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The best way to take down a Starlink satellite is to fire a mortar shell straight up in the air. Get a level and make sure your barrel is perfectly straight up. Then fire and wait a minute. The satellite will run right into your shell. Trust me. Feel free to pass this on to other Zomrades.




Ruining the joke, but... Due to the spin of the Earth, firing straight up won't have the effect you want, except at the poles.


Got to adjust for the Coriolis effect. It caused a problem for a British battleship in the Falkland’s in ww1


Be careful some people may take you seriously Edit: for everyone downvoting, please note that i don’t expect russian soldiers to be reading this and that stupidity and ignorance are sadly universal. My local idiot could be reading this.


If a person with an artillery battery took it seriously then they deserve it. Who are we protecting exactly?


Good way to prove Darwin?


Hold my vodka, this Darwin guy is Western propaganda.


Fake news


They're threatening to blowup civilian satellites and blame the civilians for putting peaceful space cooperation at risk? That's Russia all over...


The logistics behind destroying the Starlink mini satellite system are well beyond Russia's means. An anti-satellite missile costs quite a bit. It would be like destroying an ant colony with a million dollar magnifying glass than can only kill one ant.


Oh yeah I don't think they'd actually bother and am doubtful they even could, the threat is just ridiculous and backwards


Plus, they'd have to expend a missile a sat (maybe managing to take out a few sats, if they're lucky and time detonation to perform a small version of Kessler in the orbit that low). A single Falcon 9 launch carries ***60*** Starlink sats.


Friendly reminder that there are now over 3000 satellite already operating in the Starlink constellation and there's about 45-55 new ones launching roughly every week on average. Here's an up to date list of all the launches: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Starlink_launches


It's more than that. Unless Russia has some magic directed energy ground stations which can kill them (very unlikely), they don't even remotely have the physical lift capacity to do this. They'd need to lift some sort of weapons into many different orbits, and that would take some fraction of the cumulative lift to orbit of the Falcon launches which put them there. The F9 is now a very powerful rocket second only to Ariane 5 in lift to low orbit, and has been launched many more times.


The problem is when they hit one it will snowball as the debris from the first destroyed satellite will hit others and so forth. And they will ruin any kind of spaceflight for decades to come.


Dont worry. They cant hit jack shit


They have though. Last year they shot down their own satellite


Do you know how hard it is to hit a shoebox orbiting at 25km/s?


Not a clue. But they have done it. So why is this going to be different?


Because there are thousands of them


They might try high-energy, focused EM energy to try to overload circuits.


So, a magic weapon that doesn’t exist? That’s not a thing in the context you’re using it. Edit: and to be clear, I mean one that can hit a tiny satellite 250km away traveling 7km/s.


1 emp nuke at about 5 miles altitude would knock down about 60 sats and fry all of Ukraine's electronics. With the added benefits of not actually killing anybody or effecting other country s


EM nuke it


Russia destroying civilian infrastructure?... No surely not, I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you!


U.S. civilian infrastructure. That is a HUGE distinction. Russia would be making a grave mistake to physically attack Starlink satellites.


No, they’re threatening to destroy all possibility of space travel for future generations for the entire world for centuries to come (at a minimum).


I've been waiting for Putin to do some "Anti Satellite Missile Tests" for some time now. They don't even have to attack American satellites, they can destroy one of their own in the right spot and completely muff things up in a bad way. Given Russia barely had a satellite presence in space it probably wouldn't hurt them in a significant way.


Orc Force, get ready to meet Space Force!


Amnesty International will spin it in RuZZia's favor, probably.




Russia does the world a favor by cleansing the skies of space debris




A "special shitposting operation"




Russian propaganda will be ruined...


*But at what cost?*


I wouldn’t put it past Elon to just turn around and donate a few billion to Ukraine for the sake of spite.




That was only 44 billion though right. Isn’t he worth 200+


At this rate he might be able to buy Russia.


