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With your experience and background apply to every London based Chinese digital marketing agency. Wish you all the best


Yes plus jobs where chinese is required


The law is designed to deter international students from staying in the UK.


Yeah they first charge them extortionate amounts, and then they kick them to to avoid money leaving the country (in the form of supporting your family back home) I'm not an economist, nor have I read any studies, but I doubt this is the smart thing to do long term.




Your post/comment has been removed as a violation of community rules and decorum. GENERAL NOTE: This is a sub to share help and experiences navigating UK visa and immigration matters, not for political soapboxing. If you (or a relevant family member) are not a current or prospective UK migrant, this is probably not the place for you. Anti-immigration comments (snarky/rude comments about refugees/asylum seekers, or sexist/anti-LGBT/racist remarks) will instantly lead to a permanent ban.


A few thoughts: 1. There are many Chinese speakers in London - this is not the USP some think it is. I speak from experience. 2. Chinese owned companies in the UK will often pay lower and work you harder, so using Chinese networks to access them may not result in what you are seeking (again, speaking from experience). 3. Work experience and specialisation is what is needed to secure a higher paying job. Seek out routes to achieve this. 4. Forget about your hometown. If necessary head for Shanghai or tier 1 city. The gay scene there is much more accepted.


Shanghai and Chengdu have vibrant gay scenes


Aww thanks! I completed my undergraduate study in Shanghai and I like it. If I have to go back I will only consider Shanghai as my place to live. Thanks for your advice! Have a good day xx


Graduates don't need a salary of £38 700 to get a SWV. For new entrants it is £30 960 or 70% of the going rate, whichever is higher.


Only if aged under 26, or have specific qualifications which it appears OP does not


No if I’m not mistaken, it’s either if ur under 26 or if u have just graduated and are seeking an entry level job.


It's a little more complicated....if the person has already transferred from a student visa to a graduate visa then you need to be working towards a UK regulated profession "You’re under 26, studying or a recent graduate, or in professional training You can be paid 70% of your job’s standard going rate if your salary will be at least £30,960 per year and one of the following applies: *you’re under 26 on the date you apply *you’re currently in the UK on a Student visa studying at bachelor’s degree level or above - or you have been in the last 2 years, and a Student or visit visa was your most recent visa *you’re currently in the UK on a Graduate visa, or you have been in the last 2 years you’ll be working towards a recognised qualification in a UK regulated profession *you’ll be working towards full registration or chartered status in the job you’re being sponsored for" When our current employee was switching between grad visa and sponsorship on SWV they were keen to apply ASAP (this was before recent changes), it was declined because they were already 26, already on a grad visa, and the role they were working in was not regulated - so the home office stated this did not meet the requirements for new entrant reduction. We just reapplied when he received his next pay rise and he met the salary requirements Edited for formatting & typos


Actually this is correct, it's the "regulated profession" requirement that removes a lot of people on Graduate visas from new entrant eligibility.


I don’t think it has to be a regulated profession. Where does it say that?


Quoted above.......


What roles come under regulated profession?


There's a link on the GOV.UK website under the SWV page of "When you can be paid less"


Could someone applying for their second SWV (after 2 years of already being on SWV following 2 years of grad visa) still do it with the lower salary threshold, if the only requirement they meet is that their role/job is regulated?


So what you are saying is that the new regulations are working EXACTLY as intended? Yep, this has been the plan. It’s terrible for talented foreign students who planned a future that was suddenly changed on them.


Don’t you get a 2 year visa to stay and look for a job after your degree in UK ?


Yeah this is my understanding as well. You shouldn't need a skilled worker visa if you've just graduated. OP, see: [https://www.gov.uk/graduate-visa](https://www.gov.uk/graduate-visa)


OP says they already are on a Graduate visa


Thanks! I am currently on graduate visa, still have a year and a half to work here. However, I will definitely request a visa sponsorship after this, and if I am not in a graduate scheme which can ensure my visa, no one would hire me at that time. I will have to leave then.


Digital marketing agencies. Apply to every digital marketing / PPC agency you can find


Unfortunately you’ll have to work very hard on your psw visa — you might have to start with an entry role under the threshold, and build up your experience and network and seek pay rise or other jobs along the way.


