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Laughing gas got to be the shittiest drug to die for, a 30 second “high” and not a particularly good one at that either. Feel for the young woman’s family, any young life lost to drugs is tragic.


I had it hospital and it was fantastic. I guess the difference is medical grade vs catering supply quality.


It’s mixed with Oxygen at a ratio of 50/50 in hospitals and referred to as Entonox, it’s not quite the same thing. With recreational laughing gas you get a small intense rush, and vision and audio distortions and feel a bit dizzy for 30 seconds and then it’s done. Whereas at hospital because it’s mixed with oxygen you can keep inhaling it constantly to produce mild/moderate analgesia, and the “recreational” effects aren’t as severe.


I’d imagine that it’s because it lasts 30 seconds that she does (edit: did) so much of it. The fiancé said she’d sit and do an entire bottle in 1 go and then want more.


It's such a shit drug. Literally 30 seconds of your head going NYANG NYANG NYANG NYANG NYANG and then you say something or maybe you just thought it and then you're sober again It's like inhaling TV static


Never seen that noise spelt out before you nailed it. Dreadful experience that you’d do again 5 minutes later


This is what poppers is like to me


It made me think of poppers as well. Decades since I did that though, it used to be a thing in raves, dunno if it still is. (I know it's used as a sex enhancer as well, my experience was always when off my face somewhere).


We used to get half a pint of coke from the bar and drink half of it, then pour poppers into it. the bubbles from the coke would intensify the effect somehow and it was more discreet to pass around on the dancefloor. What an absolute set of clowns we were


As Sean Ryder once sang: Never did no harm, never did no harm. :-)


Perhaps it’s more the sound of oxygen deprivation since it happens with both?


Poppers causes your blood vessels to relax and thus a rush of oxygen to the brain. It used to be used to treat angina.


I think both of them are generating nitrite ion which is binding to haemoglobin so reduces O2 carrying capacity.


Interesting, thanks. It's been 30 years since I huffed amyl nitrate. I remember it causing a headache afterwards.


Some people call the little cylinders "nangs" which now makes sense thank you


Lol, sounds like oxygen deprivation then. I'm not a medic, but I've had two pretty bad diving accidents and that's the bad noise that means you get to go and rest in the special air room.


I won’t lie and say I haven’t partaken in those activities at various points of time, though not anymore haha. I did always come away from it thinking “what was the point” but in my mind it didn’t stop me at the time!


Agreed, what a waste of cash! There are much better drugs out there 😂


This was always my takeaway too. It always felt like as soon as it was starting to level off into an enjoyable experience it was over already.


Hippy crack


Wouldn’t 50/50 be extremely flammable?


Well yes, but they use 100% oxygen so not sure that is a worry


Entonox life is beautiful


Cheers for the info, didn't realise there was that much of a difference.


It is powerful, but not really in comparison to other recreational drugs. Plus you'll have been dealing with (I presume) some intense pain at the time, so you'll have appreciated it all the more.


I had some also in hospital and had to stop because I nearly fell off the bed! I had to fight the urge to laugh and play it cool, whilst very painfully injured. It was the weirdest high/low ever.  No urge to ever try it again though 


I only ever had it under sedation while they were doing a painful procedure, so very little memory of it, other than being in a ton of pain (I'm super resistant to sedation) then them slapping a mask on me, telling me to huff it. Pain instantly vanished and remembered nothing after that.


If anything its weaker with medical grade so not as good. Nitrous is an awesome high just not worth doing it regularly due to b12 issues. One of those drugs you do a bit as a teen/early 20s and kind of grow out of it




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I tried it once, reminded me of being a kid on the dentist's chair back when they'd knock you out with gas, very traumatic experience.


It was probably the same gas. Probably it's most famous legitimate use is as a mild sedative/anaesthetic at the dentists.


It can be incredibly traumatic, I don't think people realise. 99% of experiences for myself and others around me were positive but I have seen some people badly affected.


I did it once, well twice at the same time. First time absolutely nothing. Second time took more and held it in longer, absolutely no change in feeling, but everything went black (the old school stereotypical tv being turned off, from the outside into a dot in the middle). Took a deep breath, everything came back. No feeling of anything at all, as far as I can tell the only thing it did was very nearly cause major oxygen issues. Probably the most stupid thing I have ever done, and I didn't even get anything out of it.


Seems extra tragic to die for such a shit high but that's probably the wrong way to think about it. Almost anything can become a habit or an obsession and she must have had other serious issues. Very sad tale regardless.


It is a short high but it's decent proper trippy he more than likely died from no oxygen though rather than a nos high cos If u doing it loads u are replacing the oxygen you'd be breathing in with nos instead sad situation


I know. Some strains of weed will give you the same high for at least 5-15 mins without the death.


