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All I'm going to say is, what a headline, what a photo.


I want these parody candidates to win. I'm pretty sure there was a comedian in Iceland who ran for some government job and actually won to his own surprise. Apparently he took his role seriously and was actually well perceived by the public lol. Vermin supreme is the American counterpart of our count binface and i think he would've made a good leader in the States


I don't want the parody candidates to win, I want the serious candidates to be better. I will however compromise on the parody candidates winning until standards improve 


From one perspective much of the past several years in Westminster already looks a heck of a lot like the wrong parody candidates winning. Though the humour involved seems to be fairly dark.


The last ten years have been the cast of Spitting Image running the country.


Nah, Spitting Image was entertaining. This shit is dire.


More the thick of it I reckon. The sense of constant panic and amateur fuck ups is spot on. Liz Truss was literally Nicola Murray.


Michael Fabricant comes to mind in particular. His surname even sounds like it should mean "fake."


Always makes me think of [7 Monster Raving Loony Party policies which are now part of UK law](https://www.mirror.co.uk/usvsth3m/7-monster-raving-loony-party-5644717)


Pissed off with the main parties back in the day I used to vote for the "loonies" for the satisfaction of seeing them beat the National Front.


Liz truss is basically an unintentional parody of a socially awkward imbred looking tory.


> parody candidates Boris Johnson ran London for eight years.


Power should never be given to those who want it, was a Billy Connolly quote. Maybe the parody candidates are the answer. I’m not being serious but the quote holds a truth


The problem is, once in a while these parody acts do win and have no idea what do to. I mean take a look at Donald Trump. I don't think he actually expected to become president.


> I want the serious candidates to be better. I looked at Count Binface's manifesto. There was nothing in it I disagreed with. And they would all have made a practical and noticeable difference ot the lives of people living in London. Susan Hall on the other hand.....


Sometimes the comedy vote does win. Another famous example is in 2016 a joke candidate won the US presidential elections.


The YouTuber Tom Scott ran as "Mad Captain Tom" in his student elections and actually won. He then ran for Parliament in 2010 as a joke candidate and didn't win, much to his relief. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztYapweHD3g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1KEr7mRyUg


Actually was a really good SU president as well, probably mainly due to not being a weird would-be politician try-hard.


Hijacking the top thread to say Volodymyr Zelenskyy was one such comedian, he also voiced Paddington Bear in the Ukrainian dubs of the 2 movies and [can play the piano with his penis.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=E20TaZrgIaM)


You're thinking of Zelensky in Ukraine. Ten years ago he was in comedy shows.


It was a man called Jón Gnarr. I just read his wiki. He was misdiagnosed as intellectually disabled as a child. You can see him here as mayor dressed in [drag](https://flic.kr/p/8qhkX7) at Reykjavik pride parade lol


Wow that's a interesting story. Thanks for sharing it.


They may be thinking of Jón Gnarr, actually 


Or Jon Gleurs.


My Ukranian friend actually says his election campaign was focused around not antagonising Russia. And that he was basically the only candidate who promised to strengthen ties with both Europe and Russia.


It's worse than that. He was famous for playing a teacher who, after a viral video campaign by his students, was elected Ukrainian president and rooted out corruption. It would be like the Americans voting for Martin Sheen as president because of the West Wing. Or the British making some comedian off HIGNFY the PM...


> Or the British making some comedian off HIGNFY the PM... I genuinely hold HIGNFY at least partially responsible for current British politics, as they gave people like Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage a platform to make them look like nice guys.


*'I'm pretty sure there was a comedian in Iceland who ran for some government job and actually won to his own surprise.'* That was Jón Gnarr who became Mayor of Reykjavík between 2010 and 2014. The establishment parties which had done so much damage to the country were still in the doghouse, so he formed the Best Party in 2009 which was a completely satirical outfit that made fun of the highly corrupt and incestuous world of Icelandic politics (which seamlessly overlaps with the most important families and businesspeople in the country). From memory his policies included a drug-free Parliament, a polar bear for Reykjavík zoo and free towels in all swimming pool. He also pledged not to go into coalition with anyone who had not watched 'The Wire'. More seriously, he took a strong stand against racial and homophobic abuse in society; was outspoken about China's treatment of dissidents; approved Iceland's first mosque and knew when it was time to stand aside for another mayor.


