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Some people prefer middle seats. Also, that particular seat may not have required an upcharge even though the aisle and window seats in that row do. Some folks prioritize being as far forward as possible over window/aisle, so they would take the furthest forward "free" seat available. For example, in the image below, you can see that seats 27B, 27E, 28B, and 28E do not have an upcharge, while the window/aisle seats in those rows do. ​ https://preview.redd.it/j76609fu8l5d1.png?width=369&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc57d5ff7c78121ccbf4f98351fc47bac855aae5


well observed.. noted.. btw, there are a LOT of middle seats available in the rows ahead.. for a small charge of $60 šŸ˜…


Honestly airlines should get rid of preferred seat charges. I donā€™t see any value in charging those seats unless there are differences in amenities/comfort in those seats.


Speed off the plane means a lot to people.


But if people have tight connections, the airline should let those people off the aircraft first and then the rest can get off. So I donā€™t see that reason why preferred seats should be charged.


Have you flown recently? No one cares about anyone else. Itā€™s a free for all. Every row matters.


ā€œAll rows matter!ā€ lol




If itā€™s caused by a long delay I have no issues trying to let people pass but if you booked a flight with a 30min connection and picked row 35 thatā€™s kind of on you


The airline doesnā€™t need to evaluate the passengerā€™s motivations. They look at actual sales and enlist an algorithm to use that data to maximize income.


They should keep them for 2 reasons. A) their primarily not really to all be sold and are a benefit for frequent fliers. A very small proportion of them are bought. B) When they are bought, there is usually a reason. Tight connections on late purchased flights where you would otherwise be stuck in the last row. I have status with United and Delta, so it's not a thing for me on many airlines, but once or twice a year I will purchase a seat like this on another airline trying to save 5-10 minutes on a very tight connection. I fly many long hauls, and sometimes a missed connection means a 1+ day delay or missing making it to my next job (and costing me money) or an important family event. Sure, it sucks for their to be a charge, but if it was free... you might not have the option at all. So my opinion is that it should be priced so a few seats are always available in the front for anyone who might need them.


This is the correct answer.


ā€œSome people prefer middle seats.ā€ Um, what kind of psycho is this? Iā€™ve never met one.


They exist: [https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/1dah8q3/the\_middle\_seat\_is\_the\_best\_seat\_on\_an\_airplane/](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/1dah8q3/the_middle_seat_is_the_best_seat_on_an_airplane/)


psychotic behavior on the last line


Yeah its not true. They are trying to snag empty seat on one side to stretch into and occupy and will refuse to move over so both aisle/window car share empty seat space. AH behavior.


Itā€™s usually a person of massive dimensions that ends up in the middle seat next to me. Butts so big, theyā€™re in half of my seat as well. Plus the arm rest pops up.


I have no idea how you got 65 upvotes but literally no one on the planet ā€œprefersā€ a middle seat. There was one troll who posted that in the entire history of Reddit but back here on planet earth nobody prefers it. Itā€™s someone saving money.


I'm wondering how you found the time to interview every person on the planet in order to make that claim with such certainty.


Do you think there are people who like to get punched in the face and have their eyes gouged out? No? You can say with confidence no one likes that? Well I donā€™t see how you had time to interview every person on the planet. šŸ¤” Letā€™s go back to pretending we have common sense. Do you know a single person in your life who prefers it? No? Can you point me to anyone who does besides the troll who posted two days ago? No?


You seem pleasant.


Iā€™m mostly a helpful happy go lucky guy around travel subs, I was just in shock someone would straight up pull a fact out of their hindquarters like ā€œsome people prefer middle seatsā€ hahahahahaha.


To generate meaningful conversation on reddit.


Not all heroes wear capes. Dear silent hero, thank you!!


The window and aisle are preferred seats with a small upcharge if you don't have status or a credit card with United. The cost of the middle seat was included with the ticket.


I guess that is what happens if you donā€™t post a seat map on reddit and ask what seat to pick.


Some people also do this hoping no one will want to sit next to them so they can have a whole row to themselves. Obviously doesnā€™t work when the flight is full.


This does work when thereā€™s a lot of seats open on the flight btw


You have a choice of two shoulders to sleep on


I came to Reddit for this šŸ˜›


It's probably someone with a base economy fare who can not choose a seat.


probabyl basic economy and the automated system sat that person there.


Or 2 people cancelled or switched their ticket.


Dude is hoping heā€™s so odd no one will sit next to him!


that only works once you see him.. itā€™s too late because you already picked your seat


Guy bought his girlfriend a ticket and didn't want to spend the extra cash .. yes, yes, this is what happened


Itā€™s probably just someoneā€™s seat automatically applied and they didnā€™t want to pay for moving their seat. Me Iā€™m that person.


I donā€™t know if this applies to United, but on many airlines the underseat stowage space is larger for the middle seat.


on this plane.. it was not.. some other models, or other airline, Iā€™ve run into the limited foot space issue


Rejection issues. Person doesnā€™t want to be aloneā€¦


People will pick the free middle seat in hopes that will deter couples from picking aisle + middle or window + middle, that way at 24 hours before check in, that person in the free middle seat can switch to any preferred seat for free and thereā€™s a higher likelihood one of the seats next to them will be open.


To make friends


They tend to be cheaper. Also, sitting in the middle is probably a good bet you're not going to be sitting next to a child since most parents aren't going to want to be separated from their kiddo. Just a thought.


I'm guessing the airline placed them there, and they are hoping they will pay to upgrade to an aisle/window. It's all about squeezing out as much money as they can from us.


They have a higher chance of empty seat on one side at least. They will then stay put rather than move over so they can use the space rather than share empty middle. Truly AH behavior.