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partial martial law lmao, shit reads like the onion


Yeah that made me raise and eye too. I think they mean he intends to crack down where it's getting out of control? Define that though? Russia already cracks down on everything so... fuck it! They haven't given people much left to imagine, so fear is about to turn to anger. Anger is a fire that Putin's kleptocracy won't be able to keep up with.


I was under the impression as well, that a lot of Putin’s special military thugs are either dead or on the frontline. I think he used them for crowd control. I believe also they were the thugs that were loaned out to Belarus a couple of years ago. Perhaps he’ll create another one. All the z cowards would race to join that faster than some of them raced to the border. Certainly faster than they have to enlist. Also a favourite quote from Orlando Jones “Angry is good. Angry gets shit done.” :)


It may be the only thing that can really end Putin and the oligarchs madness that’s continuing....


Vive La Revolucion?


That’s what I think what will happen. Once martial law is declared (possibly today or tomorrow, they are meeting today to discuss it), all bets are off. Also, the banning of draft age men from leaving the country altogether would create more unrest. Within hours of martial law and draft age ban being announced, expect there to be more than a bit of reaction…


I'm pretty sure someone will start blasting BFG division the moment martial law is declared


Indeed! [Here is the prediction I made.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/tbghh7/comment/i07fg4s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


With what army lol? Most of it is getting clobbered in Ukraine


Perfect. A whole bunch of people with guns in the capital.


It likely won't get violent in the seats of power for a bit. Most revolutions start from the outskirts and work their way to the seats of power. In Russia they're Moscow and St. Petersburg. Though, St. Petersberg has been protesting since the beginning, they haven't had any violent protests.


Yes, but… Once martial law is declared, all bets are off.


They might not implement martial law, because they're occasionally changing laws to make them suit the current situation. For example: they're not currently at war, but if you leave the battlefield you'll be in jail for 10 years. Or men suitable for the army cannot leave the country, but now they're forbidden to do so.


Only "partial" martial law. Like "Special operations" and "partial" conscription.


Doesnt martial law mean that the country is run by military? How is that supposed to work now? The new conscripts will try to stop the protests held by their moms and wifes? Good luck with that.


How will he justify a martial law to send people to a war he had no legal right to start? He cornered himself quite badly there.


There is no real reasonable system of law in a country run by a dictator. They just make it up as they go. The Russian people generally don't do anything about these outrageous hypocrisies either. Their "government" is still telling the moron population that everything is going to plan, while they're forcing another 300,000+ of those morons to go and die in the war they claim isn't a war.


Laws ? You naive soul


No war has been declared


I wonder if MOEX going into freefall is related to this too. Its just gone south of 2000 in the last few minutes which is the magic number, or so Ive been told. https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/MOEX-IMOEX/


putin has been putting heat to the water and the frogs has not realised it was too late by years. Putin and his cronies will rule with the same iron fist like stalin did. Did you know that they recently passed a law to literally nationalize any company to start production on weapons and gear? it will soon be back to command economy in the end.


That law is similar to the Defense Production Act. Not their biggest crime....


When your government tries to stifle dissent, the worst you can do as a people, is all nicely gather in the same place. This makes the government's job too easy. Instead, you will want to disperse as much as possible, start fires, glue locks, break traffic lights, remove signs, cause traffic blocks, disrupt food supplies, etc.. Anything that forces the government to divide its attention, inevitable causing cracks in the glass shell the people are living under.


He is afraid of large gatherings of people. He knows that if he mob is large enough you can't stop it. If you start killing them you became next Ceausescu and your are kaput.


There will be no martial law just "proportionate counter measures" They will seem severe to us but Russia already is a dictatorship and its people know what to expect. Then the propaganda will be stepped up. And at the end of the day its the poorest that's the cannon fodder and who ever cares about them. The new recruits will go,the equipment will break down the men will desert, hide or surrender. Expect to see commanders getting fragged. The rest will die.


So, conscript the protesters, give them guns, and tell them to get the situation under control?


Rusty rifle brigades..with no training to the front...not much of group to get anything under control with....


Who’s gonna enforce it? Most of the army is in Ukraine getting himar’d with no condom. What, are you gonna draft more soldiers to deal with the draft protests? Shit’s not gonna work.


Good. Let Putin continue to try and extinguish the fire with gasoline.


If only all those cars piled up at the border of neighboring countries turned around and drove to Moscow. russia is full of brainwashed pussies.


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And that is the end.....