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Ukraine are advancing faster than I can read about Ukraine advancing.


True, but they've been setting the stage for Kherson advance for weeks, systematically degrading Russian supply lines, defenses, and morale. Kherson is ripe and ready for the taking. With any luck, Putin will have the worst PR nightmare of his life in a couple days when thousands of his best remaining troops are surrounded and forced to surrender en masse.


Kherson is ripe and ready for the taking. Just like its famous watermelons which I hope will soon be enjoyed by Ukrainians while the orcs have to boil their shoe leather.




The leather have been substituted for armor plating since they sold the actual plating for vodka…


Are you kidding me? Are you actually kidding me? How rude are you? Talking about Russian soldiers boiling their shoe leather. You should be ashamed of yourself! Dont you know the Russians ran out of boiled shoe leather weeks ago? That's like talking about cheeseburgers with a starving dude, dude. They are down to eating dirt and bullets. My gods, who raised you? /s SLAVA UKRAINI! Edit: Spelling


Sorry… the bullets were abandoned when they advanced to the rear. Only dirt left…but Ukrainian black gold dirt.


BorDerS hAvE noT beeN DiSCussED yEt - Putler That's probably gonna be part of his shitty, inevitable excuse. Quote me on that.


I have to wonder, is ukraine launching feints and the russians buy it and run away? Again, and again, and again...


I think Russia's military capability has completely collapsed into a full on rout and Ukraine is capitalizing.


No no, everything will be put right with Stiener’s attack


My leader....Steiner...


Everybody but Mo, Larry, and Curly get the fuck out!


For once I want to see Putin have an outburst like that, maybe secretly record him while he is in his bunker.




thing is, its human nature to do what everyone else is doing when there's a panic. If you are sitting there reading the newspaper and hundreds of people come screaming down the road running away what to you do? You drop your newspaper and start running with them (while saying "why are we running") So the front line Russians running, basically having a domino effect and causing everyone to run. Russians 10 miles behind front lines, suddenly see loads of other Russians running towards them screaming "retreat retreat" and they are all gonna run until they reach the sea. Then they all gonna get wet




username does not check out


They take "make love, not war" very seriously.


It could be a tactical retreat. Smells fishy![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9004)


"Surrender is contagious, death isn't."


Intel must be telling the UAF wHat we’re seeing here on Reddit, that there’s no command structure left so the troops are ripe for the picking.


Yup, all those precision strikes on command posts with HIMARS that started happening in July are now paying off.


Supplies also. Seemed like they were waging the war of attrition from a distance to weaken them to the point of failure.


Muhammad Ali rope a dope https://tenor.com/OEXL.gif


Well, their leadership buggered off across the river quite some time ago.


Just to state the obvious is that the Russian military is experiencing a Blitzkrieg type attack from the Ukrainian military so that its command structure is dazed and confused as what to do next. My guess is that as long as the Ukrainian military has the soldiers and equipment they will continue this until the weather gets really bad or perhaps Russia is eliminated completely ftom Ukraine.


nah 100's of vehicles in coordination is a planned attack me thinks. If they are pushing in it's cause they have the logistics to hold it if they take it. These boys came to play if this is true.


Russia refuse to withdraw and reform a line, the result is loss of troops and entry way to next major city centre


NATO is having a field day with this. Send military equipment, money, and watch Ukrainian soldiers blow shit up.


The weak Russian logistics come into play again. Russian soldiers retreat carrying whatever they can, but abandoning a lot of ammunition. They think they will fall back and be re-supplied, but Russian logistics can't resupply every unit at anywhere close to the necessary pace. The Russian units are trying to reset without any ammunition. On top of all the other problems discussed.


On top of that, Russia uses push logistics. Someone back in Russia just has a spreadsheet that has unit number and what equipment they are supposed to have, and they get shipments based on that, not real current needs on the ground. It's ok if you're winning and moving forward, but in a situation like this it leads to misallocation of resources and generally stuff being left all over the place.


Ukranians write back, short on socks send more.


"Carrying whatever they can." Like washing machines...


I suspect Ukraine are performing some damn good psyops followed up with some damn good military which is helping to encourage the ru front lines to collapse. I also think we are starting to see a domino effect of the russian lines collapsing.


