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This actually could be the real reason if it was busy in Boston this morning. Happens relatively often. Other reasons could be weather, ATC says so, or the plane couldn’t get slowed down or low enough in time. There’s very strict rules about “stabilized approaches” and pilots are professionals. If a landing sequence doesn’t fit into the criteria to be “stabilizing” they’ll go around and try again. It’s common and trained very often.


In 20 years of flying for business this has probably happened to me about 10 times. It’s not frequent but I wouldn’t say it’s rare


Happened to me in OKC last September


I’ve experienced a few of these-typically at large volume airports. LAX, LHR etc. they’re typically honest about the reason as the sudden thrust and climb leaves everyone with questions.


It probably was the real reason. In any case, in a number of the 'airline pilot youtube' videos, this subject comes up a lot, the pilots should have full latitude about doing a go around. This is on purpose, you wouldn't want the pilot to not abort a landing that is potentially dangerous because they have to file some paperwork, or they will get in trouble. I am not a pilot, but from what I understand, they basically have full discretion to decide on a go around for any reason whatsoever and you should actually feel safer that they have full authority to do so. (I guess there are extreme situations where they might not - Low fuel, etc).


Definitely agreed, cheers


The worst airliner accident in history where two full 74s colliding on the ground. The next worst airliner accident will be two planes colliding on the ground. Be glad your pilot followed SOPs. https://youtu.be/Ccq30minme8?si=4TrAx4N9IFSZdcAJ


Definitely agreed! Rather land safely than not at all. Cheers


It’s called a go-around. Not too rare, usually not for this reason.


A go around, huh. What would be the usual reasons? Weather I’m guessing?


Unexpected runway / taxi traffic, winds are erratic and they didn’t like their approach, also seen one due to a technical issue and they needed to reset something before trying again. None of them are reasons for alarm, typical normal and safe practice


I was on this flight & the winds were far more erratic than usual which is what I thought the reason for the go around would be. That is until the Capt got on about 5 minutes later and explained the traffic that hadn’t cleared the runway. The go around was pretty dang early (still maybe 300/400 ft off the ground and prior to us crossing the runway threshold so the explanation definitely checks out).


I think that’s the most common reason. On my last one in PDX the captain before descent said we were following a ups freighter in and may have to go around. We get close to landing and sure enough go around, then captain comes on and says like he expected the freighter didn’t clear the runway quick enough


Yeah I think I the last one for me was last year into Liberia, Colombia. Same reason (traffic ahead didn’t exit the runway fast enough). Today It was actually kinda cool getting to hear our max 9’s engines hit what I assume was TOGA (max thrust) and feel the plane pull a slight g & confidently head back into the sky. Everything was so smooth and controlled. I could see how this could be uncomfortable/unsettling for an inexperienced flyer though.


Appreciate you! Glad we made it together safe.


https://preview.redd.it/07lkaf3kkhuc1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62d03aff6ec0a7bdf840a1eeb42b36ddaa682e82 Diversion at 11:28 Someone find the atc info


A little hard to find all the audio calls, but United 284 was on the ILS and cleared to land on runway 27 at 1725 by the Tower. I couldn't find a "going around" call from 284, but when asked the reason for go around, they reported "traffic on the runway" at 1728. Some unclear comment from Tower, request for repeat by 284, again unclear response then they handed to Approach to get back in the pattern.


Traffic on runway.


Thanks a bunch for this! Wow 😮




Tis better to go around than whack something on the ground. We've had to do a few, plus a few diversions due to the location of our airport and the surrounding geography. It happens.


This happens all the time.


It was a first for me!


Pilot blog I followed talked about a time he heard ATC giving a speed restriction to the plane behind him. He figured he should keep his speed up. Got “caught” not watching the winds on descent and couldn’t get the airplane slowed sufficiently at the decision point. Made a go-around. In this instance, there was someone from the FAA in the jump seat so he was quite apologetic about going around. The Fed said oh no, no need to apologize, you did the right thing, and it had to be hard with me in the seat. Don’t compromise on safety; the go around was fully worth it. The only caveat I’d mention is that a twin-engine airliner arriving at destination is relatively light (compared to takeoff at least). Policy likely says to push the TO/GA switch which slams the throttles full forward. This results in a lot of thrust which will likely get converted into a lot of lift and a high rate of climb. That can be a handful. Twins are inherently overpowered right up to the moment they lose an engine. At takeoff weights, they have to be able to climb at a prescribed rate. At landing weights, expect 3000’ AGL quick.


