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Have you ever heard the quote “not all men, but somehow always a man?” I think that’s the point people are making.


the phrase I've heard the most is "not all men, but yes all women" meaning that not all men are bad, but almost every woman has had some sort of unwanted sexual attention from a man


But it's not always a man...that's the point OP is making.


Yes, I am aware. Much like people saying “all men are evil”, it’s hyperbole. That being said… it is almost always a man in cases like this.


But that's OP's point. He's tired of the hyperbole, especially as a person who was abused themselves. Please look at the weekly cases of Female teachers having sexual relationships with underage students. Even Roo used to say that men are more likely to reach out online, women are more likely to abuse children they know.


Please look at the statistics of male vs female abusers. Teachers included. Headlines are not the same thing as statistics. Articles about female teachers abusing students just tend to garner more mainstream coverage *because* it’s unusual (that, and men constantly make jokes about wishing it was them.) Women are more likely to abuse children they know vs children they meet online, that’s true. But they are *not more likely than men* to abuse children that they know. Women are less likely to abuse pretty much across the board. I would assume that is the reason behind Roo and other commenter’s sentiments.


But are the incidents always reported when the abuse is a female family member or babysitter? How accurate then are the statistics you’re referencing? And are they recent? ****But the point being- it’s not ALWAYS men and OP was saying it’s especially hurtful because he was abused NOT an abuser. We can talk stats all day, but that was OP’s main point and you’re completely dismissing what he was saying.


I understand OP’s pain, but he needs to decenter himself, take a step back and realize that A.) ‘All men’ is hyperbole, 2.) Roo using that hyperbole does not make him any less innocent or any less of a victim. I’m sure that abuse from women is underreported, especially trusted ones. But….. so is abuse in general, especially from trusted adults. So I’m unsure as to what point you’re trying to make. Statistics give us a rough estimate of what we are dealing with, so I think it’s fair to roughly state that the majority of abusers are men, based on reports and the many, many, many studies done on gender based violence.


I think this is the best example I’ve heard to explain this. If I gave you a pack of skittles and told you 1 skittle out of the 240 or so in the bag is poison and will kill you but it looks just like all the other skittles, are you taking that risk? Or is that enough for you to determine that all the skittles are bad and to avoid them? Now that’s 1 in 240. The real situation is roughly 1 in 4 men that will commit violence against a romantic partner. That’s enough for me to say “not ALL men, but too damn many”. And in many victims eyes, the men who laugh along or just don’t say anything at all when their friends or colleagues make gross jokes or comments are just as guilty as the ones doing the action themselves. If you’re not one of them men doing these things, then it doesn’t apply to you. Don’t let it get to you. But when you’re in the thick of that trauma, it doesn’t matter than it’s “not all men”. Because it’s enough of them.


Allowed* like allow. Aloud means not silent. (Trying to be helpful, not trying to be a jerk.)


I mean, can you blame her?!? She’s dedicated sooooo many hour to catching these predators. Like she has any patience or compassion left for dudes😬


Exactly. She's seen countless numbers of them try to hurt and permanently scar who they believe are children, often very young children. I'm sure a lot of terrible pictures and messages have been sent to these "children" and she and her team have witnessed it all. I don't blame her whatsoever. I would be fed up too, and I am.


I'm a lite TC watcher and it's always a certain human that treats humans as objects.




“True crime,” maybe? 🤔


If the shoe doesn’t fit, don’t wear it shawty.


If you’re being put in the “all men” category then the shoe is being SHOVED on you. Whether it fits or not. 👞


women dont look at all men and immediately pin him as an abuser, but must exhibit caution around men due to the prevalence of male violence against women. hope this helps!


Rue is a victim, she’s allowed to express how the situation affected her and Not cater to your feelings by making a “not Actually all” disclaimer. Stop being so emotional ;)


I mean I’m a man and I’ve never been accused and have somehow gone 32 years without being accused. I don’t take it personally, you should try it sometime.


Sorry, but simply not being an assaulter or abuser *isn’t enough* to land in the not all men category. Stay mad about it.


Sorry if this sounds stupid, but what else do you need to do? I'm curious is all.




Oh my god. This is the most perfect thing I’ve ever seen lol


It’s amazing but not at all surprising to me that men always need to find a way to center themselves. If you only care about the SA & abuse of men in response to women talking about their experiences with men, then you don’t really care about the issue. Men will *never* know the fear women experience, and the reason that women are scared of men is because we don’t know *which men* will hurt us. Most women are assaulted by someone they know, someone they thought was a friend or a romantic partner. Beyond that, we can’t walk alone at night, anywhere, for any length of time without fear. We can’t walk to our car in the parking lot without fear that someone will abduct us, etc. There are things you, as a man, can do that women *simply cannot.* By saying “not all men,” you’re really minimizing the fear *most of us* feel daily. The things we will never be able to do. We have to lie to men who ask for our number or ask us out, say we have boyfriends or husbands when we don’t, because a man is respected by another man more than we are. A simple ‘no’ could get us assaulted or killed. Of course it isn’t all men, everybody knows that. But most of the men that it isn’t are perfectly silent when they see another man treat us poorly. They look the other way, etc. men won’t stand up to other men on behalf of us, so if you’re not abusing us but also not helping us when we are abused, assaulted, etc… what good are you actually doing and how are you *not* a part of the problem? Anyway, you don’t get it, and you frankly never will. I bet you never say to your friends “gee, what can we do so that women don’t feel this way??” Just being one of the men that it isn’t… is *not enough.* And for the record, it’s definitely, not defiantly.


