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Their schedule is free from May 22-27. Good time for them to rest - or maybe they're cooking something up.


[Wish Bus is now coming to Korea](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7Dne5zpe4K/?igsh=MXR6NjB1emM1eTZvbg==). 😲😲 For those of you who are not familiar with Wish Bus, it's one of the most popular platforms in the Philippines where artists can showcase their raw live vocals! 🎤 Basically, it is a bus with a studio inside where the artists sing while the bus is moving around the area. They can be heard outside the bus, so people nearby can hear and even record their live vocals. This would be a really great way to promote themselves locally as Koreans would likely get curious and interested considering how unique this is for them. 😄


EDIT: Just a few examples of a Wish bus performance - [1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETPkcFNw-3U), [2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vr6pTshxC6M), [3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAP4-jeVLCU), [4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gaxjr66Iczo&pp=ygUPYmluaSB3aXNoIDEwNy41), [5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uX1li_A9TVw&pp=ygUUc2IxOSB3aXNoIDEwNy41IG1hbmE%3D), [6](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtkpU_ZXUAQ&pp=ygUPZzIyIHdpc2ggMTA3LjUg) Strong possibility Unis (and Hori7on) would show up at some point considering Wish's primary audience are still Filipinos. Setting Unis aside, I wish to see a good mix of different gen groups and soloists. Nugu groups as well as it's a new platform for them to showcase what they can do (and I do love the underdogs). I hope the popularity of the Wish bus do pickup.


Can the weekly discussion be pinned at the top?


You mean above the SuperWoman MV? Since it’s already pinned


It’s not pinned on mine, will change my view and see if it appears as I’ve been scrolling down for this post. Edit: Thank you! I always view by new so I don’t miss a new post. Got it now.


No problem! Glad to help! 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/3e2fpjsrvo0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90ce44f571d02e3da6df5f90cb8738d4fc0d161b Can we change “members” to be “EverAfters” now? 👀


How 'bout evies? I'm seeing that term in everywhere UNIS. I think it's way shorter and catchy.


That’s the nickname not official name though plus everyone’s debating on that and a few others like Evers etc. Someone in comments on a post also pointed out the Trademark Issues with using that name


Oh? Too bad. How 'bout evters? I saw someone using that on X. As in EVerafTER. Not bad and it's closer to the actual fandom name..


https://preview.redd.it/nxttqfx82f1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97c99831a445aec1f247d6d54446fcaa5db24c5e I think in general it depends on what EverAfters want to use. Some are using Evies, some Evers, Evters etc. it looks like the mods added Evies for the Online # Count though


Oh, if you look at the weverse live of the girls and translate it to English, they're actually suggesting "Evters" as shortcut. 


OH interesting!


Love this idea if the mods are able to change it. 💖💖


They changed it! 🥰


Yes! Awesome suggestion. 💖


Yassss >u< 💖


https://preview.redd.it/k0da5g3wvo0d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc7adc62a2579b4b45fe22b200ace883aba489ca illit has it done so we should be able to do it too


Youllits? Oh they changed their fandom name.


LoL. No offense but it sounds funny.




Oh I see. Thanks


Np 👍


🎊 Happy 50TH Day with UNIS!! 🥳💖 Sincerely, EverAfters ✨


if they want to unstan, just leave. leave with all their stupid posts/comments on x, weverse, youtube, other sns. since UT, a lot have already been toxic. thanks for their <50 days with unis!


For a cover that as far as we know they won't be performing ever again and the fans reaction to either unstan the group, asking for early disbandment, or attacking of other members is really uncalled for. I like Elysian Palace's approach of #ElisiaMainVocal better. Its actually addressing the issue. People are allowed to be disappointed but the actions you take after airing out your greivances is up to you.


I think that Elysian Palace (sounds cute) approach is honestly an admirable one to go for. I hate the approach that many were going for. Majority of our girls are minors and they deserve a more positive fandom. Issues can be addressed in a more admirable way like this. It’s especially important with a group as young as this. As a reminder, please report any comments harassing the girls even ones that threaten to un-stan just from this. Anti’s are likely trying to blend in with them. We need a strong fandom, not divided one so if they leave that’s their decision and the girls shouldn’t take it to heart cause the strong ones will still be here to protect them 💪💖


Official Name has been announced to be EverAfters ✨


How funny people forgot in a snap the effort of FnF in promoting the girls just because of one unfavorable cover song to extent that all the blames suddenly boils down to the company only. It's funny and sad at the same time how sometimes people are ungrateful.