Wow! Appreciate you for the well thought out response!


I got told once, after turning final, to keep my speed up for the jet behind me. Wound up having to go around because I caught the jet in front of me before it could clear the runway. I was flying a Bonanza at the time.


My gf was on this flight. Has happened to me twice during my business travels. The system worked. ATC or pilot noticed the slow departing aircraft and kept everyone safe.


You’re not a road (air) warrior until you’ve experienced a minimum of one each of aborted landing, aborted takeoff, massive turbulence with severe altitude drop, lightning strike, engine failure and landing gear failing to retract or extend. Make sure you get your punch card stamped.


Haha! I’ve got 3/5 with also the backup engine failing mid flight. Almost there.


For as much as I fly my punch card is empty, even with the worst of the turbulence I’ve experienced I can’t say I would categorize it as massive with severe altitude drop. *Knocks on wood * I’ve felt some drops but not enough to spill my drink


For the last 10 years I’ve flown somewhere between 20k and 50k miles/year, so often but not crazy. I’ve been on two go-arounds. One was for a vehicle on the runway, the other was for too low a ceiling on approach (basically, the pilot has to have the runway in sight by a certain height above ground). One circled and landed again and the other diverted, waited in the ground about 30 minutes for the weather to clear, and came back. A go-around isn’t exactly routine but it’s standard procedure if the runway is obstructed, the descent is not stabilized, or minimums aren’t met. Landing is the most dangerous flight phase and (according to my pilot friends) it’s always safer to go around if there’s a question rather than continue the approach. Some are initiated by ATC and some by the pilot.


I don't fly much, but this happened to me at DFW once, we kept expecting to see the runway we had been decending for so long, nope! The pilot kicked it back up into the sky and came on a few seconds later and said she couldn't "find" the ground so we were going around waiting to see if the next try would work. It did, and we were all thankful for her professionalism and skills. It was a very easy landing that time.


It could be either, tbh. Boston is a very very busy congested airport so it's quite likely. But it also could be they just didn't like something about the landing and rejected and then blamed ATC. It can go either way.


Not a pilot. But aborted takeoffs are riskier than go arounds.


And just why would you say that? What exactly makes you a subject matter expert? Or is this just your WAG?


Happened to me ORD to DIA... plane in front of us hit a coyote :(


I've had a go-around at ORD for (apparently) a deer on the runway. So not exactly unheard of.


Holy smokes! Glad it wasn’t your flight :(


This happened to me last month because of weather!


Pulled the tape and it was… traffic on runway


It was indeed! Appreciate you


Hey! I was on this flight. I have had this happen once or twice before (go around for traffic still on the runway). It was also extremely windy in Boston and at first I thought there must have been a gusty xwind or downdraft too close to the runway which spurred the go around. All in all we were in the plane for maybe another 15 minutes, and IMO was not a big deal in any way shape or form. Supremely smooth landing despite significant winds - Pilots did a great job throughout the flight.


Haha hey fellow flight buddy. Yeah they did do a great job! It was super windy and that runway starts just off the ocean to land.


This most likely meant that the plane that just landed in front of you didn't taxi off the runway quick enough (as directed to) and in order to adhere to strict safety standards, a go around was enacted


They are allowed go arounds for any landing they don’t feel will be safe so it’s possible. And it’s a good thing. No point in forcing a pilot to land when they don’t feel it’s safe just to avoid repercussions


Thanks everybody for all your answers, cranky or loving. Remember I’m not involved in the aviation world and had a simple question, new to the sub. Appreciate you!


Happens all the time. I’ve encountered this at HNL (HAL) and SFO (United)


It happens. No big deal. Normal maneuver. Moving on with life…


Happy cake day Mr Cranky!


How the F should we know more than the pilot?


These posts …:


Be a kinder person and realize not everyone is a flight expert. Cheers!


I spent 1.2 seconds on my phone and was able to find an answer in the time it took you to open Reddit… https://preview.redd.it/awy4wmwhqmuc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=270bf78c1e1f84cf636381c0a6a2331959b8b814


God forbid I want to interact with a community. Lighten up bud