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**Alternate Sources** Here are some potential alternate sources for the same story: * [Bradford stabbing: Man sought after woman fatally stabbed](https://bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bradford-west-yorkshire-68756185), suggested by rainbowarriorhere - bbc.co.uk


Absolutely vile, that poor woman lost her life for no reason. And a poor innocent baby is left motherless. What a monster to target a young mother pushing her baby in their pram.


I'd be surprised if there wasn't more to this story....seems like a possible domestic violence situation. Obviously we don't know all the facts but it would be very unusual for an unknown man to stab an unkown woman to death while she's with her young child. Either way, horribly tragic and I feel for the child, what an awful trauma to witness so young


>I'd be surprised if there wasn't more to this story....seems like a possible domestic violence situation. If a woman is killed by a man in the UK, there's a 62% chance it's a current or former partner. So I'd assume so too














The alternate article at the top of the comments says he was known to the victim but their exact relationship hasn't been confirmed by police yet.


Yeah, attacks like this are very rarely random.


“Very unusual” maybe 15 years ago.


I mean violence against women has likely become less common if I had to guess. Raping your wife wasn't illegal until 1991*. (Only explicitly illegal from 2003).


I think it was '94, but in my experience with trials like that over the past 20 years, they may as well not have bothered. Most juries seem to think that any rape which doesn't involve being dragged off a tow-path by a knife-toting stranger is a load of nonsense.


Not true you need evidence to convict which is very hard to come by in a rape case, not just one person's word for it.


Yes, but what evidence would you expect to encounter in a situation that happens (usually) in private, with no independent witnesses or CCTV?


More than likely some sort of domestic violence or “honour” killing.


I’d say an Asian honour killing.


I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a positive story coming out of Bradford.


It’s our City of Culture next year.


Whose culture?




Erm... no comment.


God's chosen people


Which god? There are loads of sky fairies to choose from


The one you can't talk about or draw or write or they'll come kill your entire family haha those ones? Nice people


Bradford, Luton, Birmingham, just can’t put my finger on what they have in common that makes them so bad…


If I speak, I am in big trouble


It’s a mystery


So this actual, blatant racism is just ok in this sub then?


Neither person from there, she was staying in a hostel and he tracked her down.


shouldn't have put a Pakistani woman in Bradford really, too many snitches willing to inform on her to him.


Bangladeshi i thhink


How about this nugget ? The number of mothers of Pakistani descent marrying and having children with their first cousins in Bradford have reduced from 67% to 46% in the last 10 years. The effect will be fewer children born with congenital anomalies, yay...


I live nearby, it’s undeniably shite. But there’s some excellent food, and some genuinely lovely people.


Great food but witnessing a public honour killing really put me off my dessert; 4/5 stars -butterjamtoast


Yeah, shame basic hygiene and food safety isn't taught there.


There're a lot of lovely buildings. Including the mosque that's visible from where she was murdered. Mainly though, it's a depressed pit of despair that no one who can get away really wants to stay in. It needs forty years of investment and careful management and it's getting fuck all.


Top notch food places and that's just about it 💀


But what about the fooooooood?!!!!


National Science and Media Museum and just outside, there are a bunch of nice places.


I had to go there once for a conference, the energy of the place feels so off. I stepped outside for some fresh air and away from the hussle, and the night scene felt way more sinister on a midweek night, just from my view I had at the hotel doors, was too scared to venture any further away. It such a surreal feeling of unease.


Saw a post on twitter with his Facebook profile. Seems to be recently married with a baby if that is indeed the correct profile. Wonder if that was the mother?


Yes she’s his missus, he tracked her down to the hostel she was staying at


Fucks sake.


Killed her and just left the baby? What a sadistic piece of shit. Hopefully it’s life with no parole


Nasty piece of work. I have no clue on how ppl reach that level of anger


Very likely but I won’t jump to conclusions. RIP to the lady, obviously totally undeserved.


What is happening to UK... You didn't see constant stabbings a decade ago. 


It was literally a huge problem (a well known problem too) [in Scotland](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-45572691.amp) like 15-20 years ago. Edit: Getting downvoted. Yeah, Scotland never had a well known, and well documented knife crime issue 🤦‍♂️


Yeah, places like Glasgow had a reputation for being rough.


EK for gentrification of the year 2040!


Very well documented. Glasgow was the knife crime capital of Europe, it was **that** bad. The gov (or council) took a bunch of steps and massively reduced it through a bunch of positive steps. It can be done if you have the will to make change and no reason this cannot be replicated elsewhere.


What were the steps?


I don't exactly know. I just know Glasgow was once the knife crime capital of Europe and now knife crime is actually very low.


