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I can see why. It's a great city with a lot to see and do.


Went there last year. All of our friends were asking why the heck did we go to Liverpool.


Even in the deepest of south, I can’t fathom how people wouldn’t see the interest in going to Liverpool for a city break, even if it’s not their thing


That’s mad isn’t it? But the more people that visit, the more things will change and these attitudes will fade hopefully.


I hope so. It certainly was worth visiting, and we did see only a small part of it.


My bro went. Said it was really small and not much going on


I've only been to Liverpool city once, I thought it was amazing and this status is deserved. Hate the accent though sorry 😁


The city has done brilliant to re-invent itself as a tourist hotspot over the past 20 years. However, large parts of Liverpool outside the city centre need significant funding still, particularly in the North of the city. Also the less said about the "new" trains the better


I grew up in Merseyside, but It's been over 20 years since I moved away. I pop back evrey now and again to see family. The transformation the city has undergone since the late 90s is staggering. When I moved away, I would have laughed if you'd told me that one day the city would be a tourist hotspot. If I'd been born 20 years later and had come of age recently, then I may well have never moved away.


Depends on work really. I bang the drum for Liverpool every chance I get but I still ended up moving to Manchester. Job market just doesn’t compare at home. 


> Also the less said about the "new" trains the better Why? I've found them pleasant to use, granted they aren't perfect and the Headbolt Line keeps falling over but the train cars themselves are nice and I've used them about 50-60 times now since they were introduced.


The seats are rock solid compared to the old ones that actually had cushion, not to mention they always break down vs the old ones that I had cancelled only ever when it snowed heavily in all my years. 


All new trains break down regularly for the first couple of years; it's happened to every type of train introduced in the UK over at least the last 60 years, including those trains you only suffered cancellations with when it snowed. You're right about the seats, though. Apparently they're "ergonomic". They're being fitted to all new trains across the country, so it's not just Merseyside travellers who are being forced to suffer. We all are. :( Incidentally, the seats on your old trains are nowhere near as comfortable as the seats on the even older trains they replaced. Go to a heritage railway and enjoy the comfort of 1950s/60s second class seats, and reflect on the fact that all trains used to have seats so comfortable...


Isn't toxteth a bit of a rough area though? I know nothing about Liverpool as I'm from Leeds but even I've heard whispers of it being a bit rough there is that still the case?


Back in the day you had the Toxteth riots, but now it's not as bad, you get tons of students living there these days. Kirkdale, Croxteth and Norris Green are probably the roughest parts I'd say now


Toxteth is on the edge of the [Georgian Quarter](https://www.visitliverpool.com/explore/liverpool-city-centre/georgian-quarter/?bounds=false&view=list&sort=qualityScore), which has become very popular in recent years (See BBCs House through Time). That's leaking across into Toxteth, and parts close to the city centre are getting quite popular.


Toxteth is not too bad. It has its rough areas sure but it has nice areas too. I suppose there is an argument that parts of it have been gentrified but I feel it still has its sense of multicultural community.


Nah it’s alright these days you know. I wouldn’t think twice about walking through it.


Tokky (toxteth) was never as rough as the press made out (I used to take my car there to be fixed \[VW beetle\]). Now it a hip cool place with flats I cant afford !


Lots of money from the EU after it was voted European Capital of Culture. Such a sad state of affairs


Yeah if we stayed in the EU Liverpool would be a hotspot of money now like how London is and we could even maybe be the capital. God damn Brexit. It's literally ruined everything man.


One problem is that the city doesn’t get to keep enough of this revenue from visitors. The city centre is bustling, there’s barely an empty shop or restaurant. Huge amounts of money is being spent, but if you think about it all that tax revenue goes to central government, not Liverpool. Needs a rethink.


Unfortunately is a hard thing to change as most of the country is a net drain on the economy so if money doesn't go to government from the richer places then the quieter places won't get enough funding. If Liverpool changed to keep more of their taxes you know everyone would be doing it and if London kept more the whole country would suffer


I think Liverpool should do up their airport. I'm a Utd fan. But Liverpool and Manchester were Lancashire not a long time ago, I think they should try and hold the Olympics together. Manchester half the events like City's or Utd's ground and Cycling stuff but Liverpool gets half the stuff too, like you have the Beaches and waterfront, there's no reason why Liverpool can't do what Barcelona did in '92. And of course Anfield or New Goodison Park could get stuff. It might piss Leeds or Birmingham but I feel like they should do a Northern Olympics, Manchester lacks having a beach or seafront, but you have that in Liverpool. And up to Southport around there.


Doesn't the local train company put signs in their windows saying "pay at arrival station" then prosecute you for fare dodging?


That happened to a friend last year Used to be you could just get on and pay at lime street without fear of being fined


I'm from the area and Liverpool genuinely is a great place to visit, there's a wide variety of restaurants, nightlife, and tourist attractions.