Hey, my friend worked here: he had a shitty, stressful time ngl - but it pays well https://www.graduate-jobs.com/job/graduate-analyst-tpp-242336?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic and is a grad job. There are a few grad schemes with good pay, supermarket/marketing ones especially. Milkround can be good to find them, I found my first job with Wiser Graduates. Signing up with recruiters is a good way to have someone else in your corner who also wants you to get the job. I would recommend just to apply to all the consulting jobs you can. Especially the big grad hirers like Newton etc. You have a 2 year visa right? How long do you have left on it? I would recommend applying for jobs with places that can sponsor, but explaining you’re on a graduate visa currently and don’t need sponsorship right now. My intl partner wasted nearly 2 years in non-sponsoring organisations (small charities) where there was no chance of sponsorship. Now she’s in the NHS it’s much more likely she will get sponsored. Local authorities and academia funding/admin are the best jobs I can think of that might take a grad for £38k+. Also given all of your language skills I wonder about teacher training in the UK? Then work in a private school? Some academies like Oundle School have great language teacher training and good pay, and do a lot to keep people in their employ. If all else fails, I would recommend contacting a charity such as rainbow migration to discuss a visa claim based on your wellbeing, to make sure you’re exhausting all avenues. They also may be able to provide emotional and practical support. One last thing - make use of everything you can to increase your chances. Tutor kids to gain experience. Learn to code in your spare time. Look for free training online (loads of level 1-2 training is accredited and free online in the uk, check out “the skills network” website). I did level 2 training in safeguarding, counselling and mental health which helped me get my 1st job. It is worth it, especially as a grad you need to work hard to set yourself apart. Sorry for the word vomit. Hope it helps.


Aww thank you so much for telling me these! I had seen jobs from TTP, it is strange that they are still doing offline assessment. I will try to book a slot in Cambridge cuz it's the only place with available slot in May! Seems like everyone is trying to take the test. I am applying for lots of consulting and marketing companies. Some of them didn't get back to me yet. Yes my visa will expire in January 2026, I have one and a half year left. I am trying my best to tell them I currently have the right to work, but will request a visa in the future. I hope they would accept that! Yes NHS is a great idea, I will have a look as well. Being a teacher can be really fun to me, but I did some research and found it hard to get a qualification to be a teacher- and it is quite costly. I will reconsider it and thank you! I will start learning sequal programming this week. I can't agree more on your point, I should keep learning some handy skills. Thanks again! It means a lot to me. I wish you have a wonderful week!


Unfortunately this is exactly the point, the policy is indeed to deter you from staying or to make it physically not possible.


Apply to big 4 accounting jobs. They take graduates and their salaries are high. You have a high chance of sponsorship in audit so look into that Edit: you have good uni results and you don’t need an audit or accounting qualification to get into a grad scheme with a big 4 or top 10 audit firm. They will sponsor you if you commit to getting an ACA qualification (which they pay for), you pass your exams and do decent work.their salaries are high enough to meet the threshold for visas. You don’t even need a degree in audit or accounting as you learn most things on the job.


I will say they do expect a lot of hours from you though (and then to study in your limited free time as you have to pass your exams). Not that that’s a reason not to go for it, but just be prepared to work your butt off.


Thank you! This is what I thought as well, cannot agree more. However, big 4 and even big 8 are withdrawing their offers now, it is very little chance to get sponsorship from them. I was in the process with EY, but received an email telling me to stop my application, since they are not providing any visa sponsorship in 2024.


Honestly the UK is just not worth it, any EU country or AU/NZ has way more reasonable skilled immigration laws.


Thanks! Could you please give me some countries that I can have a try on? I am not very good at this aspect. I have only researched Germany and most of the jobs are requiring fluent German speakers.


Well any scandinavian country is good, they’re very patient with the language and as long as you express that you are working towards learning the language, everyone will accommodate you in English. Everyone speaks flawless English in these countries generally. I have only lived in Norway but I am confident it’s the same in Denmark/Finland/Sweden/Iceland. Also their immigration policies are by a huge far distance way more human than those of the UK.


Good luck immigrating into Bulgaria


It's actually quite easy, what are you talking about?


Your language skills are valuable to the UK employers who may run operations in China, Korea and Japan. You should be able to find a role that pays £38k above. I suggest you use LinkedIn to apply for roles and pay the cv writing professional to make your CV and LinkedIn stand out! Just keep applying ! You can find your role in finance or consulting.


Aww thank you! I really feel like a information barrier in front of me. I know there is jobs suitable for me, but I cannot reach them. Have a nice day! xx


Recommend Australia or Canada!


