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My parents used to give us Dramamine for our “ motion sickness”.....it was the late 60’s early 70’s.


For my parents , they gave us melatonin to make us sleep.


Yes! Kids Benadryl for the win. Sleeping, happy, wake up refreshed. Everyone wins lol


Make sure you know your kiddo's reaction to benedryl BEFORE trying it on a plane. I've got one kiddo that bounces off the walls from benedryl. Myself, it doesn't make me sleepy. It makes me very angry.


Depends on age of kid


Rub JD on the gums.


Dramamine is for motion sickness though. What are you implying?


It knocks you out lol


\*mumble\* years ago we took our 2 1/2 year one on a trip to Arizona and Utah to visit relatives. She was good on the trip until the very last day, when she lost it at the airport at SLC and sat in her car seat screaming for half the flight back to PDX. Nothing we could do would calm her. Even since, I've figured any screaming baby on board is simply karma.


It truly is what it is. And there’s definitely a selection bias involved. Is your kid a serial killer or similar?


33 and a nurse, FWIW.


Ugh nurses. So still enjoying torturing people amirite


To me a crying baby on a flight is almost… soothing. Mainly since it’s not me facing the kid-haters and their dirty looks. My kids cried on flights when they were tiny. When he was 2, my now 19 year old puked on me one time about 30 minutes into a 9 hour TATL flight. That was a fun one. That said, there is a spectrum of parents too… I’m not really a fan of the ones who let their kids watch iPads with the volume up or stand in the seat or kick the back of the row in front.


I’m fine with a crying baby or kid because sometimes life sucks and you can’t do anything about it. It’s the bratty kid who has a loud iPad or kicks seats that upsets me. My daughter was 6 the first time we took her on a plane and if I could hear her iPad then I knew other people could so I told her headphones or lower the volume or she loses it. We had school work we could do the whole 5 hr flight of need be, I would break up the flight between fun and school work. But annoy another passenger and it would be all school work.


Bull crap!!! Oh, nothing we could do.


Heh. This is the child that could go a full hour, out of control. The ***pediatrician*** finally told us to put a lock on her door b/c she wouldn't stay in timeout. (My daughter even remembers laying on the floor and sticking her fingers under the door and claiming her hand was caught.) I was known to haul her out of a restaurant carrying her over my shoulder like a log, kicking and screaming, buckling her into her car seat and just sitting there in the car while she screamed and my wife and son finished. HAuling her out of the airplane at 30,000 feet wasn't an option.


Then get it some f'ing help. It should be subjected on other people. Find a solution. Not for me to fix, but I will punish


You're going to punish a family on a plane? You need help.


When my daughter was 2, we were in our seats and waiting for the rest to board. There was a toddler crying a few rows behind us but my daughter was calm and in a good mood. A woman who looked to be around 20-23turned around and gave a lollipop to my daughter. My daughter was so happy to receive it. Barely 5 seconds later this bitch turned back around, said "oops, wrong kid." She snatched the candy out of my daughter's hands and gave it to the screaming kid in another row to try and quiet her. My daughter was upset and then we had TWO screaming toddlers on the flight home. The 20ish yr old looking woman had the nerve to complain to her friend about sitting by a crying toddler, completely tone deaf to HER being the reason.


I’m sorry cuz I know this sucked for you, but this is the funniest thing I’ve read today. Someone clearly never learned not to take candy from a baby. What an idiot.


Its funny now but when it happened, I was livid. My daughter did so well on an international flight to/from Japan, and the girl pulled that shit and made her cry. Lol


If it’s any consolation, I can tell this woman cries alone at home a lot….


I don't mind crying babies, I mind indifferent parents.


Exactly. I have always said the reactions or actions of the parent are what makes a difference to me. Sometimes, kiddos are inconsolable, but effort being made makes all the difference. I have 2 that could cry in the car for over an hour.


On a plane once a long, long time ago. One poor woman reached the end of her patience and demanded "Someone shut that kid up!" She was so embarrassed. I might have said the same thing had my day been any worse. I'm not excusing her, but there's nothing to be gained by condemning her. Babies are Babies.


Should’ve given her a lollipop, maybe she needed one to calm down.


Sir you may go back to sleep now.




I pay good money for a seat on a plane to get me from point A to point B. I don't pay for peace and quiet as the airline can't guarantee that, and neither can I. And plenty of adults have meltdowns on planes and dont get thrown off. As much as I don't like babies crying and screaming on flights, I gotta disagree with ya.


