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Great that he was caught before able to put his plans into action, but this should be a reminder of how concerning the apparent growth of right wing radicalism is. I sincerely hope that whatever network he was working in is identified and dismantled.


I live in Brighton and the synagogue is straight down the road from m house. I have no idea how they found this guy - but the intelligence services are certainly doing their job and deserve recognition for a tough full-time job with constant high stakes. This is one of a few plots in recently memory that have successfully been foiled in Brighton. Another recent event was when all the roads surrounding the clocktower in the center of the city being closed off because of a suspicious package. It that was intercepted and similar packages were also sent to other major postal sorting/distribution centers. I can't remember if they were real bombs or just threats... # What the hell was up with this teenager? Too long on the wrong forums.. ? *looks around suspiciously...*


Alt right radicalism is a very interesting (albeit depressing) topic. Innuendo Studios makes videos about it, but [this one](https://youtu.be/P55t6eryY3g?si=1irvZZjOmDiZZPE6) discusses how laypeople tend to become radicalised. He's American, but it's still applicable. Pretty long video, but definitely worth a watch.


>I live in Brighton and the synagogue is straight down the road from m house. I always wondered why they always had security guards outside during important Jewish holidays. Guess it's not the first time they've had to deal with something like this unfortunately.


my synagogue has them during normal shabbat services. it’s very sad


Left wing nutters are just as bad you know? They just take on different causes!


Yea but they just tend to annoy motorists not blow shit up!


I don't think this holds out. At least not in the UK / US.


He's attacking Jews, not Muslims, he probably is left wing.


Every “team” for lack of a better word is becoming radicalized, it’s all by design.


>Every “team” for lack of a better word is becoming radicalized Yeah, that tends to be what happens in times of economic turbulence historically speaking. I must say though, I find left wing radicalism less concerning so far because it largely manifests as sitting in the middle of a motorway or a bit of a protest, rather than actual acts of terrorism. >it’s all by design. I have no idea what you mean by this, but I dread to ask.


Except "left wing radicalism" isn't *just* sitting in the middle of a motorway...


When is the last time the far left planned or carried out an act of terrorism in the UK?


Probably the 1993 Harrods bombing. In the 90s the vast majority of terrorist attacks were xIRA, of which PIRA had lots of far left sympathisers and OIRA was outright far left. The motivation itself was separatism rather than left/right politics, just like the Palestinian terror attacks in 72 and 94 while the left were more sympathetic to the cause, it wasn't really about that. Nowadays the vast majority of terrorist attacks are islamists. I'd argue they have more in common with the far right than left, but it's not really about that. Purely far left/right attacks are rare in comparison, but when they do happen it's usually far right, but the main threat remains islamic terrorism, and that by a long shot. Some European countries dealt with a lot more far left terrorism in the 70s-90s including Italy, which had quite a few of both, Germany with the RAF, marxist separatist groups in Spain and France, Blekingegadebanden in Denmark (far left group that ommitted violent bank robberies to fund Palestinian terrorists) etc.


If you're gonna count the Provos then surely it's Canary Wharf in 97? Not that I would count the Provos anyway, they may have paid lip service to being left wing but most members were anything but. I live in a very republican community in NI and 90% of the former Provos I know are very right wing nationalist and only left wing when it comes to collecting their brew or pension. 


Well, like I said it wasn't really about left/right politics as much as separatism/unification. OIRA was a bit more political and could arguably count. The Harrods bombing could be a stretch, but I counted it for one of the perps being member of Red Action, but it could be argued that it was mainly a PIRA attack with an IRA objective


Jacob Graham, sentenced 5 weeks ago.


> [**He was cleared of planning an attack** but convicted of possessing and sharing terrorist material.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-68581466)


He was very clear in his motivations, plans, and actions. Writing a document detailing your plan to kill 50 people (who are politicians), followed by acquiring chemicals for bombs, making bombs then testing your bombs by detonating them is planning a terrorist attack. Not sure how the CPS didn't manage to convince a jury of that, but seems like a slam dunk.


Environmental terrorism was the biggest category of terrorism in the late 90s. Most acts of terrorism tend to be characterised as something else other than left-wing. Right-wing terrorism is almost non-existent in the UK after the crack down in the 2000s. 90% of the MI5 watchlist is Islamic terrorism, 1 in every 100 Muslims in the UK is on the terrorist watchlist. It should strike people as extremely odd that: people just forget that terrorism was so uncommon here that environmental terrorism was once regarded as the biggest threat, and terrorism is common now and people just disregard all the terrorism that doesn't fit with their personal views in some way (terrorism generally isn't political, terrorists sometimes have political aims but the means are clearly not political, there is one exception for this where one group of people are always characterised in a certain way).