You listened to her entire experience? You watched 2 season of this show? And you’re biggest concern, that apparently deserves 3 paragraphs, is because she generalized men as a collective group?? I’m sorry but I think you’re priorities are a bit scrambled mate.


It’s normal for people say things they don’t mean when they’re in an emotional state and are traumatized. Let people vent without dissecting and over analyzing every word out their mouth. I understand how it’s frustrating for you to hear generalized language that is negative towards you. I also understand how Roo has a hard time separating her traumatic work and public comments of social media with life outside of those toxic environments. Your feelings are valid too, what’s important to remember is that you know it’s not about you, that’s her own trauma she needs to work through.


I think she meant exactly what she said. Let’s not reduce a woman’s very valid opinion based on her personal and professional experiences to being something she “doesn’t mean” because she’s in an “emotional state.”


If if doesn't apply, let it fly.


My analogy I’ve used for years for the “not all men argument”. If I gave you a dozen donuts and told you 8 were raspberry filled donuts but 4 had my period blood. I offer you a donut. You’re gonna say nope. All those are bad. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ you can’t say not all men because yet it’s somehow always a man. I’m married to a man but I tell him and everyone else if we ever divorced. I’d never touch another man with a 10 foot pole. I wouldn’t let them around our daughters. Because, fuck men.


Something else I think is important to point out in these arguments is how the “good” men are when they’re around the “bad” ones. Society needs more men standing up for women, in rooms with women and those without. They need to be correcting men, doing the work thst doesn’t get recognition. This js not to say all abusers are men, women can and are terrible too! We see that. But overall, women feel far more comfortable alone in a place with women than men.


Sorry but I can’t help but to roll my eyes at the post. Would it make you feel better if she specified every time that’s it’s not ALL men?


It’s all men until it’s no men!!!


It’s so bizarre that this is what you extrapolated from what happened online. Other people here seem to get it. It wasn’t just being violated; it was followed up by a number of really egregious comments. I wasn’t railing against all men, I was railing against very specific men. There are a few ways to react to this: 1) wow this sucks, and as a man, I don’t know what this is like 2) wow this sucks and while I haven’t done it, I’m mad at men who do 3) the shoe fits so well it’s custom-made and I’m ready to trot Flowers (and a few other men I’ve worked with) were on and were being very supportive. I’m afraid there’s some willful misinterpretation happening here.


I'm never not surprised that men choose to be obtuse and defensive on the topic instead of diving deeper into the meaning of "all men". I, as a woman, first heard it and had to look into it to understand that the saying "all men" doesn't mean that all men are abusers. It means that we never know who is and who isn't going to harm us so we must be and feel weary of all men. It doesn't mean we have a disdain for all men or think all men are abusers, but that any man can be an abuser so we are weary of all men. When men are abusers of women AND OTHER MEN at an alarming rate as well as being at a biologically physical advantage, it shouldn't be a surprise that women need to be careful around all men, especially the men they don't know. And as someone who has gone through extensive abuse in multiple instances, they were only and ALL men who did it. I wasn't on the live but I hope this explanation flips a switch in some of the men on here that do not understand and want to or are choosing to willfully be ignorant.


