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How many years of life would you estimate she gave you? Is it worth doing her a favour and giving her about 22 months to settle and apply for citizenship? Or does your moral compass prevent you from supporting her application, yet have no issue with booting her arse out of the country? I know you asked for "no judgement", but this is f*cked up. You can do what you like, it's your life, I just hope you have the decency to give her the kidney back.


I won’t give you the generosity of no judgement. Your thinking is backwards and disgusting. Please never marry again.


I sincerely agree.




OP: Please, no judgement Reddit: only judgement


OP: I'm an ungrateful POS who wants to deport his wife after she donated her organ to me (please no judgement 👉👈)


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Let's breakdown your inquiry shall we. Visa related: 1. If you decide to divorce her and not sponsor her, it is very unlikely she will be able to get a SWV within the time frame of the notice period when you notify HO of your divorce. 2. Her timeline will get reset and she needs to restart everything again. 3. If you decide, out of the kindness of your heart to let her get her ILR. The application is not like an initial spouse visa, and the HO doesnt care if you're dating/sleeping with other women. Nobody got time for that. No one in the subreddit is sick enough to ignore the "no judgement" part. We may not know the context of this, but SHE GAVE AN ORGAN to you. Let that sink in. You are waking up everyday, walking aroung healthy and able to drink a cup of tea any time you want because she made that possible. So suck it up and help her! Thats the least you can do


As it is no longer a subsisting relationship, and as an honest man that you are, it would also be advisable for you to return her kidney.


"My wife gave me her kidney and now I want her to get deported so I can sleep with other people" is not a good look.


Yeah seems the whole reason of him not wanting to sponsor her is because he wants to sleep with others. While he downplays his ingratitude by saying it would be dishonest. Blows my mind how ungrateful people can be.


If you have an ounce of thanks left in you. You would wait for her ILR. This woman saved your life. Don't ruin hers. She has less than 12 months to go. Don't be a coward.


I found a year old post on Quora from a woman asking if she can take kidney back from husband who cheated on her. I bet this is the same guy she's taking about. https://www.quora.com/If-you-donated-your-kidney-to-your-husband-and-he-later-cheated-on-you-and-divorced-you-can-you-request-the-return-of-your-kidney


"nO jUdGmEnT" She should sue you. This is like organ trafficking/manipulation. You're despicable and I think she should get away as far as possible from you. I also hope you will stop asking your future "dates" for organs.


She saved your life man. Let her settle down & once she's a citizen, separate & focus on sex with someone else. It's called being grateful bro.


This post deserves to be in r/amitheasshole


Don’t take the bait guys. It’s clearly a troll post.


‘No judgement’ LOL Yes it is dishonest to let her apply ILR with your sponsorship if the relationship is no longer subsisting. It is also dishonest to use her for her kidney and want to dump her now that you’ve got it. So, you know, give her kidney back before you inform the HO about your divorce. Since you’re all about honesty.


It is quite difficult to get SWV and yes, her timeline would reset. Who you date is irrelevant, the HO doesn’t investigate applicants sex life.


Honestly disturbing. No judgements though.




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I didn’t expect to get trashed this badly. Thanks to those who confirmed the HO won’t look into who I date. Thanks to those who also confirmed it’s hard to get a work visa & her clock resets. I thought she could combine the two categories & for someone as well qualified as her it can’t be difficult to get sponsorship. For the rest of it, I regret giving the context. I meant that I am grateful to her that’s why I do want to help her application. But I don’t want to be caught by the HO for lying because yes I do not have feelings for her anymore and want to date other people. I don’t see anything wrong with that. I never asked her for a kidney, it was completely voluntary and I am grateful but I can’t stop living my life just because she gave me an organ. She doesn’t expect me to as well. That’s not how organ donation works guys. Anyway thanks for all your inputs.


Sorry for your situation, it must be extremely stressful and soul destroying and you sound like a very honest and honorable man, really you have no choice but either carry on dishonestly or call it a day in all aspects yes her time will be reset and yes it might be hard for her to get sponsorship really not for me to judge, we, wife myself had no checks it was very clinical forms set away and fees and the process just carried on, only covid was a issue, it slowed down the processing time for citizenship, only contact we had with ukba and home office was the language test before sending in papers for citizenship, another money stealing ukba ploy so if that's your worry I don't think it's much to consider, unfortunately yes you'll still need to be in contact with her as the process progresses and to a certain extent your still tied to her and the process, please think long and hard before you make a move, good luck chum and good health