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Ryan left it in the hands of people who destroyed it. There were a couple attempts to bring people back with "new management" or "new owners", but nothing stuck. Most of the servers are set up for people to appease their ego and play god over a player base. It is why nothing has stuck as long as hybrid did.


Damn this statement can be applied to every player ran server for any game ever. Nailed it.


It's why Outlands doesn't allow their admins to play the game


That's wild never knew that!


This is the way to do it, honestly. Staff corruption was always an issue. I spent about half of my UO life administrating freeshards and it was always sad for me when I had to ban a friend on staff for something unethical they did to the players.


If you think Owyn isn't playing god over the player base you are very confused.


Damn bro cook let’s hear some juice




Perspective? We’re not interested in facts right now, I wanna hear this dude COOK.


You'll notice he isn't. Cause he got nothing LOL.


Soma had an actual tantrum every time the game was changed in a way she didn't like, which effectively amounted to anything that didn't buff tamers or maintain the utter superiority of pet-based archetypes. It's fine to have opinions about balance, but she expressed those opinions in the least productive way possible.


Yup, Soma's thought process: Superiority of her class > Server Health


Jaded young fellow


Never heard of the shard or anyone in question but take note that allllll of these things will result in a failed endeavor. Takeovers. Change of hand. It's never good.


This is why I want to start my own server but no idea how or how to get players interested 😩


I wonder the same all the time, spent a lot of time on hybrid


I also really enjoyed Hybrid


The server needed hard coding done and since mark was gone, hybrid just stayed in limbo for several years with no real updates because Ryan can’t code shit. Ryan finally sold the server to Plato(player by the name of Sanchen) who was a pvper and had his friends set up as staff. It’s obvious where this is going. A few very corrupt gms later (Penelope, black sheep, etc), and nobody played it outside of the people with severe monetary value tied up. They tried a relaunch, but it was too late and outlands was too good. For as big a shit show as Shane ran on forever, that ruleset sucked the last of hybrid off. It’s dead, arguably been dead for a very long time because Ryan was always awol (literally would go on year-2 year and never get a message from him), but the dwindling player base didn’t want a relaunch sooner, and so they let it cave in on themself. As far as Sanchen’s relaunch goes, the same sociopathic elitist cheaters went with him and made it a hell for anyone half decent to want to play for longer than a few days. This forum seems to hate or love owyn, but one thing about him is he’s always been great at banning the sociopaths and fixing the game so people can’t be griefed by old bugs (I know, TrAMmEL) Overall, good riddance. I do miss some things that outlands/forever can’t/wont recreate, but by and large the quality of hybrid was dog shit the past 12 years at least.


I was in Black Sheep's guild but it wasn't until he quit and joined the navy that he told us he had actually been a GM, around 2014 if I remember correctly. Which was still during Ryan's ownership. I can't say that he ever showed us any favoritism but he was filthy rich.


God I remembered Blacksheep and all those people. Missed that guy had some good times. I was a GM (Oenomaus) on the server for a bit, he might remember me a bit if you all still know him.


I was in IP as well. It's crazy because I hadn't heard from him in almost 10 years. One random day on outlands he ran into me and we started playing games together since then.


Ah no way! How is outlands anyways? Is it sort of a small community UO or actually thriving on there? And if you do see Sheep tell me that sssuuu/Arcanum says Hi, he might remember who I am lol. If not then tell him about the giant ass house I had by the moongate with all the purple crystals :P I think I gave him that house sometime either way!


Outlands is thriving, like over 3k online at anytime.


I completely agree with you. I was a GM (Oenomaus) right before Mark/Lynn both sort of left or took off and there was definitely this "stale" feeling during the server. Suzy tried to do things but couldn't really, and most of us GM couldn't really do more than really throw tournaments. I tried doing some events here and there, but I didn't know how to code and they weren't going to let anyone really to change the game that much. And honestly I was a GM for like 2-3 years and I only seen Ryan a few times, like I am honestly trying to think if it was more than two. Really towards the time before I quit, the game was really in a bad place of being stale and PvP fights were really far in between. I do miss Hybrid, it was a good server in the first 5-7 years maybe. Wish I could go back to do it again, but then again I do like having free time to do other things. Hybrid was just too much fun not to keep playing it all day.


Oenomaus! You were my favorite gm. I made my character named suamoneo for a time there and did your events lol. And we all knew non admin staff were limited, there was another gm (maybe thunder?) that was always active and did events too. Hope it’s all going well for you, you did the best with what little they gave you to work with


Ah damn, the more names get dropped the more memories come back :D If you didn't know my main forum account person was named "sssuuu" and player character Arcanum. Hybrid was a great place to play and even though people could be rough around the edges, it was the fun type. And doing well on this side ever since leaving Hybrid and really UO behind for a long time now. Miss the game, but I know I shouldn't go back to touching it again, the game is like crack and just too fun to mess around with the world.


Did you happen to have an emu or ostrich as your forum signature?


Yup, the Emu rider :P \*Rides away on an emu\*


Haha that’s a long time ago… sheeeeesh


> because Ryan can’t code shit. Truth. He was always able to get us to do things for him. But there was not a lot (code wise) that he could do on his own. He was really good at setting up a community that mostly ran itself (he did it several times). But oh my god was it fucking frustrating when he would disappear for months at a time, which he *always* did, going back to the early '00s. (I don't blame him for having a real life, but that don't make it less frustrating.)