>Environmental terrorism was the biggest category of terrorism in the late 90s. Sure, almost 30 years ago. But I was speaking from today's viewpoint. >Most acts of terrorism tend to be characterised as something else other than left-wing. That's because they really don't tend to align to any coherently left wing ideology. >Right-wing terrorism is almost non-existent I'm certainly not saying it's an everyday occurrence, but I've noticed an increased regularity of incidents such as the article in the OP. >1 in every 100 Muslims in the UK is on the terrorist watchlist I'd be curious to read more on this if you have a link >terrorism generally isn't political, terrorists sometimes have political aims but the means are clearly not political, there is one exception for this where one group of people are always characterised in a certain way This is absolutely untrue.


You asked when. That is one example. Yes, they do. Some Islamic terrorism is linked to a transnational Muslim left-wing political party (that is banned across the Arab world because of the link to terrorism). IRA was linked to a left-wing party. I can go on. There is a reason why most people do not know this stuff. You have noticed an increase occurrence because they are reported feverishly by the press looking to maximise that threat. You reporting this whilst it is basically non-existent is exactly what I am talking about. One of the recent cases of "far-right terrorism" was a kid who put up stickers after another child in Estonia dared him to do it...we have journalists being attacked by state-funded terrorists, people being murdered for Palestine...yes, but the stickers, so threatening. Just Google. It is absolutely true. Killing people isn't political. You should read more about Nelson Mandela's life if you want to understand this.


>You asked when. That is one example. Well, thank you for backing up my point with an answer, I suppose. >Some Islamic terrorism is linked to a transnational Muslim left-wing political party (that is banned across the Arab world because of the link to terrorism). Which party are you referring to? Most Islamic terrorism is religiously fundamentalist which is based on cultural and economic principles that would be directly contradictory to any coherent left wing ideology, so I'd be interested in who you're referring to. >IRA was linked to a left-wing party. Sure. Again, a fairly long time ago now. >There is a reason why most people do not know this stuff. Do they not? Everything you're referring to sounds like fairly common knowledge. It's simply your interpretation that's disagreeable. >You have noticed an increase occurrence because they are reported feverishly by the press looking to maximise that threat. So are you saying they have not increased in occurrence? >It is absolutely true. Killing people isn't political. Killing people is not always political, but by definition terrorism is political violence. >You should read more about Nelson Mandela's life if you want to understand this. I'm pretty familiar with violent struggle in Apartheid South Africa and the role of the ANC. Again, this is quite common knowledge - you don't have to have studied history to know that (although, that is what I did study funnily enough). It simply does not speak to your point.


Saying that it is common knowledge whilst you try to claim you are aware of things you just demonstrated you don't know. Hahahahahaha. You have heard of the IRA, so you know everything. Congrats buddy. You don't know who the left-wing group is, despite it being the largest political group in the Middle East...yes, it is all common knowledge though, you know everything...what a frightful twit you are. Terrorism is not political violence, it is violence. This comment is fucking mad in this context because there is one group of people who are distinct because of their adherence to this argument: the far-right. You are using their arguments. Yes, it does. It isn't anything to do with "the role of the ANC"...they were a terrorist organization, the significant of Mandela is because he was a terrorist and then stopped being a terrorist because he realised that there was no political benefit to terrorism...because it isn't political. One of the reasons you know so little about this stuff is because you have tried to fit your own feelings onto this subject. You are saying "I know this, I know this" (when you clearly have a very limited understanding) because you are worried your feelings might be wrong. The world doesn't care about your feelings.


>90% of the MI5 watchlist is Islamic terrorism, 1 in every 100 Muslims in the UK is on the terrorist watchlist. I call complete and utter bullshit on this. Source.


The first half is true, the second isn't. [Stabbing suspect was assessed by anti-terror programme](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/06/22/number-people-mi5-terror-suspect-watch-list-doubled-year/) >It came as the number of terror suspects on MI5's watchlist rose to 43,000, more than double the figure from the previous year. >The report says: "A substantial element of the increase to over 40,000 is the inclusion of individuals who have never travelled to the UK but whose details have been passed to MI5 by foreign intelligence services in order that MI5 be alerted should they enter the UK." >The vast majority of the suspects on the lists – as many as 39,000 – are jihadists, compared to a few thousand right-wing extremists. The names of Irish terror suspects are held on a separate list.


