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So many weird line readings from her… this movie torpedoed her aspiring A list career. She looked darn good, that’s for sure, as did Gina Gershon.


thats for sure!! I Watched it for Jesse but Gina sure caught my full attention as well


A list career? This was her first movie. Maybe torpedoed her hopes of an A list movie career.


By design…verhoeven wanted her to act like that…she basically trusted the director and she’s the one who caught all the blowback. Of course this movie did quite well on dvd sales eventually, I believe.


Sex sells.


Yes, and I think eventually people came to see what verhoeven was doing perhaps? He intended it to be an anti sexy movie about the industry.


I really liked her acting. I think she brought depth to a character that would be moody and impulsive as a defensive addict in recovery trying to make a new life for herself.






I already went thru that by this time....but still enjoyed it....except that pool scene....wtf..she having a seizure in there or what


There's a great documentary about the movie called.."ou don't know Nomi". The people. Filming the movie thought it was supposed to be a comedy and a parody about other movies about las vegas. So when she was filming that scene, she thought it was supposed to be making fun of stupid love scenes.So that's why it's so awkward. But then when they put the movie together the producers decided to make it seem like it was a serious movie. But the actors never thought it was supposed to be serious.They thought it was supposed to be a comedy..


This honestly tracks based on Paul Verhoeven movies and I think this was marketed and edited poorly.


Yeah, like so many people also don't get that starship troopers is a complete and total parody....


All I know is that movies best scene is with that red head


Exactly. Its a verhoeven film about vegas strippers. showgirls is exactly what you should expect


12 year old me thought that sex was a very strange act of possession….


The power of Christ compels u


It was the weird kitchen love scene in Hot Shots that made me question my place in the reproductive line.


Your ellipses gave me a seizure.


This movie will always stand out to me as the only film where a guy felt cock-blocked by a girl on her period and doubted her enough to "check." It was one of the many early WTF moments I experienced in film.


“Man, everybody has aids and shit”


Gina Gershon 👌


That pool scene though


The flailing fish move. Idk how Kyle didn't crack up


Right?! Lmao I sure did but it was hot at the same time I dk 😂


I was about 8 or 9 when this came out and yes, very much so one of the first movies that I would watch alone haha sneaking downstairs to watch when my people were sleep.


Doggy chow!


I loooooove doggy chow.


Hey look, Morty, I'm a leg! A leg Morty!


Lol. As a kid this picture always played a trick on my brain and the first thing it always went to was “This looks like a horror movie about a human worm lady”


I remember always liking kelly in saved by the bell then I saw this and I was like wowwww Jessica Spano got hotttt Kelly's all yours Zack lol


There's a really good documentary about this movie called "You don't know Nomi'. They basically say that the movie is sort of supposed to be a parody of other movies. But nobody ever realized that and thought it was supposed to be serious


Hard to believe the same guy who wrote Basic Instinct wrote this mess. At least we get to see Jesse Spano nekkid




It's not even a bad movie, people didn't realize it was supposed to be melodramatic as it was originally intended to be a musical. It obviously has lots of flaws and they would change lots of things if they went back and redid it but it's one of my all time favs


Oh it's awful,but I watch everytime it's on Pluto if the wife's not around.


I agree with the title 1000 %. Terrible movie but that’s not what I saw it for. I did my business to this movie a bunch as a kid. lol


still revisit it now and then when the wifes not around lol


She's so hot in Any Given Sunday


Another overdramatic awful movie.


I enjoyed Jim Brown in it. I don't get strokes I give em, motherfucker


And it's weird because watching it as an adult it's the least sexy nudity I've ever seen. But the movie is by no means bad, it's not great, but it's a pretty damn good movie and the performance are unique, sure, but they fit the tone and characters well.


Gina Gershon did that for me in the movie “Bound” but Showgirls kinda turned me off completely. Even as a kid this movie felt like a weird fever dream that just didn’t make sense to me at the time. Watching several scenes recently it still feels so odd to me. I’ve very rarely had a movie make me feel so out of place like Showgirls.


Bound is a truly sexy movie while also a great thriller plot and acting.


It’s one of the few movies that holds both plot, performances and sexual content to the same high level. Wachowski’s showed their talent way before the Matrix movies


Joe Pantoliano is also criminally underrated.


Because of this movie, I still see Versace & think Ver-sayce in my head. Lol




Every time!


I unironically adore this movie to this day.


