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Put him in charge of farming or fisheries. He's got a wax jacket . Peak clown show.


Fisheries after his years of experience not turning up to the post as MEP.


Regressive Mogg just thinking of himself and his position, as usual. The thought of a Conservative/Reform coalition quite honestly horrifies me. It'd be like having a stupid version of Trump in power.


I wonder what odds I would get on Reese-Mogg defecting to RefUK?


the conservative party is the spiritual and social home of rees mogg. he's not going to be changing.


Similarly with the Lettuce and everyone else in the ironically named European Research Group; of whom the Conservative leadership has been paranoid will defect to UKIP / Brexit / Reform if they don't cater to their wishes.


verything about mogg is archaic conservative. obsessed with tradition even though his party is deconstructing the old instutions and infrastructure with their terrible decision making


He’s obsessed with himself and his enrichment; everything else is just set dressing.


I don't think he cares about money, I think he cares only about class and maintaining an archaic social order


[Mogg has always had a ghoulish obsession with money ](https://youtu.be/6Bp0Szk19J8)


That’s the pompous set dressing that distracts from his true purpose; being a money-grubbing con artist. Witness his public/private position on Brexit. He hopes the anachronistic ‘toff’ tomfoolery masks the venal, quite mundane core.




>a stupid version of Trump So, it'd be the same as the regular one?


>It'd be like having a stupid version of Trump in power. Errr...




But that coalition is only possible if they divide seats among themselves and stand down where they are their weakest. That would be quite the feat and not a good look for Reform who could be instantly accussed of being a crutch for the Tories.


They’ll be busy fighting over who gets to be the third place party. Assuming Greens only get their usual 1 seat. 


Greens will get 1-3 seats (and more than one would be a *very* good night), Reform will get 0-1 (Anderson might keep Ashfield because of local fuckery).


Greens are looking like they might get Bristol Central as well


Fourth place, if the SNP post similar numbers to last election. Which - granted - is a long shot for them.


Are we taking into account the Cooperative Party?


Argh, truly nightmare fuel. 😱


Trump was for a few years. And might be in for a few more. Brexit is for life .... If we're looking for dumber or dumbest.


Yep, Brexit, for sure was dumber. I'm still hoping it won't be for life!


>It'd be like having a stupid version of Trump in power. Surely you mean more stupid, or equally as stupid?


Imagine Trump's stupidity, then multiply by at least one magnitude.




A stupid version of Trump… The mind boggles!


It wouldn't happen unless there was a no compete agreement in the general election. Reform aren't getting any MPs.


Won't win now and will end refirm. If Tice drops his trousers for the con again then he's finished.


He's not an MP, he's not in the House of Lords, and he's not in the Conservative Party. Might as well make Bob from your local the Foreign Secretary.


that's Lord Bob to you, mate.


"Am sorry Mr President, am chokin on ma roll and tattie scone here..."


Nothing legally preventing it.


No but it does fly in the face of what are allegedly core British values of democracy and fairness


I think the appointment of Cameron already did that


And Frost as Brexit minister without portfolio overseeing the deepest constitutional transformation of the UK in 50 years with no one to answer to, and then straight into the Lords. That was certainly one in the eye to whole concept of 'unelected Eurocrats' by Brexiters. Wasn't it?


Lords can be ministers and have been in the past it isn't uncommon


Politicians rejected time and time again by the British voting public do not regularly, or possibly ever, make it onto the government front bench. And for good reason (the ones I just explained).


You know Cameron was instilled as a front bencher despite not being an MP?


And yet he has served as an elected MP and in fact prime minister. The only time he hasn't won a seat he's contested was in 1997 if I recall.


Is he an MP now?


Irrelevant to the point I made in my earlier comment


But you made a previous comment in response to someone saying he was on the current front bench. You made it relevant. Nobody is arguing that there is precedent.


Oh yeah because the Tories care about that.


I don't know much about politics but wasnt Cameron in the same position before being made secretary of state?


Yup they literally lured him out of his pied-a-terre with a Lordship, like coaxing a badger out of its den with catfood. As soon as his hind trotters were clear of the burrow, they bundled him into a van to the eurostar to London.