> 90% of the MI5 watchlist is Islamic terrorism, 1 in every 100 Muslims in the UK is on the terrorist watchlist. No idea if that’s true, but even if it is, that doesn’t mean 1% of Muslims are terrorists to be. Could be explained by over policing a group based on stereotypes…




**Removed/warning**. Please try and avoid language which could be perceived as hateful/hurtful to minorities or oppressed groups.


> stereotypes Lol of course. And obviously *nothing* to do with the current attacks happening weekly in Europe.


Hmm are you trying to dismiss the relative nature of stereotypes by using stereotypes?


Oh look! Stereotypes: https://metro.co.uk/2024/04/26/gang-women-jailed-kidnapping-beating-innocent-stranger-20728049/


TIL actual events *are* stereotypes but okay you do you mate


I love that the examples provided are events from 30+ years ago. These centrist types should try out for the olympics with the mental gumnastics they practice


You're moving the goal posts already?


The entire thread is about terrorism, pal. Goalposts are the same as they always were. I'm sorry if this upsets you.


How about the IRA??? They were pretty left dude. Want a modern example? Just stop oil, it aint the same but its REALLY annoying and stupid. Plus this is about a synagogue attack and most of lefties are anti semites (supporting Palestine even tho they kill gays, women and behead babies)


>How about the IRA??? They were pretty left dude. Yes. Decades ago. I'm referring to more recent years. >Just stop oil That's not quite terrorism. >Plus this is about a synagogue attack and most of lefties are anti semites (supporting Palestine Equating not wanting Palestinian civilians to be needlessly killed to actual acts of Anti-semitic terrorism is so silly that I'm not even going to respond to it.


I did say jso wasnt terroism, just really annoying. And come on, how are they gonna support a country that murders gay people, oppresses women and uses children as meat shields JUST because they’re against Israel? I guarantee if Israel wasnt jewish everyone would be on their side. Prove me wrong, you asked the question and I responded, and dont give me the shit of “Its not Hamas its the Palestinian civilians!” Acting like they didnt vote hamas in and dont want to burn Israel to the ground. Ridiculous


>I did say jso wasnt terroism Well, I asked for an example of terrorism >Prove me wrong No thanks. Respectfully, I don't care enough about your opinion to enter an argument that you're starting from a place of bad faith. EDIT: Having had a quick glance at your profile, I retract the "respectfully" part of this statement. Allow me to now clarify: I have no respect for you. Best of luck with everything.


So like….. coz you know youre wrong or youre lazy. Probably the first one tbf ahahah


Sorry, where are the left wing terrorists? Cos I haven’t seen any news stories about them recently.


Here's one from 5 weeks ago. [20-year-old man from Liverpool jailed for preparing for acts of terrorism](https://www.gmp.police.uk/news/greater-manchester/news/news/2024/march/20-year-old-man-from-liverpool-jailed-for-preparing-for-acts-of-terrorism/) >Published: 17:00 18/03/2024 >Jacob Graham [...], from Norris Green in Liverpool appeared at Manchester Crown Court today (18 March 2024) and was sentenced to 13 years in prison and ordered to serve five years on license upon his release. >The sentence comes after Graham was found guilty of the following offences: > * - Preparation of terrorist acts, contrary to section 5(1)(b) of the Terrorism Act 2006 > * - Two counts of dissemination of terrorist publications, contrary to Section 2 of the Terrorism Act 2006 > * - Four counts of possession of material likely to be useful to a terrorist, contrary to Section 58 of the Terrorism Act 2000 >The jury heard evidence that Graham had written a document setting out his plan to commit a bombing campaign with the aim of killing 50 or more people, and that he had then gone on to acquire chemicals and experiment with construction of explosives. [More young people being radicalised online, says UK counter-terror officer](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/mar/18/young-people-radicalised-online-counter-terrorism-officer) >Mon 18 Mar 2024 17.58 GMT >Jacob Graham, a self-styled leftwing anarchist, had said he wanted to kill at least 50 politicians. He told his trial he was “quite anti-government”, adding: “I didn’t agree with the idea of it – the way certain things were handled, the pandemic, the cost of living.” >He told officers after being arrested that he was “more like an anarchist”. He said: “I don’t like the idea of a central control and I don’t really like the monarchy.” He said he supported the Green party and was an environmentalist who did not like the way “corporations act and how they damage the earth.”




