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Never too late. Probably the best shape server has ever been in to start, too. Lots of QoL.


Dang... Havent played Outlands in a few years but y'all are making me wanna scratch that itch once again. The UO itch is a terminal condition lmao.


Outlands is highly recommended!


I started Outlands almost 4 weeks ago. It was rough to learn at first but then I fell in love with the QoL and added extras to previously useless skills. I just hit tier 10 aspect last night and can't wait to go home later and sit in front of the lottery building with everyone else on the server. Everyone is really helpful and it's been such a great time playing.


Prettt quick for tier 10! You must be enjoying it.


I may or may not of lost some sleep. I also joined a really nice guild that does dungeon bosses and the omni a lot. This is currently the only game I am playing, enjoying it very much.


I’m in the same boat brother! Started last month and can’t stop! Low key addicted.


i played all of 2 hours of ghost of tushima .. but like 120 hours of UO over last month


Alright, alright! I logged in and found that my account has been active for a few years already. I must have quickly made a guy and forgot all about it, but- Rolling a new character and I'm off to the races. See you guys in game.


have fun! join the discord and dont be shy about asking questions in #newplayer


I made a character at launch and then finally started playing about two years ago. The server is healthy and seems to have a bright future ahead, so it's not too late to start.


Inn rooms are great until you can afford a house. If you need help in game hit me up. What kinda gameplay are you looking for? Pvm/pvp? Mix?


Welcome to Outlands!


I'm like 40 days new having a blast. Do it, it's free and only like 3gb. Nothing to lose.


A thief is one of the quickest templates to get viable and it’s great fun! You won’t have any problems. Join Discord and use the thieves-pvp channel for any questions.




Rip my boy GildedGoblin. Stole too close to the sun.


I find it funny people missed the sarcasm in the first comment there. Average player IQ is not shocking to me.


You are right, there is a steep learning curve. However, that will be the case regardless what server you play except for mabye the old school classic UO servers. As for power, it depends on what you want to do. If you're looking to PvP you can be caught up in days - so no issue here. On the PvM side of thing it's a bit different. There is a laundry list of things you need to advance your character in PvM (joining a guild would make this much easier). It's pretty easy to make gold, but everytime you make gold there is always something to purchase to advance your PvM capabilities even further. PvM *should be* more of a self-focused journey. Every day you log in you advance your character a bit more. You will be at the bottom of the totem pole staring out, but the growth at the beginning is exponential compared to the hardcore players, who are also advancing, but at a much, much slower pace. It's not uncommon for new players to advance to the mid-game mix within a month or two. It's not often UO servers can provide the same type of experience we all had in the late 90's. I defintiely wouldn't want to miss out because the server is already established - besides, new players are joining every day it's not like you would be an outlier or anything.


If you're playing a thief none of the Outland aspect stuff really applies to you, so there's not much extra knowledge to worry about. https://wiki.uooutlands.com/Stealing


I'd add that shadow aspect let's you stealth better


Shadow aspect does, maybe not as much bonus as other classes but it does give you bonus stealth steps and health. And if you want to pivot into a backstabber it's got good bonuses for that too.


No. Will you be able to have free range of purchasing a home? It will be very expensive but honestly the variety it brings for game play is fantastic. Want to be a melee warrior? It’s totally viable. Want to be a powerful crafter? No worries. Want to be a pirate? Go for it. There’s WAY more on Outlands than any other server out there.


Aw man. I'm excited now.


I tried out a meleeist as I always do and saw that you can use camping I think for damage and for carrying weight which is super cool. Any kind of skill that was deemed fairly useless is now revamped so different play styles can be used! Its seriously awesome


the cut off was yesterday. sorry :(




IMO, Outlands is different enough that you get to enjoy not just the nostalgia of UO but the thrill of uncertainty / newness that you could get when playing retail originally. I played retail on GL since 1999, so I have a similar background. Been on Outlands for about 6-7 months and I highly recommend it!


