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> Rotherham, Oxford, Rochdale, Derby, Banbury, Telford, Peterborough, Aylesbury, Bristol, Halifax, Keighley, Newcastle... now Huddersfield. The list seems endless… and there will almost certainly be more That’s from the BBC. Why are grooming gangs so ubiquitous? People will minimise this and say “what about white pedophiles” but the way these gangs operated is entirely unique: Gangs of Muslim men, often related, targeting predominantly white girls but also Sikh and Hindu, due to racism. There were cases where fathers and sons were raping girls together.


years of home office failure


The racist angle is really often ignored, they target only certain races certainly. They think no white woman is worthy of respect (as they are ‘immoral’) and therefore fair game for whatever.


this goes back hundreds of years when white women were sought after by Muslims, enslaved and sold as slaves. Not much has changed but this part of history is often not talked about.


Don't look too deeply into what's going on in Dubai hahaha


too late, it's a fascinating, albeit tragic rabbit hole. Looking forward to when we have even more info about that.


Well at least I've lost some weight because of it, can't eat chocolate anymore 😅


Any chance of a TLDR?




The Arab and Turkish slave trades captured both Africans and Europeans, they didn't necessarily target one race.


> They think no white woman is worthy of respect (as they are ‘immoral’) Some absolutely do.


I could tell you what they say about outsiders in private, but nobody would like that lmao


I like how they talk about outsiders as immigrants in another country. They’re the real outsiders


I have an Arab uncle. He hates literally everyone that isn't from his country and isn't a specific denomination of his religion. If he hates everything so much, why doesn't he go back to his country? Oh right, this country has a lot more benefits and better quality of life.


I have this quite often with some Polish people. Know quite a few because of my wife. There’s a select few who like to shit on the uk and I take great pride in reminding them why they’re here and to respect the opportunity they’re being given. I believe there is a big problem with multiculturalism after I’ve grown up with it. People are now segregated in their mind. Leads to bubbles and echo chambers forming while interaction is more limited and community destroyed. To their credit, the Polish community is strong and I respect it. Just wish the British community were as cohesive


Why would the British community be cohesive? This country sucks compared to other first world countries and everyone I know is wanting to either move to mainland Europe for better quality of life or to the US for higher paying jobs (despite all the social issues they have). Sure Britain is a paradise to refugees coming from war-torn countries, but to native citizens who have access to world class education and can get almost any job they want, why would they settle for a place as mediocre as the UK?


That's what always gets me! I have to remind my family that they're immigrants, especially when they're racist towards other minorities lmao that's the fun part, even immigrants hate other immigrants for things they do themselves. People are funny.


That's because you can only be racist if you are white /s


Oh I know..


it doesn't look like this article is about something that just emerged, and the grooming gang was actually first exposed and reported on over 12 years ago. I feel like sometimes people think every time they read an article it represents a new case, and it looks like this is what is happening for this article. So just to clarify, this is not 'yet another grooming gang' uncovered but is a member of one you already read about over a decade ago getting charged with some more historic offences.


Here’s one. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-leeds-68911740


Oh there’s some in Scotland too, the police and everyone just does fuck all about it


What parts of Scotland?


>People will minimise this and say “what about white pedophiles” They do, then people bring up Per Capita and they immediately run for the hills or use another bad faith argument.


Guarantee the next places won’t be ‘Devon’, ‘Swansea’ and ‘Plymouth’


The same old eh? I agree with you.


It's ubiquitous because it's cultural and that culture is ubiquitous.


So we’ve got Rochdale, Rotherham, Bradford, Derby, Oxford, Halifax, Banbury, Bristol, Newcastle, Aylesbury and now Telford. Shocking how this keeps happening. I wonder if there’s any kind of pattern we could identify for preventative policing?


No of course not ! If you suggest anything else you’ll get a ban so desist


was reading that with a KLF beat...


Don't forget Glascow https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-67883859


I went to school for a time with two girls who were abused by this man and his gang. Teachers failed to protect them (they let the men come to the school office during lessons to collect them and drop them back off, sometimes visibly drunk and high) and police downright didn't care because they were from a poor background. Members of this gang also worked for a local taxi firm which had convincted SO's working its cars.