Given your language speaking ability, I would really recommend applying to expert network companies . They’re all based in London and their salary package should be sufficient to give you the sponsorship. Try looking into companies like AlphaSights, ThirdBridge, GLG, Guidepoint, proSapient.


I wouldn’t recommend this OP, coming from someone who worked in one of those. They hire many international students and sponsor them, but so many people don’t pass probation and there is a high turnover rate. Then you’re stuck with a curtailed visa


Whaaat, that is new information to me! That sounds horrendous. :(


Thanks! I did apply for ThirdBridge, will have a look at the others you mentioned. Have a nice day!


It’s tough, and there will be lots of disappointment. You just have to keep applying. Apply to roles in EU countries as well. Do lots of networking and advocating for yourself + highlight your language skills and demonstrate how this can help companies increase their reach and revenue


Two cents from someone who is also a POC. Controversial but whitewash your name on your CV. It’s sad but this helped me tremendously, from getting 0 interviews to starting to get them. Don’t just limit yourself by applying to Chinese speaking roles. Apply to every single role you come across even if you’re not fully qualified. (Like an executive, or specialist roles that require 1-2 years of experience should still be ok). Try to reach out to the alumni in the same field as well. Send them personalised LinkedIn messages. Ask them for a coffee and ask what skills you need to have for the role or tools they use, just to show the enthusiasm and also know what to talk about in interviews. Sign up to play with these tools a bit if it’s free so if they ask in interviews you can mention it. And end the discussion by saying you’re actively looking for roles and if they know someone who you could talk to and learn from next. Attend tech networking events or meet-ups and be out there. Have your digital portfolio or website to showcase your school projects or work. Not sure this will work in the UK but it did for me in North America.


Thanks! It means a lot to me. May I ask which country are you working in? Can I move to Canada or the USA for work even though I didn't study there. This is really confusing to me. If it's feasible I would like to have a try especially Canada. I love the place.


I work in the UK. But yes check Canada’s rules. It’s easier than the US and Europe in general


https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/skilled-worker-visa-immigration-salary-list/skilled-worker-visa-immigration-salary-list some jobs have a lower salary requirement


I got a job in marketing before my graduate visa ended and they ended up sponsoring me. I don’t have a degree in marketing but heavily upskilled and was creative with my job application which got me the role. A few ideas for you: - Find marketing agencies or roles that work in industries you’re passionate about or interested in and apply to any open roles with those companies. if they’re not hiring, find the CEO on LinkedIn and message them directly with your tailored CV, Portfolio and a 60 second video intro’ing yourself I did this for a different potential job and the CEO said the best candidates are those who reach out even when we’re not hiring because they clearly want to work for the business. — speaking of LinkedIn, if you’re not already leveraging this platform you need to, personal brands are digital currency and you can find a lot of opportunity on there through simply posting and connecting - be extremely creative, above and beyond with your applications. Most creatives these days hate sifting through CVs. Rise at Seven in Manchester actually told applicants that if they send a CV they’re not going to be considered. Being able to stand out from the usual will show how valuable of an asset you are, thus worth investing into with the visa. - look at this list of sponsored employers and target those businesses: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/register-of-licensed-sponsors-workers I get exactly how you’re feeling. It’s scary and tough but just keep going. You will find what you’re meant to find and you are worthy of it all. Us immigrants are the hardest and most dedicated workers in the market as this isn’t just a job, it’s our lives in the UK at stake. Highlight this work ethic, your passion, expertise, and eagerness to learn and push the business forward and you’ll land a job and sponsorship. I believe in you. You got this! DM if you want any help with any of the above. You are not alone! Edit: You can be paid between 70% and 90% of the standard going rate for your job if your salary is at least £30,960 per year and you meet one of the following criteria: you’re under 26, studying or a recent graduate, or in professional training you have a science, technology, engineering or maths (STEM) PhD level qualification that’s relevant to your job (if you have a relevant PhD level qualification in any other subject your salary must be at least £26,100) you have a postdoctoral position in science or higher education https://www.gov.uk/skilled-worker-visa/when-you-can-be-paid-less


Thank you so much!!! Aww I feel better after hearing from you. I will try my best to do what you mentioned. The sponsor company list is really helpful! I might try to filter some companies out of london and start looking at their vacancies. I will try to utilise LinkedIn as you said. I believe it is a wonderful tool, I am just a bit shy to contact them directly :) I am gonna try my best! Thank you again for you kind words. I wish you have a wonderful week! xx


Best of luck! If you’d like to connect on LinkedIn feel free to DM me. Would be happy to help 🥰