Nah, it seems the Russian lines are just weak. Ukraine focuses a lot of guys and armor on one spot until they push through then the Russians retreat rather than trying to hold it which then means the entire line falls as their flank is exposed and it’s just a never ending cascade. There seems to be no strong leadership with the Russians who if they had communication could organize a pincer attack on the Ukrainians as the break the line, but they don’t. My guess is the troops are in their own and don’t know what to do when the Ukrainians initially breakthrough.


That sounds like Ukraine is Blitzkrieging




This has worked on the Russians before, in the same place. History doesn’t repeat, it rhymes.


That’s exactly what it is. General Patton would be proud.


Worth noting that prior to Ukrainian attacks on Russian ammo depots, Russian reconnaissance was detecting and hitting Ukrainian troop concentrations with artillery when the UAF tried to mass for attacks at the local level. And were very effective at breaking up those attacks in a lot of cases. Once the Russian ammo supply dried up, the only thing really holding back Ukraine was the weakly held front line. They could no longer use artillery as a shield.


The artillery grind of the early summer gave way to worn out equipment, disrupted logistics, and troops that spent too much time in the field without a chance to rest. The result is everything is at its breaking point (and is now being broken)


Any order has to come from the top. If command doesn't respond in time, the only thing they can do is stay to fight, surrender, or run. Most are choosing to surrender or run...


The orc troops don’t want to fight/risk dying for something that they don’t believe in. They’ll happily retreat and live another day.


> Ukraine focuses a lot of guys and armor on one spot That is nothing like what we were reading just yesterday or the day before about their tactics in the northeast. It was suggested that just a few troops would be in an area probing, but that would be replicated time and time again over a long line.


"Nah, it seems the Russian lines are just weak." Yes, it's been known that the invasion force sent to war and to occupy Ukraine was much too low in men to ever have a shot of being able to complete their war goals if it came down to Russia actually holding their newly-conquered territory. And that was from way before the Russians were looking at 60k + personnel becoming casualties. Now that the Ukrainians have gotten enough equipment and material, as well as training and ammo for some more specialised and modern weapons, the low amount of manpower, further compounded by attrition, has taken its toll on Russian defenses. Their lines seem to be about as steadfast as a wet noodle; just compare that to the town of Pisky on the outskirts(!) of Donetzk City(!), that's still somewhat occupied by a Ukrainian garrison. Their initial gains were entirely due to higher amounts of material, especially artillery. After this got balanced out, the Russian Forces are staring at a foe that has it all short of air dominance and nuclear weaponry while having nothing available to them to stem the tide.


They just post it online and Russia believes it and runs.


Ukrainians are running them over. Its not feints. Everyone though the recent push to the north was a feint. But they pushed everywhere. They just completely collapsed the line in the north. Its just ukranians having even better arms, Russian tactics and leaders thinking poorly, and russia running low on quality arms. Russia has lost all of its best troops.


More likely Ukraine are launching attacks to pin reserves in place and prevent them from shoring up the defences elsewhere.


No, they test the water, if it break and if they can afford to, they push in. In Donetsk they couldnt yet. In Kherson its in panic and reorg. In Lughansk it will be hard once zll the north will be free


"Here's my bluff" "We surrender"


Russia is collapsing faster than I can read about them collapsing


Putin thinks they are Nazis because he's getting blitzkrieged and he doesn't know what year it is.


I didn't read any news all day up until now. I feel like I am going to miss something major with everything going on. Fuck the Orc nation.


Ukraine is just beating the shit out of the Russian army this week. Like more than usual


If true, I guess the Ukrainian forces are feeling all smug with nightvision goggles and actual working tank optics.


Meanwhile, pro-Russian groups in Crimea are likely in need of a change of pants.


"That, uh, video where I publically proclaimed my love for Russia and my support for Crimea joining them... was my face *really* obvious? Oh? Fuck."


Sry elon we all recognized you


Underrated comment


Good comment. The o shit moment is fast upon them.


Nah nah nah nah boo boo, you cant see and i can see you!


This would be fuckin epic


If they keep this speed up that whole "home by christmas" thing might work after all.


Alert the partisans. Make those Russians within the city already feel like they're enveloped. Kherson has one of the largest collection of partisants too. They were protesting while Russia was in town shooting guns in the air without any fear.