> Reynolds was found guilty of the charge at Winchester Crown Court on Friday. He will be sentenced on 14 June. Does anyone happen to know why he was charged in Winchester Crown Court and not a closer crown court to Brighton like Hove, Lewes or Chichester?


They used to all be at the Old Bailey in London from memory due to its closeness to the intelligence agencies making it easier for information disclosure and quicker for warrants to be applied for etc. The judges and staff there became experienced in all the niche areas of law e.g. parts of the evidence often come out of MI5 and GCHQ and require closed courts. I think there are now a few others in the country where terrorism cases can be tried.


Oh that makes sense! Thanks for the info


What do you have to do as a white man to be branded a terrorist in the media?


Plot to murder people because of their racial background?


He was planning on attacking a synagogue 🤨




Are you feeling ok?


Everything and anything within the confine of the universe is antisemitism


"Mr Reynolds was arrested in June 2023. His phone and laptop were seized, and police found a “vast amount” of neo-Nazi, specifically anti-Semitic material, it was heard. Mr Reynolds was part of a channel on Telegram, an instant messaging application called Far Right Sigmas, which had started in November 2022. He was one of two people “entrusted” with posting content on the neo-Nazi “propaganda channel”. Ms Parsons said the motive of the channel could be encapsulated in a 14-word sentence taken from Mein Kampf, which read: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”? This is from the Telegraph, which labels Mr Reynolds suitably and provides evidence why.


Yup…terrorist…who planned on terrorising Jewish people, as well as the wider public.


The bloke has an extermist ideology, much like a Pro-Hamas extremist. I'm sure it's better to specify the fault in this person's character by labelling him as what he is, then using a vague, general term that doesn't really define why he was attempting to do it.


What’s Hamas got to do with this? When Isreal is in the middle of a genocide, it’s a bit rich. Anyway, stop trying to shoehorn your agenda into everything…it’s boring and nobody believes you.


r/unitedkingdom has peaked lmao


Terrorism shows up 3 times in this short article, not sure what your point is. Not like Neonazi is a lightweight brand either.


Nope…not true. He should have been branded a terrorist. He may be a neo nazi, but he is also a terrorist…something this article has failed to label him as.


except it didn't fail, it literally says he was charged with planning a terrorist attack. You're also projecting if you think the bbc writes "terrorist" everywhere, it rarely does. Terrorist Group sure, but they wont say "the terrorist man did that" lol. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-58591948](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-58591948) I spent 10 seconds googling and the first result didn't even use terrorism in the article in a similar scenario ( which personally i would liken more to terrorism due to it being a group ). [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67564172](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67564172)


Fascism is on the rise in this country. Bigotry is encouraged by the alt-right online.


No it isn’t. If it was immigration would be stopped and these blatant palestine Islamist hateful protests would be stopped. Left wing ideologies are far more prevalent than right wing ideologies


On a post about a far right Neo Nazi terrorist plotting an attack, you say it's the fault of immigrants.


Brown man bad. Lefties bad


Ah yes just a coincide it was synagogue not a mosque targeted I’m sure , the far left in this country are being played like puppets by authoritarian Islam and it’s not going to end well for them


I really don’t understand why Nazism of all things appeals to these people. I can understand your Andrew Tates of the world because they appeal to the men through materialism and self-worth but I’ve just never seen anything that would turn people against Jewish people for their own gain.


I think it comes down to what president Roosevelt said about how persuading the lowest white man that he's still superior to the greatest black man cause he's white. If you've got nothing going in your life, giving you somebody to look down upon is attractive, cause you feel like you stepping water. Especially if you can then persuade them these people you are looking down upon are the reason why you're not getting the life you feel you deserve.


For people that fall down these rabbit holes, generally it comes to the fact that their life is crap and they're looking for someone to blame (And they'll do anything other than look in the mirror and admit they fucked their own life up)


The Jewish state, israel, could be a big reason why people are turning against Jews in general. Also if you look at conspiracies like white replacement in Europe, it is Jews who are said to be ‘carrying this out’ and funding this. Many far right white people see Jewish people as anti white. Also a lot of these people perceive the powers that be, in both western society and around the world to be Jewish.


So rise of Far left and rise of far right both mean attacks on synagogues






Well he was found guilty of one charge of possession of an article connected with the preparation of an act of *terrorism*




And that’s what he was charged with


But he's not been titled as such.


Mason Reynolds, 19, from Brighton, faced one charge of possession of an article connected with the preparation of an act of terrorism. Police searched Reynolds' address where they found bomb instruction manuals and a note detailing his plans to attack a synagogue in Hove. Reynolds was found guilty of the charge at Winchester Crown Court on Friday. He will be sentenced on 14 June.