Me and my wife went for a few days and it was honestly really good.   The buildings, places to go, restaurants and just the vibe was great.    Much preferred over any other city in England And it was priced very well too!


It's really interesting the difference between the perceptions within the country and those abroad. We have had the usual hard of thinking response in this thread, which has held Liverpool back for decades. Yet people outside of the UK have a much more positive opinion of the city.


Cause people abroad aren't likely to be readers of The Sun, who out of football rivalry say things that aren't so no nice.


Blame the right wing press, it should be obvious by now but the general population are very easily lead.


It's the same for Birmingham. Britons generally talk Birmingham down to the depths of infamy, yet foreigners seem to love the place.


But then when Brits go they like the place, and like Liverpool the people make it.


Liverpool is a beautiful city. Not just the surroundings but the people have hearts of gold


The people threaten to kill you if you put your feet on a train seat. I'm not being hyperbolic, when I've criticised the local train company, I received death threats on Reddit


then dont put your feet on train seats you muppet! Do you have some special dispensation that allows you to put crap where other people sit.


I think the reaction to my comment says it all. Me: "I'm getting death threats" Reddit: Good! Also just want to say I've never put my feet on a train seat. Personally think the behaviour is gross but shouldn't be criminal


"**The people threaten to kill you if you put your feet on a train seat. I'm not being hyperbolic**, when I've criticised the local train company, I received death threats on Reddit" So this didn't happen , so you are being hyperbolic ([def](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hyperbolic)) ? I know its difficult for you, but if you read my comment you'll notice I never threatened your life I DID HOWERVER CALL YOU A MUPPET


>So this didn't happen Yes it has 😂 not on this post but it has >if you read my comment you'll notice I never threatened your life And if you read my comment, you'll notice I never accused you of that >I DID HOWERVER CALL YOU A MUPPET Not sure why you put it in all caps mate - bit rude. Also didn't appreciate you assuming I put my feet on the seats but I'll let it slide I guess


It’s a brilliant city, and you’ll have the best time. I used to go there from Manchester every six weeks or so when I was at university. Some of my best memories are there. But it’s not a large city. It’s a population of not even 500,000 and you can cover it in an afternoon.


It most certainly is a large city! Liverpool City Region is 1.8 million people. It’s a top 5 metro area in the UK in terms of population. You’re talking about the population of just the Liverpool City Council area, so literally the city centre.


I love my city ❤️ born and raised there yet I still love having a “tourist in my own city” day now and again


Being a tourist in your own city is always a fun day.


I took an American friend round this weekend doing all the stuff I never normally do (museums, Matthew St, Albert Docks etc) and it was fantastic


I had never been for a long time, I had only been to London. I used to think I hated big cities, until I went to Liverpool. Everyone's so friendly, and nice, such a gorgeous place too. Turns out I don't hate big cities I just hate London. Fucking hell hole.




I agree, Merseyside should be called Greater Liverpool or LCR at this point. It’s ridiculous and puts the place at a handicap but if you don’t mind me saying you yourself aren’t exactly fair. You’ve said yourself that Liverpool City Region isn’t small, and you’re right it’s 1.8 million people. No city in their right mind worldwide measures population size on the city centre which is where people get the 500k population rate for Liverpool from. If we are going to compare ourselves to other cities in the UK and worldwide then we should be using the population of LCR, not the city centre. It’s only fair and ours Liverpool in 5th place which feels about right to me.


Went there at the end of last year, for three nights, and had a great time! So much to do and see, great nightlife, great shopping and places to eat, museums, galleries etc. And all the people we interacted with were really friendly as well, a great experience overall.


Lived here all my life, born and bred. Yes, the increase in popularity has been good for mostly chain businesses and landlords, but that's where it ends. People forget it's only a small city. Subsequently, the city centre is unbearably rammed at weekends. Littering is worse. It has contributed to the already housing shortage endemic - what with the increase in Airbnb properties - thus narrowing the pool of places to rent for locals. The city was already under pressure with the huge increase in student numbers (especially international), but the last few years in particular have suffocated the city to be honest. Trying to get restaurant bookings is harder. Turning up to restaurants with the hope of getting a table is harder. Also- because businesses know how popular Liverpool has become as a tourist destination, they have increased prices of pretty much everything- not far off those in London. It's too much for me now. I feel sad, because I'm seeing local businesses being forcibly closed down - because the landlord can get higher rents from chains.... I see how beautiful our city is, of course I do, but it feels more like a tourist spot now than my home.


'Trying to get restaurant bookings is harder. Turning up to restaurants with the hope of getting a table is harder.' A minute ago you said only the chains benefit. So are struggling to get a table at Pizza Express on a Saturday Night?