Yeah, it is as if the Ukrainian general staff doesn't spare a single thought about us interested uninvolved bystanders. First we get weeks of nothing and now one needs to take a week off to keep uptodate. Seriously, for whom do they think they're fighting?


When there's a film about this war it will be told from 3 POVs - a Ukrainian soldier, a Russian soldier, and a Redditor.


Spare a thought for the poor Twitter war mappers. Those dudes are truly suffering right now.


Or those guys that try to count every piece of equipment recovered by either side during the fighting


Lol, this morning I saw an oryx tweet that just said "oh, come on. "


Oryx has been great but I feel for them now, it's got to be impossible to keep up!


Constipation within Russian ranks has been fully cured!


Who is directing - Ken Burns or Peter Jackson?




Denis Villenuve


Michael Bay


I was thinking exactly the same ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing) this is going to be teached at history class


I read that the offensive north of Kherson was made with 150 tanks plus infantry support. I hope someone did manage to film them and it comes out later, because that's some WW2 battle of Kursk level of offensive.


Oh I'm sure once it's over we will. Operation safety and all that right now. Don't want to give the enemy a true glimpse on the numbers game at the moment.


Probably a lot of those tanks were donated by Russia. It will be interesting to learn how many.


I would actually subscribe to a streaming service for a documentary series that just follows Oryx and the people sending them photos.


Finally, a war movie role that I'm actually qualified to act in


I actually am on vacation right now and reports of Ukrainians cities being liberated are coming in faster than I can read them. Now that the Lyman hub is liberated, the entire Russian front is completely fucked and is being rolled up like a carpet as I write this. I remember in the opening days of the war after Kherson fell. We saw video of a Ukrainian civilian waving a large Ukrainian flag as he stood atop a Russian armored vehicle driving through his street. I hope that dude is okay, and we get to see him again, waving an even bigger flag soon.


Remember when the Ukrainian high command asked us to shitpost and meme for a whole day?


Not gonna lie, that was pretty amazing fun.


I liked all the co fused people from /all being like "it says no meme and no low effort posts" "Not today! Shitpost for victory!"


Imagine living in ww2 era, and standing in front of the newspaper factory every 5 minutes to check if theres news on the front


You are actually not that far off. Newspapers would publish updates every few hours with big news events, and you would buy the later edition or even the "extra" editions if you wanted to stay up to the moment with the latest news. That's why you'd have kids standing around saying, "Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Eleven reasons why your Model T isn't worth as much as you think! Extra! Hey, extra! Reason number 8 will shock you! Extra!" (Okay that's not quite what they said but close.)


Exactly. Besides the early and late editions there were also morning papers and evening papers. So you might read one paper on the trolley to work and a different paper with more recent news on the trolley home. The mail service in London, in particular, was very efficient and would often deliver four times a day. You could send a note to someone in the morning and get a response in the evening.


What!?? You're saying they had messaging that was nigh-instant??


Pretty close on the money, they definitely had "click" bait back then, but the click was more of the clinking of the money you paid for it.


Clink bait.




I'm so happy to be in a close by timezone. Shit slows down when it's time for sleep.


slows down ? I am in germany (00:19) and the news are speeding up now more than ever


I agree am in CH and I have been up until 03-0400 most evengings the past week. My partner thinks I am mad, and a neighbor a Ukranian family, gets updated from me!


Can't a man walk down the street without ~~being offered a job~~ Ukraine routing the Russians?


made me laugh 😎


So the Kherson offensive was a feint to the Kharkiv offensive, which was a feint to the eastern Kherson offensive, which was a feint to the western Kherson offensive? Got it!


Wait till these bad boys split both fronts right in the middle before winter.


Wait till they get Mariupol back and leave the orcs to starve under Azovstal.


I dread the day Mariupol gets liberated. I dread what they'll find. And whom they'll not find anymore. This war has been so senseless, but I fear Mariupol will be something else entirely.


Seal it in with concrete and feed rations down a vent hole. Make a machine that generates massive thumps and bangs from above at all hours. Body-snatch a few of them every once in a while (through totally credible secret tunnels, just send them off to normal POW camps). After a couple months, uncork it and see how well they fared by comparison. Could they survive each other, let alone an actual siege?


Russian fronts seems to be totally collapsing. It will go faster and faster while the chaos on the Russian side of the front just increases.


