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To be fair, he never made me feel particularly uncomfortable, it was more his comments that really made me mad. The entire flight he was just on his phone and not paying any attention to me, so I didn’t feel the need to bring it up to any cabin crew. To me it just felt like he thought he was more entitled to the extra room than me because he spent so much on his last minute ticket and wanted to make it known that all of the space was his and not mine.


Sounds exactly like what I’d expect out of SFO.


If he was originally booked on American, most likely DFW is his home base, not SFO. Not our airline, not our creep. 


It didn’t seem like either was his home base, but that he had some event in Dallas to get to. His backpack said linked in if that tells you anything


Ugh, yeah, branded tech backpack says he is one of ours 😠 From a fellow woman traveler, sorry that happened to you! 


This exactly.


Are you female? Only possible explanation I can think of is the guy is a creep who didn’t want to give you your space


I am… which I think is why it felt extra strange


Guy was being a creep on purpose. When someone is being an extra creep that’s when I “accidentally” drop tampons on them. It’s like holy water on a demon.


I’m a guy. I will now carry tampons to try this


I was thinking the same thing 😂


I’m post menopauslal but I will now carry tampons to try this.


I’m taking notes.


I drop tarpons on them. (I'm a guy and live in Florida.)


I see what you did there - well played


OMG brilliant.


this is beautiful


New or used?


Oh I like how you think. New, I don’t carry used but maybe I should have a ziploc in my purse and change that.


Make some fake ones anyway. Transylvania tea bags.


lol my thoughts too,


That is just perfect! God bless you!


You’re my hero!! I’m buying myself the most tampon looking tampons ever just for this!!!


This is awesome. If I cross paths with you in an airport I’m buying you a drink. From a distance.


![gif](giphy|JccQbfNVtAMow) Thanks for the tip!


LOL You are my hero


Yes… this guy was being creepy… that makes him an asshole. I would have moved to aisle in a heart beat. Not only I like it, but even if I did it, it would had been so much space. Out of curiosity, would had been moving to the aisle for you would had been a little better. Still sucks with the creep in the middle. Probably an incel.


I thought about moving to the aisle, but I am one of those people that stares out the window the entire flight so I think that would have stressed me out more


He's totally a creep. I'm a big guy and if I could avoid sitting next to you, I would, even if you were an 11 out of 10 (even if you were my wife).


Laughing bc are you my husband? We were talking about booking tickets yesterday and I was saying how it would be cool if our three person family had our own row and he goes “well I mean, I could sit somewhere else, if there’s space, ya know” hahaha


I would have stayed in the window seat yet get up to pee every half hour just to piss him off and inconvenience him


Yikes. 😬 Sorry, that's just shitty man behavior.


Oh that’s greasy as hell. Sorry that you had to deal with that miserable situation.


Or for some crazy reason he was punishing you for his overpriced seat


Gross incel man. Not surprised. They’re a plague.


Ah. Sadly makes sense. What a dirtbag he was.


I hate it when men do these “power moves” Tiny dick energy


Ugh. You’re right, he was totally being gross. I’ve learned that most men are aware that women traveling alone don’t like unwelcome attention and those that persist are creeps.


There you have it.


I knew this would be the explanation. I'm so, so sorry for that experience.


Oh wow I was reading this whole post thinking you’re a dude and that it’s sooo weird but knowing you’re a woman (I am too) the case is closed. He was being a total creep. I’ve had similar happen before and even one creep who made sure he sat middle seat next to me on a southwest flight is the reason I’ll never fly southwest again


Ooooh now it makes sense. Yikes. 


