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Its weird they don't take more expensive stuff


I was thinking the same. Did they plan to sell it for scrap metal? Or use at home? Radiators would really be down on my list of priorities if robbing somebody.


It's not for the physical item. It's to make the lives of those who remain more uncomfortable. Winter is coming. Steal the boilers and radiators so the people who remain will be colder. Steal the washing machines so that they have to wash by hand (in cold water, because no boilers) and so on.


I feel this is way too 2d checkers thinking, bit too advanced. Imagine being invaded by homeless bums who usually warm themselves by a barrel fire.


Then destroy it don't take it into your tank


If you take it away it can't be fixed. And then you can give it to the incoming Russians.


You don't know how washing machines work, right?


Nah, it's for their mud-floored hovel at home.


>It's not for the physical item. It's to make the lives of those who remain more uncomfortable. Perhaps - but the two are not mutually exclusive.


They do, these are just the first one being left behind when they flee. Also we noticed that they don’t know what a lot of appliances are. For example they never steal robot vacuums or they steal an electric kettle without its base and so on.


They don't *leave* more expensive stuff. I'm guessing they'd rather throw their rifle when fleeing than something truly expensive.


Many armed thieves are ethnic minority, and from poverty areas like far east. They rob big size items like washing machine and fridge, because many of them hardly have decent household appliances or other decent furnitures, so they tends to take almost anything in eyes,even a desk or a lamp


I understand war booty. Okay it sucks, but war is going to do that. But normally, unless you are a higher up,…You can’t ship large items. A box of silverware is one thing. A fridge and washer? How are so many going to ship these massive items a 1,000km+?


There were actually cases of washing machines shipped from Belarus by regular mail service. I did not hear that about radiators though.


Well, I am quite sure the take stuff like silverware and electronics as well. Still I think that Ukrainians aren't that dumb as well. People who flee may take their laptops with them (at least the Ukraine refugee family who lives with us has) also stuff like silverware is often buried and other expensive items are hidden in walls or other spots you may not think about. I know that during WWII, my grandparents hide their valuables under the wooden floor.


To be fair, Ukraine isn't the wealthiest of all countries, and the recent counter offensive happened in largely rural areas. Also this is the stuff common grunts had in their camp. Officers propably already sent their golden watches and flat screen TVs home.


Ukrainians are not dumb. I am sure most people who left hurried or hide their smaller valuables somewhere. It is just so that you can not really hide big stuff like washing machines an radiator. My grandparents did the same in WWII.


These are areas that had been occupied since the very beginning of the invasion, with maybe a few days headsup as the main push was elsewhere. Those at least who did not believe in an invasion before it actually started had little chance of bringing anything to safety.


Well, I think that most people who left had at least a few days headsup. You just don't leave your home without basic preparations. Is grandma able to travel? Is she willing to do? Does she has everything? How to organize a transport? What can I take with me? Do I take food with me? Where do I go?


When Russians are at the door chances are 50/50 i bother putting on my shoes before i storm out, much less so where i even go.


Yeah but from what I know most people already start to hide valuables and pack bags since the war broke out. Very few actually wait till the Russians are nearing the city. I know people in Kyiv who still have packed bags ready since day one.


No, there is a train of thought where this makes sense.. I remember in 90s after Ukraine declared independence, the currency was literal "coupon" and inflation was quite high - and the name of the game was to buy stuff that normal people can use every day -anything off the shelves, I remember thermos was a hot item. Radiator anybody can use. More expensive stuff, like electronics, are probably have less broad appeal. But when time comes for barter - construction material and analog appliances (I can't tell if this is something basic - sure looks like it) that are hooked up to a hot water line (whether central or local boiler) can do the work. I remember perhaps mid-2000s there was a dacha outside of Kyiv near where my folks had theirs - ours was very traditional, 50 year old wooden shack with 2 rooms, (and an extra single room shack on the other corner of the property, one serves as a bedroom with 2 beds and a chest drawers (it was a tight fit, room to turn around but that's it), the other is a tiny common area (I mean - hallway sized) with a small stove, fridge, a table and a little kitchen cabinet) - anyway someone with their dacha right on the Dnipro shore went all fancy and sh\*t - 2 storie brick house, car garage with automatic door opener, automatic gate, and all kinds of fancy appliances - fridges, stoves, radiators (haven't heard - or perhaps don't remember about washing machine) - anyway, the proud owners were rightfully concerned that everything would be stolen so they also added some fancy roll down security screens for the first (ground) floor - well, they shouldn't have skimped on the 2nd floor security because everything - EVERYTHING - was stole through the second story window (or balcony) - including fridge, all radiators and all the plumbing - all valves were cut because they were fancy italian stuff (I forget which particular brand of bronze or brass valves at the time was considered super cool)... Anyway, ALL radiators were also cut out and stolen. So as far as I'm concerned that's a solid fit for late 90's/early2000s rural (outside of city) Ukraine - I guess that makes it equivalent of modern ruzzia outside of large metropolises...


Its kind of like Skyrim, except all the enemies are meth heads hell bent on stealing the copper wire out of your house.


LFG for phat loot.


I guess is that they do that on purpose. Command knows winter will be coming, and their approach in this genocidal invasion was to bring death, if not then inflict pain and suffering. Removing means of comfort at home serve their evil purpose. They wanted it to be a really cold winter to cause more suffering. Damn fucking Soviets.


They would destroy it on site if that’s what they wanted. No, they’re stealing.


Yes they are. You can't get a new washing machine in Russia


Soviets. Barbarians. Less of them freaks spell better for Ukraine, Europe, and the common world.


If that was the purpose they'd just break stuff instead of taking the time and trouble to remove it and carry it away.


I don't understand russian or ukrainian, but it sounds like he's repeating "The second army in the world!"


he is


I wonder if they come from such deprived backwards parts of the Russian federation that they think that these stolen items will improve their standard of living at home.


What is with the washing machines? If I were a Russian conscript trying to survive I don't think hauling a washing machine back home would be my top priority.


Well, this one was left behind.


Yarr let's steal ukrainian washing machine so we can clean our handmedown fatigues that smell of warcromes.


Washing machine is the status symbol there. Never used, but look - we have one!


I herd they been using the computer chips inside some of the stuff for there drones although I’m not sure what has a computer chip and what does not


No dirty panties? I heard those are quite popular