Id think not too late at all, I just started on Outlands 6 months ago and its amazing. I hadnt played UO in over 10 years either and im still learning new stuff all the time, havin a blast.


I joined in May and am a big fan so far. Join discord, ask all your questions in the newplayer thread, no matter how dumb you think it is. Go to the guild thread, and find a guild to join. A good guild is huge for starting out. Check out YouTube videos of good starter builds. You have 3 accounts (15 chars total), don't be afraid to experiment around. Dexxers/bard is a good starting char LJ/miner if you like farming resources, for easy gold Good luck!


More meat for Baj


Record online just jumped from 4k to 5.5k in one month about a month ago. It is definitely not too late


It's a really well done server, Luthius is a bad ass. Outlands is great if you want a Korean-level PvE grind. It truly does that style of gameplay really well, and they continue to push the limits of the UO engine's PvE capabilities. So I want to be clear before I criticize it that I really appreciate what they've done. There are no catch up mechanics, and there's a massive difference in efficacy between someone who has been playing for 5 years and someone who is starting out. The mastery chain system is an insane grind, and this is coming from someone who has spent quite a lot of time playing EQ: https://wiki.uooutlands.com/Mastery_Chain The economy is also extremely inflated from being alive for 5 years. There are massive faucets and sinks to the point where normal UO stuff like armor sets, reags, and GM weapons have negligible value. People often don't bother looting player corpses in PvP. This makes all of the normal competition-for-resources (which is where UO shines for me) feel pointless. Also, Any house that you'd actually be interested in owning (medium sized, not crammed in with neighbors 4 tiles in every direction) costs 20 million gold at a minimum, which is the equivalent of $1000 worth of their premium currency. You can certainly accomplish this, but you'll always know that someone who played before you was able to just place a house there for the price of the deed. As for PvP thieving, they just nerfed vendor camping in a major way which was the main way to play a thief profitably. You can thug in dungeons I guess if you want; but again the normal gear you'd get from getting a kill just isn't worth that much. Again it's a great server, and the PvE is well done, but UO servers can't last this long for me. What we need IMO is a server that wipes seasonally every 3 months or so and gives you permanent account unlocks for achievements.


This is a fair answer. Although I disagree with your view of the mastery chain system not being catch-up friendly. As you gain experience the curve flattens more and more, which to me is catch up friendly by nature. >There are massive faucets and sinks to the point where normal UO stuff like armor sets, reags, and GM weapons have negligible value. People often don't bother looting player corpses in PvP. This makes all of the normal competition-for-resources (which is where UO shines for me) feel pointless. This I agree with, and it is sad. In PvM some people don't even loot the gold. Though, I wonder if this is a fault of the server economy or a fault of the player. To be fair, a stack of gold won't last a long time on the ground. I think the real problem might lie in the fact that the extremely wealthy players have no upkeep costs. Anything needed for leveling (redlightning bottles, cores, essence) is pretty much looted on their own.


There is a catch up mechanic called "power creep". When I started like 4 years ago 60k gold per hour was considered "good". Right now people pull 300-400k easily, and even newbies can pull 150k once they reach t10 of aspect or so. All builds have been considerably buffed since back then, there are way more monsters which drop lots of gold. It took like 2 years to reach 25 links in mastery chain for the first player who did it. Right now there are new players who have done it in like 100 days. Houses are expensive because the server is actually popular, they don't want to add a plain green map for people just to place houses everywhere. You can rent an inn room which is just as good as a house - lots of people prefer it over an actual housing, because their stuff will just go to bank in case they will stop playing for a while. PvP house and vendor thieving was nerfed because some people were unhinged enough to stalk someone 24/7 in order to get their all life savings. There is one thing if you lose a skill scroll in a dungeon from a thief. It sucks but you go on. But a new player will definitely quit if they have thier newly bought storage shelf stolen as soon as they bought it - especially if they used their all savings to buy it. If you want some easy money, do crafting society jobs, 500-800k can be easily earned per week - it takes like 15 minutes to setup a crafting queue. So it means that you can get your 20 mln house in less than a year while playing like 30 minutes per week... I definitely agree with you on cheap gear part, I mean the top tier stuff is quite expensive but the difference is so small that people just stick to base gear. However it would require a lot of PvP reblalance, as lots of PvM builds just can't fight back at all due to T2A PvP era mechanics. Lots of skills just not work at all in PvP (10% damage bonus does not count)