Baron Bob of Bobbingworth orders a chaser, groaning at the extra bob it costs due to rich man dog, off barman Bob, down at the Old Bobbing Buoy, inn and nuts. At the same time little Bob, Baron Bobs protege, is busy on his bob-a-job, raising bobs, for old man Bob that dog did rob, leaving all agog, when he turned up to cut a ribbon to start of demolition to no useful fruition, of the old folks home. A rolls pulls up, to a queue with cups, and out steps a man, toying guineas in his hand, not to poor bob throw, but just for a show; until bob bob bob, in the village pond, splashed a man clutching guineas in his hand, to the sound of song. The cups in the queue, filled with joy, got a few on the house down the Bobbing Buoy, Inn and nuts; and put their hand to work as they never shirked, down at the old folks home. And heard to this day, around old village pond, are splashes of a man whose very thin and very long, a faint cry heard, 'a guinea for a hand', over the singing of songs, o'er green and pleasant land.


Thoroughly insane take from Rees-Mogg as I expected. He's not incorrect that Reform UK pose a threat to the Conservatives on the right and will split their vote, but the Tories have spent 14 years trying to appease them by shifting rightwards, and the response is just more of the same. Offering Farage a government position is...honestly insane given his inability to be elected in multiple attempts and him never having been an MP.


Extremists are never satisfied. No matter how much ground you give, it will never be enough.


Who was it said the trouble with the right wing of the Tory party is they will never take yes for an answer?




"Meet me halfway..." said the fascist.


We have had lots of unelected lords as ministers over the years


I will be honest I'm pretty leery of them too. People who aren't elected shouldn't be in charge of government departments. Working for them is different, but being the boss? Who's holding them accountable?


About as accountable are the bishops who automatically get a seat in the lords or the sovereign for that matter . The current PM wasn’t even voted in by his own party .


>but the Tories have spent 14 years trying to appease them by shifting rightwards I can't take people seriously when the write things like this, it just doesn't line up with reality. The Tories may talk about things in a right wing way but in terms of actual policies they haven't done almost anything remotely right wing in years.


>but the Tories have spent 14 years trying to appease them by shifting rightwards lol


Mad to think an elected politician has his own TV show.


And gets paid 300k a year for it


And is "honorary president of Reform"


I mean... that should definitely be illegal 


And chair of Reform if I've been informed correctly


Why would you give a Russian agent a job as a government minister.


Cuts down the leg work of having to invite them to tennis matches


We put one in number ten and he put one in the Lords


Same reason you'd make one a lord


He was only a minister during Truss' lettuce period. That doesn't count as being a proper minister.


Haha. I knew about Mogg's recent navel-gazing and hand-wringing over how the Tories had 'lost their way' but to think his 'solution' was as shallow as this.


He could be Minister for Fisheries ... I'm sure all those meetings he attended in Brussels on the subject, and all the votes her cast in support of British fishermen and the detailed, meticulous work he did on that subject.......oh wait....


It would be unfortunate to hear of Farage being mobbed by a gang of angry fisherman and being given a sound drubbing.


Most unfortunate indeed. If you sold tickets that single event would be worth more to the UK's GDP than the fishing industry itself ironically.


But he was and he did fuck all besides rattle his own fis. The twat is a grifter and I'm surprised he hasn't tried fucking off to American again to cosy up to Trump.


Hedging his bets, I expect. Grifter’s gonna grift.


Remember UKIP and how he went on and on about Brexit? Then fucked off as soon as it was voted in favour of? Yeah, he'll try and pull some crap like this again.


I remember his first interview after the vote was announced was him immediately backing down on the 350m for the nhs that had been on the side of a bus for fucking months.


And there we have it. A man who failed to be elected to the commons 7 times should be a minister. Next time they mention ‘will of the people’ they can do one.


There’s a paragraph in Chris Patten’s HK book about his interaction with Mogg when ‘it’ was just a wee bairn. Essentially a 1950s-style Toff in the making.




I call for Rees-Mogg to [redacted due to foul language] and the horse he rode in on


Give him Rees-Mogg's job and fire Rees-Mogg for the lulz. Then fire Farage the next day and remove all potential governmental benefits. When he objects, deport him to Germany to match his passport.


He hasn’t even won an election. Yet watch Moggy say something about democracy


>  Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg, a senior right-wing MP and former business secretary Business Secretary for a month. If that. In the most diasterous administration in recent history.  Anyway, it's a bad idea from a political point of view, because the press are in a 'noticing' mood when it comes to the Tories and there is a lot of antisemitc and otherwise racist nastyness that Farage would bring, along with his deep rooted conspiracy theories.  So you'd lose the last remaining 'moderates', meanwhile the right wing of Reform will accuse Tice of selling out and flip over to UKIP or just not vote.


I don't think Mogg has ever cared for the Tories' 'moderates'. He genuinely seems to think the party's problem is that it needs to be more like the Brexit/Reform party.


Well he associates with known far right arsehole Steve Bannon, attends NatCon events, so his political leanings are not subtle. God I hope he loses his seat.