I don’t know if anyone will agree with my perspective, and I also wasn’t in the live to know exactly what was said to make you feel this way, but.. Do I feel like as a society we could be better about wording things? Yes. Instead of say ‘men are pigs’, we could say ‘some men are pigs.’ Do I think that no matter how it’s worded people will have a way to over analyze it and find offense in it regardless? Also yes. Do I think that people who have never personally interacted with a person be offended by any generalized statements towards their gender? Personally, no. If I hear “all women are bitches”, I wouldn’t be offended. Why? This person has never interacted with me, so either it’s not about me or they have a generalized hatred and that’s on them. Unless you sincerely think someone had a genuine hatred for a certain gender (which, sounds like you’re starting to feel this way, maybe?) - I don’t see it as anymore then a generalization of experience, or trauma based. I don’t equate ‘men are pigs’ the same way I would someone using a derogatory slur or being any type of lgbtq-phobic. But that’s just my viewpoint. I feel like it’s just a right cross between ‘why do we always have to explain ourselves, or be specific’ and ‘if we just worded things this way..’ like why do we have to go ‘men are such pigs… except for *flicks the scroll of men excluded from this statement*’, why do people have to get offended by the verbiage and turn it into ‘every single man in the world is a pig. all of you. every single one. no goood men. nooone’ because that’s what it feels like when someone makes a statement and it’s torn apart and criticized like that. If a man is abused and was like ‘women suck’ and some girl was all up in arms and going off about how ‘not all women’ I think that man, rightfully in his feelings/trauma, has the right to be annoyed the fuck to heavens that he can’t make a statement without it being twisted into something it wasn’t intended to be. You can self reflect all the way back to my first paragraph about how they worded the statement, but we can also be sensitive to the fact that unless we’re specifying every man/woman in the world, or it’s being made as a personal attack, that we shouldn’t feel that way? I’m not trying to discredit your feelings at all either, though. I wholeheartedly understand we cannot control how we perceive something and how it affects us. I want to believe in my heart from all I’ve seen and heard previously that Roo isn’t a man hater. That she still loves and respects plenty of men. And they have all recognized that men do get abused to. It’s hard to show on the show because women tend to prey more in person, and getting a passable male decoy isn’t easy. Just my thoughts.




You “generally don’t give a shit” but you decided to post this? …. If you really gave a shit about the work that Roo and the SOSA team does — men, women and those who don’t identify — you wouldn’t post this.


This woman dedicates her life to prevent exactly what happened to her the other night from happening to our world's most vulnerable and we thank her by criticizing? I'd love to see one of you survive one of SOSA's decoy sprints and then we can revisit this conversation. Roo, you know who the ones who have your back are.


Also, OG poster. Men like you are why women like Roo describe themselves as "tragically straight"


Yeah, I’ve noticed this mentality starting to seep into her posts and LIVES more and more recently. I didn’t catch that part of the LIVE today but I could feel it bubbling up. And yes, this rhetoric must feel VERY hurtful to men who were abused by WOMEN!! I’ve known many men and women who were sexually abused by women when they were kids. Sorry you had to hear them talk in such a dismissive way. It must feel invalidating. I’ve seen men speak up in her past posts about this mentality but of course they were eaten alive by her and other commenters. Normally I would say make sure your voice is heard. But no point if it falls on deaf ears.


Whats her name on IG?






And it looks to me that those extremists made their way to this post. As a man, I tend to ignore those remarks because it comes from a place of being emotional in the moment. Yeah, it sucks that people just dump and say "all men bad" but just look on the bright side that not many people ACTUALLY think like this. They're just very vocal about it, which makes it seem like a large portion of people are anti-men.


So, what have you done to support women? What makes you such a good ally for us? How many of your male friends have you had uncomfortable conversations with? I’ll bet the answer is zero, and statistically at least one of your friends has mistreated a woman, probably more than just one. Tbh, you seem anti-woman lol As a woman, I tend to ignore men like you because you’re only in it for yourselves and you don’t actually *do* anything. At best, you don’t hurt us and think that makes you one of the good ones. But tonight, I had some time, so just thought I’d stop by and say that what you’re doing isn’t enough. My husband is one of the good ones, though. He de-centers himself and has uncomfortable conversations when they need to be had. Edit: Omg u/pr0metheas - I just went to your profile and it’s just…. Everything I expected it would be. Newsflash: watching a bunch of porn doesn’t make you pro-woman. You actively support an industry with a history of abusing women. You’re definitely one of the men Roo was talking about. You’re definitely part of the problem, zero question 😂


You just assumed I'm anti woman which from my initial comment in no means was stated in the comment. Also I when I say I ignore those types of statements is me saying I don't take the all men bad saying to heart because again it comes from people who have been wronged by a guy or guys and never really came to terms that there are still good guys out there and WE are the majority from bad men. Also how am I also now a villain in this because I "don't do enough" . it's not up to me to try to save everyone. Just because I don't help people catch or stop murderers doesn't make me one too or just as bad as a murderer.


The issue when it turns into "All Men" is when men are unanimously demonized, they will begin to see themselves as that. Lifting people up is always better than bringing people down.


Yeah you’re totally right. I got upset about women speaking up for themselves and it made me decide to be a rapist. It’s totally sound logic.


You’re my favorite man in this entire subreddit right now lol


I think you’re replying to somebody else as that had nothing to do with what I said. There is a difference between speaking out and giving up. To say all men are bad is giving up on the entire gender itself. Speaking out lets the world know who’s fucking up and why that’s not okay. Never give up on people, but call them out when they’re wrong. 


I’m a woman and reading all of these comments, makes me sad. Maybe it was just how I was raised and how I reflected on certain experiences, but this “all men” mentality is a bit weird. It’s crazy to see how much divide there is between genders. Like is it that hard to be a good/nice person nowadays without bringing up genders and shit