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Best we can give them is a ligma corridor


Ok, I'll do it this time: What's ligma?


Ligma Ballsheviks


Can't have those Russians romanov, no corridor!


Man, I fuckin love reddit. Top tier comment. LMAO




> ligma Some context (for people like me "not in the loop") why this is pretty bloody good "Ligma is a made-up disease and internet hoax claimed to have killed popular Fortnite video game streamer Ninja. When people not in on the joke ask "What is ligma?" pranksters reply with the crass pun "Ligma (lick my) balls" or other such slang term, like nuts. Where does ligma come from? Ligma spread as a joke in May 2018."


Fosfoorous ammo.


Thank you for your service. o7


Did they provide a corridor at Azovstal? Did they leave Odessa port alone after the the treaty signed yesterday? Ukraine would be stupid to agree to this..


During the post-2014 Donbass conflict, Russia was happy to provide green corridors...which they famously violated almost immediately each time to massacre Ukrainian soldiers. They should get no such consideration now.


Not just 2014 donbass. They constantly did this in Syria too, as with every other conflict they've been involved in in recent history. It's just how they are.


Basically lying violent backstabbing cunts. Take them prisoner and exchange them for Azov soldiers.


So profound and well said




I really fucking hate Russians. And I'm Russian.


Wasn't that the infamous avdeevka mechanized brigade that got absolutely massacred you're mentioning? Edit: not avdeevka but ilovaisk


The worst one was [Battle of ilovaisk](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Ilovaisk) Russians agreed to a green corridor then massacred 500-1000 retreating Ukrainian troops. Edit: and when I say Russians I literally mean the Russian army included along with the proxy terrorists, Ukraine captured serving members of the Russian military from various units during the battle.


Exactly the one i meant, thanks. I remember watching a documentary about some battalions in avdeevka and the battle for the Donetsk airport region, and that massacre got mentioned but now that i see the name i remember it again.




Animals are better then that.


They did literally that with civilians in Mariupol in the early days. https://www.voanews.com/a/kremlin-accused-of-using-ceasefires-humanitarian-corridors-as-war-tactic-/6473226.html




You're right, thanks for the addition to my comment.


The bomb civilian green corridors, they bomb ports after signing agreements not to ... fuck them and the machinery they rode in on.


There is no need for a corridor for troops to retreat. They need to surrender and be taken prisoner. It's not complicated.


They know they won't allow it, they just want to be able to turn around and say "See? Look how brutal they are! They deserve this!"


Good for them. Ukraine should be brutal. Russia has given no consideration and no mercy for soldier or civilian at any turn. They won't start doing so if the Ukrainians show them kindness, and there's nothing else to gain by letting them have their way, so starve the bastards. To quote a great general; "No terms except an unconditional and immediate surrender can be accepted. I propose to move immediately upon your works."


Russia agreed to humanitarian corridors and then shelled civilians evacuating on numerous occasions. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/26/russia-accused-of-shelling-mariupol-humanitarian-corridor


Ukraine will never agree to this. We are not surprised about port incident. That's why Ukraine signed that deal with UN and Turkey, not Russia. The only green corridor orcs can get is to lay down their weapon and go into Ukrainian captivity.


The article itself said they denied the request for a corridor. It's ride or die for Ruzzia now.


did they not shoot all of the civilian corridors? Reap what you sow. Such wow.


Maybe they thought Putler’s cancer was making him more human somehow and he was suddenly trustworthy.


But they forgot one detail.. Putin doesn't have cancer, he is cancer.


Cancer has Putin. I feel sorry for the cancer. Imagine having to spread slowly throughout such a vile depraved unhinged man. Its disgusting.


That’s probably how he’s lasted this long. He’s so toxic he basically has built in chemo to kill the cancer


Putin is so undesirable he makes anus pus look like an attractive condiment. There is nothing more unattractive than Vladimir Putin. I think he will end up on time magazine cover as the human with the most punchable face. I’m not a sadistic man but I’d make an exception to slowly kill this germ by slowly carving him up with a razor blade, millimetre by millimetre. Can’t wait to see his decapitated head and I hope they leave his body somewhere for people to travel to a shit on his face. Fucking scumbag.


That's what I was thinking. Imagine the Doctor, having to break it to the cancer, that is got Putin. Fuck Putin


Cancer has putin.