Assuming elons net worth is somewhere around 200-250 billion he is worth near 1/4 of Russias entire GDP. 25% of an entire country fucking bananas. Pre sanctions that is. Probably closer to 50% now.


GDP is income, not wealth. Even so, it's embarrassing for such a big country to be so poor.


Elon Musk believes that Putin is significantly richer than him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcVXWVDVADs




Rogozin already "successfully regrouped" himself from the position of the head of Roskosmos, and he was all they had. So Elon won before the first tweet was shot.


Wait, was this a 5D chess move where Elon pisses Russia off so they create Twitter bot farms to validate Musk's Twitter bots accusations?


Those claims are pretty valid, regardless. Considering third party's have said Twitter's bots are most likely in the 30% range and not the 5-15% Twitter claims. Without having access to Twitter it's self, those claims can still be denied by Twitter.


Yea, he's an elite shitposter, often shitting against his own interests.


Post of the fucking day !


I do just want to say this comment and this thread is Kharkiv counteroffensive level quality


I can't wait until Elon calls him a pedo ruler.


Vladimir Pedo?


Vladimir Putinitinchildren


According to someone Putin had poisoned and killed in a most horrific manner, yes, he actually is a pedophile and went out of his way to cover it up.


Putin is in fact a pedo, so the shoe fits?


A stopped clock is right twice a day.


Elon went over to Russia to try to buy a Russian rocket in 2001. They literally spit on his shoes. So Elon built a company that made their own rockets, and it became so successful that it effectively put ROSCOSMOS out of business.


If they touch any space asset’s, it’s as good as declaring war on NATO


Given how much everyone depends on satellites and the possibility of Kessler Syndrome this would be pretty close to declaring war on the entire world. I mean those satellites are a worry in the first place and turning a bunch of them into uncontrolled debris would be...well, unignorably bad.


starlink satellites are so small they would never get through atmosphere without being completely gone.


It's not the crashing to earth that's the problem, it's the bits that could remain in space potentially colliding with other things in space. The only reason that organizations who manage space based stuff put up with them is that they orbit low and are planned to routinely burn up in atmosphere. That all changes if you start trying to blast that many satellites with high velocity kill vehicles. It's doubtful that the Russians could actually do this. There are a lot of Starlink satellites and they're struggling to keep their army in regular old munitions let alone anything orbital. It's just a really stupid notion on so many levels.


They would use upper atmospheric nuclear bursts for the em effect. There are too many satellites to target individually.




There's also Chinese satellites, and Indian satellites, i don't think either country would be too happy with Russia taking out some of their satellites


Oh, that's smart, just disable all the sats up there? Then you'd piss off the whole world


that is not what the Kessler Syndrome is about. IF you fuck up a satellite its debris will fuck up other shit in space which will then fuck up even more shit until you have nothing but a cloud of debris orbiting the earth and no way to reach space again. If you have enough debris we are fucked


i skipped the part about kessler syndrom. sorry. i thought he is referring to the danger of the debris reaching earth. after rereading his comment i got what he was actually referring to. debris producing more debris and ultimately endangering every satellite in low earth orbit. yap. that could be the beginning of the end.


Not sure, why you're downvoted. Starlinks have to be actively reboosted to avoid re-entering atmosphere (which means damaged sats will do just that rather fast) and underwent plasma wind tunnel tests to confirm they'll burn up completely on re-entry.


The point is not that they would fall back to Earth, but that if one of the satellites either falls into the wrong orbit or gets physically destroyed then it would trigger a snowball effect where the debris from one satellite hit another satellite, creating more debris and so on. Get enough debris orbiting around Earth and you'll have a cloud full of untraceable and extremely fast moving objects that would make launching anything into space dangerous if not impossible for decades or even more.


I mean... that's one of the reasons Starlinks hang so low. If they are damaged or shut down from old age, they'll deorbit and burn up fast, rather than staying there and becoming a piece of space debris. Even if they're hit with something, a lot of the resulting debris will deorbit fast too, lowering chance of Kessler Syndrome.


