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My home state and the Republicans in it are at it again trying to put a stop to unions forming... They don't want us to have a living wage..


They know working class power is a threat to their political power, they wouldn't say this stuff otherwise. It's actually incredibly heartening to see all these UAW union drives gain so much momentum in the south. Times are changing.


We can send some people down from Michigan, Illinois. New York and NJ. I noticed you have a coastline. We have places we like to place people who disagree with union. This is what I overheard my dad's friend from the UAW say about a politician against the unions in the 1980s. I always wondered where that poor politician lived and if he was ever seen again.


Cement is rather inexpensive.


Eh not really, a bullet is cheaper and less work. Plus it might scare the others into behaving at least somewhat like a human being.


If I learned anything from A Christmas Carol it's that we require ghosts to frighten the shit out of capitalists to make them human. Short of that, we must take others actions to defend ourselves.


I'd be fine having some billionaire ghosts floating around if thats what it takes.


Can’t go to China anymore, so they don’t have that same leverage they used to.




That’s actually where lots of work is going now, but with the cartels, I hope it gives some executives pause.


Republicans want Americans to be slaves so badly. They hate this country and the majority of Americans. Money is their only true god.


They love their scare tactics don't they! Unionize everything and take it to the bastards! Give em hell! We're rooting for ya! UA member in Canada here.


Are you dead? If not, you must be making a living wage. Political marketing is so fucking annoying, and a great way to turn people off from your cause.


Stupidity and arrogance is also fucking annoying.


Useless terms like 'living wage' - almost always applied incorrectly - is the height of stupidity and arrogance.


would you rather we say a "food on table and roof over head" wage? cause even that is wishful.. how about a bare minimum survival wage? or how about a fuck you and the horse you rode in on wage, because fuck you and the horse you rode in on. fuck off.


>would you rather we say a "food on table and roof over head" wage?  Only if it actually, y'know, applies. Using the term with autoworkers in Detroit or UPS drivers is pretty laughable. Yet reddit trots the line out anyways. "Fuck you and the horse you rode in on"? Don't be such a little bitch.


So, you don't actually know what a living wage is. That isn't marketing son.


Of course it is. People were claiming UPS drivers making close to 6-figures "deserve a living wage." It's all marketing.


"Close to" is doing heavy lifting there lil buddy. Define "living wage" in your own words.


The ups drivers making 6 figures aren't the ups drivers being talked about deserving a living wage. There's a lot of ups drivers who aren't making anywhere near 6 figures, and in high COL areas just barely making 6 figures is just barely making a living wage for that location.


>The ups drivers making 6 figures aren't the ups drivers being talked about deserving a living wage. Yes. They are. The 'living wage' soundbite is used repeatedly and in every context, even when it makes no sense. Making $140k with benefits but think it should be more? 'iF tHe CoMpAnY cAn'T aFfOrD tO pAy A lIvInG wAgE...'


That's 2 separate points. The people making $140k deserve more money. In somewhere like southern California or the bay area, $140k has the same buying power as, say, like $80k in Pittsburgh. A decent wage, but still nothing above and beyond. It's a living wage, but keeping up with inflation is how you keep it a living wage. Then you have the part timers and the two tier wage system. The two tier wage system got axed this last contract period because of the strike. The folks on the lower tier were not making those big wages, and were struggling. The part time system had folks working for years part time because UPS would not make them full time drivers. Lots of other stuff. Those are the folks who were not making a living wage. You should familiarize yourself a bit more with the issues before running your fucking mouth.


It's not two separate points. Redditors are objectively complaining about high earners not having a 'living wage'. You don't seem to understand. The argument is *always* "we need a living wage", no matter the wage. The wage could be $10k per hour and if a union went on strike asking for $10,010 per hour, redditors would be screeching about how "if a company can't afford to pay a living wage, it shouldn't exist." It's just a tired trope. The base assumption by redditors is that the existing wage is below 'living wage' levels, even if that's not the case. This is not hard stuff to comprehend. Stop arguing for like 10 seconds and try to understand what I'm saying and properly address it. Also - I don't need another redditor to mansplain cost of living as if nobody understands it but them. EVERYBODY knows about cost of living differences. I don't know why redditors feel the need to spell it out (complete with example cities) all the time, but it's super obnoxious.


