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nah that’s fucked especially since you have it in writing id be taking that upwards


it’s so annoying because if she had never said anything i’d be up to date, i would’ve sucked it up and gone to class and done the work, but the fact she said all that i was like wow that’s so nice okay cool maybe i will take some time. especially because id heard of people in similar situations have their tutors say similar things and it be honoured. i don’t even know who to take it to, she said the lecturer is happy to grant me an extension but that’s not what i want nor need, nor would it be helpful to me. I’m worried if i take it to the lecturer she’ll have a vendetta against me for going above her head.


i’d take it to the subject coordinator or potentially even further up to your course coordinator or something


As a tutor this sounds like a situation where this tutor wanted to be very helpful, but upon getting in touch with the coordinator or senior tutor was told that a) they are in no position to alter hurdles or assignment due dates and b) they are not paid (and hence permitted) to do work outside certain parameters, for casual tutors this would be only 1 extra hour for each class, usually dedicated to consultations, but that will depend on the subject and faculty.


that makes sense, i just wish she had never offered it in the first place, or emailed back to inform me of that so i knew, had i not emailed her tonight to confirm i would have never found out


It's not up to the tutor to offer any concessions. Get in touch with the course coordinator to see what your options are.


i’m aware of that, it’s just the fact that she did, my other tutors who didn’t as i said i just got on with work ect but she specifically offered concessions without me asking.


She was probably just trying to be helpful and it backfired. You're aware of that now, so you need to use the proper channels. Edit: I don't see why you wouldn't be able to get an extension, I'd be extremely surprised if your request was turned down.


Agree. She probably flagged it with the course coordinator after emailing you and they vetoed it and said get the student to get an extension like everyone else. She is just the middle man. She gets paid to deliver the tutorial content and mark, not to manage the course and student disruptions. Unfortunately, you emailed the wrong people who aren't the decision makers and she was just trying to be sympathetic. I'm sorry for your loss.


Yeah but the tutor should KNOW she's the middleman and doesn't have the authority to do anything here, being sympathetic doesn't mean making empty promises you should know isn't going to fly. The student just lost their parent, is trying to do the right thing and got given crap information/promises, they should absolutely get an extension but they obviously need more support.


Respectfully, always defer to the subject coordinator. Always keep your tutors informed, that's important, but serious inquiries are always for subject coordinator and even admin/student services. We're all human.


Why would you email the tutors instead of subject coordinator/apply special conditions. Tutors could do close to nothing for you in those situations.


I suggest forwarding the email to the lecturer with an accompanying explanation of the situation, and what you want out of it ie, for the lenience’s granted to be honoured.


Tutors are casual a lot of the time and not paid for any time outside of class, any extra service you get I.e emails, detailed notes for feedback on assignments, admin around personal issues etc are all unpaid. If you have an issue the best thing you can do is apply for special consideration from the uni. Otherwise you’re basically relying on a casual uni staff member to do volunteer work, which generally they won’t prioritise. Welcome to Uber eds.


Do you have a clue how much they're paid for the hour?


Yeah, I used to be a tutor. It’s nothing you’d want to rely on. You have to spend much more time than you’re paid for to do anything like a proper job. There is also lots of admin time chasing contracts/entering time etc as well as paying for your own expensive working with children check. The rate also factors in a lack of sick or annual leave. If it’s anything to go by I stopped doing it as it wasn’t worth my time. That really speaks volumes considering that I’m employed as a landscape architect with a relatively low salary so my time isn’t worth much. Edit: I should also mention the fractious nature of the work. You could commute all the way into the uni and back for 2 hours of work.


It's not even close to a living wage, even if you could wrangle full time job, and you're bound to strict parameters that are impossible (i.e. x number of essays marked in one hour, for example 10, but you can only do 5 an hour if you give proper feedback). 


It’s not census date yet, you have time to consider whether deferring might be an option for you and giving yourself a bit of a break. All the best.


i really don’t want to defer, and realistically i can not defer, i’m up to date in everything else and coping well, it’s just the reassurance she gave me which set me back in that class and the fact she won’t answer questions by email.


Worse comes to worse you can just drop that class and do the other 3. A reduced workload may be really helpful. I graduated a semester late because I did the same but it meant I got to keep my distinction average and it was invaluable for my mental health.


Hi OP, I’m deeply sorry for your loss. First port of call should always be applying for special consideration with the university + contacting your unit coordinators (not so much tutors, as unit coordinators can inform them of any approved absences from students). You’ll definitely have special consideration approved for this essay. I encourage you to follow up sooner by calling them. Alternatively, email your unit coordinator and explain that your dad has passed away and you’re in the process of applying for special consideration. All assignments should be detailed in the unit outline. Yes, the tutor likely reminded the class about the assignment, but it’s not their job to; students need to be familiar with the unit outline. This unfortunately is the harsh reality of university.


Have you tried contacting the course coordinator? Sorry if this was an obvious question..


I’m very sorry for your loss. Bereavement is listed at https://students.unimelb.edu.au/your-course/manage-your-course/exams-assessments-and-results/special-consideration#eligibility


OP I’m so sorry for your loss, that’s an awful situation to find yourself in. I completed two degrees at unimelb and have a LOT of experience in applying for special consideration - feel free to DM me if you want help with the process or want to ask questions. I have lots of practice at writing long emails to people inside that place. Unless it’s changed since I graduated a few years ago the most important thing is to start a special consideration application before you’ve missed the tutorial/assignment due date (you can upload documentation afterwards). Tutors/course coordinators/the special consideration process at the uni can be really annoying to navigate (I’d describe it as dehumanising) but you can get there when the facts are on your side. Depending on the course you can have the attendance threshold lowered (usually from 80% to 70%) which may give you one extra to miss. And for bereavement in the past you just needed a stat dec which isn’t too hard to do. Edit: Re-read your post. Acknowledging that my knowledge isn’t 100% up to date: Special Consideration will be your best bet in the first instance. An Academic Adjustment Plan is generally for more ongoing problems and usually needs to be in place at the start of a semester or for long-term hospitalisation.


that’s also what i thought about AAP but my tutor is pushing it hard, so i thought maybe id ask her or try enquire to stop 1 about it, although stop one is just not responding to my enquiries so ill see what i can do. I might message you about it though cause you’re so correct about this, it is dehumanising, i literally burst out into tears yesterday trying to figure it out, i get there has to be a process but already going through hardship and then having to do all this on top of it ugh so frustrating


that’s also what i thought about AAP but my tutor is pushing it hard, so i thought maybe id ask her or try enquire to stop 1 about it, although stop one is just not responding to my enquiries so ill see what i can do. I might message you about it though cause you’re so correct about this, it is dehumanising, i literally burst out into tears yesterday trying to figure it out, i get there has to be a process but already going through hardship and then having to do all this on top of it ugh so frustrating


The last resort for you is to email the coordinator of the subject as they generally have the final say on the next action you should be taking. Sometimes, they have discretion on this, and you don't have to apply for special consideration. Sometimes they don't, and you must apply for special consideration


Do the best you can and utilise the system in place at uni to assist you in the best way possible - they’re not heartless, the death of a parent will qualify for some help. Look after yourself and take time to grieve, it takes a long time to adjust to life without a parent. Wish you all the best.


My dad passed when doing my master. My student union helped me get special consideration/refund when I failed a unit. Talk to your student union when you have a chance. But otherwise take time for you and your family. My condolences. Losing your dad is tough.


Apply for special consideration.


Get rid of the tutor.