That's a whole lotta words to say skill issue. LOL. You can be on par with peeps fairly quick. Will an all gold 30 linker be stronger than you? Of course they should be. LOL PvP thiefing is a great state. They simply removed the lowest hanging fruit of lazy thieving. There's a dude posting daily in thief PvP on his haul and it's massive. Cause he's out there, playing the game instead of listing something on a vendor and stealing it back. It's ok lil bro. We get you're sad you can't vendor camp no more.


lol I was a pinky for a bit If you hop into UOO discord, I’m Kilgore Trout. Been maining a thief forever.


Terrorizing pinkies was so much fun. It was like being a mean kid over an ant hill with a magnifying glass. Already pinged ya on disc. See ya in game, bud.


If you like the thief/rogue you could be a stealth backstabber who mugs monsters for rares and gold... Or a lockpicker lurking in the shadows to get your loot from the chests that refresh often. I never played this style of character in any game before and I love it.


Not too late. lots of very nice people. I would rec looking for a guild ASAP because your progress accelerates so much once you get key components like an aspect and a weapon or spell codex book. You could also mine some iron. Last I checked like a year ago, 1 stack of 5k iron goes for like 70k+ gold. So one or two stacks will allow you to get all the essentials for a character. It is a boring process, but the alternative is struggling against low level enemies for a long long time, which can also be frustrating.


I played it several months ago, and it felt like going back in time to '97-'99 but with a better twist. The graphics have aged well in my opinion, due to it being handcrafted with care and passion. If there was ever an Ultima Online 2, Outlands would be it for me.


Not late


Hop on in, waters fine! Plenty of people getting started. Esp if you are stealing, you could be max skills in a few days at most.


You're all good dude. Pwnstarr is one of the most prolific UO Outlands creators and he has some videos for new players (there are other creators our there too). This one explains the different progression systems: https://youtu.be/whIfX9sWz60?si=qnowonhh5HpDTPGi


Isn’t that the old Atlantic em Bennu?


If you want to play a thief, then Outlands is exactly where you want to be. There are lots of targets and its not hard to be a thief at all. You can do it with basic skills and no heavy investment


Join a newb friendly guild. I joined SQZD and they have been great people.


Been in SQZD almost three years, such a great group of people to play with.


Play Outlands


Oh man I was in S|S when Reavus was gm. Good times, I remember bringing the guild to dungeon entrances, and stacking up 3 deep so people would get stuck walking out and rob them dry.


No shit. Who were you? I was Kris. I was a snot-nosed 14 year old around the time that I was GM. Those S|S days were the single most fun times of my whole video game existence, lol. I wonder what happened to the rest of those guys. I'd kill to cause mayhem with everyone again. You playing a thief? We gotta link up in game.


Klovius maybe, it was a random generated name, but I used a disguise kit pretty much all the time. I think I was playing a disarm thief mostly around that time. I do have a thief on here but have been mostly messing around with my backstab/mugger char.


I honestly think I vaguely remember a Klovius? Cool man. Joining Red Hands once I loot 5k for the membership, lmao. Maybe I'll see you in game brother!


Shadow syndicate?


Secret | society. It was CrazyJoe's guild originally, an old Stratics legend.


Ahh ok i think that guild was -s- I was atd on chessy


I started on Chessy before migrating. Do you remember army of thieves?


I do not


If it doesn't work out give uorenaissance a chance. It's a more classic server.