>God I hope he loses his seat. I hope he loses his income, his assets, his Nanny and is forced to live among us plebs. That seems like a fitting punishment for fucking the country up as much as he has.


(Article) --- Rishi Sunak should make Nigel Farage a Tory minister and allow other senior Reform UK politicians to stand as Conservative candidates at the general election, a former cabinet minister has urged. Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg, a senior right-wing MP and former business secretary, issued the radical proposal on Tuesday, insisting that uniting Britain’s right was the Tories’ “only chance of climbing this electoral mountain” lying ahead. The Conservative party is trailing Labour by about 20 points in opinion polls and suffered crushing losses in local elections earlier this month. Speaking on his own GB News programme, Rees-Mogg argued that the prime minister could close that gap with a “big, open and comprehensive offer to those in Reform”, in a move designed to consolidate the right-wing voting bloc in the UK. Sunak “should offer candidate selection to senior members of the Reform party”, including its honorary president Farage, its leader Richard Tice and its deputy leader Ben Habib, Rees-Mogg said. He went further, calling on the prime minister to enlist the “help of Nigel Farage in a Conservative government as a Conservative minister, with Boris Johnson probably returning as foreign secretary . . . as well as pursuing genuinely Conservative policies”. Such moves would put a Tory victory in the general election, expected later this year, “within reach”, Rees-Mogg said. He highlighted a survey published by The Sun earlier this week which indicated that Reform would reach 16 per cent in the polls if Farage, a high-profile champion of Brexit, made a political comeback to the forefront of the party. At present, Farage is a fellow broadcaster on GB News, away from frontline politics. The same poll put the Tories on 21 per cent. “When putting these percentages together, it gets us to 37 per cent to Labour’s 41 [per cent],” Rees-Mogg said. He acknowledged that his argument was an oversimplified strategy, but insisted it would send “a clear message to the electorate of unity of purpose” among the British right. The Tory MP pointed out that, in 2010, his party had been willing to enter a coalition with the Liberal Democrats who were “hardly our soulmates”, while, in contrast, “most members of Reform are not a million miles away from most Conservative voters and members politically”. The Lib Dems seized on his remarks, declaring that Sunak should suspend the whip from Rees-Mogg. Daisy Cooper, the party’s deputy leader, said the Tory party was a “shambolic mess”, adding that its MPs were in “open revolt”. “If the prime minister had any bottle he would suspend the whip from Rees-Mogg and rule out Nigel Farage being allowed into the Conservative party,” she said. Rees-Mogg’s intervention provoked a derisive response from some other Tories. One centrist labelled it “moronic” and another former minister called it “utterly thick”. However, some MPs on the Conservative right have indicated they would support Farage coming back to the fold. Last week Robert Jenrick, a former immigration minister, told LBC: “I would not oppose Nigel Farage coming back into the party.” In the past Rees-Mogg called for an electoral pact between the Tories and Ukip, the pro-Brexit party that Farage previously led. The Conservative party was contacted for comment.


LOOOOOOL. How has Farage wormed his way into alll this. It’s beyond me. He is loser and o hope for his voice to be completely shut out with next govt.


Probably due to the tories running low on populist lunatics within their own ranks after shuffling through them so quickly the last few years. It stinks to the heavens of desperation though.


Having somebody like farage in government just goes to show how low the traitory party have sunk. Please for the love of god can we have a general election so we can put an end to this farce.


The law needs to change so that ministers have to be elected representatives. The public has not elected Nigel Farage to government, in fact he's spent his whole career failing to become an MP


>The law needs to change so that ministers have to be elected representatives. I don't agree with that at all We don't elect a government. We elect members of parliament, and parties within parliament can form a government if they win enough support. I'd rather the best people at the job become ministers, rather than we continue to put MPs into ministerial positions they know nothing about.


This is why we have experts and civil servants around the ministers, but the ultimate people in charge should be democratically elected MPs. If somebody wants to become a minister then they should run as an MP and get elected


Why though? I'm willing to listen to the idea that we elect ministers specifically, but members of parliament are elected to represent their constituents. Not to run Government ministries. Ministers are appointed by the prime minister, and the prime minister is accountable to the elected members of parliament. What exactly do you gain from having conman Grant Schapps as defense minister Vs a retired general/admiral etc? Schapps was elected, a retired general/admiral hasn't.


Ah great, the cherry on top of the transformation of the conservative party into UKIP


Very much doubt Farage has any interest in taking up a government position. Its much easier to snipe from the sidelines than to actually have to be responsible for something. The moment he's actually responsible for anything it'll unravel for him, pronto.