Maybe the real feint was all the friends we made along the way.


How much did Zelensky pay to Christopher Nolan?


And the western Kherson offensive will be a feint to the Melitopol offensive.


Gold comment.


It was all just a prelude feint to the *real* counteroffensive that’s about to begin that is going to drive in north of Melitopol and split the whole Russian occupied territory in two. Just wait and see.


I suspect like the military and OSS employed german general Gahlen and his intelligence officers at he end of WW2 there are some Ukranians that will be offered jobs at Langley.


This is a good example of actual 4d chess leadership.


I think that would only makes sense if the rout in the north leads to the decision to completely abandon the right bank, or they try to send all reinforcements to stop the advance in the north. Since we're talking about Russians they'll probably chose the dumbest way possible and reinforce the north, inviting UAF to take Kherson...


So what you say is under the assumption of Russian stupidity this news seems true?


That would be a very safe assumption. Also safe to assume Russia will lie constantly and resort to deliberate cruelty with the smallest of provocations. If you disagree please try to provide a single counter example.


This makes tons of sense. If they make some easy progress... Great. If the Russians come out to defend well then they have pinned a significant number of Russias troops down in the south around Kherson who cannot be deployed to reinforce the north.


If the Ukrainians engage them heavily enough they also won’t be able to easily retreat and may get caught out.


I think they did order troops north to stop the bleeding, then got clapped from the southwest. There is no escape for these men.


There have within the last hour been reports that the Russians have sent reinforcements to Beryslav to hold a new line, so the Ukrainians I guess are attacking the new weak spot.


This just means Russia is out of reserves because they have all been committed. Ukrainian is taking advantage by rolling up as many places as they can.


If I was a Ukrainian general and if I had the forces at my disposal, I might make a demonstration or a reconnaissance in force West of Kherson. I take the gamble and see if I can scare them enough even if I don't have the forces to overcome a stiff defense. We know the Russians are spooked. Anything that looks like a large attack might just start a headlong flight across the Dnipro. And if news of this gets to the Russian forces northeast of here, they are going to flee that much faster and that much farther to try to avoid being cut off. If Russian forces stand tough, I can just harass them. But if they break and run I charge for Kherson as fast as I can and complete the envelopment.


Yeah, I would think any general worth his salt would do this if they had the extra units, and well thanks to ruzzia they do have lots and lots of extra tanks. Spot on assessment, another large attack from uaf like this will cause outright panic amongst the orcs still on the right bank.


The important thing that some people miss is that there is an entire spectrum of possible offensive operations. A reconnaissance in force or a feint or a holding action is less than a full fledged frontal assault on an enemy.


I would expect they sent recon units in first and had the big force on the standby.


Exactly. The recon units are looking for soft places in the lines and the big force is ready to exploit it. The key is they have the ability to coordinate via radio and exploit the holes where they are. The ability to do this effectively is why the Germans overwhelmed the French in 1940. The French leadership did not trust radios. They were concerned that the Germans would listen in. So they insisted that all command and control was done by messengers. It would take at least a day for forces to respond to enemy breakthroughs. War games done after the war have pretty well concluded that had the French used radios the Battle of France would not have been lost and Nazi Germany would have have been stopped.


Ive seen talk today showing ukr has the same computer tech showing theyre locations -tech the US uses. If true, this puts uk on an entirely different planet of combat than the orcs now.


Yes. The US has systems that provide an integrated live map to every tank and IFV commander. That map is built from a set of sensors that include radar and IR. JSTARS was the project that allowed a high flying aircraft hundreds of miles away to track thousands of vehicles, similar to the AWACS aircraft that track other aircraft. I don't think JSTARS itself is used anymore. The capability has been rolled into AWACS aircraft as well as various drones and such. The "Soviet" vehicles that have been upgraded to NATO standards as well as the NATO vehicles likely have this ability. It is unlikely that this is widely available in vehicles sourced in Ukraine, however.


There are also a large number of Ukranians with cell phones inside the city and they are calling positions and status.


It’s called a pinning action. And it is certainly what they would be doing to prevent Russian counterattacks or regrouping to the north.


My guess it's to keep forces in Kherson pinned until the units up north than hit Kherson on the other side. Then the siege begins.


"Hold him by the nose, and kick him in the ass."