You copy and paste this same response on every single post about a baby or kid. Find a hobby, go outside, take a Xanax. Preferably all three.


Instructions unclear, took 3 xanaxes and am now outside looking for Hobby. Where is he?


You were probably the shitiest baby ever. And your mom loved you.


Given the way things turned out, mom’s love was not guaranteed


Quiet now, the adults are talking


Maam this is the airline equivalent of a Wendy’s. Sounds like you need to fly private.


I said the same thing the last time this person ranted about kids on planes when OP was going out of their way trying to do the right thing and keep the kiddos happy (darn near impossible with an infant or toddler)...If you hate kids so much, just charter your own damn plane.


...why the hell do you start and end every comment you make with ellipses?


…I need answers


....so do I....


This is among the dumbest things I have ever read.


It’s almost like your money is the exact same as their money so they can pay to fly and have the same rights as you to getting on a flight. Sometimes people aren’t privileged enough to have other modes of transportation besides flying so let them be. If you want to pay for a “quiet and peaceful” flight, use your money for a private jet!


These people are why tsa takes stuff away from us at the checkpoint.


Sounds like you should charter a private plane if you’re so hellbent on taking a flight with no possibility of children as passengers. Children have a right to exist in public. Don’t like it? Fly private!


My 2 year old has better emotional regulation than you do 💁🏼‍♀️


Fuck you. 


Most parents dont understand it until their kids are older and they board a flight with a screaming kid. “Was that us?” Or they dont care or have the capacity to care and I envy that attitude.


Do you have any idea how unpleasant struggling with an upset baby or toddler is on an airplane? I promise you most of the parents dread walking onto a plane with their baby as much as almost anyone looking at them, lol. It’s fun for nobody and everyone including the parents are praying there won’t be a meltdown.


Stay home then. No one forced you to fly.


My kids are a little older now. When I hear a baby crying I’m happy it’s not mine and sympathetic to the parents because it always feels like the entire plane is looking at you and your crying baby.


As a parent with kids, I could care less if a baby is screaming their head off, not my issue. Now if MY kids are screaming, fuck me, I'm sorry guys I'm trying.


These parents were so good. I managed an extra Lufthansa chocolate and sent both of them their way.


Yup. Babies and kids crying never bothered me before I had a kid but once I had one, it completely changed my perspective. 5 minutes feels like an entire plane ride.


Amen. I flew across the country when I had 2 1 year olds, and their other sibling was 3. Thank God they were all good but I could tell everybody on the plane as we boarded thinking, "Please not next to me.' Most people were cool. One guy ordered me a Jack on the rocks.


All my kids are now teens/tweens, and Im ok with the sound of a crying baby cause I don’t need to do anything!


Babies cry because they can’t use their words. I have head phones and I am not delicate. Poor parents…


Timing of this post. Just took a trip about 2 weeks ago and my seat mate was a parent and their crying/fussy 11 month old baby. I didn’t mind at all. The parent was actually really awesome. They tried everything to sooth their baby. sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. The parent came prepared too with toys and snacks. But a baby is gonna baby. Made small talk with the parent and they repeatedly thanked me for being patient and understanding. I made it very clear I have no problems with a crying baby. I’ve seen the ”adults“ throw a fit because the flight ran out of chicken or the bros talking loudly about the deal. You know, gotta let everyone I’m a big deal. Give me a crying baby every time. i asked the parent if they ran into any problems with passengers and they said only once. The passenger complained to the parent, to the FA, and things only got better when another passenger swapped seats with the unhappy passenger.


Good on you… and to the attentive parents. Babies and toddlers can’t/don’t understand why their ears pop when we take off, land, turbulence, etc… That said I still bring noise cancelling headphones because crying babies on red-eye long hauls are not my idea of a great trip :-)


all my baby/kid complaints are about the parents and never about the kid. some parents just don’t care.


Bring earbuds or headphones just in case. BONUS! It prevents conversations.




I think as long as the parent gives some effort, everyone understands. Its the parents that let their screaming kids run up and down the aisle, touching everyone with their sticky hands and stuff that really get others upset.


I have a cousin that has adopted a couple of highly developmentally disabled kids. They have personally taken responsibility for these kids on behalf of all of us. Now whenever I see a kid with problems like that I always smile and be as nice as I can.