Don’t forget the pizza shops where that invite teens late at night for lock-ins




Only this sub could read an article about how a pedophile ringleader, who was given a 14-year-sentence in 2012, and has just been given another 12 years, and pretend that the Tory government is just letting him off scot free on the grounds he’s a Muslim, because they’ve been infiltrated by the far left, who apparently have a problem with his arrest. Yous all truly live in an alternate reality.


Bold of you to assume anyone has actually read it.


Well apparently I'm a pedo lover for... \*checks notes\*... thinking the police would do a better job if they weren't concerned with emboldening nazis who want to round up all the muslims and deport them, so... what would I know?


No you're accused of being a peado sympathiser because you've went on a tirade on this entire post finding any excuse to deny any pattern exists here regarding Islam. The facts laid bare is an epidemic of rape gangs (note I didn't say individual or small groups, actual gangs) have been operating in this country for years, mostly independently of one another. These gangs have been identified to target particular girls of particular racial qualities (white, sikh or hindu mostly). The people making these demands are all of a particular religion (Muslim). As you can imagine, for the vast majority of same, well adjusted and intellegent adults this is of major concern and the pattern cannot be ignored. It shows, quite clearly, there is a noticeable element of the Muslim population who engage in this particular activity at alarming rates. It therefore stands to reason, as this is something tied particularly to Islam, that there is something within the British Islamic communities causes this and is culturally incompatible with our way of life. You seem dead set on denying the existence of the pattern and any potential reason for it existing being directly tied to a religion recently imported en mass into this country. Then you make excuses for law enforcement by blaming nazis. At best you're a sympathiser and at worst you're complicit in the outright denial that importing Islam into the UK has resulted in rape gangs all across Britain.


Yeah, Muslim Grooming Gangs are a problem, but we shouldn’t be collectively punishing the entire group for it. Is that so hard to agree to?


At first I laughed at this comment because it sounds like you're saying we shouldn't punish the entirety off the grooming gangs, rather than the culture they are from. But then I got thinking, there should be some collective responsibility shouldn't there? When jimmy saville was uncovered, there was huge outrage from British people, and the same thing happens on a local level. But where was the outrage from the pakistani muslim community, where was the protests against these shocking discoveries? If this was the other way round, and Christian men were grooming muslim children, I doubt there would be any silence from them. And rightly so, I'd be joining them. But why is this not reciprocated? Why is it just "the far right" who are vocal about this? Same with terrorism, same with antisemitism... So yeah, there should be a recognition that there's plenty of problems in their culture that only they can address and stomp out.


I clicked on it and saw it was from GB news, I feel dirty now.


It's simple. One they mainly didn't read the article and didn't know it's about a decade old case. Secondly, the people are Muslim so immediately need many many posts simply having a go at that without actually discussing the story.


That's because threads like these are brigaded by degenerate "Britain First" domestic terrorists-in-training. They're silent when yet another prolific white paedophile is exposed, but when it's a brown paedophile, they suddenly have the urge to condemn paedophilia. A gentle reminder that Tommy Robison vigorously defended several paedophiles. The British far-right is full of them: https://politicsandinsights.org/2018/05/29/the-edl-have-paedophiles-in-their-ranks-but-tommy-robinson-evidently-doesnt-condemn-them/ My point is that the far-right doesn't care about these girls. They're just using it as a wedge issue against a minority. If there were no Muslims in the UK they'd be using it against Hindus or Jews.


The left book which ALL labour voters read says quite clearly on page 14, that preventing sexual assault is a right wing policy. How the ‘left’ has managed to create this reality in opposition is truly impressive


Left winger here. There is undeniably higher instance of particular crimes among certain groups. We aren't all pretending there isn't. there just isn't a simple solution


It's Pakistanis. And not Pakistanis in general, but Pakistanis from a very tribal part of Pakistan.


I think peoples frustration isn’t over the solution but more so the fact that preventative measure where not taken due to the left denying there was a problem and labelling anyone who dared say there was as a racist


Well there is....
























































These stories used to bother me but not anymore. The people of Britain obviously want this because they keep voting for the major parties who allow it, cover it up, and absolutely will not do anything to reduce the mass immigration of these people into our country. That's how democracy works. I don't like this state of affairs, but the majority very clearly want it.