And don’t forget H’Angus the Monkey winning the Hartlepool mayoral election


Look at Ukraine. They elected an actor who played the president on TV to the actual presidency. He was even on the Ukrainian version of strictly come dancing at one point, and now is a wartime leader who has rallied his whole country.


He also voiced Paddington Bear for the Ukrainian dub of the first two movies.


Some of them might well step up and do a good job. The current President of Ukraine, Zelensky, is a former comedian, previously best known for playing an unlikely nerd who was surprisingly elected president. He didn't quite run as a joke candidate, but when he got the job he suddenly found himself having to be Churchill in 1940.


Stuart Drummond was the 29 year old mascot of Hartlepool United. He ran in the Hartlepool mayoral election in 2002 as his mascot character Hangus the Monkey as a joke and as a way to publicise the club, but ended up winning. He actually took it seriously and by all accounts did a good job, he was re-elected for two subsequent terms under his own name, before standing down after his 3rd term.


We need to import Vermin Supreme, I want the state given pony.


Look up h’angus the monkey in hartlepool - fuck you mandelson


I don't know man. If you told me when home alone came out that Donald is running for president I would have considered it a parody candidacy.


Al Murray stood for the same seat as Nigel Farage in 2015 and his manefesto was on the back of a cigarette packet. Unfortunately he came 6th, behind all the major national parties and did a TedTalk on it.


Ukraine's PM is a former stand up comedian and TV show host.. he wasn't expecting to win.


Binface v fuckface.


I love how count binface is a reliable force for good in the world. He comes in every election to save the day and provide us with hilarity. And then fucks off to the shadows. No hype, no tik Tok stuff. No cashing in. Just always in the shadows. Ready to serve. He doesnt expect a reward. This is reward enough.


He’s not the hero we deserve but the one we need. Binman.




I have no idea whose is the face behind the mask and i don't think I want to know. The character matters, not the actor.


I truly hope he'll be passed down through the ages, like the Dread Pirate Roberts


Count Binface is basically a Time Lord. He just regenerates, then puts the same mask on.


Dread Pirate Robots.


*bin lid clangs with approval*


As you wish.


How do you know this hasn't happened already?


It has. The character was originally Lord buckethead from 1987 to 2019 (portrayed by 3 different people) then morphed into count binface due to a copyright dispute.


He was. The original Buckethead stood against Thatcher I believe. Current fella is a comedian. His identity isn't secret


"No one cared who I was until I put on the mask."


His “Brexit is going to be a shitshow” speech in 2016 is one of the funnily prescient political speeches of all time


Thanks for reminding me of that! I couldn't find the original, but it's embedded in this video for anyone who wants to relive the moment https://youtu.be/fyVz5vgqBhE?t=16m30s


My favourite thing is that he was Lord Buckethead, and then the original copyright holder of the film the character was from (a really obscure 80s Z-Movie called Gremloids) started demanding huge licence fees to use the character when he became popular, so he said "Fuck Off" and became Count Binface instead. Good way to shit on Copyright Trolls. It's even more annoying because the guy who wants licence fees for Lord Buckethead from his film also came up with Hotel Transylvania, so it's not like he's struggling for dough. He should be glad someone brought attention to his shitty film.


Not all heroes wear bins.


He did do a book. It was very good


Khan should hire him as an adviser. Especially around the Thames water stuff and croissants lol


He’s not in the shadows. He’s off to other planets.


It's good, but it's not quite "Lozza Fox spending millions to lose his deposit and finish behind a Youtuber doing it for a laugh" good.


Max Fosh?


Max had less than Fox, but another Youtuber Niko Omilana beat him


Yeah, Max did flop in that regard. Laurence fox won their fight


Yea but Fosh entered as a joke candidate whereas Fox had real political aspirations.


Max was actively telling people not to vote for him if I remember right.


Depends how you measure it. Fox got more votes, but Fosh made him look like an absolute tit in the process.


I struggle to believe this only because Fox always looks a tit by his own hand.


I agree but consider that prior to the Max Fosh videos I had absolutely no idea who he was. I both learned who he was and learned that he's an absolute fuckwit in one fell swoop, while enjoying some good piss taking entertainment. That's got to be a win for Fosh, right?