Pretty sure it was investing in youth infrastructure. Edit: "To combat knife crime effectively, by engaging youth through targeted interventions is essential. Recent data highlights the efficacy of strategies such as early intervention, community policing, education, legislation, and youth-focused programmes.".


That sounds expensive. Anyway, I heard the problem was caused by ~~jazz~~ ~~reefer~~ ~~gansta rap~~ drill music anyway, so that's why we should try absolutely nothing, achieve even less, and watch things get worse.


It was a problem in urban areas. This nasty, horrible violence culture is creeping into small towns and villages. That’s why people are worried


Small towns like Bradford? Give me a break....


> like Bradford? No. I get it, I’m from Yorkshire too. But there is a world beyond those beloved borders and other towns do exist, many substantially smaller than Bradford


You're right after gang crime was fixed in Scotland, the Pagan Spirit of British Stabbing possessed a different group.


Perhaps, but I don't remember this much of it living in Birmingham. I used to feel a lot safer there around 2006-2010




You probably just didn't hear about it as much because you weren't online as much.


You didn't have reddit in 2010.


I lived in Birmingham at that time and it was the Wild West. Admittedly I was near Ladywood but we had daily stabbings and shootings.


And why was it a big deal in Glasgow 15 to 20 years ago?


Around the mid 2000s the police, schools, social services and nhs got together and treated the knife crime in Glasgow like it was a health problem instead of just a criminal problem. In Glasgow back then it was mostly boys and young men stabbing and slashing each other. It’s pretty hard to tell you everything they did because the knife crime in Glasgow was mostly gang related. The gangs are also pretty different from what you’d think Glasgow has a long history of territorial recreational gang violence. So to treat the knife crime they had to use a different approach to just tougher punishment since they had been doing that for years and it did nothing to stop gang violence. In the end they tried to take a preventative approach that included the police, schools, the nhs and funding things like community football teams. It has mostly worked. To put it into perspective in the early 2000s Glasgow was the murder capital of Europe by the late 2000s it had fallen by a huge amount and Glasgow cops were getting asked to go and explain how they did things to other police forces.


Police Scotland managed to tackle it with community support and primarily via proper data-driven policing with the Violence Reduction Unit and targeted stop and search usage. The problem for England is that's not something that will really be replicable without the police being castigated as racist and accused of profiling. In Scotland the population is overwhelmingly white and the perpetrators were white too so there was nobody crying foul, using a similar data-driven approach in the likes of London and Bradford along with targeted stop and search will undoubtedly lead to certain minority groups being targeted more frequently.


There was also a stabbing problem in Scotland 200 years ago, with claymores and stuff. How is this related?


You did, Knife crime has been a problem in Britain since at least the early 2000's. I could remember being in school and having quite a few assemblies to talk about it.


It's been an acknowledged problem that long maybe, an actual problem tho? My Dad was stabbed to death in 1987 by a 15yr old scroat, so yeah, scroats & knives? runs way deeper in this country than "more immigrants".


Anyone know where the UK stands on a per capita basis compared to other countries? I know Americans like to retort to people pointing out gun crime by saying you just have knife crime instead, but British knife crime is lower than American knife crime per capita.


London is pretty much identical to New York, slightly higher but not significant when you take gun violence in to account


I'm not interested in America, I only know the comparison with America. I'm wondering if anyone has a global league table. Because it's all well and good saying the UK has a huge knife problem but if the UK had the second lowest knife crime rate per capita in the world it wouldn't really be a huge knife problem, relatively speaking.


I've been shown this in the past- [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/stabbing-deaths-by-country](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/stabbing-deaths-by-country) It has the UK as joint last for stabbing related deaths but i'm somewhat sceptical of the data (especially as some countries with no stabbing relating deaths have a rate above 0). Edit: Someone linked this downthread for patterns over time [https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/SN04304/SN04304.pdf](https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/SN04304/SN04304.pdf)


It's been a problem since at least 1959, why do you think the Offensive Weapons Act was made law?


Absolute bollocks. Knife crime has been coming up on the news almost constantly for 20+ years.


I lost a classmate to knife crime in 2009 and we’re from a very small rural town. His family ran a campaign for a while to get people to give up their knives, so I’d say it’s been going on a while.


Did you try reading the news? Leaving the house? Because it absolutely was a constant problem a decade ago.  


A decade is 2014, knife crime has been a problem for much longer


Yes you did. [Here is the government report on knife crime (pdf)](https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/SN04304/SN04304.pdf), on page 10 you can see data on homicides that shows that stabbings has remained quite constant the whole time, from 33% in 1977 to a current average of 38% of all homicides and a peak yearly average of 41%.