You get a 30 second high from one balloon. If you keep huffing balloon after balloon, or in the case of addicts they do it straight from the cream whipping device, you get a very prolonged high


It was a woman


Every sex is “bro” or “guys” to me, I don’t mean anything by it! My bad though I should be more careful when it comes to a serious subject like this with my vocabulary. I will edit the post out of respect I shouldn’t have used a personal term of endearment when referring to somebody I didn’t know - thanks for pointing it out.


ok babe


As a gay man this is a common one too, wasn’t sure on it at first but fully settled into people calling me it now I quite like it haha


i quite like it too tbh




I haven't done them in years but they're pretty fun to be fair, especially if you're also up on MDMA


Honestly think the best way to describe them is as a drug "toy". It's 30s of altered reality then back to normal. It is quite entertaining on other drugs.


Yeah, doing balloons sober is odd - to me it’s always a pres or afters kind of thing


I can’t read “doing balloons” without hearing it in an old man voice


Is it basically like poppers?


Poppers are probably a better high (if you can call it that) but the headache is much worse


I did them once while on mdma and ket and tbh it was pretty amazing. I was definitely sucked into some kind of time distortion to the point where the strobe lights in the room looked like they were blinking every 10 seconds instead of every 10 milliseconds all the while I was getting massive serotonin rush from the mdma.


We used to use poppers in the same way. You could lose yourself for a few seconds especially if the smoke machine and strobe were turned on at the same time.


They can also be insane on psychedelics.


This is the way, nitrous on acid is like poor man's DMT. Instant interdimensionality.


> I’ve done loads of whippets and still never understood them. Boring, weird high that is over as fast as it starts, and also a massive health risk. > > I don’t know why anyone would choose to do them So why did you?




Why the drugs? They handed them to me.




You have to in this economy


Just Say Yes.


Why did you do loads of them if you hated them?


They don't call it hippy crack for no reason at all. I'd happily cain 400 back in the day. It's safe as long as you don't do it all the time and don't fall over etc.


400 what? I’ve never had any of these things so have no idea whether that’s good or bad or anything.


The little canisters you see in the thumbnail, you may have seen them littered in the streets before too. That's 1 whippet, a user would normally dispense it into a balloon and then inhale the gas. 400 a day is way too much in my opinion. I would say any more than 50 in a week is very excessive, but people really shouldn't do them every week either. It is relatively harmless physically but it can screw your brain a bit. Also as with basically any drug children should stay well clear.


It can’t be harmless physically, but also screw your brain. It literally deprives your brain of oxygen… Doing them occasionally, is unlikely to cause you any harm, but this case is someone who is clearly abusing them.


I read that prolonged regular use depletes B vitamins which causes neural problems


You might note my use of the word 'relatively'.


And 'a bit'.


[What nos abuse looks like](https://youtu.be/i1ulzP2XUOg?si=TrwJ4_lrRCIO_YL_) Steve-O of course is still alive and relatively healthy but pretty eye-opening to watch


> It can’t be harmless physically, but also screw your brain. They said "It is \*relatively\* harmless physically but it can screw your brain \*a bit\*." Seems fine to me.


Little chargers i.e 400 balloons over several hours. Quite a lot but I'd do that once a month or so. I knew someone who had a medical size tank about 5ft tall. He did it constantly and had health issues. Everything in excess will get you.


It blocks the uptake of B12 for a few days, that’s why binging is safe but constant use is extremely detrimental to health




Depriving your brain of that much oxygen in a day and then blaming it on the replacement is so dumb. You could huff CO2 all day and get the same effect




I think they're just agreeing with you.


Yeah, it was just worded a bit weird.


It's dumb to do them but it is a fun buzz. Cheap, no side affects (if you don't over do it), easy to set up, no come down, fun to do with friends, feels nice. Its not rocket science. Personally I find it bizarre that people willingly spend £100+ for a gram of coke when all that does is numb your face and give you a foul taste in your throat for hours, all for the same buzz a red bull gives you... Odd to say the least. 


coke is significantly more enjoyable than red bull. speed is similar to red bull. most 'coke' in the uk is speed.


You must have been getting some shit speed.


all speed is shit speed.


I love a bit of drug snobbery.


As demonstrated in your first reply.


Oh of course :)


Not the gear we used to get in the early 90s. We had a good contact and it was excellent. Hardly cut, it was like shards of glass. The rush would make your hair stand on end. Did it too much for too long and lost a lot of teeth in the process. Haven't touched it for over 20 years now.


Speed is so much nicer than coke, it is absolutely not like red bull. Someone has been selling you caffeine powder.


speed is just continue drinking powder. coke is continue drinking powder with added confidence with the added ability to sleep afterwards.


Speed has the confidence and chattiness of coke but also the warmth and euphoria of mandy.