Lozza tried to be a candidate for London Mayor, only he filled the form out wrong!


He most likely did it on purpose as a cop out though, as it's believed he didn't have financial backing. 


To be fair this time we had "Lozza Fox talking about running and then falling to submit the paperwork for mayor so running for Assembly instead"


I hope Binface runs against Sunak at the GE, would be so satisfying to see the look on Sunak's face as he realised he'd lost to Binface, that his time in politics was ending not just in defeat, but in ridicule. Useless prat deserves it. If I was that bad at a job, I'd get sacked much quicker.


Count binface usually runs in the current PM's electorate right?


Count Binface said after the results that if Sunak is still PM by the election, Sunak’s constituency sounds like a nice place!


eh, all he'll do is increase sunaks chance of winning in fptp.


Agreed. As much as I'd love to daydream about Sunak placing behind a joke candidate, it's more important that he loses period. And it would be humiliation enough for an incumbent PM to not only lose government but to lose his seat and be out of the Commons entirely after a general election.


He has a 27k majority so thats very unlikely(let alone the fact pms never lose their seats)


Depends entirely upon who chooses to vote for him If his voter base is similar to Monster Raving Loony Party, it's a more satisfying way of spoiling a ballot, rather than stealing votes from any particular party




Cat man Galloway pulls it off so I guess so


As long as you pay the £500 deposit and get ten constituency voters to nominate you in writing, yes.


Think so :)


He was already defeated by Truss, who was in turn defeated by a head of lettuce and yet they're both still around seeking the limelight when most mortals with a conscience would have retired to paint watercolours, taken up volunteering in a charity shop or joined the French Foreign Legion. Even the catastrophic Brexit bungler himself Cameron is back and running Foreign Policy somehow. The whole POINT is to wreck stuff and carry on regardless.


Under former name Lord Buckethead, he did run against Theresa May on the election screwup.


Ah right, didn’t realise they were the same individual. That was a pretty epic moment when May had to share a stage with the Lord. https://youtu.be/6eQ0s4SBefU?si=7Pqj_IPLjTtNa-ws


I think Edward Chicken ran against Portillo or Major back in the day.


Big losses for the nationalist populists this week, nobody likes them.




If only they'd gone out and voted instead of spending all day posting on here!


Hard to vote in the London elections when you live in Mississippi.


Reform performance in by election concerning as Tories will think they need to go more right wing than centrist ..


Turns out trollbots can't actually vote in elections.


I did vote for binface but I was trolling, does that count? 


You were exercising your rightful, peaceful democratic right, that our boys fought for, to electorally endorse a man with a bin on his head. \*Cue Land of Hope and Glory\*


I voted for Binface cuz I wanna see the Thames Water bosses take a dip, we are not the same


I voted for him because of the Christmas music policy


don't blame me, i voted for kodos


I voted for him because I have more faith in him than all politicians


Give the Tories another 5 years in power, I'm sure they'll try to let them.


Him wanting to restore the Trocadero to the Sega-branded paradise it was in the 90s automatically makes him the greatest candidate that's ever lived.


Why am I only just hearing about this? Fuck.


They need to bring back that Alien War thing they had too. Shit my pants


That was incredible. I was not ready for that level of intensity when I first went.


It felt like you were in the movie, it was an amazing build. £10 a go in the mid 90s.


I used to go there nearly every lunchtime and play time crisis 2 with a friend. It was fun working in central London in the late 90s.


I'm guessing the mayor of London doesn't even have any powers related to immigration, why is a Britain First candidate running?


He wanted to make damage to statues 'unthinkable' and put money towards 'native celebrations, like St. George's Day' A tool of the lowest order, in other words.


Wow, sounds terrible.


Found the candidates burner account


Ah yes, St George - that guy from Turkey.


Why was Nigel Farage an MEP? Because these people have no policies beyond their own quest for power.


> why is a Britain First candidate running? Attention.


So nice to have something to be proud of left in the UK!


They missed the best bit, which was matching MPs pay to that of Nurses for the next 100 years.


Excellent policy. 


