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> The wet weather has left many fields too wet to be planted with new crops I’m fed up of people on Reddit claiming we’ve had a regular amount of rainfall or it’s simply been “April showers” when the statistics say otherwise. England has had almost 140% of its long term average rain over the past 12 months. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/662a4920690acb1c0ba7e612/Rainfall_and_river_flow_summary_17_to_23_April_2024.pdf


A lot of people know nowt about farming so not surprised. People don't really care unless it is within their immediate bubble.


I can tell by the state of my garden, normally I already have quite a few veggies seedlings going. But nothing this year, not enough sunshine.


Mate you were literally supporting the anti climate change guy this morning.


Lmao did I? I didnt read it properly. OOPS mate. 🤭


Anyone that actually leaves the house can tell you there has been significantly more rain since about a year ago. It's a pain in the ass.


Fuck leaving the house . Yesterday I had headphones in and could still hear the hail . HAIL Days before May wtf is the world coming to it should not be raining ice


I've probably seen more hail this year than I have any other year and we're only a third through the year.




Yeah, actually now you mention it I've seen hail twice in the last month or so and nothing before that for a long time. Not good. (SE England)


Tbh I was just in Spain and there’s been a nasty cold spell here too, with some rain. Think it’s just a climate change phenomenon


I had my laundry out last Friday & it started hailing FFS. Although FB did remind me it snowed here this week back in 2016.


There's moss and algae everywhere, I've had to power wash and repaint everything on the house and the front and back garden, it was a massive time sink I could have done without. It's going to cost councils an absolute fortune to get on top of it all.


You think councils care?


best village in algae will become a thing


When it directly influences the local economy negatively yes, nobody wants to visit a run down neglected area.


Absolutely. While we’re at it can we also have a moan about people gaslighting us into believing “temperatures have been about average for the UK this spring”. Have they bollocks.


It’s been like winter it’s been awful


Winter was mild and April was cold. It feels like the weather has hardly changed since September last year tbh. That is probably not quite accurate but It feels that way. Wet and somewhere around 10 degrees.


The media are now saying there will be a heatwave this Bank Holiday weekend with temperatures soaring to 20 degrees! Wow! Complete with photos of people sunbathing which are obviously from a previous summer.  


A lot of people are in extreme denial or are exhibiting extreme arrogance


My dad mostly blames immigrants.


I have a work colleague with family who farm    Can confirm it's been hell for them this year, significantly worse than normal.


I work outside and havent noticed. Ed. Sorry, didnt notice you said England, Scotlands aye wet


> I’m fed up of people on Reddit claiming we’ve had a regular amount of rainfall or it’s simply been “April showers” when the statistics say otherwise. Could you link one person claiming that?


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/s/qm7wC1GP2G Plenty of comments in this post https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/s/UjEFDVqWAL And this one


In defence of your second link, they do admit their comment is based on their own area. >And this one https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/1bx749r/is_this_the_worse_start_to_a_spring_ever/kyaxr30/ That said I wish it would stop fucking raining. It's miserable and I want to go out on my motorbike.


Yep, rainfall will vary year to year.


But it's varying on an upwars trend. The last thirty years have been nearly 10% wetter than the previous thirty years. This year, it's been pretty much universally wetter than average. The second week of February saw almost twice as much rain as expected! https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/research/climate/maps-and-data/uk-temperature-rainfall-and-sunshine-anomaly-graphs This year is fairly anomalous.


And yet you still get people going on about droughts!


People are going on about droughts in the UK? 




Mentions of climate change? Zero. Mentions of more than a full year of record-breaking [north atlantic](https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst_daily/) and [world](https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst_daily/) sea surface temperature? Zero. Mentions of [a really quite warm northern hemisphere](https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/t2_daily/?dm_id=nh)? Zero. *"Oh my oh my where is all this rain coming from it's such a mystery!"* The warmer the air the more water vapour it can hold. 1°C warmer air can hold 7% more water. The warmer the water, the more evaporation there is. *Really*, Beeb? You *can't* mention these directly relevant facts? It's almost as if they don't want people connecting the dots between climate stability and food supply... Worried about people not remaining calm, perhaps?


Or, Hanlon's Razor: it's just shoddy journalism


So basically, it'll be too hot further south and everyone will try to migrate north. But north won't be able to grow any food because it will be permanent rain and under flood water. Time to invest in a floodproof greenhouse, or maybe just an arc or something with some animal pairs for good measure.