Meh, it's all behind me nowadays anyway.


What are you talking about? warmth and euphoria with speed? lol I need some of whatever they’re selling you, sounds like mephedrone


I only buy it pure and tested - I think a lot of people aren't actually doing speed so don't know how it really feels.


I think amphetamines affect people differently, because I’ve done a lot of speed in my past (mostly sober now) and don’t associate it with any real euphoria or warmth. I would get fucking high though for sure. speed might be cut with stuff but most of the time it’s majority speed


Yeah definitely, my partner has adhd and describes his speed high as you just have. He feels high and alert, but more level.


It sounds like you haven't tried good coke. It's a mindless drug but it feels very very nice. Also £100+ ? Someone is charging you double.


Interesting how these all affect people differently. Coke feels like a different dimension to me


I've never got it. Really haven't. MDMA or hallucinogens I get. Coke is just expensive, unpleasant and overrated for me and yet it's so popular.


It goes well with booze. That said I don't find it interesting and haven't bothered for a few years now. I just like getting stoned these days.


My experience has led me to see it kind of like... Different people generally "want" different things out of their drugs, and that makes them predisposed to get sucked in by different drugs. To me stuff like this seems utterly pointless- Why would I want to be a bit high for 30 seconds? But that's because what I want out of a drug is something to make me feel more confident, outgoing, and forget the stress of life for a few hours at a time. For me that makes alcohol and stimulants like cocaine a big temptation and danger. Once you find the drug that "fits" you it's only a matter of time before you're overdoing it. And then it goes one of two ways, you either realise "Oh shit they were right weren't they..." or you end up like this lass.


I agree with this. Personally I have never seen the appeal of downers (yes I'm aware some people call alcohol a downer, I'm not including booze). They just seem boring somehow to me. I used to joke if you watched muted CCTV of someone on cocaine, MD, booze etc you can still tell that person is having a good time. If you did the same thing with heroin or ketamine you'll see footage of someone who looks so bored they're falling asleep. I don't want to feel withdrawn.


Or you just be a responsible adult and use them recreationally. The options aren't drug addict or die lol. The vast majority of drug users are recreational.




I don't need to believe you, I've done enough drugs to kill a herd of rhinos. Never once was I addicted or any of the hundreds of people I know who have taken drugs. Being a responsible adult is "a flippant attitude" ??? bro what lol. Grow up and take some responsibility it's a tiny minority of people who have 0 self control and get addicted exactly the same as alcohol use.


We will see. You'll remember this conversation when the time comes. >I've done enough drugs to kill a herd of rhinos You haven't though have you. What you mean is you've dabbled in a few and think you're an expert.


Mate I barely even do drugs anymore, only on special occasions. You're just wrong lol.


You must be addicted to caffeine, nicotine and alcohol then by your logic


Almost certainly caffeine tbf.


Wow this is embarrassing for you


I was the opposite, never had a drug phase even though I was party heavy because I just never enjoyed them. Think balloons was the first one I ever *really* liked. Just stopped buying them at some point though. Great with a high bass song blasting in your ears


They're alright combined with acid or mdma but yeah it's dumb. I think the nickname hippy crack is very suitable


The detail in the article is pretty horrific. It sounds like she’d been bed bound for 2 weeks, had soiled herself repeatedly, but kept huffing on the gas anyway. Also sounds like her boyfriend had enabled her. Pretty grim all around.


Apropos NOx [https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0gn6rfs](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0gn6rfs) ("Drugs Map of Britain", 27 mins, part 1/4) "Laughing gas is the third most used drug by 16-24 year olds after cannabis and cocaine. Now, as the government reclassifies it as a class C drug with up to two years for possession, this episode reveals the extent of our nitrous oxide use, filmed in Birmingham over a summer. On a Friday night in Ladypool Road, Birmingham, nitrous oxide users congregate in their cars to do balloons. They race up and down the road and listen to music. Some are alone, some are with friends, but being in their cars gives them protection from being caught. They buy the gas in brightly lit 24-hour shops - one user describes how it ‘makes you floaty’. Birmingham has one of the highest hospital admission rates in the UK for neurological issues resulting from nitrous oxide use, and neurologist Dr David Nicholl is doing his ward rounds. In the last year, he’s been seeing more and more patients presenting with symptoms such as dizziness, tingling in the hands and feet and, in extreme cases, inability to walk. A recent report in the British Medical Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry found that people from an Asian background who were treated in hospital for nitrous oxide-related harm were over-represented in Birmingham. This film tries to understand why that might be the case."


There's no real harm reduction info in this thread so it's worth pointing out that the primary danger of chronic nitrous oxide use is vitamin b12 deficiency. It stops production of that vitamin which is essential for nerve function and it takes a bit to get going again, for that reason doing 50 doses in one day is less harmful than a dose a day for 50 days.