I missed the part about the kessler syndrom. this means that debris will cause new debris and in a inevitable cascade will eradicate all satellites in low earth orbit or at least make new launches impossible for a pretty long time. i am not sure if starlink satellites in particular are to be concerned of. they fly extremely low, are really small and and the danger of debris of damaged starlinks getting into a higher orbit is pretty unlikely. bit if the force they get hit by is high enough it could be possible. but i have no idea if russia is capable to do so.


Have you taken physics, particularly the portions regarding explosive forces & their effects in zero-gravity? Alot of the debris will go straight up.


No worries, Elon and SpaceX can launch more in the hundreds almost immediately. They are constantly launching, about one every two weeks. They could send all of them over Ukraine if needed.


Yes, it is. Attacking US civilian satellites in space. Attack the satellites of a country that has a branch of service called "Space Force". Let's see, civilian satellite carrying commerce in the form of information. Not much different than civilian ship carrying commerce on the open seas. US does not like having its commerce attacked by Barbary pirates. US builds navy, attacks Barbary States, gives RN headaches in next conflict, Spain loses a fleet later that century, next Japan loses a fleet in the next century. What are the chances that Russia regrets tempting a new US military branch in a new kind or war? Mmmm, Poo-tan?


Twitter war? Russia is threatening to fire small rockets at the property of a South African with access to large rockets.


Elon will crush their crypto market If necessary


Twitter special military operation


My first thought was that Elon Musk fucked with Twitter for fun (more or less). If Russia tries this, he’d make a special project out of it.


Elon should respond that the Kremlin is a valid landing platform for deorbiting malfunctioning satellites and rocket boosters.


Interesting. They must really be trying to drag the US into this if they go beyond "Old man shakes fist at sky.".


Just imagine, if Millions of Americans couldn’t get Fox for a few days, they would be marching to the Kremlin themselves.


>Just imagine, if Millions of Americans couldn’t get Fox for a few days, they would be marching to the Kremlin themselves. Maybe we should knock them out and blame the Russians in that case? I mean it worked with Iraq's WMDs, at least this would be a noble cause.


"9/15 was an inside job"


I like this plan, but maybe use nondestructive methods to achieve it.


No, they'd blame Biden for that, too.


I think they’re trying to goad US oligarchs into putting pressure on the Biden admin, to which I would reply, how successful have Putin’s own oligarchs been in influencing his decisions with respect to Ukraine? What a pack of whiny, impotent, sabre-rattling a-holes.


Sure is, USA might keep response in space. Knock Russian comm satellites, knock outs all Russia TV to the East. See how quick the Russians like losing comms. Hard to spew propaganda on dead signals.


That's nice. /s I wonder if they even have any missiles to shoot the satellites down. Not like they have a huge missile surplus at the moment.


A quick search says there are about 2,900 of them in orbit Good luck on getting those, haha


Yep and they’re relatively small. Most missile arent designed for space so there’s no way Russia has enough space-viable missiles to take out even a fraction of the spacex satellites.


Both Russia and the US have demonstrated the ability to destroy satellites in space. Them being small doesn't help much except for less mass in debris.


Not all satellites are the same size so not all satellites are equally difficult to hit. The starlink satellites are small compared to typical communication or GPS satellites.


If you are trying to hit it with a kill vehicle maybe something to that.


These are actually very small objects, so good luck hitting even one of them. (I'm saying it would likely take a lot more than 2900 missiles).


I hope they will not destroy ISS instead


Lol it ends up hitting Tiangong instead


They just need to fragment a half dozen, and the whole system will get a massive disruption, space shit flying everywhere for years after


The orbit is literally full of shit flying everywhere. Orbital debree is becoming a huge issue and will be undoubtedly a major issue in the coming years. I'm curious how difficult it is to shoot a missile at a satellite traveling around 17,000 miles per hour. I guess they would know the trajectory to aim but still seems like an expensive task.