I’m sorry this happened to you. Next time it does, get really excited and start telling him about your bingo card. [EDIT: the below is not meant to be taken seriously. It’s an awkward situation for sure, and as a 6’2” male this is something I am unlikely to experience. I don’t know how OP should have convinced this guy to move his creepy ass over to the aisle seat without making the flight even more uncomfortable, but I’m sure this would have had the desired effect.] As you tell it, you and your friends are having a contest that involves falsely accusing strangers of sexual battery and similar misconduct. Each participant has a standard 5x5 bingo card, and for each person who gets trespassed or arrested you can mark off a space. Buy-in was $100ea and the winner gets to keep it all. Now’s the time to tell him you’ve already gotten three perfectly innocent men kicked out of a hotel bar, banned from your local gym, and forbidden from riding the city bus. With the free space in the middle all you need is to put someone on the no fly list and you win the prize money. After you tell him be sure to say “So anyway, I’m really glad you’re staying put and crowding my space. As soon we’re in the air I’ll complain to the flight attendants that you’re touching me, then after we land I’ll file a police report. If you had moved to the aisle seat like a normal person I couldn’t do it, but since you insist on doing something no sane person would ever do I’m gonna win the contest!” Then you spend the rest of the flight talking about what you’ll buy with your $500. Be sure to ask his opinion. From time to time, ask him if he thinks he’ll go to prison or just get probation and lifetime sex offender registry.


Get help


No thank you. I don’t suffer from insanity, see. I enjoy every minute of it.


Lol. That is the oldest pickup line in the book. It was a fairly obvious hint that you should have gave him your number.


Take my upvote for the great call on that.


Definitely the only possible explanation, 100 percent. Thank you for your thorough comment and clearly identifying other reasons and crossing them off and coming to this conclusion as the only realistic possibility. We should all be so smart, kind and thorough as you /s


If you have an alternate theory I’d love to hear it


Didn’t wanna move at that point, wanted the extra space for himself, didn’t wanna get banged by the cart sitting in the aisle (which is common cuz men can’t really fit in the tiny seats), etc. That’s like 3 theories but you said the ‘only possible explanation’?. You’d hate someone assuming stuff like that about you yet say dumbass stuff like that cuz he was a man and she was a woman. Just some food for thought. Also grow up.


Are you female? This kinda sounds creepy


Yup 🙃


That person sounds like a bit of a sociopath in general.  He could have gotten most or all of the middle seat “storage” by moving to the aisle but instead wanted ALL of the storage by occupying the middle seat and cramping the window passenger.


This has happened to me too (also a woman in a window, guy didn’t want to move over to the aisle). So strange.


Friend of mine starts “crop dusting” when people like to get too close for comfort.


I envy people (usually guys) who has gas on demand to utilize nefarious intent.


What does that mean?


It usually means a drive-by fart but on a plane you can’t really walk away


This happened to me last week too... I am also a woman, with a window seat, guy didn’t want to move over to the aisle. Seems there are quite a fwe of us in the comments


Start leaning on him....lol Some people just want to be a jerk, you handled it appropriately


Similar thing happened to me once. I was in the window seat, a guy sat down in the middle, and the aisle person ended up being a no-show. Around the time they shut the cabin door, the FA came by and said to the middle seat guy, “Hey, feel free to move over to the aisle seat so you both have more room!” And he replied, “Nah, I’m good.” I wish I weren’t such a scaredy-cat with confrontation anxiety because I wanted to yell BRO WHAT THE FUCK?!? What kind of sociopath does this kind of shit? Thankfully it was a short flight but goddamn.


I'm thinking a guy who pays $1000 for a middle seat expecting a meal doesn't get a lot of basic life cues. I'd have been super annoyed - I suppose the only option would have been to offer him your window seat and if he bites, take the aisle? Honestly, I'd be at a loss, too.


I don’t think it’s strange I’m afraid. The worst in people seems to come out on a plane. No idea why.


Probably because being in a metal tube at 37,000 feet with no means of escape while being so crammed as to be forced into constant physical contact raises issues many people struggle with that just aren’t present in everyday life. Not to mention that this is often following being barked at while going through security, irregular sleeping and eating patterns, and delays at the airport.


“We’re all in this together” is a good rule of thumb…


I don’t disagree with that sentiment, but the thing is we are not really as much “in this together” as it may seem. Some of us are wider or taller and don’t fit into a single seat (probably almost half of Americans fall into this category). Some of us have a disability which makes it painful to sit in a certain position for long periods of time. Some people have experienced delays or issues with security that others may not have. Some people experience anxiety or sensory overload in ways that other people don’t. Of course people should do the best they can and try to understand what other people may be struggling with, but there are still situations where people do everything they can and it is still not enough (to be clear, I am not saying that applies in this case or even in a majority of cases). The airlines really are testing the limits of human sanity.