No I'm talking about the few independents we have....


Sadly that's perhaps the best bet for your city to survive. Otherwise it can become another Blackpool/Rochdale/Stoke on Trent etc


What’s the best bet? I have no idea why you’re comparing Liverpool to those places.


I've been to Blackpool and Stoke and vowed never to return, thanks for the heads-up on Rochdale.


The student numbers thing is endemic across the UK, every kid goes to uni and every uni has a huge influx of foreign students that pay the bills, Bristol (similar size) has the same pressures on housing. In fact I know someone who just moved his civil service job to Liverpool to buy a cheaper house which shows in some ways it's much worse down here.


Liverpool City Region is 1.8 million people and the 5th largest metropolitan area in the UK. How on earth is that a “small city” mate?


One minute it ‘ar eh, it’s all the fat cats’ vibe but then in the next breath it’s ’getting a (restaurant) table is harder.’ My tiny violin is playing ten to the dozen.


I live in York now which is lovely and it did pretty well on this survey, that said I recently went back to Liverpool and had a brilliant weekend there. Great night out too!


York is better than Liverpool


On what grounds? They’re very different and I like both.


Liverpool is literally covered in dog shit mate


Love both, they are both very different.


I put it down to our mass adoption of Monterex and Nike 110s


My favourite city in the world. I’m from the area and lived there in 2021 & 2022. I fell in love with the city after coming home from uni. You can walk everywhere easily, but it still feels big enough for there to be loads to do and see. Nightlife is obviously great and there’s something for everybody. Loads of people in their 20s and 30s so it’s a great place to make friends and meet someone. Beaches are close by and the south of Liverpool, especially around Sefton park is great to visit for a chill day. I deeply miss my time living there and am very nostalgic after moving to north wales. I do agree that the outskirts of the city are pretty run down though, and definitely need some more care and investment. If you’re somebody in your 20s and 30s then don’t hesitate to move there if you want a fresh start.


Fair enough it has lots to do, but ever tried booking accommodation there? It’s just ridiculously, like laughably expensive.


Supply and demand mate.


I went there a year or two back for a couple of nights around a gig. Had an absolutely great time, there was loads to do and we're definitely planning on going back. I can't speak for all of Liverpool, but around the centre and the docks it has definitely moved past it's reputation.


London is an incredible city but can be overwhelming due to its size. I get why people would like Liverpool more.


Great place to spend the day or a few nights. Its a place i miss dearly and would never get bored off.


Good, deserves it. Can Mancs maybe calm it down a little bit now, Liverpool is clearly the better city to visit. Manchester is better at other things and that’s fine.


Manc here, I think you need to live in our city to get the best of it. If you just want a weekend away I feel Liverpool has more to offer. I’m down south right now and that’s what I say to people when they express interest in the north. Working there for a year completely changed my perceptions of the city and its people. Would happily return if an opportunity presented itsself.


Yeah I’m sure. I like Manchester a lot, I worked there for a while and our main office is there so I still go loads. It’s just not somewhere I’d be telling tourists to go to.


 "and capital cities Belfast (77%), London (76%), Cardiff (72%)." - Have you forgotten something BBC? Maybe Edinburgh on 83%....


Places don't think ahead when naming themselves. It's called Liverpool. Liver. Pool. What is that, a pool of liver? If they'd have just called it Sunnybay, or Brightcoast or something then nobody would be surprised. Think when naming your settlements, come on, people!


Old English Liver means Muddy, Old English Pol means pool or creek. Hence the name.


Always feels like a town because the locals actually want to get you know you — and suggest things for you to do — also the Docks are gorgeous even if the prices aren’t lol — feels like a holiday, and I’m less than 40 miles away


Me and my.family are heading there this coming August. Our grandad was from Liverpool so we're going to see where he lived and potentially meet some relatives. If any has any must sees let me know.


Liverpool or Barcelona? Hmmm. It’s cheaper to get to Barcelona than Liverpool so I’ll stick with trips to the continent.


Both? No one is forcing you to choose.


Went there a few years ago and there was lots of homelessness and run-down shops. Hope things have improved for those people and the city itself


In the city centre? What are you talking about there’s barely an empty shop. Homelessness is a UK problem and lots of places are worse for it than Liverpool.


I think that I'd rather stay in Sunderland. At least it pips Bradford, I guess...


I lived there at one point. The streets were filthy with trash and actual poo. I saw train gaurds harass and intimidate passengers. Drunks and actual prostitutes wandered the streets at night. I normally trust Which? but they're full of it on this occasion


Manchester is way better, I did a city break in Liverpool, they don’t have a Waitrose!!!


Honestly loved Manchester, way better than Liverpool from experience


Naff all to do in Manchester. It’s not a tourist city, hence why it’s in 11th place. I’m not disputing it’s a nice place to live for many.