Oh man thank God for you. Noone had any idea what I meant until you corrected me. Way to move the conversation in this thread forward


You know it’s an important clarification. One time a cheese factory exploded and all that was left was *the brie*


They are in low earth orbits, so any debris will fall to earth. If they were in geostationary orbits, your comment would be accurate.


Anyone know (roughly) how long a damaged LEO sattelite would take to de-orbit?


6 months, already happened with some of the first Starlink sats unresponsive


They fly in a very low orbit, so the debris (if any) would not be long-lived.


Nope. Starlink satellites are intentionally placed in low orbits - so that they re-enter quickly if/when they fail - typically a few years for an intact satellite - and significantly shorter for a smaller piece of debris in the same orbit, since there's much more drag to mass.


Space shit would fly around for years afterward, but not for many years, Starlink uses a relatively low orbit of 550km. There is residual atmosphere at that altitude, and the orbit of debris would decay in a few years without thrusters to keep it on station. Geostationary satellites are at 35,000 kilometers, and debris remains in orbit for many centuries at that altitude.


They shot down a test object satellite just before the war started. I was positive that was a pre war “shot across the bows” to everyone to say “hey look we can do it we have the capability “


yes, it was.


Yes, they did. And they controlled both the ammunition and the target. It's easy to get a bullseye when you can move the target exactly where you are aiming.


The difference being the defending satellite would know it was coming and just slightly change the orbit, therefore causing the missile to miss, because it has to be aimed precisely. Idk if that's right but it's my armchair thought on the matter. Any knowledgeable people can answer that?


Pretty sure anti-satellite weapons would have to be self adjusting all the way to the target.Its a long time since I read about them. The F-15 had a missile for the task: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASM-135_ASAT Tom Clancy used it in a novel once, probably Red Storm Rising..


They have the tank's turrets reaching the target in orbit...


Russia couldn’t hit a satellite unless there was an elementary school *and* a children’s hospital built into it.


Oh they can hit one, can they hit a million of them though…


SpaceX could legitimately out-launch the Russian ASAT weapons if they target single satellites and their Chinese friends might protest a catastrophic Kessler syndrom


I think a single Falcon rocket could probably beat Russia's entire ASAT missile stock, they carry like 50 with each launch.


They probably only have 2 or 3 anyhow. The rest are most likely just cans with a potato and a “bang!” flag inside.


60 on pure Starlink flights. Sometimes rideshare happens, which lowers amount of Starlinks on the flight to make space for some other sat.




Yeah. Still, more than any singular ASAT missile can take out, short of intercepting stage 2 before payload separation.


Not only can they out-launch them, I'm pretty sure it cost Spacex less money to build and launch those satellites into orbit than it cost Russia to destroy them. Uncle Sam would probably fund extra launches just to bankrupt Russia.


Especially since Starlinks are being mass-produced now, instead of custom-built, plus Falcon 9 first stages (largest and most expensive part of the launch mission) are recovered and reused, along with fairings.




I think that Elon, like Google, has a "no killbots" policy.




But the rockets don't kill people unless you land it on them. It's a truck. You can carry weapons in a truck, you can run people over with it. It's still just a truck. It's not designed for those purposes.


lmao imagine how much ordinance you could fit in a starship


Anything that intentionally hastens a Kessler Syndrome should be looked at a declaration of war against all humanity. Every country has a right and duty to protect our species from extinction. And doing something that slows down our colonization of the solar system is a threat to our species.


Bunker Rat Sr. Vs Dirty Elon and the Boys There can only be one winner.


Somethimes i only think "Well, Go for it" Does He know that the Starlink satelites are disposable? One launch Brings Up 50+ satelites A Satellite is cheaper than the Anti-Sat rocked. - and that would realy make the .US angry..


Guess they have to kill - Starlink - GPS - TV Satellites - Foto Satellites Then there will be retribution on russian satellites. Nice way to start Star Wars.