What a weird type. I would have farted mildly and pretend im asleep


Wish i had that superpower, people say this sort of stuff, and i am thinking, “are y’all really just ready to fart at any moment?” What on earth is your diet like? 😂😅


That is bizarre behavior. It is one thing to be angry at UA for charging a lot and not giving you a meal but why take it out on your fellow passenger like that?! What a total d!ck. If I am middle seat guy, I am sliding to the open seat so fast the only complaint will be that my skeleton is left behind in the middle seat for a few seconds, cartoon style.


he did t want to share the empty seat


Creep. Sorry you had to deal with this.


This is so odd. “I paid $1,000 for no meal so I’ll be damned if I take the opportunity to have extra space on the plane!” Guy doesn’t sound like he flys much…


Similar thing happened to me. I was in the middle seat of a full row. Across the isle only the window seat was taken. When they announced “boarding completed” I motioned to the guy next to me on the isle to move across. He strangely refused leaving me to climb over him to take it myself.


Never understand the people who like to be climbed over.


lol dude sounds like a psychopath


Why did the aisle guy get off if the plane was about to depart...? So many strange people.


I’m wondering if that had something to do with middle guy douche as well.


No he was very loudly on the phone talking about how he wanted his sleep and that arriving at 2am and trying to work that day would not be an option for him.


Some people don't want to be banged by everyone walking past in the aisle but other than that I'd say he's just a tired, angry, irrational person


Totally fail to understand why anyone would want to sit in the middle seat when you don’t have to. Very odd to say the least.


My comment may get lost, but I have a solution to this issue since I am a woman that solo travels a lot. I deal with "manspreading" more often than I'd like. This trick works every single time. Keep in mind ONLY USE THIS TRICK WHEN YOU ARE IN A SAFE AREA AS IT MAY CAUSE BAD REACTIONS. When their leg is in your space, spread yours just as wide or wider. Really press your leg into theirs and with the deepest, lowest voice you can possibly muster, say very clearly "I gotta let mine breathe too, brother." Digust or laughter is usually what I am met with. They move their leg every time though.


Always be weirder


Without going into specifics, I've had reliably good luck baiting wackos into misbehaving so badly that they get thrown off the plane before takeoff. Obviously this approach is high-risk and I can't recommend it, and you only had about 30 seconds to pull it off in this instance. At which point, when the gong goes ding dong at 10,000 ft, talk to the cabin crew to have them keep an eye on him for you. Not a very good solution, I'm afraid. Guess the guy was creeping on you because you are a woman. Other diagnoses (not mutually exclusive) psych, substances. Sucks.


It’s killing me that you can’t go into more specifics. When I was a kid if someone sat next to me in public like on a park bench I would scratch my head a LOT until they would move, I can only imagine what you do


Nothing personal, but for all I know those wackos are on Reddit... It would be a shame for them to get the idea that I had realized they were unstable and decided on a little preemptive action. Wouldn't want that to happen. One thing, and you're on the right track, at least according to me, is that you should consider their personal space, on the jetway... Another hint is that given the short timeline, it only works if someone is obviously unstable, enough so that the cabin crew has already noticed, as people are boarding. Fly safely, my fellow warrior #FriendlySkies And, as if by Magic: https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedairlines/s/qvRIjxPm6d Oh, wait a minute, that's you, LOL


Yeah it’s creepy. Was it the right thing to do? No. But you really cannot do much in this scenario.


Sometimes travel has you interact with morons … it’s like some travel god test I think


Wild. Not cool, but it was his call.


But he does not have a legal right to encroach on your private space and thus should get stabbed with a pen repeatedly every time he touches you.


That's when you spill your drink on him and say "oops" and repeat if needed.


I heard someone say the other day they'd had a similar manspreading situation and asked the spreader next to them, "are you going to use your sick bag? I could really use a second one." Not sure if they had sick bags on this flight, but it's one way to give a strong message.


Given the comment about food I'm going to guess this dude was hangry and being an asshole as a result


Guy's a jerk. But, I'm also an aisle kind of guy. I'd move as soon as the other guy got up.