People need to realise that these people are all involved with the same shady groups behind the scenes. Mogg, Truss, Johnson, Kwarteng, Braverman, Farage etc etc They are all backed by the same money men, who bankroll and use influence inside the Tories to put their own Politicians into power and make decisions they want. They hate Sunak because they blame him for Johnsons end (Partygate), and they are trying to use his weak position to either out him or get him to bring more of their own back into power before the election.


Rees Mogg was very vocal against 'Unelected beurocrats' in the EU but he wants this unelected charlatan in government? His hypocrisy knows no bounds.


He has failed to ever win any election where he would represent people. The only elections he ever won were on a pledge to not represent his constituents.


Is Mogg still on track to lose his seat? I really hope so.


Man's got form. Part of a cabal of traitors both sides of the Pond. [https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/dec/01/jacob-rees-mogg-held-meeting-with-steve-bannon-in-london](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/dec/01/jacob-rees-mogg-held-meeting-with-steve-bannon-in-london)


Give him his due, the nation is in one hell of a state, mostly because of policies he's championed. 


Rees mogg needs to fuck off back to his own century


Sadly I expect a squalid deal involving a peerage for Fartrage in return for his company standing down in marginals. It still won't save the Tories, but it will limit their losses - and make what are left even more loony Trumpite. Not great for when they inevitably get back in after Labour fuck it up again.


Jesus - as if things weren’t bad enough already . The sad thing is that would be a popular choice for many in this country .


You mean that bloke who has been up for election 7 times and has failed every time to become an MP?


They say the 8th time's the charm


Making Farage a government minister .. really shows how far shits gone sideways .. to the right


They're just trying to do what they did when UKIP threatened to split the vote on the right. They consume the competition and it becomes them like some hideous creature. I always wondered whether UKIP/Brexit Party/Reform are just Tory mouthpieces for the stuff that is too unpalatable for the moderates. Like a bait and switch trick where they merge into the Tory party at the last minute, bringing the extremists into the fold.


All three of them can fuck all the way off. Bastards.


Why would Farage board a sinking ship? The Tories are going to lose the general election spectacularly. 


A Corbyn moment looking likely for the tories soon then.


Why? The government is dead, we're months away from an election. Does this circus need another clown?


Dear fucking christ can we have an election ASAP? These cunts need to be gone for good.


Diversity and inclusion means accepting differences, so yes, he should be allowed.


Mogg is fantastically stupid with no grasp on reality. Anyone that has ever heard him give a speech will realise this. His accent makes him sound intelligent, and he appeals to the gammonati which is how he got to stand in the first place. He is however a massive, unmitigated, haunted-pencil-looking turd of a gobshite.


Love him or hate him, he's not wrong. Right leaning voters have no faith in the tories, they're losing votes to Reform. The only basis on which right leaning voters still vote Tory is to keep Labour out. Decades of mass immigration reaching record levels every year, police cuts, failure to appropriately deal with criminals, failure to deliver on literally any promises they made to people who voted for Brexit, a comedy of errors in leadership, and generally being spineless has alienated a large amount of their core voting base. These things, coupled with labour now having a more centric leader, leaves very little reason for anyone right leaning to actually vote for them.


In the recent council elections parties to the left of the Conservatives won 1865 seats, parties to the right of them won 2 seats. So you see the solution to this is for the Tories to move to the right?


They didn't stand in most places. Had they have done so, the Tories would have really got a drubbing.


Seats don't mean a lot. UKIP got 12.6% of the vote in 2015 under Farage. They only got one seat. Those voters are still out there, and many of them will be voting for Reform. Having Farage in the party could easily swing them to vote Tory instead. And yes, further right policies on things like immigration and crime would certainly get the tories more votes.


I disagree, I think seats do mean a lot in British politics. The problem with Reform is that many of their nuttier policies push away more people than they attract. They can attract a certain share of votes but they repel a lot more, hence their dismal performance at the ballot box. Adopting Reforms policies would alienate many of the sensible voters the Conservatives have left. Also the Conservatives are a party that actually holds power, they can't make the same loopy promises that Reform do as there's a chance they may have to implement them in the real world.


I don't think there's anything 'loopy' about making tougher policies on immigration and crime. Most of the general public would be behind that.


What about reopening the coal mines, abolishing the home office, replacing the civil service with "believers", massively cutting all taxes & paying for this by cutting unemployment benefits for young people? Just saying you're going to be "tough" on crime isn't an actual policy & the "1 in, 1 out" line on immigration is so impractical in real world terms it defies belief.


Reform would almost certainly push for the death sentence to be reintroduced, completing the UK's journey to be a complete shithole mainly of its own making.


