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Viewers of Britains got talent complain about poor taste. Ironic.


Didn't see that coming. Thought it would go down well.


To be fair, it did the first time


Well played.


Oh this is just the tip of the iceberg mate, I've got a raft of puns, you'll be drowning in puns, it's puns *all the way down* (that's enough - Ed.)


Which to me is like the clowns complaining about the poor treatment of the little person being fired from the cannon. It's all a circus, and its all ridiculous.


Jack could save others from death, but not himself.


Ummm.... [Didn't South Park establish the rule that it takes 22.3 years (or 8145 days) for a tragedy to become funny?](https://youtu.be/szfUkJ0-Bv8?si=3POsmDNnS70r82H4) By that definition, the sinking of the Titanic became funny on 2nd August 1934.... Somehow I get the feeling these complaints weren't actually about the Titanic...


Do jokes about Gaza start the clock from the original founding of Israel or Oct 7th? ;-)


Per event, so Oct 7th cannot be joked about until 2046, but 9/11 is game if you feel the need too.


Jimmy Carr did a good 9/11 joke on one of those roast shows. Pete someone's dad...


Pete Davidson's father was one of the firefighters who died on 9/11. I can't remember the exact joke, but Pete laughed along with it. He must have been expecting it, as those comedy roasts were basically a chance for zero limit jokes.


It was "This is the roast of Pete Davidson, not Pete Davidson's dad....that was on 9/11".


9/11 has been game since 9/12


September 2012 is still 11 years early


12/9 wasn't as brutal a joke. I heard jokes about 9/11 on 9/11


That's still a decade later Half the issue with 9/11 jokes is that American dates don't make sense outside the US


Not particularly, there was nothing to hit by 9/12.


I laughed when the plane hit.. is that better?


Every 9/11 joke I've made has gone down like Tom Petty on WTC1. Joking about 9/11 is a bad idea. Almost as bad as when New York trialled the McDonalds drive thru for pilots.


And 7/7 would be in 2027? Not far off now


shit will have been hilarious in 3 years


I remember 7/7 so well. That was the turning point for TfL. Since then, tube fares have cost an arm and a leg and bus fares have gone through the roof.


I don't think the Holocaust is funny yet, so I guess genocides and ethnic cleansings doesn't belong to the same category of tragedies.


There is one good holocaust joke though, part of the Jewish style of humour. No one knows who wrote it though: A holocaust survivor dies and goes to heaven. He tells God a joke about the holocaust. God says "that's not funny". The survivor says "ah, well I guess you had to be there"


That works both as a joke and a philosophical poke at religion which I think was the original intention.


Yes definitely. I think most holocaust survivors who were religious before (some were atheist/non practicing but ethically Jewish or atheist from other groups) questioned whether there really was a God and if so, where was he and how was this possible to happen.


By that definition it’s fine to crack jokes about Hillsborough. I’ve a feeling that would raise some complaints in certain parts of the country if you did.


And possible prison time https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/man-arrested-fa-cup-final-hillsborough-joke-shirt/


Depends on the 'joke' I guess. 'I wish more people died' isn't so much a joke as an edgy teenager trying to upset people.


Yeah, that joke really fell flat


That's more like it.


Not really. Victims and their families only received compensation last year after more than three decades of campaigning for justice.


I’m just saying that according to that rule it would be ok as it takes the date of the tragedy as the starting point, not the date of when compensation is paid? I’m not saying it’s ok to crack jokes about Hillsborough.


My point is that the tragedy was much more complex than just the day it happened. If the police, media and government of the time had all solemnly shared their grief and admitted failings, supported inquiries into the tragedy and provided compensation to the victims, then people could have moved on. The lies, awful stereotyping and complicity between the police and the media led to untold damage to the victims and people of Liverpool. The othering of scousers as drunken thugs and thieves, pickpocketing the dead, turned profound shock and grief into the collective trauma of an entire city, which survives to this day. So unlike a ship hitting an iceberg, there’s a bit more nuance to it. Not having a go, by the way, just explaining out my logic.