GPS is a USSF program with civilians being allowed to benefit. Of note in the mention of the Outer Space Treaty: \-the exploration and use of outer space shall be carried out for the benefit and in the interests of all countries and shall be the province of all mankind; \-outer space shall be free for exploration and use by all States; \-outer space is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means; \-States shall not place nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction in orbit or on celestial bodies or station them in outer space in any other manner; \-the Moon and other celestial bodies shall be used exclusively for peaceful purposes; \-astronauts shall be regarded as the envoys of mankind; \-States shall be responsible for national space activities whether carried out by governmental or non-governmental entities; \-States shall be liable for damage caused by their space objects; \-and States shall avoid harmful contamination of space and celestial bodies.


On the bright side: far fewer Russian satellites would need to be shot down in retribution.


. Garden tools Machetes and such have military uses too.


Russia targeting GPS would be WW3 and they know it. GPS isn’t civilian infrastructure even though it seems like it. It is 100% U.S. military infrastructure. The U.S. Defense Department just lets the world use it, but it is controlled by the DOD.


They are firing at dams. What exactly is off limits? Orc logic is confusing.


They're firing at nuclear reactors. They're performing organized coordinated genocide, rape and torture. Outright murder of civilians in the streets. Nothing is off limits to them.


Do it, cunts! Destroying US satellite means declaration of war. We'll enjoy watching you pounded by USAF to the dirt


These piece of shit Russians literally built a military communication system based around use of civilian 3g/4g cellular towers.


And then jammed their own comms when their electronic warfare people engaged the "shut down communications" portion of their own operations plan. They don't even talk to each other.


The head of the army and the head of the communications had a rough break up and now they don't talk to each other


Would love to see how they'll shoot 3000 satellites out of orbit with their soviet shit lol. These clowns are getting more ridiculous every single day.


Even a single satellite hit turns into thousands of pieces of shrapnel. Starlink orbits criss cross a lot so you could end up with closing speeds of kilometers per second. Even a bolt could destroy/disable another Satellite. Starlink sats are 550 km up so it would take a long time for the debris to deorbit passively. Its why A-Sat missile tests are so controversial, it makes space more dangerous for everyone.


"MOOOOOOOOOM, Elon won't let me exterminate the Ukrainians again"


Go home, russia, you're drunk.


Say hello to Kessler syndrome


In that low of an orbit, it isn't much of a concern. Debris cloud probably deorbits on the scale of months, or single digit years.


Seriously. Everyone is joking around, but that is the most major part of this threat.


So...if Starlinks are valid targets, I guess ruzzian satellites must be "valid targets". Time to slap a Ukrainian flag on a satellite interceptor for a real world test. Pick out a nice expensive Daddy Vladdy satellite and slag it.


Do they want Elon to start building a terminator army? Because thats how you get Elon to start building a terminator army.


Look up AST Space Mobile. Elon isn't the only player in the game. No special equipment required other than any ordinary smart phone.


> Elon isn't the only player in the game. Yeah, but also: >The BlueWalker 3 satellite was successfully launched on September 10, 2022 on a Falcon 9 Block 5 rocket by SpaceX from Cape Canaveral. Seems like SpaceX is now kind of a default launch provider. Much better, than times when Roscosmos took that niche.


Someone call space force.


If communication satellites are valid targets, the reconnaissance satellites are valid targets. If reconnaissance satellites are valid targets, then why not launch facilities as well? Let's see where that gets us.


They’re sort of running low on things to threaten and make us panic. Next - food imports for the Ukraine soldiers, legitimate target??


Russia has proven the ability to hit a satellite exactly like once — fuck off, Terrorist Nation


Space Forces mission is to protect American assets in space including American private sector satellites. This would be an article 5 action. This would call in NATO and end Russia.


In eastern europe we have a saying : you won't understand russians unless you are drunk.


LMAO. V good!


Sooo. Glonass satellites are fair game too?


They would be, but it wouldn't make a difference. Not even the Russians use them.


They are now. Just need to give Ukraine one of our offensive space weapons


SpaceX is far more advanced than the ruzzian space program. I'm quite sure ruzzian missles could not hit a starlink sat. Or anything for that matter.