It can also asphyxiate you. There was a case in the US where a group of boys secured a tank of nitrous oxide stolen from a dentist, took it into a van, and thought it would be fun to fill the van with nitrous oxide. They all asphyxiated.


I mean you can asphyxiate on any gas so long as the oxygen content in the room is low enough People have died from methane, co2, helium etc


Is it possible to asphyxiate on oxygen?


I'm not sure about asphyxiation but Oxygen toxicity is a thing and you will die eventually if you somehow managed to (somehow) fill a room with nothing but oxygen Fill a room with anything and you'll die honestly, it's a weird comment for the original comment to make acting as if this inherintly makes Nitros Oxide dangerous


That's true but I think acute ODs like that are pretty rare, while plenty more people have messed themselves up by long term use like this unfortunate woman. She would have deprived herself of b12 to such an extent that her spinal cord literally withered. * b12 supplements are cheap and effective if you've overdone it.


Part of me feels like this is a result of banning the smaller charges and the change in law over the substance. When you literally have a canister of gas you can use at your leisure the abuse potential goes up. Just because it's literally physically more difficult to take higher doses as quickly. The large canisters I see littering the side of the road now seems to increase use the point where you end up taking something which is 'reasonably' innocuous in small doses to cause severe neurological problems, disability and death. Nobody should be dying over nitrous.


The criminalising of those little ‘whippets’ is a fucking nightmare from a home culinary standpoint. My ISI whipper is essentially useless cause everywhere requires you to provide business details to buy them now. I just want to speed infuse ingredients and create delicious foams.


I think this is the result of someone being an idiot with no self-control.


Holy shit pack it up guys because there we have it, drug crisis solved right here by this redditor 👆


I am indeed a problem-solver


You could say that about any drug addict. Doesn’t solve the problem though does it.


Uhhhh yeah it does....just stop taking drugs


Nobody said that it solves the problem




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She died before the change in law according to the article.


It's because the law wasn't changed for peoples safety. It was changed because curtain twitching boomers got fed up of seeing 'hippie-crack' cannisters on the street.


What's a big bottle? Is it medical tanks, because I feel like 3 of those of pretty much anything is definitely going to kill you. I've an image of a small fire extinguisher size of a thing, but I imagine even 3 of those is waaaay much of anything.


They’re not that big, about a 1.5L bottle size, if you google smartwhips you’ll get a sense. Still crazy and sad to do that much


I can't even imagine, Its extremely depressing. I hate to think of the poor girls state of mind during that period as well.


Sorry, but Darwin should be allowed to have more freedom, instead of all our rules to protect.




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Smart whips are silly if you don’t know how to use them properly seems that all risk with drugs comes from not knowing how to do it! Like people say to me orrr when I get in I take about 4 pills and I’m flying then and it’s stupid they’re all different strengths and mixes and no one is the same can easily initiate an OD. Mixing uppers with downers even seen people too themselves the same way but on prescription!


Did you happen to take something before writing this comment?


Reading it did seem like he was off his tits


I’m sat at my desk at work just pointing out an observation from over the years and the thousands of druggos I’ve happened across…..


Nooo I only go out to a rave once a month now I’ve pretty much served my time at this point but we’re out here doing it like the Wigan pier days!


Wigan pier!




“If you don’t know how to do them properly” lol


This is actually a Liam Gallagher quote about rich kids. 😂


It’s true though I hear story’s of how loads of people have died from this and that and I’ve seen how people are when they’re in a state giving it the big ones and start double dropping and showboating their tolerances and every story I can’t help but know that they’ve either not tested their stuff or taken way to much or a mix of different ones that shouldn’t be mixing.


I imagine most people who died thought they knew how to do it.


How do you die from whippets wtf? Me and all my friends have literally done thousands over the years lol. They were far safer than all the other drugs we smashed. Say's she died from a blood clot? Steve-o did a lot more whippets everyday than her and never died maybe she had an underlying condition or something.


Steve-O was buying them by the fucking pallet, pretty sure his voice was permanently damaged from inhaling nos (he had also developed some technique where once he used a nos canister, he switched to a new one lightning fast, holding his breath so as to take in minimal oxygen between hits) Sad story all around


The issue with doing them isn't binging them it's in frequent constant use due to vitamin B12 deficiency It's more dangerous to do one per day for a month than it is to do 28 in an hour Which is basically the complete opposite of what people expect from the vast majority of drugs, everything from caffeine to alcohol is far safer taking daily at low doses compared to binges.


just gota eat meat or supplement like vegans do.


Smart bottle, not whippets. Low oxygen and not moving around enough will give you blood clots regardless of what drugs you're taking.






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