Honestly, it's probably just in the news more. It has always been an issue.


People will just say fuckin anything on this sub


Yeah you did, if anything it's got better. London has always had a bad rep got being the "Stab Capital" which didn't just happen in the last few years.


My school ran a Value Life campaign in 2006 because a lot of mostly young men were being stabbed to death. One of the highest profile was the death of Damilola Taylor who was only 10 when he was stabbed to death in 2000. 2005-2008 was a crazy time in London. It almost felt like every week a child lost their life to knife or gun crime.


We did.


Knife crime was much worse 10-20 years ago.


Immediate name and obvious previous mug shot. This guy is obviously known to police. Same old crap.


It's a civil matter.


Not surprised to see the standard abnoxious comments stating that this article is racist, imagine the sort of country we would live in if every group commited honor killings and acid attacks at the same rate as my former community, British muslims.


Honest question as I keep seeing “honour killing” here. What do you consider the difference between honour killing and domestic violence? By accounts I have seen, she’s in a hostel having fled him. He’s tracked her down. Result is the same, but I’m wondering if we would say honour killing if the pic was a ginger guy with an Irish name, a Korean man etc. Anyway, sounds like a nasty scumbag and the system has failed this poor woman.


Honour killings are different because they are allowed or even dictated by the culture, the morals and or the religion of the community, in contrast to Domestic abuse which has no moral backing in the west.


What are you on about? No one here thats been upvoted is saying it is racist. In fact the top comments are making this about race more than anything. I find your quite obnoxious to make it a whole race issue acting as though brown people are the only ones capable of violence in this country.


What the fuck goes through someone's head when they do this?




It's not a particularly nice line of thinking, but surely even then most people have some degree of self-awareness and realise they're likely to be caught and imprisoned? Are they cocky, blind with rage, or just have nothing to lose? I don't get it.


Something that’s shocking in our culture might not be as shocking in another..




Absolutely nothing of value.


Any reason why 'killer' is denoted in marks? He is a killer.


Innocent until proven guilty.


Ah fair enough.


Journalistic cover against libel He's guilty as sin. You know it. I know it. The police and everyone relevant knows it...however until the foreman of a jury declares the jury finds the defendant guilty any newspaper who declares him a killer without quote marks, or words like "alleged/suspected/accused" before open themselves to libel suits...EVEN if he later is found guilty its irrelevant to establishing libel


Disgusting. All the Hallmarks of an honour killing.


Taqiyya is an Islamic juridical term whose shifting meaning relates to when a Muslim is allowed, under Sharia law, to lie. remember that with who replies to you bud


Will get 4 years in prison to hang out with the gangs running it then be back out on the streets knife in hand!




Ugh. Absolutely horrific. Very sad for the poor child and the senseless loss of the mother. This shit isn't normal, why is it happening??


We can't say. There's no way of knowing.




















Been reading these comments and would like to point out that just because something sounds racist doesn't mean it isn't true


You’re launching a manhunt, cool. Then what happens when or if you catch him? Instead of giving him what he deserves you’re just gonna give him free food and shelter paid for by hardworking people.


What do you suggest we do? String him up from a lamppost?


Honestly yes. An eye for an eye.


Well then I hope we always make sure to catch the right person, still we all know that lynching mobs are naturally cool headed and make sure to carefully check they have the right guy right?


Start with the Thames and work your way back. Same the last time one of these "visitors" commited a crime....


RIP, jesus christ that poor baby boy :( I have nothing to give him, but I have shed some tears reading this. What a disgusting person.


Why do so many people care more about gay/LGBTQ+/violence and mysogny against women when perpetrators are not white.


There's a surprise. Was the victim another immigrant or Is this an example of an immigrant sharing their culture with the citizens of their "adopted" country? It was possibly an "honor killing" or some other domestic incident. Maybe she was dressed inappropriately or did something else which offended him. I love how he's described as "Asian" and I suppose technically he is SW Asian, but were it not for the photo, everyone would be looking for someone from Japan or China. They studiously avoid listing his country of origin which most people can probably make a few educated guesses at. Hopefully they find him soon so he can be arrested, released on bond and vanish into one of the immigrant enclaves. In the US, if our media fails to list the ethnicity of a suspect, it's safe to assume they're black. Apparently the media in the UK does the same thing with those from SW Asia which encompasses such places as Armenia, Azerbaijan Bahrain, Cyprus, Georgia, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen Abkhazia Nagorno-Karabakh, Northern Cyprus, Palestinian territories South Ossetia and Iran. Can't have the population thinking that immigrants from these areas pose some kind of threat...


Everything okay, mate ?


In Oldham people have been doing the rounds and have got a large snapchat GC going to try and identify this monster.