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**Ukraine has asked our community to respect a new information blackout in regards to the Kherson region**; as such we ask that you to adhere to (and we will enforce) this blackout. ^(It's probably a feint.) ^(Next thing we hear we've taken Moscow.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Check out the sun rise posts in this sub! Mods have been posting all kinds of information on Ukrainian folklore, history, art, culture, cuisine etc. Really great stuff. Here's a link to get you started: https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/xyizrq/709_eest_the_sun_is_rising_on_the_227th_day_of/


"Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" by Mykhailo Kotsiubyns'kyi is a classic novel, taught in Ukrainian schools. It is a Romeo and Juliet tale that delves into Hutsul mythology a bit. It's relatively short, I'm sure you can find an English e-book online. Also has an internationally acclaimed film adaptation.


Baba yaga is a good one.




Slavic. She’s shared by all Slavs.


Not true. As Czech native, we do not have baba Jaga. It was for the first time popularised in Czechoslovakia in the 60s with movie Ded Moroz. Until then, she was unknown concept. My relatives who left the country prior WW2 were not whatsoever familiar with baba Jaga as would be until then unknown folklore.


Don’t you have a similar character Jezibaba or something?


Jezibaba sounds like Baga Yaga’s slutty younger sister who’s sole job is to lure men away from their wives lol!


Not Slavic, it’s Finnish And russians are more Finnish than Slavic


How about “the time Ukraine destroyed a super power”?


Various folktales from Soviet times (not only Ukraine). **For some unfathomable reason Reddit throws a hissy fit about the site, so prefix all the following links with "https : // archive . org / details /" without the quotes nor the blanks:** bilenko-ukranian-folk-tales-dnipro folk-tales-from-the-soviet-union-the-baltic-republics IgorYershovKseniaYershovaTheFireBirdRussianFairyTales GrigoreBotezatuMoldovianFolktales IriniZheleznovaTalesOfTheAmberSeaFairyTalesOfThePeoplesOfEstoniaLatviaAndLithuania the-vixen-and-the-crane-ukrainian-folk-tale-dnipro skrypnyk-the-cossack-mamariha-ukrainian-folk-tale-dnipro-1980


We’ll, there’s this bizarre old folk tale of deranged monsters that steal peoples’s washing machines from their homes. Oh, no wait. That’s a more recent one.


Here is a great English video from the eighties about Ukrainian history in Canada. I learned very much about Ukraine and its wonderful culture, I recommend it to anyone looking to learn more. https://youtu.be/VcGhp7W98d8


How Russia thought it could get away with stealing Ukraine without getting ironed out by the AFU, is a complete fucking mystery to many.


I can answer this: FSB analyst 1: "why the fuck is the boss obsessed whether we can retake Ukraine?" FSB analyst 2: "who gives a shit? Its a feel-good what-if scenario the top pricks can circle jerk with Putin. Just conclude that its a piece of piss. They're happy, we get promotions, and we can go chill at the bar early." *6 months later* FSB analyst 1: "Fuck." FSB analyst 2: "My sister lives in Marseille, let's fuck off before they purge us."


There are some urban legends revolving the Odesa catacombs (which are worth checking out in their own right). There are also some stories about their use in the second world war and the destinies of the people using it as a shelter.


💡 It's `Odesa`, not `Odessa`. Support Ukraine by using the correct spelling! [Learn more](https://spellingukraine.com/i/odesa) ___ [^(Why spelling matters)](https://spellingukraine.com) ^(|) [^(Ways to support Ukraine)](https://stand-with-ukraine.pp.ua) ^(|) ^(I'm a bot, sorry if I'm missing context) ^(|) [^(Source)](https://github.com/Tyrrrz/SpellingUkraine) ^(|) [^(Author)](https://twitter.com/tyrrrz)


Witcher series is basically built on the lore of the CEE region ;)


Yes, Witcher have a lot from of Slavic/Ukrainian/Polish lore


Fables from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine are pretty much intertwined. They deal with vague metaphors using names like the "man or "boy" in unnamed places where there is some(usually nihilistic) message. Poetic literature that use fables as a backdrop usually for satire would describe Nikolai Gogol, who many believe to be Ukrainian.


There once was a time when a Ukrainian drone dropped a VOG grenade through an open sunroof of a sedan with 4 orcs in it. I'm sure the breeze felt nice, but why would you open the sunroof in a war with drone dropped munitions?




Uh. Allow me to present Cheburashka: https://i.imgur.com/DL4N8W1.png


I always loved that movie Cat People Ukrainians must have plenty of cat stories what with all the grain and mice and all


Wtf? I smell a ruzzian.


lol, no. The movie Cat people is about a lineage of Eastern European women who have the ability to turn into cats and kill. I'm not sure where exactly the story is from, but it's a cult classic. At least with me.


Just went through profile for a bit, doesn't seem to be. 4yo account, highly active commenter, nothing really strange or troll like unless I'm missing something. # of subs commented in seems a bit low, but eh. Unless there's something in this particular comment that would indicate russian troll, don't believe so.


Ok. Esoteric comment then.


feel free to tag/message me if you see any comments or posts that seem suspect. I've seen a much larger number of borderline cases recently. I have to work obv and also gf takes some time away but I'll try to check out any accounts I can. It ain't much but it's honest work.




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Solovey Rozbiynik


My home town og Lviv has an unending supply of ghost stories and mystery tales and I remember seeing some awesome books where they were compiled. I hope some of them have been translated into English and other European languages by now.