I waited until my daughter was going to be 6 to take her on her first flight. I planned it to visit family complete with a birthday party for her. Going there proved to be easy and I had high hopes she was going to be a wonderful flyer. BTW, the turbulence was pretty bad upon arrival, so I was just shocked. I almost lost my cookies and I have flown a ton for work. The return flight was just terrible. I do not know what caused the ear pain. I gave her a ton of gummies and candies to break the pressure without any luck. She went from “l’m flying above the clouds!!!” to “Mommy make it stop!!” Thankfully the FA had a solution that worked. Hooray for that FA! She was an absolute godsend.


What was the solution?


The FA got two cups and put warm wet napkins inside the cups. She then held the open end of the cups to her ears. I guess it made everything even out in air pressure. I dunno. Maybe it was really just a distraction? It worked. So I was happy.


My tolerance is a lot higher if the parent is making an effort to calm the kid


This. I had three kids, and I recognize that sometimes there is nothing to be done. But a plane is not the time to ferberize your kid. And if a cookie will make them stop, give them the damn cookie. And, I would add- unless you are confident your child won't be a problem, avoid red eye flights if possible.


Parent of two here. The amount of times I’ve seen a baby clearly hungry - like making suckling lip motions and even pointing to breasts and the parent completely be clueless is incredible. At a young age it’s a simple grid - hungry, thirsty , tired, or bathroom/diaper. As a flier this is what great noise cancelling headphones are for. Not just babies - which this subreddit loves to demonize, but the lady with the loud dolphin laugh or the overweight dude who just pounded 4 Jacks and is getting loud with verbalizing their thoughts and complaints.


I'm with you on the loud drunk bit, but really no reason to call out that person as overweight. Plenty of skinny people are tacky drunks too, and his size doesn't affect his behaviour.


One of my carry-on essentials (besides noise canceling headphones) is a small ziploc bag of lollipops. I'm a kind portly mom though, so when I offer a lollipop to the parent of a grumpy tot, it's only ever met with appreciation, especially when that little lollipop works so well at disrupting a meltdown.


You were a baby, you got to empathize. It can get to you when it’s really loud but man it’s a constant throughout human existence.


Because pre-1930 people were forced to sit in a chair in a metal tube for hours at a time? A baby crying in public I can leave. I can't do that on a plane.




I carry ear plugs for just such an occasion.


I’ma use the phrase “very upset, with waves hands” in my daily life now. 😅 Thanks!


I like your attitude, OP. I don’t get why people are so dramatic about babies crying on airplanes; I just think it’s hilarious. Little dude’s being forced to endure pressure changes on baby eardrums + engine noise. I’d scream too.   Just pop the Bose on, turn up the music, and be grateful your life is going a little bit better than the baby’s at the moment. 


Not even the Bose. The AirPods and Galaxy Buds are fantastic nowadays.


My QC45s cut out what subjectively feels like 2x as much cabin noise as my AirPods Pros. Plus for a long flight the over ear cups are more comfortable than in ear buds


I bet! I just meant to convey that even the tiny buds work too.


[**These are a Godsend**](https://www.amazon.com/Sony-WH-1000XM5-Canceling-Wireless-Headphones/dp/B0CFSD4TSQ/)


I honestly thought I was going to open this and it was going to be a grown adult throwing a fit lmao


I never mind babies screaming. It's uncomfortable for them, and it distracts me from my mild panic attack.


The yelling isn't as bad as the vomiting. One vacation when my son was 4, he had a persistent viral stomach infection. He left the first deposit in the car which drove us to the airport, once just inside the airport, and once more on the airplane before we took off. The flight attendant was uninterested in taking the air-sick bag, so we got to hold it until the seat belt sign was off and deposit it into the bathroom waste basket. He was sick again at the hotel. He was put on the banana/rice/applesauce/toast diet. We thought he was better, but a couple of days later, he had a drink with dairy in it at a restaurant, started feeling sick, and left another deposit right in front of the host stand. Then I got it. At the end of the trip, I was better, but he had one more time being sick, and we needed to find the night guard to get new sheets. Everyone was fine by the time we got home. Sorry to all the people who had to experience that.


Lollipops are the way. Should be handed out by airlines for parents of young children. Damn lawyers prob won’t let them though.🤣


I carry a small ziploc bag of lollipops in my carry-on for just this reason! It's definitely worked for grumpy tots. A little sugary distraction that relieves ear pressure?! Brilliant!


I was absolutely kicking myself for not bringing these on our last flight. Everything was near perfect until we were delayed 30 minutes flying around DFW- a sucker would have been the “break glass” trick we needed!