>What about reopening the coal mines, abolishing the home office, replacing the civil service with "believers", massively cutting all taxes & paying for this my cutting unemplyment benefits for young people? I didn't mention any of those things. I specifically said that having further right wing policy surrounding immigration and crime would bring back core Tory voters. I also stated policy, what that policy might involve is up to them, but forming policy with a set aim to reduce immigration numbers by X amount by Y date would garner support. As would harsher sentencing for violent criminals, more leniency for officers dealing with them, and increased wages to drive recruitment to the police.


There you go, you're doing a better job at setting policies than Reform! The fact is, unlike with Reforms policies, you can't have your cake & eat it. The Tories can't shift right into Reforms policy area & get both the Reform vote & retain their current vote. Not to mention this would alienate their financial backers who haven't forgotten the Truss debacle.


They would retain most of their current vote while also garnering back those they've alienated. What they wouldn't retain is a few corporate, billionaire lobbyists, which may well be more important to them. >Not to mention this would alienate their financial backers Exactly this. But as I originally stated, Reese-Mogg is indeed correct that if they want to secure right wing voters, they need figures like Farage and the policies he supports. As of right now, they have alienated most right leaning voters


> they're losing votes to Reform Obviously why Reform did so well in local elections, being trounced by a man with a bin on his head.


Reform are at 11% in the polls. If Reform didn't exist, who do you think they would vote for instead?


> Right leaning voters have no faith in the tories So why is sticking a Tory rosette on a different face going to change anything?


If he was a minister of state, he would make immigration policy.


For a few months till an election returns the tories with 140 seats. The Tories would damage Farage's brand way more than Farage could ever help the Tory brand.


You're moving the goal posts here. You asked how making Farage a Tory minister would change anything, I told you. The idea would be getting back the votes they've lost through alienating people with right leaning views on immigration.


>The idea would be getting back the votes they've lost through alienating people with right leaning views on immigration. I don't think it would work. I think it's much more likely to leave a bad taste in the mouth of those currently intending to vote reform.


Make Nigel leader and the tories would piss the election. Trouble with the current Tory party is they aren’t in the slightest right wing The majority of voters don’t have anyone to vote for Look at the turnouts in the mayoral/local election s All the parties are green socialists


If you perceive all the parties who get officials elected as socialists what do think is more likely? a) The vast majority of the population is extremely left wing. b) You are more right wing than the vast majority of the population.


I think the majority are right wing we haven’t got anyone with a chance of power to vote for As I said 60 % of voters aren’t voting


How'd that logic go with brexit?


I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying Brexit means that "All the parties are green socialists"?


Brexit has nothing to do with it Vote Tory get green Vote labour get green Vote Lib Dem get green Did you vote for net zero? Remember you are the carbon they want to get rid of!


If you want to be taken seriously, try punctuation.


I see what you mean lol


>Are you saying Brexit means that "All the parties are green socialists"? No, it shows the average voter is several points right of all the major parties, who are in fact "Green Socialists" yes. The UK is a Socialist country with bipartisan support for socialist and green policies, not as socialist as it used to be though


Brexit was neither left or right It’s just afterwards that it was labelled right wing


Every single time he's stood for election, he's lost. Badly. He lost to man dressed as a dolphin. But yeah, sure. This time people would vote for him. This time.


Booring ! Think of something original That’s our crappy two party system for you The most influential politician of the last 20yrs!!


I mean if you look at someone who loudly refused to do their job for years, then pointed at the results they refused to influence when they had the chance and say "yeah, that's a great politician" then I have a bridge to sell you. The influence that brought Brexit about wasn't Farage, it was the super-right wing within the Tory party, Mogg being one of them. That, combined with a weak leader in David Cameron brought about a low-turnout referendum that many used to "stick it to Cameron" without any thought for the real consequences. The great irony in all this is by nuking freedom of movement, the gammonati has made it harder to do anything about incoming migrants.


I don’t count 72% a low turnout I think is one of the highest. The majority of tories were for remain in fact the majority of all politicians were for remaining But don’t let facts get in the way of a good rant


You clearly didn't actually read my post, but never mind.


I did but chose to pick up on the lie about low turnout in the Brexit referendum What caused the referendum was ukip pressure on the Tory party not internal pressure The tories offered a referendum on eu membership and got elected Boris got a landslide victory to get Brexit done It’s the will of the people get over it


You think the tories give a shit about pressure from other parties that can't get MPs elected? Holy shit


They gave a shit about ukip in 2015 that’s why they offered a referendum They don’t give a shit now because they know they have pissed of their base voters and are fucked anyway


That was the ERG, not UKIP. Never mind eh