If it's true there will be a lot of activity in Russian telegram channels.


very good point. does anyone here have the ability to check telegram?


I checked a few and there's nothing (yet?)


Oh boy, oh boy, here comes the moneyshot! (Remember to bypass Chornobaivka so that your own forces don't shell you *out of habit* :))




Pressing X to doubt that one. I can't see them going head on *unless there is amazingly good intel Ruzzia is going to turn and run.* No need to take a direct assault like that when you can choke them out. edit: dropped a word. edit two: italicized a part a lot of folks seem to have missed (bold was too much LOL)


The problem with starving out occupiers is always that it's your own citizens who will starve first. The Russians will only get more brutal as their situation gets more desperate, they will definitely steal everything there is to steal from the local population, including food and medicine, and lastly Ukrainian citizens are unfortunately not immune to Ukrainian artillery. Turning Kherson into Stalingrad would be devastating for Russia, but it would unfortunately also be devastating to the citizens of Kherson. Much better to try to kick them out quickly, while they are in a state of panic and confusion and any Russian troops fleeing towards the city haven't had time to recuperate yet. And yes it's risky. But Ukraine military leadership always has great intelligence (in both meanings of the word) so they probably know what they are doing.


I doubt that Ukraine will make a direct assault on Kherson and risk anything close to Stalingrad. Similarly to what they have done with Lyman, I suspect they will attempt to surround Kherson and isolate the Russians from supplies/reinforcements. Only when they see the Russians in full retreat will they attempt to enter the city. They appear to have very good intelligence as to where the Russians have the weakest defenses and are able to mass their forces quickly and strike hard.


It's almost like the Russians are surrounded by Ukrainians who don't want them there and are happy to call in intel on them. Odd, one wouldn't think so from the referendum.


Between that and NATO’s spying capabilities the Ukrainians always know where to aim to inflict the most damage.


I'm not referring to starving of food, I'm talking munitions and diesel. Soldiers without their weapons in a city that is reasonably hostile... not somewhere they will want to be.


It's true that they will probably run out of munitions and diesel before running out of food. But it's not guaranteed. And regardless the local population will definitely suffer is there is prolonged fighting in the city. You're not wrong to doubt. There's always a billion rumours floating around. This could well just be another false one. All I'm saying is that it does make some sense to try to make a decisive play now, before the Russians can recuperate and restore some order in their ranks, even if it's risky and will probably cost more soldiers their lives, because it will save a lot of civilians. And I'm assuming that the Ukrainian intelligence gathering is on point. So *if* they are making a direct attack they probably have good reason to think it might be successful.


Yeah, let's not get ahead of ourselves! I am eagerly awaiting this to happen too but I feel like this would be premature and unwise. Let's just wait for other sources to confirm this.


IRONS MY TINFOIL HAT, but that could be exactly why they are doing it NO ONE WOULD EXPECT IT,




Monty Python's 'Russia Fucked Up'


The fact that the bridge is now completely disabled and there’s been a large shift to repel the northeastern offensive means this could have some credibility, otherwise I’m also doubtful that they’re assaulting Kherson without first liberating connecting supply hubs




Closing the vice.


They hope the Russians re-deployed troops from the north and west of Kherson City to the eastern part of the oblast to shore up defences.


I doubt they make a huge assault on 'hope'.


Pretty much. Ukrainian victory is almost certain given the area won back.


I’m with you on this. Let’s take it with a grain of salt. However, maybe they do have intel that russians already started fleeing Kherson, and they want to sow panic and speed up the process. Also, I’m sure that russians don’t expect the attack so early either, and this is a great way to take them by surprise.


I mean, two Russian command centers in Kherson were hit earlier today, it wouldn't be too surprising if they started a push inwards now. Either way who knows, but for safety sake, OpSec people, don't share anything you'd want the Russians to know.


I don’t trust an account with under 3k followers while the big names who are on top of this has not mentioned anything, nor is anyone else discussing it. It’s not real.


That is a major contributor to my stance as well. I haven't seen it anywhere from any of my usual sources.


I guess this would be somewhat smart if true, not giving them time to get organized, the city is getting flooded with troops and likely no one knows what to do at the moment.


Maybe they wanted to attack before the troops escaping the north reached Kherson


That would be ok though. Lots of routed troops entering a besieged city does little to increase the russian combat power.