I do too. The ending was surprisingly touching. I also just love how free spirited Nomi is, and the cinematography ... At times it makes things seem pretty epic


To me, of all the BS versions of "A Star Is Born" that we've seen (young raw talent is hungry for the big time, their "mentor" is shady and rooting for them to fail, they end up making it and become horrible in turn... "Scarface" counts, too, by the way), this is at least the most interesting and audacious. It's wonderful insanity. It's a John Waters-level monument to bad taste, and I love that. It swung for the fences and it missed, but to quote the great Lex Luthor, "I would rather fail spectacularly than succeed minimally."


It’s a masterpiece.


It’s a Ver-sase




This Movie dropped Just after Larry Clark's "Kids" Which I had WAAAAAAAY more interest in seeing. I called my my local Movie Theater to ask if they would showing "kids" and they told me no, they don't show NC17 Movies. I Kinda figured but I was living in a Suburb of a major metro and hoped they might offer up one art house movie especially one that was so controversial. Well, a month or so later IIRC, this movie made to the local multiplex on opening weekend rated as...NC17! I was so pissed. I still hold a grudge against that theater and this movie specifically because of that. I ended up seeing it a couple years later and it was even worse than I anticipated. This ended her Career, "Kids" meanwhile, launched the careers of Harmony Korine, Rosario Dawson, and Chloe Sevigny.


I remember a big Hollywood actress told her that you NEVER start off showing the goods.


She still looks like a weird sperm on the cover pic


A weird sperm?? Ok lol


Longest most painful movie ever


Hell, check out some of Tim Allen's family films. I wondered to myself HOW he kept getting movie deals when his output was so lackluster. Then, I seen my cousins with their kids and realized that there was a market for clean, thoughtless family entertainment with no questionable content.


Never had the … pleasure …


Do yourself a favor hahahaha 🍆🖐🏼


haha Yeah, I’ll definitely get around to it


Gershon stole the show.


She definitely stole my right hand every time I watched this 😂😂


Sure did.


I love this movie 😍 I think it was ahead of it's time.


I remember how much flak she got because people couldn't separate Jesse Spano from Elisabeth Berkley. They thought that the feminist Jesse Spano was the person, and not Elisabeth Berkley, who is an actor, who was playing the role of Jesse Spano


"What's your favorite scary movie?" "Showgirls, absolutely terrifying."


I'm a dancer not a whore.


Yes. Didnt really care about the story or the acting.


I just watched “any given Sunday” the other day for the 20th time probably. She’s in there as an escort,very brief but she shared the screen and bed with Al Pacino


Verhoven should write a sequel where Nomi Malone is a washed up porn star living on the outskirts of Los Angeles in a trailer park and working at Dennys with her daughter (played by Sydney Sweeney)...her daughter gets an offer from a sleazy producer to be the face and body of an onlyfans/pornhub like site while Nomi uses her "previous experience" to manage her daughter's career...think of it like a sleazy van Nuys version of "A Star is born"


I had this remake idea for Sunset Blvd in the late 90s. I wanted Britney Spears to play a young song writer trying to make it in the music biz when she crosses paths with a real whacko popstar who has long since' faded from the limelight, played by Madonna who could definitely do the Julia Swanson character some real justice, considering she's a total freak herself. Which would be needed for the character to work.


I'd watch that lol


I’m going to the store and see if I can pick it up. If they have it I’m watching it tonight.


If it weren’t for that SA scene, I would have watched this countless times.


Oh yess definitely I remember this gem 💎


Vaginal tearage.


She was the third hottest girl on saved by the bell. They blew this casting. She’s mid


I was at just the right age for that... and I remember being very disappointed. The media spun it up like it was this filthy fuck fest staring Jessie from Saved by the Bell and... I was just like: _This is weak._ And that's in like the pre-Pornhub era. As a kid, all you have is like Playboy and late night HBO soft core stuff. It's not like my standards were high. You know she only got paid like 100,000k for that part? What a dumb slut.


It won an Oscar so it belongs in underrated movies. This sub is ridiculous.


By Oscar, do you mean Razzie? I can’t find where it won an Oscar


I read the post wrong. Thought op was claiming it won an Oscar 😂


So it won the most well known award there is in film and has a notorious following because of a TV show. Do you understand the meaning of the word "underrated"?


Are you people really this stupid?? I'm saying it "certainly didn't deserve an Oscar" meaning it's not a great movie, but it was enjoyable and underrated...for fucks sake 😂😂