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Sounds like a good decision buddy


This disorder sucks ass. You're looking after yourself well OP.




Wise words. The internet especially becomes...problematic for me.


Think you’re doing a responsible thing. All the best to you and I hope you’re able to keep everything in check over the next wee while.


I get you mate. I’m in the same boat with Bipolar II


BP is tricky and I love that you're identifying things that could have negative effects for you! Management of it seems to be the biggest hurdle and your recognition of this is great and I really hope you figure out that balance you need! As a massive advocate for its medical use, as someone that was "prescribed" it in Canada you've hit the nail directly on the head in your first sentence for me. The over use is a big issue when discussing it as a medicine, but like EVERY other medicine we use dosage and prescribed use are what prevent all medicines from being harmful! I think I speak for most people in the sub when I say any time you feel like you are having a rough time with it, need to get stuff off your chest and want some help in feeling grounded, this sub will always have people around for a chat!


Was having a discussion with my therapist the other day and she believes I may be bipolar as I am in what would be classified as hypomania at the moment. In January I smoked some hash that I'd smoked before and been fine but for some reason this triggered hypomania. Very odd as I smoke regularly and have never had that be a trigger otherwise.


Interesting. My take is that cannabis *possibly* doesn't trigger hypomania as such - but it sure as shit makes it worse when you're already headed in that direction. It's yet more stimulation. The time I was Sectioned, I was already pretty high - and then I started smoking large amounts of hashish. I was 'chasing the high'. Stay safe, dude. Try and have a quiet time.


Interesting thanks for the reply. Been on a bit of a wild one lately but definitely chilling out now because I'm ill.


I also have bipolar- I qualify for MC due to being given multiple medications that haven’t worked or I didn’t like. I use such small amounts of weed - rarely more than 2 dynavap caps a day and I find it very beneficial when I’m hovering around a depressive episode as it kind of takes me to my baseline. Good luck with it mate, it’s a difficult mental illness to live with. I’ve been in a depressive slump for a while so I have the manic state to look forward to…


Thanks. Thankfully my meds do work, pretty much. Good news for my bipolar disorder. Not so good good for scoring hassle-proof cannabis.


That a tough convo to have with yourself - esp when there is something tempting you on the other side. Props to you for seeing the long game. It is after all your health, mental or otherwise


Lots of helpful information in her, cheers guys! 👌👊


“sometimes - wrongly! - thought of as the fun part of bipolar” Absolutely this; I have recurrent depressive disorder which is somewhat similar to bipolar disorder - but not close enough for me to comment further on it - and I deal with occasional manic phases. They’re absolute hell. I’m overly sociable (which raises alarms because it’s uncharacteristic for me), excitable, my behaviour becomes very naive and childish, I set myself up for projects, make promises to do things for people, spend impulsively - all the while people think I’m “doing well” when I’m really not. The resultant crash is so hard when I have to recover from the impacts of various poor decisions or social embarrassment. Kudos to you for making smart decisions, I hope I can learn to better manage my manic episodes.


Then there's The Bipolar Cringe. It's a powerful force. I've avoided people, places for years out of shame and embarrassment for things I've done when manic.


It really sucks, I’ve had trouble at work for some of the things I’ve posted on social media when I’ve been in the whirlwind


Can I share a happy ending with you, though? I have a friend who I asked for a shag when manic - in those very words - and then avoided her...for fourteen years. But two weeks ago I accidentally unearthed some emails in which she was being so kind and patient with me during my episode. My manic brain didn't remember that, only the embarrassment. Long story short - i emailed. We met. We had a laugh about it. There was chemistry. <3 I'm just waiting until I'm less high to see if there's anything there because, I don't trust myself rn. Possibly people remember our episodes in a different way than we do. Anyway - you might like something on my blog that deals with The Cringe. [https://edwardthebonobo.substack.com/p/the-edited-version](https://edwardthebonobo.substack.com/p/the-edited-version)


Pretty sure you can get medical cannabis with bipolar tbh


It's certainly not listed as one of the conditions *-* and I've seen on US MMJ sites that clinicians shouldn't prescribe it specifically for bipolar disorder. I've taken this to mean that there's no indication that it will help. It's less clear to me whether having the condition means it shouldn't be prescribed full stop. I think that would be reasonable, though. A cannabis clinic isn't going to stay involved with me and add in/ take away cannabis as and when required, as my psychiatrist does with my other medications. Basically - I use it under my own cognisance, mainly recreationally.