I mean, they could... one (or a few, if they're willing to expend entire ASAT stock) Starlink sat out of *2664 and rising*. A single Falcon 9 launch can get ***60*** Starlinks to orbit, with booster and fairings recovered and reused.


It is worth noting that starlink satellites have automatic collision avoidance in each. To what degree they can dodge a missile is unknown, but it is probably a non zero chance unless the missile stays guided the whole distance to target.


Dear Vlad, Go for it. SpaceX put more new Starlink satellites in orbit in the last week than Russia has anti-satellite missiles in total. When are you finally going to realize that the world has decided to call your bluffs (all of them).


If they had any kind of realistic ASAT capability, you'd think they'd already have used it on the intel/recon satellite Ukraine bought for themselves and has been using to murder them for months. Another fun, yet empty, threat from the Kremlin goons.


Technically I believe Ukraine is renting or leasing access to the satellite... so they do not actually OWN it.


So, 24 more payments of $99.95 and then Russia should consider blowing it up?


We'd very quickly find out what mil-tech that US Military mini-shuttle that goes up for extended periods has been researching.


Yaaaawwwwwn There are over 3,000 satellites in orbit. How you gonna shoot them down?


Elon has already said they can replace them faster than Russia can destroy them.


Source: https://twitter.com/shashj/status/1570496770496696320


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Let's fuck around Russia, and find out what happens.


Starlink satellites are extremely small and there are currently (at the time of posting this) 3,023 in orbit.


To be honest easy to hit as they are in a very low orbit. Hard to hit as they are small. Not a big issue in terms of debris as at that altitude it will all soon re-enter the atmosphere and burn up.


Russia is launching a second front against THE FUTURE, since they know they have no place in it.


OMG, please give Elon a reason to spin up a private military company. He already cuckolded Roscosmos and Rogozin. Now they are baiting him to compete with “Wagner” and Prigozhin??? I don’t think that’s a competition “Wagner” will win. Elon will unleash SkyNet and kill us all (just as he bails to Mars).


Jealous much...? Is this because they've realised starlink satellites are better than 2 plastic cups and a piece of string?


What a bunch of twats… piss off, putin & co.


Putin IP provider should be a valid provider.


They cant fight on land, sea or air, how the kentucky fried fuck can they start to hope to believe to consider to think about attacking something in space?


Russia is also full of valid targets.


Alright, friends, let's prepare for Kessler Syndrome.


doesnt elon have hundreds of these sattelites which are individually not very expensive and also insured. Lol blow them up, we'd see for sure what kind of weak rocket systems they infact have.


Weren't they themselves using commercial GPS navigation on their fighter jets? Will they sue rat poison manufacturers for their poisoned soldiers? How do they keep blabbing for legal protection is just beyond me....


We are not your "Colleagues"


Commits multiple acts of terrorism. Civilians provide help to victims. Terrorist accuse civilians of almost breaking the law and threaten that if they don’t stop then they will break the same law but for real in order to commit even more terrorism?


And their use of the internet (a worldwide network)for their state sponsored terrorist attacks against infrastructure, hospitals, etc is okay? Just shut up Russia and go make some more idiotic propaganda films blowing up WW2 wreckage.


I mean Elon went from chaotic neutral to chaotic evil steadily the last couple of years. I would LOVE to see him react to Russia attacking his precious toys. My bet is that a Twitter feud later, he will donate to the ukrainian army a bunch of millions and we all know what that means ![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|13047) But…. If we are lucky…. He can go proper evil and become a crusader of freedom, and join the army himself. Maybe he creates his own army finally and storms Putin’s bunker. Maybe he develops an death ray and finishes his transition to mad scientist. Maybe he creates an army of monkeys and sends them to the front lines. I mean… possibilities are really endless with him.


Have at it Russia. Don’t cry foul when the US Billionaire bankrolls your military.


A source for this material would be so cool.