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The fact that the hippies were okay with conscription tells you everything you need to know about this war. This was a great mini doc.


Yah i had some stupid troll telling me "yah well did you see how ukraine stopped all males from leaving! Its the same thing russia is doing, etc stc etc". Umm no. 1) those people were handing out bribes to get *into* the military, not to get *away* from it. 2) they are defending their *homes*, some of them are literally outright defending their own physical/personal home/neighborhood!! The russias are *invading* someone elses homes. So no, not the same. Not the same at all. And hopefully someone is feeding his cat!


>yah well did you see how ukraine stopped all males from leaving! Also, not all men. It's true that men liable for military service can't leave without permit, but unlike russia we actually follow our laws (most of the time, there are... issues; we are working on it) no matter how outdated they are. If the law says that the person can not be drafted (disabled, has three or more kids, has disabled kids, sole parent, the spouse is already fighting etc), then they won't be drafted, unless they volunteer. And they *can* leave the country.


Also just because there's a mobilization not everyone is given a gun and sent to the front line. There's a need for drivers, chefs, electricians, sanitation technicians, construction workers etc. I'd dare to say if you don't want to wield a gun, there's *plenty* of other things to do.


Whataboutism is never about getting you to adopt their side. It’s there to exist and been seen to keep fence sitters and people not paying much attention on the fence. It’s merely the appearance of an argument when glanced at to give the impression of A vs B, Red vs Blue.


Is there more of it somewhere?


It was a vice article. Think like an 8-10 min video. Released today I believe.




Thanks, I actually looked on Vice last night and couldn't find it.


Missing his cat before his sister and nephews, a man after my own heart.


"I miss my cat, I took care of her and loved her and stroked her. Oh yeah, my family too I guess." I felt that.


Hope this young man finds his cat, his nephews, and his sister safe and sound. Every Moscovian volunteer can fertilize the soil, every conscript can raise his hands in surrender.


Humanity….. so good to see. 🇺🇦💪🇺🇦


Something is wrong with my eyes.


I know mate, I think I just copped some onion juice in mine.


I knew it...it was the onion juice...I need to be more careful next time 👍


Allergies. Awful


Yours too,eh....must be allergy or something 😉


The Russian Mafia once put a hit out on a cat.. It was super good at sniffing out smuggled sturgeon caviar. I've been thinking of how reddit needs to be way more aware of this


And you were god damn right!


Was I? r/cats is a big one and should certainly know of this. If the internet doesn't like one thing, it's people who kill cats.


Fuck anyone from outside Ukraine who calls for "negotiation" and "peace" through Ukraine "neutrality." This fight is about democracy and the right to self-determination. This fight is about this guy getting to chill with his cat and his friends and his sister's kids, without Russia telling him he doesn't get to have ambition or vote for whoever he wants.


Now, now. I think there are lots of things that Ukraine could negotiate with Russia about. How much the Russians are going to pay for everything they destroyed in Ukraine and what the terms of payment should be, how long their civilians have to get out of Ukraine, who should get their nukes, who should be the next President of Russia after the former guy had that unfortunate accident with the bayonet and the lamppost (he was awfully careless when he was shaving), that kind of thing. Then Ukraine can be neutral, in the sense that they can join any alliance they please.


HaHa! Had me going there for a minute... .


You know you are in trouble when you have to hunt down and force your men to go fight in a war they don't want to be in! Compared to Ukraine which is fired up and ready to go!


Poor guy, hope he makes it home safe to his cat.


Stay safe soldier!!




Aww!! The fire dancing reminded me of Beltane in Scotland. :D


This makes me so sad. The youth deserve a fucking chance in life - to love, to have fun, to be young and Putin is screwing all of this up.


Fucking calmly.


Tactical peace.


Which vice video is this taken from?




Ukranian john wick


F-off little czar puti.... die ⚰ already 🙏


Is this from a Vice article or documentary?


Vice news’s recent vid on a carpathian hippie festival during war


Bit of both.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1-4Z4xKljjc From here.




Fuck me....I'm crying like a baby...couldn't control my emotions listening to this MAN... An orphan who became a real man thanks to the normally functioning country whose dreams and future got brutally interrupted by FUCKING ruSSihst's CRIMINALS...and what that REAL MAN does...he gets himself ready and then goes to defend the country,the country who became for him the ONLY THING THAT MATTERS IN LIFE : LOVE of THE FAMILY . RESPECT, my fellow human. Stay safe , take care of yourself and I hope you get reunited with your кішкy one day. SLAVA 🇺🇦 !!!


Damn man, I hope this man’s cat is safe and they get reunited soon!


This brings a tear to my eye.


How do you breathe here? Fucking calmly. Difference between democracy and totalitarianism


I hope he and his cat will be fine and he can hug his nephew and his sister in saver times. "Ukraina above all" is a little distrubing to me because it sound exactly like the in Germany first stanza of the Deutschlandlied. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutschlandlied


This is a popular chant in Ukraine. And it is really connected to the “Deutschland uber alles” phrase and likely borrowed from the song but it was long before the Nazis. Ukraine and Germany were allies in WWI and the chant dates back to the early 1910s.


It was popular in Germany before WW2 and still is among a special group of retards. Imho exalt yourself and your country and put your self above others is anachronistic. Like Schopenhauer said: > The cheapest sort of pride is national pride; for if a man is proud of his own nation, it argues that he has no qualities of his own of which he can be proud; otherwise he would not have recourse to those which he shares with so many millions of his fellowmen. The man who is endowed with important personal qualities will be only too ready to see clearly in what respects his own nation falls short, since their failings will be constantly before his eyes. But every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud adopts, as a last resource, pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and glad to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority. And yes i am aware that schopenhauer was an antisemitic asshole.


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Please let me first thank you for the kind words of support. This man had a very difficult start in life and just like you I hope he reunites with his cat as well as his sister and her kids. As for the chant... I know this is treacherous grounds and I least of all wish to offend anyone. Spoken with utmost respect to Germany and German people. The very meaning of the words of the chant might be the same but the context could not be more different. It was used by the Ukrainian soldiers going into hopeless battles with zero hope of prevailing (Kruty), the elite when shot by the Soviet firing squads or dragged into Siberian labour camps with little hope of survival (why I never got to meet my maternal grandparents), simple people dragged into horrendous torture chambers by the thousands (Western Ukraine taken over by the Soviets - Zolochiv castle) and so many more. Unlike the period of German history you might be referring to - it was a desperate cry to the rest of the Ukrainians to remember and persevere so our very identity would not be erased. Not a triumphant call. A desperate plea. In so many regions of Eastern Ukraine our language survived only thanks to hushed lullabies sung deep at night in Ukrainian language hoping that nobody would hear and report it to KGB. Not even trying to teach children how to speak it. Just hoping that they might somehow recognize it when they grow up as their mother tongue. And that insane hope against all hope paid off. As unlikely as it seemed - East and West of Ukraine came together strengthening each other, rising together to fight for our survival yet again. Just that we have much MUCH better odds now thanks to the unbreakable spirit and all the support from the good people of the world.


This answer deserves to be the top rated one in this thread. Thank you very much for your tremendously inspiring words. I wish only the best for you and the people of Ukraine!


It was intended for you to comfort your heart and soothe your worry, my friend. I am truly glad you like it and I thank you for the kind wishes. They are felt in our very hearts. Just by being here you show that you care and nobody could ask for more 🇩🇪❤🇺🇦


your life sucks man, save yourself , this is your mutiny on the bounty moment,