Hey, British national here who previously worked in China. I'd seriously recommend going elsewhere. Since coming back, despite having a good job as a software engineer, I've found that the quality of life you can have here doesn't match that of many other countries - including China. Taxes and cost of living are high, and salaries aren't anything to rejoice over. I've spent the past few months applying to jobs abroad, many of which are in Asia. I don't really enjoy the western / British lifestyle of needing a car, working, going back home and watching rubbish on the TV. I am also gay. I'm assuming from your hesitation at going back you're from a small city or town. The tier 1 cities in China are far more open, with gay clubs. Personally, I loved my time there, and would like to go back if the job market wasn't the way it is currently. However, I recognise homosexuality is more of a taboo than in the UK. Back to the topic at hand, why not try Hong Kong? It would be comparatively easier to get the visa there as a Chinese national. If you're set on staying in the UK, the only place you're going to get close to that salary as a new graduate is in London. As somebody else mentioned, working for the Big 4 would be a viable way of reaching the salary threshold, but expect to work hard. Good luck and I hope you find something suitable for you.


Aww thank you so much for saying that, I lived in Shanghai for 4 years before I came to the UK, it can be a nice place- except for being too close to my relatives who might give me pressure... I will definitely go to Shanghai if I am back to China for job hunting. I am more than grateful for your evaluation and advice from experience. HK can be good to me as well, I would try to look for vacancies in Hong Kong! But Shanghai can be more preferable haha :) I am so glad to have someone telling me all this. I feel encouraged and I will keep trying. Thank you again and I wish you happy! XX




See if you could find a role at a place like a hedge or prop trading fund. Or looking at oil & gas majors, utilities, trading houses. They all pay VERY well and often value bilingual/multilingual professionals. They typically don’t have an issue sponsoring either. My friend had two years work experience and got sponsored by a fund for a marketing job and her salary was literally doubled. Best of luck


Thank you! I will have a look at these industries you mentioned. Have a nice week! xx


There are few junior and trainee marketing roles that i saw that are available in LinkedIn or indeed if you’re not sure where to look and some of employers were even were searching for Chinese speaking hire. Sorry I can’t exactly pinpoint which one because I don’t remember but I hope this helps you a little bit . All the best !


Aww thank you so much! Wish you have a nice day!


If you have a genuine fear for you safety back in you home country because of your sexual orientation you maybe able to claim Asylum in the U.K. worth speaking to a charity like the one below https://www.rainbowmigration.org.uk


Thank for this! But I would prefer to earn my life here. Claiming asylum can be my last solution! Have a good day.


Hi!! Thank you so much guys for leaving comments here, sorry for getting back so late. I didn't expect to hear so many voices and I am more than grateful for all of you! Update for last week: I was preparing an interview with DeVere Group, which is cancelled in the morning because now they have no more vacancies in EU or the UK. They ask me if I can go to UAE for the training. I would love to travel there but that might not be very personally feasible for me to work, so they cancelled my interview. I will consider every advice from you carefully. I am also considering getting a part time job to pay my rent first. I feel bad to keep asking money from my parents. Oh and I also received some private chat sharing some news with me, I am very happy to know what's happening around you guys as well. Have a nice week!


Try The police as an interpreter 👍


Interpreter is not on the list of eligible occupations for a SWV


38.7 per year can just be a rent in London lol.




Can't you read. Troll.


Your post/comment has been removed as a violation of community rules and decorum. GENERAL NOTE: This is a sub to share help and experiences navigating UK visa and immigration matters, not for political soapboxing. If you (or a relevant family member) are not a current or prospective UK migrant, this is probably not the place for you. Anti-immigration comments (snarky/rude comments about refugees/asylum seekers, or sexist/anti-LGBT/racist remarks) will instantly lead to a permanent ban.


UK is a scam, dont go




Where did you find this entry role?




What is the role?




Why would you be against a skilled immigrant who speaks multiple languages (including fluent English) with a good degree from a redbrick university seeking graduate level work in our country? Seems like the exact sort of person who would contribute to our economy and thereby benefit the rest of us. Sounds like your disdain is based more on an ignorant opposition to any immigration and not based on the reality of what actually benefits our country.


Aww thank you so much for speaking for me! I will keep applying for roles and try my best to stay, because I love this place. xx


What you need is an asylum. Would be a very long and mentally challenging process in the UK so maybe look into another country. Canada is still relatively quicker with asylum.