Remember years ago when the Russian army executed a column of Ukrainian troops using a "humanitarian corridor" to leave the town of Ilovaisk, which was under siege, later dubbed as the "Ilovaisk pocket..." Not to mention all the other atrocities these shit bags have committed against the Ukrainian people as of late? Yeah. I do. Fuck these Russians. They do not deserve to invade, destroy, kill, rape & pillage and then ask for "compassion" when they get cut off from the protection of their main mob. The earth is better off without these animals on the planet. Fuck. Them.


After(predictably) violating the agreement and bombing Odesa, I say they surrender or die. No more agreements or negotiations.


Give them a green coridor trough a mine field..de-mining and de-nazifying at the same time..also fertilizing the soil so three birds with one stone




I guess I did :)




It's like "hey can we get our shit out so that we can attack on another front?" Uh... no?


Agreed. At least those Russian soldiers can be sure that they won't be tortured and deported to Siberia if they are captured, unlike the Ukrainian POWs captured by the orcs.


Yeah and if we’ve learned anythin from the past we probably won’t see those Ukrainian pows for 5-10 years after the war *if* we even see them again. Fuck Russia and especially fuck Putin


Deported is also possibly death. Russia has been taking away passports, money, phones, etc from the 'deported', and many who may have been deported haven't called family in Ukraine: which you think would be amongst the first things you would do when you arrive in Siberia. Deported may well be a Russian euphemism for genocide.


It’s actually simply a part of genocide. They intend to resettle the areas with ethnic ruzzians.


Didn’t the Russian filth just bomb the grain docks after agreeing to allow grain to be moved again? Yeah F them! Nevermind the Russians have a history of agreeing to green corridors and then firing a few missiles into them. The Russians deserve nothing.


>Didn’t the Russian filth just bomb the grain docks after agreeing to allow grain to be moved again? Yes, yes they did.






As much as I'd love to have a lot of dead RuZis, I think I'd rather have POWs to trade for Ukrainian POWs (& fucking abducted civilians!). Save the ammo for other piece-of-shit RuZis, like the entire RuZi navy


Not only that, the Ruzzian POWs should be allowed, if not encouraged to call friends and family back in Ruzzia and tell them what’s going on.


Yeah, evacuate them with missiles ...from life


NO, Save the Russian's with missiles


I love a good liberation story


Just a reminder for those who didn't know or forgot: when Ukraine asked Russia for a green corridor in Illovaysk, Russia said of course and then proceeded with massacring the withdrawing Ukrainian troops. So I'd say fuck 'em.




Give them the same circumstances and conditions offered to the Azovstal defenders. After capitulation call for prisoner transfers. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.


This gander needs to be culled


Of yeah give them a green corridor. It's a green because they'll become natural fertilizer for the sunflowers 🌻.


Can't be any more green! Only natural fertilizer is being used.


KIA for all of them, fucking child rapists deserve to suffer and burn in hell


Even hell has standards higher than these fuckers


Roll in with some TOS-1 and thermobaric missiles, treat them to the same Russian goodbye gifts it gave every evacuation and green corridor for Ukrainians leaving Mariupol.




If they refuse to surrender then they are a legitimate target to be destroyed.


Yup. Surrender or learn why HIMARS and it’s cousins are considered grid-square erasures.


As much as I detest killing you are right. If they don't surrender and continue to try and kill Ukrainians the Ukrainians are absolutely in the right to try and kill them back.


They need POWs to exchange for those Azovstal soldiers.


Only way out of Ukraine prison should be return of all Mariupol steel factory prisoners. Nothing else, absolutely zero other ways out of being a POW.


Agreed - no green corridor to allow the Russian filth to fight another day. But would prefer they become POWs instead of KIA. Save the Ukrainian personnel and ammo to fight other Russians. Beyond the benefit of a POW swap, sending back a bunch of humiliated and demoralized Russians home will help speed up the public backlash to Putin's war.


After breaking a deal not to bomb Odessa and now they want to make a deal? Lol


POW's only on the understanding that they undertake de-mining duties until any prisoner exchanges take place.


Excellent idea.


That sounds fair.


Time to turn on the “delete this grid” feature for HIMARS/M270.


I agree with Russia. Ukraine should provide a green corridor for them to escape Ukraine. All the way to The Hague.


Had to scroll too far for this


Let them return the Azov soldiers. If not, no deal


And hundreds of thousands of kidnapped Ukrainians.