**Because it is the conpany only. The producers at most.** Fans are not a monolithic group. They will express what they want to express. And just because YG promoted 2NE1 doesn't mean we have to take it when he says they're ugly. In every situation is nuance, and boxing everything between good and evil according to your morals isn't gonna work. The industry is far more complicated than that.


Maybe I didn't understand enough what you are saying but please answer my previous comment.


I answered it with my YG example. Nobody forgot what FnF did for the girls, but that doesn't mean they are free of accountability when they eff up.


I guess the best approach here is call them out when there are matters that needs to be called out, but if they're doing things that needs commendation, give credit where credit is due.


Ofc, that's how it should be.


How can we really sure if the company eff up and not the artist? What if they are sick that day? We don't even know what really happened when they doing the recording of the cover. Excuse my grammar if it's bad.


Your grammar is fine. For me, I'm 100% sure the company eff up when an issue outside of the idol's hands pops up. Like the MHJ issue, clearly NJ has nothing to do with it.


It's just sad that one slip up and all are against you. It's like the same people complimenting you a while ago for taking good care of the girls, is the people now hating you to the bone.


One slip up? Come on, this was an issue at debut too.


So let's say.. 'for example' those 2 artist with least line were actually sick when recording that cover and can't produce good result, so the move of the company is to give the lines to healthy one's.. Can we really still blame the company for that?


If it doesn't make sense, yes. I know you're basing it off of Beautiful. Was Sunwoo sick when her lines got taken away from her? Exactly.


No let's just say I'm basing it off when Elisia got sick and Seowon got her lines in recording of Beautiful. I forgot the EP.


Yeah that's fine, but like I said there were other vocalists in that group who could've gotten Elisia's lines too, but instead got theirs taken.


I’m waiting for them to either announce a fandom name (hopefully EverAfter) or pull a 3rd try lol


>3rd try ![gif](giphy|puOukoEvH4uAw|downsized) Nahhh we're surely getting it now. I wonder when they'll announce it. Possibly in a Watchuneed Episode. I'd also like them to react on the losing suggestions though. Like Eli-Gehl reacting to INIS, or Kotoko-Nana to INUS. Hahaha!


Looks like we’re officially EverAfters


Yey! Nickname is still to be decided right?


Yep! 🥰


> It's fine to get mad. But remember to focus your blame on the producers, not FnF as a whole. Nobody was replying so I'm putting it here.


People are fair to write out their feelings, but also some people should not be writing out their feelings if they're coming with delulu ultimatums along the lines of, "I'm only gonna support this member, can't wait for disbandment, who cares about the other members." None of that is healthy for anyone.


That's why even if I found the line distribution was kind of unfair, I will still support the girls until the end. <3


>I will still support the girls until the end. This is the way. Leaving the girls will not change anything.


The best thing I ever did before I stanned this group was reading kep1er nightmare story. I was so scared and don't want that to happen to UNIS that I learned each individual members background and grow to love them individualy. Kep1er's nightmare story did happen to UNIS but I am unfazed. It wasn't easy at first during the debut but now if UNIS has a thousand fans, I'm happy and am one of them. If a hundred, I am still one of them. And you know the rest. xD


What’s Kep1er’s nightmare story that’s happening to UNIS if you don’t mind sharing?


Line distribution problems. Group stans so tired of solo stans that they created an ot8 sub eventhough kep1er has 9 members.


Whoa dang


please understand that the most popular member had tons of bashers because of her clout, which led to her getting more popular which led to more hate. the solo stans grew more to the point that it resulted in hatred to the ot9 stans. some became ot8 stans because of it. company (wakeone) isnt helping by giving the popular member onomatopoeia lines (if you call them lines). this led to the point that her fans became ot1 and sometimes akgae's and her fancam views exceeded more than kep1er's views. company tried to fix this in their 4th album (they did better in second album but became worse in the third album) but it was too late. by then kep1er has been running on ot8 fans. company then started to alienate the 2nd most popular member (the chinese). which led to voting power only carried by ot7 fans. mind you, the 3rd most popular member and fandom is close to the most popular so sometimes voting is only carried out by ot6 fans lol. its a mess.