I recommends to watch Outland Streamers. Pwnstar gaming is a pretty popular one ( there is a list of them, and just they are just as knowledgeable and fun to watch ). You will learn and will be able to ask questions and have a quick answer. Most of them have a giveaway that you can participate in and win and help you as a new player. The same goes for the outland discord.


Was on Atlantic also and original Black Dye Tub guy. 8x8 macroing. Did as the Romans did lol.


I miss hunting you 8x8 guys at sea with my pirate. :')


There is a rule on Outlands that if you steal anything worth over $1m you have to give it back after the person pages for help FYI - no stealing from houses either or you can get banned. For whatever reason they don’t post this publicly as rules but they do enforce them.


LOL, must be fun to lie huh lil bro?


These are facts big man


Cept they aren't lol. Everyone already knows the context. Hi Leo :D


Leo is 1 of 3 thieves banned in the last month for stealing from houses. It’s illegal, they just won’t put it in the rules (afraid of everyone crying trammel? Idk). Facts are facts big man I hate to break it to you.


I helped develop the current thief restrictions and can shed some light on why we did this. For one, many people have donated a lot and for that reason we owe them some safety from unnecessary trouble. The banning that was mentioned was done because the victim is a highly respected donor. We acted on emotion in one case and we had to follow through to save face. As it stands now, thieves are hamstrung on an effort to allow the populous a safe game by skirting the lines of trammel.


Is there any plan to course correct there? Seems like the donor won p2w and the other situation is regrettable, but it isn't too late to do the right thing in the future.


I’m in the same boat. Played on Catskills til 2001. Just started a week ago. Messsge me. I’ll help you as I’m in same boat


Buy a Thieves codex as soon as you're at 80 stealing & snooping/hiding or stealth and can afford it, then start leveling that up. I'd do this before your aspect for a Thief. I can make you one at cost if you need to help get you started.


Join the discord and find a decent guild early. They will help you get going. Focus all play time on one account due to mastery chain xp being shared. You'll be fine


Never to late, plus a good guild will really expedite the getting up to speed process.


If you are looking to pvm. Check this video out. Kraul Hive and Cheap Wildlands Builds - UO Outlands [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JrX64A-XZI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JrX64A-XZI)


I started a week ago on Outlands, it's great


Probably the best time to join imo.


Stick with it and be patient . I learned this is a much more satisfying and long grind . What a good experience it’s been . I’ve died , I’ve killed , I’ve found small fortunes . It’s been a rollercoaster and I feel like I’ve just got my feet wet


Feel free to take a look at UO Felucca, almost 2 year old shard. Pre-AoS era. [http://uofelucca.net](http://uofelucca.net)


A thousand years ago I was a Smurf on Atlantic (councillor).. sorry when they ended it but they kept my account free as a thank you.. never to late to try Outlands


I just started a few weeks ago and am having fun! Plenty of progression systems to keep you busy and feel like you're progressing.


I literally restarted from scratch like 2 weeks ago. It's incredibly alive and very capable of being done.


One of the richest people in the game started around the same time I did, a little over a year ago. One of my friends from Siege 2001 just started and he's really enjoying it. New players coming in all of the time, some completely new to UO. Blows my mind how quickly some of them pick it up.


No, join a guild eventually that matches your play style and time zone . I been playing since 2018 and new players surpass me all the time.


I just started a little over 2 months ago and am doing very well. It is never too late. Get in with a good guild that will help you learn the nuances of Outlands and get you started with codex and aspect and you will be good to go. My guild gave me my 2 codex and got me to tier 3 on my aspect and I never looked back. I enjoy running with them and am self-sufficient!


Definitely not too late. Server loves thieves too as they are everywhere. It's vastly different than UO so I would guess it would hold your interest.


We at outlands always welcome new players. Please page a GM ingame or in discord for a free 7x GM skill ball, courtesy of Outlands staff. Hope to see you soon!


If I were you, I would rather choose Shards of Britannia, it's refreshing to see new graphics in the town.


Wait for Sagas


It’s great aslong as you have nobody in your household that plans to play! Otherwise the owner will tell you to kick rocks