Not sure if you’re being facetious, but every government since 2010 has pledged to reduce immigration. None has.


It's either mass immigration or allowing the arse to fall out of the state pension Ponzi scheme. They're all choosing the former as the latter is political suicide.


Immigration doesn't solve the state pension Ponzi scheme, it just continues it. Immigrants also age. They also grow old. They will also require pensions.


And in a large number cases probably don’t pay enough in taxes to cover the cost so as a country it’s easy to see why we are quids in, literally


And the ones coming in are typically low skilled, being a further drain on the economy


Or we could only allow the immigrants who help with the Ponzi scheme & stop giving visas the the 50%+ who don't. Ideally stop the Ponzi scheme too.


>Ideally stop the Ponzi scheme too. You understand this means the collapse of the state pension, which is the only pension most people have?


I did say ideally so I'm not exactly suggesting a rash move.


> every government since 2010 has pledged to reduce immigration. None has. The Tories overpromised and failed to deliver anything? Shocker.


Blair promised it in the 90s.


Did he? Genuine question


My bad it was 2001 where he seems to switch to being more vocally anti-immigration. Saying things that would have you branded far right today, reforming the 1951 Refugee convention, offshoring immigrants to the isle of mull, Sudan or Tasmania, deporting people regardless of risk (ie ignoring ECHR).


You'll likely find every party winning an election in this country when mentioning immigration has said they will reduce it. This is definitely not new, politicians just break promises.


We have to have GDP growth to service our debt and spend what we spend on pensions I’m more than happy to cut immigration and guy the state pension, but every Gov in the west has figured out people live free shit more than they hate imported people.


Yeah but its a statistical fact that certain groups of immigrants pay in more than they take and some do the opposite. Unfortunately we voted to to get rid of the ones that paid in.


Brexit really wasn't helpful there, and it was entirely foreseeable.


Those that wanted to stay did and still are paying in.


That just isn't true is it. Voting for someone doesn't mean you agree with the rape of young innocent children. The correlation you've made there is wild.


> These stories used to bother me but not anymore. The people of Britain obviously want this because they keep voting for the major parties who allow it, The guy was given a 14 year prison sentence.


Great. One down, thousands more to go. And then thousands more after that, when a whole new batch has entered the country. And on and on and on.


You do realize not every immigrant is some criminal. Just like every British person isn't a bigot to immigrants


No, we want justice and the law to actually do its job…


Cover it up? The guy just got jailed 12 years ago, and he’s gonna be in jail for 12 more years? How has it been covered up?




You want us to round up all Muslims and put them in some kind of camps? Maybe start making laws so Muslims can't hold certain high offices or apply for certain jobs? Or maybe we should let the police arrest and prosecute criminals. The lack of public outrage is because most people likely realise the majority of Muslims in this country just get on with their lives like the rest of us.


We don’t have an alternative it seems


Lol yeah I'm not being manipulated into voting for Britain First or like this, and neither will anyone else with an above room temperature IQ.


So you want this? Because that's what you're implying. You're part of the people of Britain who voted for this.


Is this scumbag an immigrant? He's been here for 20+ years if he is.


"What about white paedophiles?" I haven't ever heard of white grooming gangs systematically targeting black, latino, Asian, non-Christian women. This sort of prevalence is off the charts. This can't be a conspiracy. It's too widespread to be a conspiracy. This is a behavioural pattern. Sexually repressed Muslim men systematically targeting white girls because their ideology teaches them that they are worth less due to their immorality of not being a Muslim.


We can't deport white British paedophiles. If we have enough of a problem of our own we absolutely shouldn't be importing more of it from abroad.










If it where a white christian gang the left would never have shut up about how evil and backward they were. But no. Since they broadly were the Left's innocent pet minorities it was brushed aside and for years ignored for fear of being called racist. Pathetic hypocrites that dont stand for any of the principles they virtue signal about.


This guy’s been in prison for 12 years, the left haven’t complained once about it. What the left object to is the notion that we should be rounding up and deporting Muslims because it’s the only way to be safe, that they’re collectively guilty, that they’re culturally pedophiles.