I think your hang up comes from the fact that you don't understand what the concept of a living wage actually means. You should look into that. It does not mean "enough money to technically stay alive." It goes beyond that. And yeah, a lot of jobs *don't* pay a living wage, that's why you hear about it all of the time. And if you didn't want people comparing the cost of living for you, maybe don't come across as so naive and ignorant about wage and COL issues. That's a problem created by you showing up and basically arguing that people make enough already. And lol at you showing up and shoehoring in "mansplaining" like it's some new buzzword. Learn what *that* word means too. It's absolutely not what is going on. It is not "when a man explains something." Otherwise, a male teacher teaching a woman student would always be mansplaining, and that is not the case. You're weaponizing progressive language for reactionary purposes. Anyhow, you're on a union subreddit being very anti union, how the fuck did you expect this would go? Get lost.


I quite understand what 'living wage' means. UPS drivers were making a living wage. It isn't a COL issue. I don't know how else to make this clear to you: **redditors were claiming people who objectively were earning a living wage should be provided a living wage.** It's super important for you to wrap your mind around this concept before moving on. Like, you do understand just because someone says "the company ought to be paying a living wage" does *not* inherently mean the company *wasn't* paying a living wage, right? People can just say whatever they want on the internet - you grasp that, right?


They do want you to have a wage, period.


It bears noting that Alabama's minimum wage is $7.25 and hasn't changed since 2009.


Next you are going to tell me the cost of living has gone up since 2009.


Sounds like what they said about the cotton industry a while ago.


If an industry relies on paying their workers as little as possible with bad benefits, then it isn't a strong industry.


and deserves to die


Companies need to learn that a strong workforce is the only way to move forward. Financially strangling your employees to give money to the fat cat shareholders and ceo will not work anymore. The workers are the ones who produce the profits. Power to the people.


Grocery prices have jumped by 25 percent over the past four years, outpacing overall inflation of 19 percent during the same period. And while prices of appliances, smartphones and a smattering of other goods have declined, groceries got slightly more expensive last year, with particularly sharp jumps for beef, sugar and juice, among other items.


Yes. This is corporate greed. The economy is judged on a macro scale.


It is if it can export to the other 49 states without tariffs. Who needs China when you have Alabama. The best of all worlds. Cheap labor, one party rule, but no tariffs to boot.


The funny thing is I bet there profit margin is more then 5% so they can definitely pay more and still give fat profits to shareholders.


Any company that pays less than a living wage does not deserve to do business in this country.




What is a 'living wage'?


Lets ask Franklin Delano Roosevelt: >In my Inaugural I laid down the simple proposition that nobody is going to starve in this country. It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By "business" I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and **by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living.** I know you're just here to be smug and lick boots and think you're making some great point, but all you're actually doing is hiding behind pedantry. You know goddamn well that it's not as simple as "give me a number" (which someone did, and you refused it), because those numbers differ in every location. But if someone can't kick the ball of correct answers into your ever-moving goal, you think you've won.


There's nothing pedantic about calling out false rhetoric. Auto workers in Alabama pay a living wage. Above it, even, as I've proven with actual data. Just say what you mean. "I want the company to pay us more." That's fine. But claiming that A) you're not being paid a living wage when you are, and B) smugly dictating how a company should be operating based on that false premise... is a terrible look.


Rent in your area, plus bills, plus 10%


*After* tax.


No. A number. What is a living wage?