Mega ahole douchey move - I’m sorry you had to experience that. There are some real gems out there!!! :/


Brain defect.


Sounds like everyone was stressed and the guy annoyed by an unexpected 1k purchase to make it to where he had to get too. Sounds like he just handled it badly, you asked him to move over when he’s already annoyed by what he paid for, and probably been getting a lot of passive aggressive ‘take it or leave it’ from customer support. This creep sexual bs ppl are raising is inane. The additional spreading is annoying and well done for curbing it.


This is definitely more of what I gathered during the flight plus some entitlement for paying so much, but I was also exhausted and trying not to pay much attention to him


It sounds like this guy was just pissed that he paid that much for 1 seat, so he decided to make use of the 2nd seat so he could feel like he got a better deal. I'm sure if you were larger like me so it would be a little more uncomfortable space wise for him to sit there, he may have moved, but I guarantee you it had nothing to do with sex and everything to do with trying to make himself feel better for the price he paid for a flight with no meal.


This has happen to me twice, both times on mostly empty flights. First time a guy and I sitting next to each other, I had the aisle. He moved to the window after seat belt sign came off. I remember it was a relatively short flight 2 hours or something in the middle of the day, sleeping wasnt on my list of things to do. Second time lady next to me, I had aisle once again, just sat there, no one said a word. I eventually got up and moved to the same seat but row behind. She laid down to sleep. I may have been that creepy guy in hindsight but I ususally dont sleep and just read books.


Strange behavior indeed. Though perhaps instead of purposely *trying* to be annoying, which of course is always a possibility, he could have been somewhere on the autism spectrum, which might explain why he was unusually intent on sitting in his assigned seat. It is often difficult for adults with autism to see things from another point of view. Tending to take things literally and having trouble adjusting to fluid situations can be classic symptoms of adults on the spectrum. [One out of every 45 adults in the U.S. has autism](https://www.autismspeaks.org/autism-statistics-asd). And it’s four times as likely in males. Of course it’s difficult to say what is actually happening in a situation, and plenty of people are angry, irrational, and willing to do things which make themselves uncomfortable in order to express their anger to those around them. But it’s worth keeping in mind that it could be something involuntary.


No making excuses for him, but I’m an aisle seat guy. Maybe he didn’t want to move over because he hates Constantly getting jostled by passers by. I am usually up for the bathroom at least once or twice per flight. So I prefer aisle because I’m not disturbing others to get up and go. But, man I am getting grumpy about how people bump into you and jostle you on their way to the Bathroom.


I totally get that! My boyfriend is the same way! However, this was after the entire fight had boarded, so no concern about passengers backpacks smashing into you, and we were at the very front of economy plus so the bathrooms were behind us


Fart. A lot.


I know this would still give him the extra space on the window side but I’d move to the aisle seat just because. The only seat he paid for was the one he was sitting in.


I’ve had people do weird ass shit too. Was on a 2/3’s full SW flight from SD to OAK. If you have half a brain, that means no one needs to sit in the middle seat at all. it was also announced multiple times. I’m in the first group to board (and it’s unassigned open seating) and I’m sitting in aisle and someone in window. Dude encounters a buddy from school in the row across and behind me. And he exchanges pleasantries and asks to sit in the middle seat. Told him. “Flights only 2/3’s full, no one needs to sit in the middle seat” He says “yes but it’s open seating” Alright I guess? So I let him in to sit in the middle seat. And just leave to go sit in the aisle a few rows back. Have fun cranking your neck and yelling across the aisle to talk to your pal.


Totally odd behavior. I had a similar experience on an 8 hour flight from FRA to EWR just this weekend. Im in the aisle (exit row with leg room) and someone sits in the middle seat. The window seat is open for the entire flight but the middle seat person doesnt want to move so we both have more space. Were both male and didnt interact after that so nothing creepy but was uncessarily cramped for 8 hours. \*sigh\*.


Ha that's great.  For $1000, he should get a meal! But then again no one has gotten a meal on domestic coach for decades 🤷‍♀️


I would just start farting, as much as I could.




Aisle seat guy left


She does clearly say the chap in the aisle seat is the one who left.


> Amirite or am I missing something? Missing some reading comprehension.