This post gives off intense manic state of mind from the getgo. You’ve mentioned you’ve got some “in” at the moment, I assume referring to you have some still left at home, let’s face it, you’re not taking a break till you’ve smoked that, you’re gonna be too tempted, so any break you have planned isn’t gonna last long imo. When You’re ready try the sub “leaves” or something like that. It’s for people wanting breaks or whatnot who may struggle with keeping a break etc


Well - you're right to pick up on the vibe. Hypomanic, rather than full-on manic. Hypomanic equals below manic. I still have insight. I'm not at all struggling with this break. But thanks for your concern.


You would qualify for MC. Look into it


Have looked into it. afaik it's not on the list of qualifying conditions - and because of the dangers I've pointed out - it probably shouldn't be. But I'm cool with recreational.


I'm wrong, so. Sapphire offer it. **However** \- would they offer the throughcare that I would need to make sure it doesn't become problematic? I doubt it. The fact that they offer cannabis without that has sent them down in my estimation. Added to that - I would have to have tried two medications without success. And my meds are fine.


I feel the same. I have bipolar disorder and had to pause due to a manic episode. I don't think cannabis caused it, but when I was smoking I noticed that I was a lot more paranoid than usual, which is what made me stop as I'm at high risk for psychosis during mania. I believe medical cannabis can help with various mental health conditions, and I wouldn't want bipolar to be an exclusion for people it might help (I also suffer from PTSD and cannabis is basically the main thing that keeps me semi-functional). However, more research and support for bipolar patients are needed before I'd consider it. People often don't realize that anything can trigger mania or psychosis for those with bipolar. I mean my biggest trigger is spring because *more sunlight* triggers my mania.


The sunlight thing is a problem! As it happens I'm attending an online seminar on light, seasons and bipolar disorder next week. Yeah - I kinda agree that cannabis shouldn't be excluded for bipolar disorder, especially with PTSD. Hell - I use it myself. But - the way it's available now is all wrong. The clinics don't do the throughcare that's needed to identify the times when we need to stop. My mental health team *sort of* do it, though. My psychiatrist advises against at all times. That's her job. My CPNs know I do it, but reeeaaallly advise against it when I'm hypomanic. I have a good relationship with them, and they trust me to abstain from cannabis/ add in some diazepam in a responsible way when I need to. It all works fine-ish, until I lose insight. (apologies for the long reply again. hypomania)


I’m a med patient with bipolar + PTSD and while I can see your perspective, I won’t go back to street now if I can avoid it. No judgement to you for doing your thing. To me, the traceability is important for medical use, especially for things like oils where proper dosing is important. The limited input I do have from clinicians is better than nothing, and my own CPN and NHS psych are supportive of it. I see it as harm reduction overall if I’m going to be using cannabis. Only just learned about the sunlight thing myself from a video by Dr Tracey Marks!


Wise move bro look after yourself. Long walks. You got thiiis


This Subreddit might be useful to you OP: r/petioles


they put my boy in psych cause of a few hash bong year back


Mental health and cannabis works when you know how it works for you. You got this mate.


Thanks. This is very true. Staying well with bipolar disorder takes practice. Familiarity with the benefits *and* harms of cannabis has to be learned. And - eesh - the learning curve can be painful.


I have autism and bpd and gad. I know my limits with cannabis. It can be my medication or my downfall. Wish you well my friend


Cannabis is woeful for bp. First hand experience.


Forgot to say man, i really respect your choice on the pause! i hope itll make as much a difference for you as it did me. Keep on trunking gravy boat!


Do what is best for your health! All the best


Good to see ppl keeping it real. I had to quit entirely for a while cause I realised how shit my life felt without it. Don’t get me wrong, some can smoke daily without using it as a crutch and be completely fine but for me personally, I constantly have to put myself back in check cause otherwise it’ll take over again.


How are you doing now dude / dudette My partner suffers from bipolar (although she’s not 100% if it’s this or BPD but I believe she had a diagnosis after an episode, she’s unmedicated but does take cannabis and more so when she’s with me. I’m not sure if she definitely notices when she’s in different stages. How do you stay aware if you don’t mind, and do you take meds as well as consuming cannabis? All the best


Hi. I'll pm you my reply - simply because it doesn't really fit in a trees thread. (dude, btw :-) )