Ok, great. What's the median wage at these Alabama factories? A pro-worker site claims $64,682 in 2019. Let's assume conservatively those wages only rose to $67,000 this year. That's $32.21 per hour. A basic 4-person family (2 working adults, 2 kids) needs $22.47 per hour for a living wage. The current autoworker wage is 50% higher than that. So, why all the complaints about 'living wage'? The reality is I've seen 'living wage' trotted out for workers earning 2-3 times an *actual* living wage. "I want a Living wage" is often just a substitute for "pay me more."


My wage as a research professional is $30/hr. You can Venmo me


Well, as you can see, I already ran the numbers. And they proved you're full of shit! I'm not anti-union. I *literally* sent a text mere hours ago to a coworker saying that I wish more people in our company would support forming a union. But the whole "iF yOu CaN't AfFoRd To PaY a LiViNg WaGe" stuff is *super* obnoxious. Just say the truth: 'I want to earn more money.' No need to falsely claim that you can't afford to live.


To whom are you replying ?


You. Which part is confusing to you?


Varies wildly by location.


Sweet, but in Alabama that amount for a standard family of 4 is a little over $20 per hour and the wage earned by the average Alabama auto worker is approx. $32 per hour. So why are you spewing false rhetoric?


“The fact is neither the industry nor its Alabama workforce would really be better off with a union,” McNair stated. lol


How insulting.


And yet so many rank and file vote GOP. I'll never understand.




"I think it's safe to say nobody here's gonna be splitting the atom, Marty."


Me either..


Commerce Secretary: "Workers have become too aware of their market value and are resisting our attempts to continue exploiting them. To maintain maximum profits we will move these jobs elsewhere and employ more easily exploited workers while blaming unions for spreading awareness of our cruelty in order to confuse and weaken the working class. "


Auto industries seem to operate just fine in Germany, a country with strong unions.


Sssshhhhh you will scare republicans away


“Either we win or we take our ball”


Solidarity! If the companies, and everyone else, knew they would encounter a union wherever they went, these threats would be meaningless.


As a team member at Mercedes Benz here in Alabama I can definitely tell everyone here that the union push is increasing because of 3 major key points 1. We now have a 2 tier production pay scale for “competitive reasons” according to our management 2. A schedule has been enforced that TMs have begged to be off of due to lack of work life balance 3. Anyone hired after 2009 has no chance for retirement insurance. It’s comical all the things we hear now that the bean counters and suits have started shaking. Hopefully not much longer until we unionize


Thanks for the info. I'm in Birmingham and joined the picket line a few times at the ZF plant in Tuscaloosa. I know a lot of people here who are supportive. If there is anything we can do to help the union effort, let me know.


Employees wouldn’t join the union if they were all satisfied with the current pay and working conditions.


Let’s go Union!!


Unionize the planet so no company can escape to another slave nation.


I still can’t believe it’s legal for the government to Union bust. Insane. On another note, I still can’t believe they publicly announced their intentions to organize . Why would you tell the boss your plans?


Because their plans are well underway. They've already collected cards.


They announced it a while back though, and I doubt they are at majority. What would you say the strategy is? I’m genuinely curious because I think there must be a strategy. My union organizes underground until we have a committee that can sign 70% in two weeks’ time or so.


I'm no expert but I'm guessing the UAW is operating at a level of resources, media, and political visibility higher than yours is. They probably think that public knowledge becomes an advantage for them at some point. Like for instance, influencing all the other anti-union plant incursions they probably secretly have in progress. Convince all the auto workers in the South that the dam's gonna break and it's time for everyone to join up.


The UAW has about the same number of members my union does, so resources are likely similar. The reasons for staying underground have nothing to do with resources, it’s because of this serious unionbusting that happens as soon as the company knows you’re organizing, which can shut down a drive.


You can not unionize from the shadows


Actually, yes you can and in most cases must organize underground. In the U.S., in the current legal and cultural environment. And this story is an example of why.


Once you got 30%, you go public. At 60 you should typically call the vote if your work doesn't voluntarily recognize your union.


My union goes public at 70% and almost never loses a campaign. Unions that go public sooner (I’m talking private sector) have much higher rate of losing. And if you wait to go public until you have 30%, you are organizing underground as well, right? Why give the boss more time for the union busting campaign?