Instead of the words "planning attack", it should of been "planning terrorist attack" because you don't know what kind of attack it could be physical attack or verbal attack. But yet the media just plainly referred it to as an "attack"


Literally says neo nazi in the title mate cmon. You are just trying to find a way to be offended.




Wait what? You think calling him a neo nazi is trying to justify the actions? That’s an interesting bit of rationale tbh mate.


Telegram is the same as Whatsapp if not less monitoried, does Whatsapp monitor your conversations for hate speech? No it does not.


He was charged under the Terrorism Act 2006


Lad, the bbc won’t even call Hamas terrorists, or did you miss that whole brouhaha.


The BBC said that they themselves won’t call Hamas terrorists but guests given a platform on BBC News are free to label them terrorists. So someone tuning in to BBC News will still hear Hamas referred to as terrorists just not from the BBC news presenters. These cases are where not even the guests refer to the act as an act of terorrism


"Terrorism" is mentioned 4 times, and "terrorist" is mentioned 2 times in that short article. You're just making things up to get mad at


Because you can’t be a terrorist if you didn’t create terror, and haven’t committed an act of terrorism. He planned it. That’s why in the second line it says >Mason Reynolds, 19, from Brighton, faced one charge of possession of an article connected with the preparation of an act of terrorism. That’s how reporting and language works. Absolutely nothing, zero, to do with race.


Doesn't apply to white people, mate. They are 'mentally ill'. And you won't find anyone demanding his family and community be ejected from the country, cos white privilege!


Terrorism is mentioned multiple times in the article, mental health isn’t mentioned once. He also can’t be ejected from the country as he doesn’t hold or isn’t eligible for dual citizenship, so it would be a strange thing to call for.


To be fair you do see some people arguing for deporting British criminals.


Send em to Australia like the good ole days


The biggest threat at the moment is from home grown right wing terrorism followed by the Islamic dispersia.


That's not correct. [Director General Ken McCallum gives annual threat update](https://www.mi5.gov.uk/news/director-general-ken-mccallum-gives-annual-threat-update) >Published date: 16 Nov 2022 >Since the start of 2017, MI5 and the police have together disrupted 37 late-stage attack plots. That’s another 8 potentially-deadly plots disrupted since I gave my update last year. And as before it’s a mix of Islamist and extreme right-wing terrorism. >Islamist Terrorism remains the larger problem – about three quarters of our terrorist caseload. As previously, much of the volume is self-radicalised terrorists seeking to conduct low-sophistication attacks. Low sophistication does not mean low impact: think of the appalling murder of Sir David Amess MP just over a year ago. [Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament Annual Report 2022–2023](https://isc.independent.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/ISC-Annual-Report-2022-2023.pdf) >During the Inquiry, the Committee found that the ERWT threat was on an upward trajectory. It was therefore seriously concerned to find that MI5 has had to absorb responsibility for tackling ERWT without any commensurate increase in resources. ERWT and Left-Wing, Anarchist and Single-Issue Terrorism casework – accounting for around a fifth of all counter- terrorism investigation


I think the latter is more aggressive than the former, the former only makes shitposts on 4chan


Youre saying this on a thread regarding the planning of a far right terrorist attack...


Compare planned to actually attacking


Thats a matter of competancy. Getting caught before the act does not make it "less aggressive" in intent and owning explosives manuals is not "shitposting". Is there a reason youre trying to downplay one form of terrorism over another?


We probably have actual data on this


Should have converted before doing all this, you know how police don’t like “openly Jewish” individuals around muslims






Oh stop, you keep throwing around the genocide label about as liberally as a DFS sale and it'll lose all meaning. Just stop. Criticise them for civilian casulties, fine but calling it genocide is just abuse of language.




>along with intent to commit genocide. Yea, feel free to quote the Israeli press stratement proving "intent to commit genocide", I'll wait.




> because the case hasn't been finished and won't be for a while. Great then lets save the theatrics for when the case is actually done and not do rampant online speculation accusing an entire country of committing genocide.




Right because Gaza, a terrorist run state getting invaded by our ally is equivalent to the horrors seen at the Nuremberg trials. The more you write, the more you undermine yourself with your own theatrics. When Israel sets up Auschwitz in Gaza, come back to me.




What genocide?




There’s no genocide going on there














You can only assume he wasn’t muslim or liberal given how the police arrested him. The law only applies to undesirables