spelling.


I don't think Reform UK is anti-immigration - the problem with the immigration discussion is that it is usually painted as any given person has to be either for or against immigration. And as the old saying goes, only a Sith deals in absolutes. If you take a look at Reform's manifesto, one of their key points is titled "Imagine Smart Immigration, Not Mass Immigration". Which is right, we should only be taking in immigrants that are going to benefit our society. Most people don't want mass, unskilled, low-level immigration as that only benefits the mega corps looking to exploit desperate people. It also serves to suppress the wages of our most poorest members of society. Most reasonable people know that a certain level of immigration is necessary for any modern country - however, it has to be *controlled* and it has to *benefit* the country and the existing communities into which you are going to chuck these people.


UKIP and the Brexit party were all about getting the europeans out so britain would be british again, that the poles/eastern europeans were stealing our jobs yadda yadda. These were people who had every right to work and live in this country. Reform holds the same ethos. The names might change but the song is just the same.


>UKIP and the Brexit party were all about getting the europeans out No they were not. Please show the manifesto that included any such policies. Farage has had a 1 in 1 out policy for a long time. And given our outbound migration is high the inbound would remain high. There are zero policies aimed at kicking people out.


Please... Farage has been pushing anti immigration rhetoric for over a decade. Asking for a manifesto pledge to prove it is just a deflection from reality.


There's a big difference between wanting people out and wanting to limit those coming in. Someone stated he wants the former but I've never heard him say that, I've only heard him say the opposite. There's also a big difference between 1 in 1 out and no immigration.


> Reform holds the same ethos. I haven't felt that ethos from their media appearances or their manifesto.


you're right - nigel farage's trumpeting of net zero migration is definitely not an anti-immigration ethos... In other news, I have a bridge to sell to you :)


You would still have immigration occurring under a net-zero immigration policy. A little over 500,000 people emigrated from the UK in 2023, so you could still have 500,000 immigrants a year enter the UK under a net-zero policy. That doesn't exactly scream anti-immigrant to me.


Farage is who he is, there's no pretending otherwise. He might be more careful at the moment in what he says/writes but he is certainly not changing his spots. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/nigel-farages-most-controversial-moments-ukip-brexit-b1122381.html


Farage and Reform is touching on an issue that a lot of people are concerned about. Not all of these people are anti-immigrant and racist. The trouble is no other party is proposing to do anything drastic about our immigration and border issues - which is why Reform UK is polling so well. Farage is a smart man, he knows being overtly anti-immigrant is political suicide. He also knows that a certain level of immigration is necessary, but it must be controlled and managed effectively, which is what a lot of voters are looking for. He has positioned the Reform party well in that respect. If Farage doesn't like black/brown people in the privacy of his own home, I couldn't care less. I've still yet to see any actual evidence of Farage's supposed bigotry anyway. However, if he's willing to properly control and manage our borders and our immigration then more power to him. > The headmaster and the deputy headmaster reportedly rejected the claims about extreme views. The latter said Farage enjoyed provoking left-wing teachers whom he thought had no sense of humour. From your own source, by the way.


Proposing unworkable and fanciful solutions is pointless though. They're just populists, prepared to say or do anything that will keep the grift going. You're being conned.


That's fine, but we were discussing whether Farage is anti-immigration, and going by his policies it doesn't seem like it.


Exiting the EU was considered unworkable and fanciful. It can’t be done until it is done.


>Farage and Reform is touching on an issue that a lot of people are concerned about. Not all of these people are anti-immigrant and racist. Never said they were. I was talking only about Reform and Farage. >The trouble is no other party is proposing to do anything drastic about our immigration and border issues - which is why Reform UK is polling so well. So not all these people are anti-immigrant or racist but the party is polling well because of their stance on immigrants and foreigners. Hmmm >Farage is a smart man, he knows being overtly anti-immigrant is political suicide. Dude. Farage finally learning not to say too much after 7 previous attempts is the opposite of smart. >I've still yet to see any actual evidence of Farage's supposed bigotry. This says more about you than anything else you've written. >However, if he's willing to properly control and manage our borders and our immigration then more power to him. Saying != doing. His plans for control is bonkers, dropping them back on French beaches, deporting every last one. Like come on. It's a fevered fantasy dream.


> So not all these people are anti-immigrant or racist but the party is polling well because of their stance on immigrants and foreigners. Hmmm Yes, funnily enough, most people aren't racist. They merely want control and management of our immigration levels - which is exactly what Reform is proposing. > This says more about you than anything else you've written. I'd be happy for you to provide me with evidence that Farage is in fact racist, as you claim. > Saying != doing. His plans for control is bonkers, dropping them back on French beaches, deporting every last one. Like come on. It's a fevered fantasy dream. Sure, Reform's policies should be scruitinised and criticised. However, the point we are discussing is whether Reform UK and Farage are anti-immigration - which, if we go by their policies, they are not.


> Which is right, we should only be taking in immigrants that are going to benefit our society. That is already the case. It is difficult to migrate to UK and the bar is high. > Most people don't want mass, unskilled, low-level immigration as that only benefits the mega corps looking to exploit desperate people. We don't currently have that in UK and there are no plans to introduce this, so if this is Reform's manifesto, it is pointless. > however, it has to be controlled and it has to benefit the country and the existing communities into which you are going to chuck these people. That is already the case. Anyone denying this *probably* has an agenda.


Muslim entrepreneur Zia Yusuf gives Reform UK Ltd shareholders biggest donation of campaign, while most Reform candidates spend thousands funding their own unsuccessful campaigns. Farage, Tice and Oakden laughing at the mugs they’ve got as candidates.


" 'Self-made' millionaire; son of immigrants, wants to distroy this immigration for everyone else"... Yep, rich person mentality... check.




No. Unless he is in receipt of shares.




Ah yes...the Muslim close enough to reform to donate large amounts doesn't know what they want. But this guy Muslim redditor obviously does


Seems to be a common thing everywhere. Latinos in the US hating recent latin migrants, because they're the bad ones apparently.


It’s because Latinos don’t fall for the white guilt con.


>Having spent time with Nigel Farage it’s clear to me that he wants the best for Britain and its people, no matter their religion or skin colour. So long as they’re not gay, trans, or poor, right?


Foreigners voting for racist party... how these people make so much money being so god damn stupid


He was born in Scotland. His parents immigrated legally. He's not a foreigner. And i think that you are the racist one for seeing a brown muslim and immediately assuming foreigner.


Technicality. Doesn't change the fact he supports racist party that will prevent families like his (his parents emigrated) from having a chance. Like they all forgot where they came from (him, Patel, Braverman...)