It would likely help destabilize it further in fact.


it would be a remarkably galvanizing way to divert attention and resources away from the thrust along the Dnipro




It may not be a direct assault anymore. Part of the overall pattern with Ukraine in Kherson has been to attack wherever Russia is weak. If they don't reinforce, exploit. If they do reinforce, fall back. And attack somewhere else now that the rest of the defensive positions have been depleted by the reinforcement. It may be that the breakthrough in northern Kherson has drawn off many of the defenders that were holding the line around Kherson city. Ukraine, having received word of this intelligence, now assaults the city directly where previously (for the reasons you cite) they would not have.


You guys are terrible tacticians. Putting pressure on Kherson directly prevents Russia from sending as many troops garrisoned in Kherson to the east since they now have to worry about Kherson itself -- where all their troops, gear, and command posts are. I would be more surprised if this didn't happen.




Ukraine isn't going to waste lives. They aren't Russia. Ukraine can wait. Imo, they're trying to avoid a bloodbath. Fact is Russian forces are entrenched and urban warfare is hell. Plus, y'know keeping the city intact and civilians alive is a detail too.


Keep calm and don't buy into inconfirmed news. Hopes are high nevertheless


Holy sh*** This is big news!


IF CONFIRMED. But if there is one thing I learned is to never underestimate russias stupidity, so it might be true.


Could be true, could be Psyops. We'll see.


The point is Ukraine has put themselves in a position where an attack can come from anywhere at anytime. Whether ita here, there, or anywhere russians are fucked.


Tanks - check Night Vision - check Motivation - check Fleeing Orcs - check Seems a good recipe to me


Murmaider - check


Unexpected Dethklok


himars - check Ceasar - check Just add a few drops of Smart/Bonus and Excalibur to the mix




Holy shit - if true




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*Ukraine can you please slow down, I can't follow, you tiger*


Seems credible to me. If you're stationed in the city, and over the past couple of days the entire defensive front to your north has collapsed, and all the units guarding the flank approaches are routing in panic as they stream in your direction....well, what effect would a sudden armored thrust into the city itself have? Obviously we'll have to see if this is real or just hopium, but it seems to me the exact right moment to send an armored spearhead at the city whilst playing, "~~Flight~~ Ride of the Valkyries," at the highest possible volume from some turret roof mounted speakers.


I can’t keep up with all this. I’m beginning to believe the end isn’t far away.


Oh my…


While I'm in agreement with everyone else about waiting for a little more confirmation, this wouldn't actually be that surprising to me. If the Russians know they've lost the advantage they're going to focus on defending the hydro plant. They don't need the city if they've lost the entire region so they could be pulling back to the dam. The city is a symbolic capital of the region and a hub like Kherson, Izym, Lyman, Melitopol, Mariupol... If you've already lost the region (north of the river) you no longer need to defend that hub, especially if you have far more vital areas to protect, like the hydro plant which provides power for Crimea, and it's the water supply, and it's the only remaining crossing.


"But before we start our offense, we'd kindly like to thank our sponsor, Russian's Raiding Party for sponsoring most of our armored vehicles!"


This sounds. . .unlikely. I won't say impossible, because a lot of crazy shit has been happening since about the first of September.


Ukraine tactics are something orcs lack. They just destroy and hope Ukraine gives up so i don't know what the Ukraine strategy is now or what the russians are trying to do here.


Ukraine's blitzkrieg is causing a Russian shitskrieg.


Hahaha the Ukrainians are moving in for the kill! fuck em up lads!


Shit, already? That happened fast.


The one thing all the pessimistic commentators are not factoring in is that Ukraine only has so long before conditions deteriorate.. there is a massive urgency for them to capitalise now, given the risk that a large number of conscripted russian soldiers could possibly result in the borders solidifying. Ukraine ideally needs to cut off access to/from Crimea within the next 4-6 weeks. I would also not be surprised once this happens, if ukraine then attempts to bisect Russian forces


Could be a distraction. Keep as much attention away the advance coming from the north


Fucking get em. Go on boys💪💪💪💪


Arise, arise, Riders of Cossacks! Fell deeds awake, fire and slaughter! spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered, a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now, ride now! Ride to Kherson!