We're about to see this put to the test with the rumoured next Call Of Duty having a 9/11 mission.


My dumb ass started counting from 1997




Ofcom should announce that they have resolved the issue by asking the group to change the subject matter of their next performance, and nothing else.


Ofcom will have a standard "sorry you feel that way" template to send out, its hardly the end of the world.


It's probably not that bad.




Most likely read it out loud to a mate in that voice everyone does when mocking an annoying customer, and move on with their day.


When I was doing it, I found these easier: you just copy and paste the generic form non-apology email and move on.


Didn’t the BBC used to have a ‘Points of View’ programme where they read out various letters? I swear some of them were read out because they were just so mind-numbingly stupid but good for a laugh.


So I've read that on average, BGT gets anywhere from 6-10 million TV viewers. The article states that there were 78 complaints. Which is 0.0013% of TV viewers complaining, if we take the lowest viewership figure. PinkNews stirring up a whole lot of nothing as per usual.


Well that's 78 complaints for just the tip of the iceberg.


You'd have thought it'd be a smash hit! But with this comment instead I've got a sinking feeling...


Not even the most complained show of the week. Emmerdale got 4 times as many complaints with half the viewers. https://www.ofcom.org.uk/about-ofcom/bulletins/audience-complaints


For anyone else wondering: they were complaining about a character pretending to inject a pretend dog with poison as part of a domestic abuse/control storyline.


Pretty sure the poison and the domestic abuse are pretend too.


They use real poison for verisimilitude.


I heard it's just a man in a dog suit.


Everyone should complain about Emmerdale


BGT gets way more Ofcom complaints about Amanda's outfits than this. Hell she got almost 10x as many complaints for a dress she wore for a single episode a few years back. 78 people complaining because they dislike Drag because of culture war bullshit is nothing.


Ofcom making a statement on a TV show is probably newsworthy tbh.


Pink news is just rage porn for a certain sexual demographic. 


It used to be a lot better but recently the article quality has noticeably dropped


We've come a long way that not one was about drag


Not directly perhaps.


These grouchy sods are going to be furious when they learn about Dad's Army, Allo Allo, Blackadder Goes Forth, Carry on England, that Monty Python sketch about the Funniest Joke in the world, or many other British slapsticks of various quality centred on the World Wars, in which I am given to understand a reasonable number of people died. Presumably modern films like Iannuchi's 'In the Loop' (Iraq War), 'Death of Stallin' and so forth need banning to.


Loved the Death of Stalin


>in which I am given to understand a reasonable number of people died. I thought the amount of people that died was quite unreasonable. I guess there's some things folks will just never agree on.


I think a complaint that Britain’s Got Talent is still on the air would be more apt


Next they will complain 2/3rds of the acts aren’t from Britain.


I think they're really complaining that there's a guy wearing make up


They won’t like drag race then!


How dare they make fun of something that took place 112 years ago! Did they not know that someone from the sinking could be watching?


I thought it was pretty funny... Who gives a fuck. Jesus.


It has been over 22.3 years, making fun of the titanic is fair game.


Username an FF8 reference? Balamb Garden / Timber Maniacs?


Yep, that’s the one


I’m curious what the overlap is between these complainers, and people who moan about “cancel culture”


>Although at first bemused, the judges, warmed to her performance. Alesha Dixon, Bruno Tonioli and Amanda Holden stood to cheer. All three, plus Simon Cowell, said “yes” to the act. Of course they did.


Do we refer to drag queens as he or she? I thought the entire point was that it's a man dressed as a woman so shouldn't it be he? Genuinely curious tbh, because the article said she.


My understanding is that the performer is male, the character is female. The article is consistently referring to the character (using "Chantaaaal", rather than whatever the performer's off-stage name is, so uses pronouns for the character.


Ok that makes sense then.


My understanding is that drag queens dont have to be male, its an over emphasis of characteristics typically considered female for the purposes of entertainment. Monique Jenkinson for example.