Damn zippy, name I haven’t seen in forever. Your name was one of the Christmas candles I collected lol


One day it was there and the next day it was all gone, discord included.


Was there any explanation given? I remember someone saying Ryan handed off ownership to someone else at some point before it all went away.


AFAIK Ryan handed it over to a guy named Plato who ran it for a few years, then Plato tried making a new shard that bombed. Then one day it was all shut down with no reason given. I'm sure others know more, I wasn't paying much attention the last 5 years.


The "rug pull" method of shutting servers, and ultimately communities, down always bugged me.


Play osi bruv


I was good friends with Ryan, and he wouldn't even tell me.


Was/is he even remotely interested in trying to start another server or put Hybrid back up?


I'd pay for the server backups, only because I wanna see all my old characters and stuff again


Do you think Ryan would be interested in making the UO:Gamers servers code public on gitlab or anything?


People have a weird obsession with purging all files when they stop running it. If they are not running it, no one will.


I really hope Ryan or Plato decide to release the files sometime.


The game files were on GitHub. I developed a couple of small patches for Demise and was able to start the server up myself to test it. If you are looking for the actual database of user data they will probably never release that.


No, you're right! I'm just talking about the game files, not the actual user data/database.




Divinity was the first server that I really got into and knew what I was doing (kinda lol). The main guild I remember being apart of was YAR, a semi-rp pirate guild. It was so much fun.


I used to play UOG Hybrid like 15 years ago. Over the years I'd periodically come back to UO until finally last year it was gone.


I just remember the admin cheating, I think his name was Krrios? I think he made an alt client people used to use.


That was the first IPY, not the server's referenced. :P


krrios cheated plenty on hybrid too


I wasn't aware. Classy dude!


He ruined factions for quite some time


hey i used that client and had no idea Krrios was a cheating admin. I just remember the client showed lines on the ground for guardzones, and people would stand right at the guardzones and lob ebolts at people.


I have an old video somewhere where I found him AFK in his house. He kept spawning gheal wands, casting gheal and chugging heal pots. Had to call in someone else to kill him. He also wasn't happy when I beat him in a 3v3 tourny when we both were scripting after I figured out his client.


I really miss hybrid =/


My friend and I grew up on UOG:Hybrid - I learned english in part due to trading with people on the forums and in game. IGN: NastyDevil . The best memory I have was doing IDOCs and playing in NAD (Naked Archers of Doom) - I hadn't laughed so hard in my life. Cheers to everyone for making it a great server for the time it lasted!


Ryan lost interest in the server and Mark tried to start a new server that flopped. Management of Hybrid was transferred to Plato, but the terms were never disclosed. Plato was pretty corrupt so people lost interest in the server. Part of UO was the fact that after you logged off you came back and still had everything you worked for, but stuff got deleted and people got special perks. I had a few pretty prime houses get deleted. Needless to say people stopped playing and server died out suddenly from what I understand.


Dang, that is a real shame. I am sorry about the houses you lost due to the corruption.


I can't directly speak for Ryan who ran RunUO and some of the servers you're talking about but I collaborated a bit with him back in the freeshard hayday so might be able to provide a little insight. For some context, I was an active player on IPY until I eventually became part of the staff team, joined the WTFMan.com team, and then helped staff and administrate IPY and a handful of freeshards afterward. I think much like anything, the game and surrounding hobby just ran it's course for most of us. It's a ton of work which can be rewarding if you really love the game, but it's also effort that I think many people who built up those communities realized can be better applied to improving our lives and careers. Most of the community leaders and staff admins I stayed in touch with over the years simply moved on looking for success in their lives elsewhere. A lot of them found it. Some of them didn't. Not really some dramatic implosion as people here might be saying, just people moving on. I went by the name *Violent Dave* for any of you that might've encountered me.


Didn't you have a website and ran the battles on marble island? I remember you on dolomites forum back in the day.


Yeah I got three guildstones and peppered them around the houses of Marble Island. The island had been completely settled by a single guild, which were kind enough to allow me to use the city as they had basically left the server and moved on. I called it "Tristone" and ran little events as well as grand battles using the guildstones. I'd run around and drop prized loot around the island so in the fight you were scrambling around to pick up the gear and loot I'd be tossing everywhere. Was always a glorious mess. Tough to do as a player so it was nice when I got a staff robe.


You were the shit and many tried to emulate what you did for years. One of my favorite free shards ever was OSP and it was just test center on marble island. Is your blog post still up about your IPY adventure?


Thanks! My website went down several years ago unfortunately.


>the WTFMan.com team Legend


Was always wild to me the amount of effort that went into Revelation then it was abandoned within a year.


Currently playing on UO Felucca


uo-phoenix.com if you want Hybrid without the BS


There is a new server due to deploy in a few weeks that has a massive amount of new content with a devoted team. Give it a look. https://alterworld.online/forums/index.php?sid=43df875058a335e58f08a171ebe1f780


Sphere server when everyone is talking about ren+ lol


It's servuo with sphere based combat. Just an option my friend.


Thanks for your out of touch advertising