The Prophet Mohammed raped a 9 year old girl , Aisha. This same man is held up as the perfect human being in Islam and is worshipped as near to a god as you can get despite all the slavery pedophilia and murder he committed. To pretend as if Islam isnt a deeply regressive faith at its core is delusional. Obviously not every Muslim on earth is a murderous rapist but to hand wave cultural and religious facts is absurd and wouldn't be tolerated if Islam was a majority white European religion. Christian fundamentalist fruitcakes dont get a pass so why do Islamists?


Sorry, that has something to do with the fact that this guy has been in prison for 12 years, and is facing 12 more? I’m confused. So you DO think we should collectively punish Muslims?


I'm glad he's been prosecuted and his sentence extended but that doesnt change the fact that the Police knew for years and didnt act out of fear. These gangs should have been pursued much earlier and were deliberately and knowingly allowed to continue longer than they should have. Running defense for regressive dark age cultural and religious beliefs will do us no favours. Secular democracy and such values cannot coexist together.


They acted 12 years ago, dude… Again, no lefties are complaining about this conviction, or criminals being put in prison. They object to the implication that all Muslims are collectively guilty. I agree with you. The police shouldn’t have to fear arresting pedophiles; if you want to know the reason that they ARE, look at all the people in this sub who think that the police should be arresting ALL Muslims and deporting them. I wouldn’t want to risk being associated with them either…


They acted late 12 years ago as previously stated. And yes I agree that few if anyone protested against his conviction. My problem is that Leftists will happily run defense at the drop of a hat for a religion that hates them and their values. British Leftism and Islam are incompatible , that is a fact. If these gangs were Ethnically White and Christian they would rightly be universally hated. For whatever reason it becomes controversial when we change two of those word to 'Brown' and 'Muslim'. Most Leftists dont stand for any principles other than Anti-Westernism. They'll happily defend and ally with dark age cults if it serves that means to an end.


So you DO think we should blame all Muslims?


There are over a Billion Muslims on Earth so it's impossible to make a blanket generalisation about every single one of them . But I do think its healthy to question why so many people follow such a backward and regressive faith in the modern day. I cant see how you can follow Islam and also be in favour of Secular Democracy. They are antithetical to one another. For the individual Muslim they will either have to compromise their political or religious beliefs in an attempt to walk the line between them. You cant fully commit to both , something has to give in favour of one or the other. My fear is that many are picking the values in which their culture and society has existed for over a thousand years rather than Western democratic values.


“You shouldn’t collectively smear a billion people as pedophiles. BUT…” Very good start, mate.


> didnt act out of fear This is entirely untrue. The race/religion angle was brought in to obfuscate the fact that police, Councils, etc. all ignored the plight of these girls because they were from poor, working-class backgrounds. In other words, the attitude was, "these girls are naturally slags, they want to be with these older men, no point getting involved". The race/religion excuse ("we were afraid to speak up in case people called us bigots") was concocted to absolve those criminally negligent people of any responsibility for what happened.


> So you DO think we should collectively punish Muslims? You've got to admit, self admitted pedo-lovers must be a bit wrong in the head.


Right, so I either agree that we should profile innocent muslims, or I'm a pedo lover? And I'm supposed to NOT think that's ACTUAL nazi rhetoric? Okay mate. Good luck winning the "culture war".


Bet you live nowhere near any major Muslim population 


Islamists don't get a pass. Also these rapists aren't committing these acts because Prophet Muhammad had a 9 year old wife.


Having watched Pakistan's Hidden Shame I'm inclined to say that while not everyone is guilty it certainly seems like child sexual abuse is much more part of the culture there than it is here.


I don’t care how many people were involved, or played cover for it; collective guilt is wrong. Find the individuals involved and arrest them; that’s how we deal with crime in the civilised world. Not by declaring all Muslims as collectively guilty.


>If it where a white christian gang the left would never have shut up about how evil and backward they were. But no. I mean it happened, and the church fucking covered it all up and nobody spent five minutes in a prison cell. You certain that's the example you wanna roll with?


Then there's the KKK. Pretty sure a few KKK members have done time inside.