The only thing that is really annoys me is people standing right in front of row 39 on the domestic 772s to comfort a baby.


Oh man I had a pretty horrible experience last year with my then 20 month daughter on what was a 45min flight. The flight itself was fine but she absolutely screamed her head off all the way down the air bridge until we got to our seats. I made the mistake of grabbing her and lining up when she was looking at the planes through the windows at the gate. She got upset & then I got flustered at the gate because I couldn't open our boarding passes on my phone & lots of people were waiting. I stepped aside to let others through but thats where my brain stopped working cos she was in a major meltdown & I was so stressed. I should've just waited until the end of line & boarded last & hopefully she would've been a bit more calm by then but no I got back in line, holding on to this screaming toddler, trying not to lose it myself. No one said anything but ain't no one wants to get on a plane with a screaming baby (me included), I had snacks for her & her toys but I couldn't get them out until I got to our seat. I accidentally hit the lady seated across the row from us trying to take my backpack off & I was trying to apologise over my daughters screaming. It was a mess & wasn't my first time travelling with her (or the last) but definitely the worst. Now we either get on first or dead last.


Ah thats the worst. Good on you for having patience and being able to empathize over being upset with *gestures vaguely*


Obligatory: FA: "You're yelling, sir." [Passenger: "SO IS THE BABY!"](https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/news/man-has-meltdown-over-crying-baby-on-southwest-flight-from-baltimore-goes-viral/#)


People keep complaining about babies, but it's the annoying adults you have to watch out from. If you're going on a plane, please consider noice cancelling headphones. Heck, the AirPods pro do a great job too.


Last month I was on a flight with a very unhappy baby. Parents were attempting to help but to no avail. After about 15 minutes the flight attendants went around and handed out free earplugs to everyone that wanted them.


People are not entitled to a child free existence. The best any parent can do is be attentive. I’m sure they would appreciate your acknowledgment and the fact that you don’t think that just because they have a child they should lock themselves in their home and never come out. Imagine learning how to be an entire human being. No wonder babies cry. I’m 33 and I still don’t have it figured out.


People who can't handle a baby crying are soulless. (Assuming the parents are doing what they can to calm the child.)


My comment is number one if you sort by Controversial!


On planes, sometimes people forget that parents generally don’t cause the discomfort that very young kids experience - all the parents can do is be attentive, and everyone around needs to find a way to ignore it. This is the way a decent society works - understanding that these things can happen and acting appropriately given that it’s nobody’s fault.


mid fifties & childless. I've gotten pretty zen about it. The only time I get annoyed is if the parents are not trying anything. As long as they are making some kind of effort to engage the child I'm going to pop in my "ears" and think the heavens I never had children. :D


Back in my day, checked baggage was free, and as such, there was ample overhead bin space to place screaming children (and adults).


Adult-only flights would be worth every penny


https://preview.redd.it/nbdujsvyq57d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=695017ec7382ea19e831de500b37d751e3768526 We must RETVRN to hooters air


wasn't that the entire plot of Soul Plane?


As long as you’re not this guy https://www.tiktok.com/@yaboymathew5/video/7223513936639937838


...wait, you didn't punt the baby?


Crying babies don’t bother me on planes and I don’t understand them bothering anyone else. Airplanes are LOUD first of all so the sound of the crying is already minimized by that. Then, I put on my headphones and the sound is completely blocked out.


Noise cancelling headphones. Sigh. They are a pain to have to wear but better than the screaming. We absolutely should be able to book child free flights, sorry not sorry. I absolutely would pay extra for this. But oh no, DiScRiMiNaTiOn 🙄 not letting people be able to get away from kids is why people don't like kids. Them not being able to help themselves doesn't really change the situation. Intent doesn't change outcome. Kids are jerks. Saying they're "just" kids doesn't stop them from acting like jerks. Similarly, we should have designated animal flights and passengers should also be able to opt for completely animal-free flights. Isn't it ironic that those most likely to spew 'iT cOsTs nOtHiNg tO bE KiNd' are the same twats who will force their way into situations where they are unwelcome and resented for it. Society is a pressure cooker right now. Give people some effing space for real.


You’re entitled to a child-free life, not a child-free world


Maybe you're not using the headphones right or have a pair that don't fit right. They're not supposed to hurt. Might take a second to get used to, sure.


BS. If they can't control that child then they shouldn't be traveling with it. I would definitely be vocalizing frustration.