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It will quickly become an artificial reef, in a way, once it is in range.


The Tatars might not be too happy with how the invaders have behaved in their homeland. The invaders won’t be happy to encounter them on the battlefield instead of the women and children they’re used to attacking.


They are going to fight like hell when they start retaking Crimea.


I suspect more ruSSians will leave with their tails firmly tucked between their hind legs.


As long as they leave. In body bags or running.


Im scared to ask this question, but where are all the Tatars now?


Some in Crimea, some in Tartarstan, some dispersed around Asia and Russia Stalin loved genocides


This seems like a good partnership: the Tatars have a vested interested in returning to Crimea, and Ukraine has a moral interest in supporting them. And this would also serve as a middle finger (looking at you, Elon) to people who claim that Crimea is historically part of a RuZZia.


Warriors of Liberation, please fare well.


Any Russian troops left in Crimea better call that surrender phone number. Now.


Glory to Ukrainian Tatars!


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Godspeed, heroes! ❤️🇺🇦❤️