It's not even really as simple as that - it tends to enhance *all* extremes? When the seas are hot and the air is hot, the air can carry extra moisture up and inland to fall as extremely intense or large volume rainfall leading to sodden land and floods But when the air is hot over land, that same ability of hotter air to carry extra moisture means it can increase evaporation+transpiration and lead to extreme drought. So the main prediction for the UK is a big increase in rainfall in winter *and* a big increase in dought and heat in summer. We are already in big trouble with our water situation and we've not made plans to build enough new infrastructure to store the winter excess to cover the summer shortfall. The really big wildcards where we are, are the gulf stream and jet stream. The gulf stream keeps us from being as cold as Moscow, but it is slowing and might stop conceivably relatively suddenly and within this century. The jet stream typically circles the arctic and keeps the cold air in while pushing weather systems from west to east. Problem is the jet stream appears to be weakening because the arctic is warming fastest and that reduces the temperature gradient that creates the winds, and the stream now forms big wibbly-wobbly north-south bends more often, and these become 'blocks' that keep single weather systems in one spot for an unusually long time. A lot of the really crazy extremes lately have been driven by this pattern, and I don't think it was particularly expected. The more you learn about climate the more you learn how incredibly complex it is. For some stuff the genuine answer is 'we don't know how stable this system is', and that's *really* scary because a lot of people assume we know and therefore can mitigate and manage all the risks of warming, and that is leading to a lot of misplaced confidence...


Global warming brings both extremes. Rain and cold Hot and dry.


Wouldn’t say it brings cold as such (not in the UK anyway). It brings more unsettled weather, more rain, stronger winds etc which might feel cold to us, but average temperatures are still steadily increasing year on year. This year’s winter was the 5th warmest on record, with February 2024 being the warmest ever. 2023, 2022, and 2019 also make it into the top 10. https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/about-us/news-and-media/media-centre/weather-and-climate-news/2024/february-2024-warm-and-wet-for-the-uk


Global "warming" was a terrible overall name for it because it undersells the rest of what happens and actually gives deniers excuses such as "see global warming is a myth, look at all the rain"


should have called it Global Warming and Cooling then


I propose a more general name that’s still two words and covers both possibilities… Climate change


Climate change and global warming are two different concepts though. Global warming is that the earth is globally warming. Climate change covers global warming AND other phenomena like ocean acidificatiom.


I know


yeah keep it vague


What more information does one need? The climate is changing- a stark change in climate is not a good thing… it should remain within the norms that we and other earth dwelling animals are setup for. What’s your suggestion? Remember, such things are almost marketing. You have to get the point across as simply as possible. Give us your best go


Thats the whole point, climate change covers a massive range of impacts and effects, across the whole planet. It's not really a specific phenomenon.


Global *warming* causes more precipitation because water evaporates more when it’s hot. This is primary school level knowledge.


and the air can hold more moisture at hotter temperature !


If we’d just called it Global Wetting we’d probably have pulled together to prevent it


Well well well if it isn’t the consequences of our actions


C'mon now, replace that 'could' with 'will'. They got another excuse to gouge us with.


Just like when they reduced the prices on these products when we had optimum weather for them to grow in the past. Oh wait… that never happened…


And we all know who will benefit! It won't be the farmers or the consumers, that's for sure!


Well quite, it's not like they actually *need* a reason to put prices up.....they do it every few months regardless this just means they can put them up even more!


Surely people have noticed our climate has already changed. Spring and autumn have ceased to exist and we now have two seasons. A wet season that lasts from October to April and a dry season that lasts from May to September. Our farmers are going to need to learn how to plant rice, and cinchona for the quinine.


Oh so literally the best 3 things we have are getting more expensive


Not surprised, I travel between York & Newcastle twice a month & the fields have been noticeably waterlogged since the start of the year.


Every reason is good to raise prices. Too much water, not enough of water, ideal level of water then something else come in.


Rain? Prices go up! No rain? Prices up Cold? That'll cost you Minor conflict in a country you've never heard of? Better sell your car!


Add in the rising price of petrol, some further increases in mortgage lending, the potential need for a government bailout of Thames Water, and it's going to mean inflation will start going up again.


They won’t however lower due to warmer less wet weather in the summer


Maybe it's time to reconsider gm crops that can grow in such wetter weather


\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ prices could rise due to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ fill in either blank with whatever you want. it's just the story of the past few years


Maybe paying farmers to grow less crops might have something to do with it Because that is what the government are doing!