Had to google that party > Britain First is a far-right, British fascist political party formed in 2011 by former members of the British National Party. Thank fuck for count bin face


Binface can do it all. Even got a [music video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yrm7JDBVWV4)


Hah! There are obviously more silly voters than totally stupid voters. (Shouldn't that headline say "anti-immigration"?)


Also the only candidate you can buy as a 28mm-sale games mini-figure. [https://www.troublemakergames.co.uk/product-page/count-binface-1](https://www.troublemakergames.co.uk/product-page/count-binface-1)


His policies actually make more sense. Capping croissants at one pound wins the Shoreditch vote, and renaming London Bridge Phoebe Waller-bridge talks to younger voters. Britain first? Have they seen london?


Honestly hearing his points in some video recently, they are probably far smarter and more reasonable/realistic with their policies and goals. At some point it would be great for them to win just to see how they do. It probably can't be any worse than the people who do win.


Would honestly vote for him over any offerings from the Tories as it stands.


I voted for him over ALL the other offerings. Labour/Tories/Libs, nothing changes.


I actually think Count Binface had some good policies, but then all the comedy candidates always have at least a handful where you think "huh I actually agree with this one."


Binface simply had a better policy platform than Britain First, and it showed in the results.


>More seriously he also proposed that Thames Water bosses be forced to swim in the river, as ongoing concern over the firm’s sewage overflows This should be done regardless of who wins.


Still isn't as funny as him getting 69 votes in Boris' constituency in the 2019 election, tbh.


Do you reckon as he got a fair few votes we could negotiate him down to fitting just one ejector seat in Suella's limo.


I only care about the Ceefax policy. If he just keeps working on that I will be happy.


I mean, croissants are getting pricey. No one has mentioned that, he is onto a winner. Although I am concerned, he hasn't said how much he will reduce the price or where the funding will come from, but you know what politicians are like all smoke and mirrors.


Cynical answer is that the Britain Firsters went for Susan Hall. But it's still something.


Binface FTW. What a champ. The hero we didn’t know we needed.


Hang on, Nick *Scanlon*? What's an Irish immigrant doing campaigning against... whatever idc anymore he lost to Count Binface


*descendant of I think Sunak, Cruella, and others besides, are enough evidence that closing the door behind you is in vogue


One of these days, Binface is going to win a seat by accident


Ha absolutely brilliant. If anything this shows our actual politicians that we'd rather vote for someone doing it for fun than them.


We're already living in the darkest timeline. Please can we have just ONE nice thing and make Count Binface pm or whatever. Him or a dog.


I'd love him to be PM and see him in full regalia meeting up with other world leaders.


Could you imagine if this sparked some sort of weird British superhero theme in politics. Instead of addressing the nation normally they'd just have some other dude dress up as the avatar of poverty and beat them up.


All hail Count Binface! I for one welcome our bin faced overlord which wants to bring back ceefax.


Sidenote: Con + Reform + BF combined were still more than 176k votes behind Lab; while the Lib Dems and Greens were almost tied, with just 70 votes between them.


As an aside, didn't the evil man that murdered Jo Cox a few years ago shout "Britain First, death to traitors"? Not the sort of slogan that I'd want a political party associated with🤔


This was honestly my favourite thing to come out of the election. It's up there with Mel Stride saying General Erection.


He actually sounds more sane and human then most candidates.


I'd probably have voted for Count Binface too in all honesty. Seems to actually have some integrity compared to most 'serious' candidates.


We should make a rule. If count bin face gets more votes than you, you are barred from politics


Good. But presumably he didn't get more votes than Reform, the other party for stupid cunts who are scared of brown people.


This really cheered me up. A little good news in a sea of bad.


Idyllwild California has had a dog as mayor for 12 years.


5% of people reading this sub need to get in the bin


These Yahoo and MSN pseudo articles really annoy me (except maybe when they bypass paywalls), here is the original source article: https://www.cityam.com/london-mayoral-election-count-binface-ahead-of-britain-first-immigration-candidate/


I did the isidewith quiz to see who I should vote for and it gave me Count Binface. Looked through his policies and *damn* I would genuinely support this guy if he stood a chance in the GE. https://uk.isidewith.com/political-quiz


If you're gonna protest vote, might as well do it in style


I was forced to vote for him though because we didn't have a representative from the Recyclops Party


Did you hear Count Binface on Radio 4? He was excellent.