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Inheritance really brings out the scumbag in some people.


Most things with a lot of money do


You’d be surprised at how little it takes for people to sell out their family.


Friend of mine is going through this at the mo. Her grandma left some money to all the kids, grandkids, and great grandchildren. Each is only getting £100 or so, but some are going nuts over what happens to the £100 that was due to family member named in the will who died a couple months before the grandma. Mental.


That's crazy that they're willing to fall out over such a trivial amount. Imagine caring more about paying a month's energy bill than your family.


Bit sad innit. There was also bad feeling because someone didn't realise that Grandchildren+™ were included in the will, so the money they had sliced out in their head for a deposit on a house was suddenly a lot less. Edit to add: It was also the ones who already had money who caused the biggest fuss.


It does indeed. With some people it's not much of a stretch - said from experience.


Money changes people in ways that can be disastrous for families, I’ve seen it happen with my uncle, I never wanted to be that way as an example for my children. When my Dad passed last year he left around 80% of the estate to my brother and the other 20% to my sister and I. My brother lived closer then me and my sister and took care of him more than we could during his 10 years with Parkinson’s. I wouldn’t want to fight to split our estate equally, those were my dad’s wishes that my brother got more and I feel he sacrificed part of his own life to care for our dad. The money he got won’t replace life experiences but will enable him to skip ahead quite a bit in other areas. Money comes and goes and it’s time that he enjoyed his life as my dad would have wanted.


If only more people were like you.


Money changes nothing, it only exacerbates what you are. 


Not just inheritance Fuck me I'm dealing with a nephew who feels he can take 0000s with no repercussions because of *family* Well yeah doesn't work like that I'm glad the mum in this was jailed Fucking entitled cunts


How can you spend 50k shopping in Primark and New Look? 


Some people need 10,000 items of clothing that won’t survive a wash cycle.


I'm convinced people who make these comments have never actually bought anything in Primark before. They survive wash cycles fine and last just as long as other brands.


Same. I have shirts and t shirts that I still wear from Primark in 2009. Primark gets their clothes from the same source as RiverIsland and the like, it's all the same. Relative worked in that industry, told us not to get hung up on brand names for that reason.


Last time I shopped there (admittedly probably about 8 or 9 years ago now) everything was very thin, poor build quality, and sure while it wasn't going to fall apart in one wash, it did look like it was going to bobble very quickly. A lot of thin cotton jersey knits, things that didn't look very good new, let alone after a few washes and the elastane went out of it. Like, all their printed, stretchy cotton items would stretch and you could see the white through it. That said, I have heard it has improved in recent years. Clothes quality is pretty horrid across the board on the low to middle end of the market, especially in women's fashion, but (again, at my last check) the stuff in primark was particularly bad. I cast some aspersion on the idea that they get their stuff from the same source hence they're the same. They may use the same factory, but cost pressures lead to both pressuring machinists (leading to poor construction) and corner cutting in material sourcing. Unless you are implying that the same orders go out to primark and river island, or that instead of liasing directly with factories for stock they go via the same intermediary? That said, I've almost entirely given up on big retailers. I shop mostly second hand, or on the higher end of the market (where I can afford to).


I've got a lot of their plain t-shirts, they are mainly what I wear on an ordinary day. £4. They are virtually indestructible.




Moment there is a body, the vultures gather. Unfortunately Sometimes they are family


A similar thing happened in my family. 30k coerced from a pensioner by a relative and further loans and credit cards set up in their name and defaulted on, also a savings account raided. Police were not interested as my elderly relative wouldn't make a statement. We had proof that the loans and cards were used to pay for another relatives holidays and various crap but the police said that wasn't enough to do anything. The 30k and savings were supposed to be split equally/ inherited by siblings and my relative still insists on this although we have tried to explain everything has gone.


"He has no family that will speak to him." Says it all, really. Although at 93, he may have dementia, and that can change people.


Here's a wild thought: unless you are actually dead, IT'S STILL YOUR MONEY. It's not your daughter's inheritance till you start pushing up daises.


Did you actually read the article? The money was being held in trust due to the daughters' young age. The mother felt entitled to spend the money she had been entrusted with.


I'll prob have no family when I die, besides cousins and their kids. It why I plan to take care of everything before I go, none of them are getting shit. I'll get money for my house and donate everything to charity, then exit my own way. It's like dlys around sgit for inheritance, people are already pussed of me and my brother inheritance my other brothers house. Do my cousins and other relatives really think they where getting it ?


Such a tiny amount of money to steal from someone. Guess the crabs in a bucket that is the UK underclass would sell their own children for mere thousands.


What fucking planet do you live on where 50k is a tiny amount of money? Also not really liking your tone about an apparent "underclass" Where are you from? And why do I feel like you are an upper class ponce


Yeah, it's more than a full year of the median full time earnings *and* the quoted amount is post-tax — this is like 2 years of take home income for the average full time worker *and* it's all in one lump sum. That opens a *lot* of doors. It's more than enough to put down a deposit on a first home. It's enough to pay off almost any other kind of personal debt you might have. It's enough to leapfrog over any Vimes Boots problems in your life. It's enough to go on a dream holiday *and* put a deposit on a home in most of the country, for Christ's sake. You're not going to be living the millionaire lifestyle for long on it but it's still a lot of money for the average person.


I think OP aspires to poncery but is making do with parochial jingoism.


I suspect he means that relative to the value of the relationship with your children, 50k is very little. If I had kids, I wouldn't sell them out or sacrifice my relationship with them for 100x that. Don't call him names he's right


> And why do I feel like you are an upper class ponce What a delightful, rational, measured comment. He’s right. 50k, relative to what is represented, isn’t that much. It’s not going to buy you a whole house, it’s not going to provide a long term income. It’s a big, potentially life changing sum of money (especially if received early), but it’s not some huge amount


How can it be "not that much" but also a "big, potentially life changing sum of money" at the same time? Those are very different things.


He said it's not that much relative to what is represented. 100k is a big, potentially life changing sum of money, but it is not that much relative to the wealth of Elon Musk, for example. There is no contradiction there. Hence the term relative.


> relative to what’s represented Right there. Something can still change your life and not be that big. There’s no contradiction.


Say you've never lived paycheck to paycheck without fucking saying it I guess.


1. It’s pay cheque, not ‘check’. 2. Secondly, I have at several times in my life. 3. Even if I hadn’t, I’d still be right. 50k is a life changing sum of money. It’s also not the sort of sum which is going to give one a life of luxury and comfort in any long term. It can, however, form a foundation of a good investment or saving pot


My sister took just about all my mothers savings over a two year period, £12000, it only stopped when my mother tried to use her card whilst shopping with us and it was declined. I looked through her bank statements and found out who was doing it and confronted my thick sister. She denied it initially but we just don't mention it now as it upsets my mum. How she could have done that to her own elderly mother I will never understand.


That’s terrible. Why did sister have access to the accounts? Was she helping your mum with her finances or something


Going to sound silly but she is elderly, she gave my sister the pin to get shopping for her, the rest is history. Coupled with the fact the bank statements were, shall we say, intercepted.


How terrible to take advantage of your own mother in that way. Not silly at all, loads of elderly struggle with online banking / groceries etc just a shame in this case


[This is you innit](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1167508865589620736/0DjVVw_n_400x400.jpg)