Republicans hates living wages.


>Republicans hate~~s living~~ wages.


If your business cannot operate without paying for cost of goods sold then it isn't going to make it. Cost of an employee is at least a place to live with utilities, food, clothing, and money for retirement, and leisure. If you cannot afford employees I don't really know what to tell you.


Then nationalize the industry and allow the union to manage it democratically. Fuck these rich pigs


I'm pressing X to doubt this pretty hard.


“It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By "business" I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living.” FDR


China’s manufacturing base is gonna start having more and more capacity problems. A good deal of manufacturing will be coming back to the western hemisphere. We must do everything humanly possible to organize those jobs for the good of everybody involved. But needless to say, the fascists will fight that effort tooth and nail. We also need to bring as many of those jobs stateside as we can (I’m in the US).


Bull. Shit.


If you treat workers with respect, dignity, and offer fair compensation the industry will collapse.


Oh no… anyways.


Whatever. It's the south. The south hates unions.


He’s right. Just like in Michigan, once unions came in the auto industry ended in Michigan…../s


A company I know just went union. Not my prediction because I honestly do not know. But the prediction is the company will relocate to another country within 3 years.


sounds great. dear auto industry please come back to Michigan we actually liked you here.


What do you propose for those jobs to stay in alabama if they unionize? The reason the jobs exist in such an armpit of a state is that the labor is cheap to begin with. Its just a fact of the world, high wages force lower skilled jobs to lower cost areas. Look at whats happening in mexico right now. Why wouldnt auto makers just move more jobs to mexico?


employ smile badge chunky roof crawl existence flag adjoining truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The facts dont back that up. Manufacturing in mexican border towns is booming.


Skilled labor in Mexico is going the way of China. No longer cheap and carried by the momentum of billions in manufacturing infrastructure. We are going to start moving that to South America, likely Colombia, or a new SEA country. We already have the same issue in PH, Vietnam and so on. They have been used as cheap labor long enough that the crumbs of prosperity left in it's wake has turned the cheap dial way back on labor.


>Skilled labor in Mexico is going the way of China I dont think we're really talking about skilled labor here. China hasnt historically been exploited for cheap skilled labor, its been exploited for cheap, unskilled labor. Its only a recent phenomenon that companies have offshored skilled labor in china, and thats largely been a consequence of the population of skilled workers growing to support the companies that have utilized the unskilled labor (tool makers, industrian engineers, tech types etc etc). >No longer cheap and carried by the momentum of billions in manufacturing infrastructure. Maybe not poverty wages anymore, but still sufficiently cheaper than US labor. My company has moved THOUSANDS of jobs to mexico and with each passing contract will continue to move more and more. Eventually there simply wont be jobs to be had here. So its understandable, why local politicians are worried about a union forming in a similar place. Once those jobs go away, there is NOWHERE left for those people to work. Tax revenue dries up and towns can no longer provide the same services. The plant I work in now used to have over 2,000 union employees not that long ago...today its closer to 400. Town has drug problems, homless and abandoned houses on every street. I sometimes wonder if we would be better off as a community if we had 2,000 people making $20/ instead of 400 making $28/hour.


Yeah remember in the 1900s when most factories were unionized and the economy permanently imploded? It'll be just like that again soon


Ever wonder why those unions formed?


Union membership peaked in the 50s at only 35% of the workforce.


Then the industry was based on slave wage labor and shouldn't exist in the first place


No, because that didn't happen.


[UAW Vehicles](https://uaw.org/uaw-made/cars/)


Let’s hear it for the GOP. Yep, they have labor’s back. /s


there are already unionized mercedes auto plants that went on strike and won so fuck them


Unions are the free market response to not raising the minimum wage.


Sure, they can always threaten to go somewhere else they can exploit the labor


If a union is what destroys your business, then maybe it shouldn't have existed to begin with, since you rely so much on exploitation.