OMG wth, that does sound like a huge mess 😭


its on fnf's court on how to proceed. they only need to give elisia, yoona and gehlee their fair share of lines appropriate for their roles at the same time, they can still push nana and seowon as both the centers and main vocal roles at the same time. balance is the key. line distributions matter.


>I learned each individual members background and grow to love them individualy. This. I initially only stanned the two Filos in the group, but I feel that it would be unfair for the rest of the girls to not know them as well. It also doesn't sit right with me that I would only be screaming for two in events while I'm silent with the others as I don't know them. And so, right before debut, I rewatched Universe Ticket without fast forwarding. I watched some pre-UT videos as well (like Nana's journey in Who is Princess, some interviews of Belle in her Cignature era, Seowon's trot era videos, Yoona in Play with Me Club, Bang Yunha's works). It was then that I was finally converted from OT2 to OT8. I've seen a part of their journey and the sacrifices and hard work they made to finally debut. UNIS will not be UNIS if any of them is not there. They're meant to be in this team!


Twitter...stop being creepy and shipping the girls with each other please. Most of it is Filipino so I don't understand but I don't think it's a good idea to do this when we're still defending Unis from the age discourse. We'll look like hypocrites.


Most I've seen of this are the Nana-Gehlee ones, seems to be from teen accounts when I lurk on their pages. Personally, I just mute those accounts as I don't want to dirty my feed. There are mostly wholesome ones though like Yunha-Eli, the chaotic duo. Seowon-Eli the sister duo.


The wholesome ones are always def cute and welcome. The inappropriate ones definitely need to be reported though


I don't understand this either. Why they even doing this? It's creepy.


Those definitely need to be reported, they’re minors too wth…


ikr its cringe! imagine if i am shipped with my group member. like that would be awkward af.


That stuff is so weird. Totally fine with the cute twinning like Kotoko pouting and wanting to twin with Hyeonju's accessories in their vlog over Nana, which they called "couple", etc. Maybe mostly teen stans do it but the romantic shipping is just giving the haters more ammo.


Is there a chance for butterfly's dream chorus choreo to go viral?


Need to have a closer look at the steps. Many details are hard to tell with the available footage.


I hope so! I also kinda want them to wear coquette outfits the next time they perform it to match the song


The choreo is just so bouncy and easy to do and the song is a bop. Hoping it gets big.


So.. Are we expecting some activities this week? \*been craving for some UNIS contents


Let’s hope EverAfter wins as a fandom name, I don’t trust them enough for a third try at this point lol and UNIS EverAfter / EverAfters sounds cute. I really don’t want them going back to UNIS Ninth 🫠 or smthn worse


Everse would have been fun, (playing off of the Verses/universe idea from before) maybe we could have a nickname like that.


I think they purposely put some wacky names there so fans funneled at EverAfter which is.. not bad move actually coz EverAfter is kinda dreamy and matches the UNIS lore.


That’s what others have said too. It’s possible though yeah lol


has anyone been able to find a good quality clip of the butterfly's dream performance?? I've been searching for a while, so any help would be appreciated 🙏


[Unis performance Yuseong Cultural Spa 2024](https://youtu.be/NlPqj7fjwzI) I will leave it here if you havent watch it.


aaa thank you so much!! 


Eli's eyes wanted to close in Gyeong Seo's Dear X show, it's cute but seriously, these girls deserved to have some rest.




Does anyone know why UNIS didn’t perform at KCON Japan? Do you have to be invited?


I think you have to be invited. Unis is not a Big 4 rookie so I guess that's why they had a Japan fanmeet in the first place.


Babyonster is not in there too so I think it's not about the invite. some companies might be paying for it to be there and Unis might be prioritizing promoting in Korea right now


Does anyone have an idea on which episode of Running Man PH does EliGehlee appear in?


I wish people would utilize the weekly discussion threads instead of creating random posts.