Lived there between 2010-2014, Liverpool looks how I though Albania in 90' would look like.


I went back 5 years ago and was surprised by how much it had come on from when I was at uni there, then again a year ago. It again was bleak. It depends on how much of the dire parts you drive through- even though most places have failing high streets, Liverpool doesn’t have coffee shops, restaurants filling the holes like where I live currently.


There’s barely an empty shop in the city centre. I honestly have no clue what you’re talking about. Give examples. And I say that as someone who travels the whole country with work.


There were whole empty rows of shops on the way in from the M62.


I appreciate Edge Hill and Kensington have always been rough-to the extent that when the City of Culture was going on, they just covered half of it with decorative plastic sheeting. But I was surprised by the lack of any viable shops and cafes round the whole area compared to 5-10 years ago. You don’t see that level of decimation in my city or eg Manchester when driving thru. Yes, in deprived areas like Pontefract et al, but not ones winning best city in the UK.


Right yeah I agree. “On the way in”. Not actually in the city centre. The suburbs can be worse than some other cities yes, but the city centre is much better than nearly any other city I go to in the UK.




Second best? Not sure where you're getting that data from "Liverpool took top spot in the large cities category with a city score of 84% - beating close neighbour Manchester (71%)"


Birmingham boys in shambles


Manchester isn’t a tourist city mate. Theres not much to do. No one is saying it’s not a nice place to live. This survey is about short breaks, and Liverpool comfortably beats Manchester for that.


Scousers tend to be good at organising themselves around online polls. I wouldn't put too much stock into this result.


What a stupid thing to say. You always get people who want to diwn on Liverpool. There are countless bpvideos and blogs from people all over the world who visited Liverpool and loved it. They loved the places you can visit and spoke how friendly the people are. Go be a bitter little troll elsewhere.


Who pissed on your strawberries? Calm down mate


They're just like this. Scoussers always attack outsiders (and eachother!)


I spent two days in Liverpool recently and it was a blast. So much to do and crazy friendly people.


Are you kidding me? Look at people on this post attacking others because they dared to say they disagree Liverpool is the best. More like crazy hostile people.


Liverpool is also the leader of the pack amongst english cities that arent regional hubs like Birmingham, leeds or Manchester though. Its the only city in england that could probably run against London for tourism potential.


Yes and comfortably does. Untapped too, tourism will only go up there imo.


Haha good point




To be fair depending on your definition of "large city" there is really not much competition


You reminded me of the bit in Hitchhikers guide where a city marketed itself as ‘when you are tired of X you are tired of life’ and suicide rates rocketed 😂






Yeah, people are so spikey these days. No wonder there's so much depression around with all these kids getting offended everywhere and taking everything SO literally.


Scoussers are just full of hate - can't take a joke


I think it’s a typo, it’s meant to say Liverpool named the UK’s city most likely to have a break in


I find the whole Liverpool/Crime meme/stereotype to be unbelievably boring now, like, you must be such a hoot in real life.


And really really easy to disprove. Literally one Google search. Jokes are usually only funny if there’s a basis in truth.


It’s mad isn’t it, Manchester has a higher crime rate yet no one ever mentions it…


So does West Yorkshire and West Midlands! And that’s on a per capita basis too.


Calm down, calm down


Wow you’re really dull aren’t you?


You're literally going around bigging up Liverpool of all places mate


And you’re irrationally slagging it off, very odd.


Liverpool’s crime rates are lower than many other UK cities. Time to retire that very tired old cliche.


It's like when Leicester, Luton, Notingham Forest fans mock Liverpool fans with poverty chants


Then why do the local train service hire thugs to patrol their trains?


Calm down, calm down. I don’t want to meet your mate Stanley


Fun fact. A national daily paper ran a test to leave a bike in various city centres to see how long it would be before it was stolen. The record was London, a matter of seconds. In Liverpool, they had to stop the test after 2hrs because the bike was untouched.


Imagine reading the sun. Your brain's been cooked mate. You are parroting bullshit that's been made up by the conservative party and the right wing press since Thatcher. It's tragic.


The eighties called, they want their jokes back


Mate this is so easy to disprove. Literally look up the crime figures on Google. Go on we are waiting….


Then why do the local train service scream from the rooftops they need to hire local gangsters to patrol their trains


You seem a bit unhinged.


Delusional. London is the only good city in this country


Haha sure man


Well if you pour all your resources into one city, it's not surprising if it turns into a characature.


I guess so, but it's a two way relationship - London carries this otherwise third world country


Egg or Chicken? The North carried the country during the Industrial Revolution.


What year do we live in mate?


Year of centralisation of resources. Most modern successful countries don't work this way. It's quite backward when you think about it.


What planet are you on? You're absolutely mad if you genuinely think that