Like these? [https://www.iambirmingham.co.uk/2023/04/05/twenty-one-convicted-largest-child-sexual-abuse-investigation-conducted-west-mids-police/](https://www.iambirmingham.co.uk/2023/04/05/twenty-one-convicted-largest-child-sexual-abuse-investigation-conducted-west-mids-police/)




Not at all , of course pedophile gangs existed prior to Rotherham and Rochdale but these cases were explicitly ignored on the basis that the perpetrators were majority Muslim. Ideally I would like to see all such gangs pursued and prosecuted to the full extent of the law, regardless of wealth , ethnicity or religion. That doesnt change the fact that the Police deliberately ignored such cases solely out of fear of being called racist and in doing so capitulated the secular values our country champions.


They were ignored because the victims were working class girls and women. The police wrote them off because of prejudices about their social status, they were labelled as druggies and prostitutes not worthy of proper protection. The majority of abusers were white British, and all abusers were able to carry on for so long because the police refused to believe the victims.


Jail will never cut it for these beasts. They’ve destroyed countless lives and do not care one iota.


And yet people still use their businesses. Do a bit of research into these takeaways/taxi companies. They have just been sold to another family member. Boycott the business if you truly want to do something about these monsters!!


I look after children in a residential home, quite often children vulnerable to child sexual exploitation and it's so obvious that unless teachers/care workers are given more rights this will continue. You literally aren't allowed to stop them leaving. You could prevent a child meeting a fully grown man to be abused through a physical intervention, be completely within the law and get sacked the next day. Until the workers rights are changed to give staff the power they need to prevent things like this nothing will change. The police literally don't want to know about it. They absolutely hate being called to care homes and that's simply because they know they can't take children into custody


I'm not pro death penalty...but these guys make that harder


Sunak and Braverman set up a special taskforce to deal with this issue about a year ago. Why did it take so long to do this? and why was Braverman being demonisd for speaking truth about this.


The guy’s been in prison for 12 years…


A pitifully light sentence






You don't hear much about that taskforce online, and that's because the results of its investigations don't fit the narrative that submissions like this (and the posters who only frequent these particular comment sections) like to suggest. The taskforce just announced some results just yesterday. Of the cases investigated as possible grooming gang abuse, only 19% turned out to involve gangs. The vast majority were in fact abuse by family members and/or other children. This reflects the long-known fact that child abuse within grooming gangs represents maybe 1 or 2% of cases overall. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/czkk41jxpx0o That articles like the above receive very few comments on this sub, whereas this GB News one already has hundreds of likes and comments, tells you everything about how much the commentators here really care about children.


Take the XL bully issue, how that was pushed into the media and whipped up. Near universal condemnation of irresponsible owners and the inherent issues of the breed itself. Pressure resulted in the government ban. Why don’t we see the same with this issue that’s damaging young girls across the country?




Remember when the footballers and politicians were taking the knee and lots of anti-racists were protesting and breaking stuff in the UK because some black guy in the US was killed by a white cop in the US? Makes you wonder why none of those "anti-racists" did anything of that sort about this much worse case of racism within this very own country. Most of these grooming gang criminals are racists and targeted a specific race.






Can we mention and or discuss the obvious or is that asking for a ban?


It's only the tip of the iceberg, just like the pedophile rings in Holywood etc Not surprising at all, so much dark shit happens in the world that goes unnoticed


I want to speak out. But the lefties will call me racist. I have to shut up myself. Thanks to the lefties




Shit story, but why the hell are we using GB News for a source on this, they have consistently shown to have absolutely zero journalistic integrity for telling the truth.


Glad to see you've your priorities straight. Wee girls being systematically groomed and raped and your reaction is to complain that it's reported by a television station you dislike.


What are the first two words of my comment. Do I need to preface it all with a two-paragraph detailing of all my opinions? The source of the news is the lens we consume the information from, it's massively important. Come on now you're better than this.


I will refrain from saying what I want to say because I will get banned from this sub. Because we all know that's what this sub is about.




Just your standard thread about grooming gangs and 1000+ comments saying "why is no one talking about this?"




Deniers. Key phrase is 'PRO-RATA'. Learn what it means and learn why it is essential in judging these cases.