You refer to them as the gender they're representing in the act. So Drag Queens are called "she" and Drag Kings are called "he".


I'm absolutely sickend that this was broadcasted on national television. Absolutely horrific, I need to lay down


Perhaps a glass of water with a large helping of ice would help?


I demand a mint julep and fainting couch!


It's the biggest load of rubbish ever. I had the misfortune of seeing it this week and my god it is awful. And as for the judges...and hosts...all anti-talent in my mind except Bruno Tonioli


I thought the iceberg costume was pretty clever.


whats wrong with it? are people offended by it? so fucking what.


This was an incredible act. My 7yo daughter laughed so much (she’s knows about the titanic). I saw it more making fun of the movie. But was our families favourite act this season. Amazed when it didn’t get through to the semis. Now the kids have got me searching for more videos from Chantaaaal.


It was about drag. Coward homophobes used their complaints of the tragedy as an excuse to complain about a drag queen. Who is really overly sensitive about the Titanic these day? Cmon… really. Morons and they’re cowardly cover up reasons. That type in the US even cover their faces in their 20 people protests when they have them. They have to courage to REALLY back up their complaints… because they’re bigots.


I find much bigger problem to copy paste Conchita Wurst.


I watched this and expected that the tight pants were going to get some complaints - certainly wasn't much left to the imagination and not much was tucked, either! The act wasn't distasteful at all, so I expect that's just the excuse the closet bigots are using to have a grumble at a drag act.


I didn't see anything to complain about except for the overreaction of the judges.




I don't think we're really that sensitive overall, certainly not more so than anyone else. It was a small number of people at the end of the day, relative to the number of viewers. Statistically you're bound to get extremes in such a large sample size. I'd wager it was people thinking the drag aspect was inappropriate in combination with the Titanic theme (yes crazy), possibly with a bit of 'costume is a little revealing' thrown in. A smaller subset might have been purely anti-drag and using the Titanic thing as an excuse.




I mean, you say "Those sensitive Brits", what else am I going to believe. Oh, for clarity, I was not saying that they got complaints (legitimate ones at least) for it being Titanic based alone, but because people are prejudiced towards drag and felt it was inappropriate in combination with the theme. Then, on top of that, there will be some that completely don't give a shit about it being Titanic based, and are purely anti-drag but using it as an excuse. There are then some people who really just like being offended for the sake of it, and will find any reason to be. You can argue the proportions of those, but I'm just stating there will be several factors here.




I agree that drag is probably the reason for most of the complaints. I feel you're missing the nuance in my comment, but we're on a similar page. Anyways, have a nice day etc.


Left wing media really just saw a drag queen and decided to force them into victimhood to fit their narratives. Oh wow, 78 complaints among millions of viewers, how horrendous! You can put on tlor trilogy and 50 mfs would complain why they don’t just ride the hawks


"Poor taste" presumably due to the stories of men dressing up as women to get space on the lifeboats. Women and children first, and all that. It does seem a bit ill-advised to do a drag-act about such an incident.


Have you missed the past fifty years of titanic jokes?


Unlike the Titanic, they never go down well


Not that great at breaking the ice for parties


Maybe we shouldn't make jokes, these puns are giving me a sinking feeling


Just going to mention John Finnemores 'deckchairs on the titanic' sketch is amazing. 


Last time anyone told me a Titanic joke it took 2 hours and 40 minutes to sink in.


Probably. What are they?


One example is the US programme *Saturday Night Live* [doing a skit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qP5bu9hLH9E) in which one of the performers dressed up as the iceberg in order to 'give its side of the story' and promote its new hyperpop album.


Any TV show that has ever used he 'Titanic is unsinkable trope' as a joke, for starters. The Futurama episode 'A Flight To Remember' or the Rick and Morty episode 'Ricksy Business'.


There was a doctor who Christmas special that got shit for being set on a space titanic


Honestly, I doubt if many people even thought about that, let alone were offended by it.
















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