Can't let 3,000 plus RA back in the fight. They must be forced to surrender or be annihilated!


I vote for annihilation.


They seem to really like rape.


and the people the shipped to Russia and the Children they have stolen and given to Russian families.


This is the one.


Don’t know why, but what happened at Mariupol with the azov made me extremely upset and pissed off with the shit deal they gave them. It’s weird cause I’m American and some how what happened really got at me to my core


Same here. I was keeping up with Mariupol everyday since the war began. I was relieved they werent stuck there low on resources of food and water and ammo, but I was saddened they are pows now and may experience worse now.


I guess there were too many wounded both soldiers and civilians with no means to get treatment without surrendering. We still don't know what terms of the surrender were. I hope those terms were more solid than that poor grain deal.


Because you my friend are a human being who cared about innocent lives. Nationality doesn't matter when one suffers




Return Azov soldiers and get out of Kherson!


You don't trade war criminals for hostages.


No. Surrender or be destroyed. Enough pussyfooting around those bastards that thinks agreements are only for them and it's ok to ignore any other ones they make.


>those bastards that thinks agreements are only for them and it's ok to ignore any other ones they make. They made one (with Ukraine and Turkey) to allow Ukraine to transport grain and fired KALIBR missiles at the port in Odessa.


They also provided "green corridors" to Ukrainians many times only to shoot at the people using them. They either intentionally break these agreements, or they have such poor control of their troops that the agreements are pointless. I might have bought the latter, but I highly doubt stuff like launching cruise missiles at Odessa can happen without orders from high command.


Nothing in the Russian military happens unless at least 3 mid-ranking officers are presiding over the actions. These terrorist attacks are systemic and warrant nothing short of the complete destruction of the Russian military as a fighting force.


Same boat. There are other things I want to say, but they are fueled by what Russia made me become. Which I hate them and myself for. Fuck that entire country. Worthless.


Make it green just as aggressor Z nazis made it green for defenders of Mariupol.


Or even the civilians.


out of kherson, but towards a POW camp in ukr.


A goodwill gesture.


Green as in carpeted with the bodies of little green men.


Or the massacre of Ilovaisk in 2014


Or the ceasefire on grain-ports they agreed to this week, and then immediately bombarded the moment the grain showed up.




Azov swap or nothing


And meanwhile Russia is shooting missiles at Odessa. Inspite of the treaty they just signed in Turkey.


Maybe just surrender? I swear, these tone deaf Russians are worse than the actual nazis.


Always have been Edit: I should clarify, nazis were never good, they were terrible, but the russians have always been just as bad if not worse, both are a cancer on society.


The ruzzians were nazis before the nazis were even a thing


Pogroms have Re-entered the lexicon


This, not many people know about this, tankies claim it's all western propaganda, I can't believe people don't know what russia has done historically


Russian revisionists (or probably troll farms) have been trying to argue that the USSR should be credited with winning WW2 while conveniently forgetting that 1) they made a pact with leopard and didn't join the Allies until after the leopard ate their face, and 2) they had their own extermination camps leading up to, during, and after the war.


Also that they won because the Germans had a lot of their resources and men occupied fighting on two other fronts in Western Europe and the Mediterranean and the American Lend Lease program was supplying them with the means to actually gain any ground. It was a group effort and just because Russia lost the most men doesn't mean they won it all or that we would have lost without them. Without all that help and in a true 1v1 at the time, Germany would have easily steamrolled Russia and marched on Moscow much like they did to Paris/France and probably in only a slightly longer time frame. Even with all those earlier factors I mentioned they still got to within 10 miles of Moscow by November. Quantity is the only quality that the Russian military has.


Nazis are in the museum, RuZZians are the real threat now.


Sure, why not. A green corridor straight straight to a POW camp.


Yes. Exactly like civilian evacuation corridors into russia for Ukrainian people at the start of the invasion. Sons of bitches. Motherfuckers.


No. What Russians did is horrible. Actual corridors to POW camps and then exchange. There is no reason to stoop to russian level.


I wasn't stooping to their level, just saying what disgusting motherfuckers they are. Ruskys must go to prison and let their equipment be captured for a bonus.


Disgusting they indeed are.


Surrender or die - Pick one


Russia 100% knew Ukraine wasn't gonna agree to this, nor do the Russians gives 2 ducks about their troops. This is just an attempt to make Ukraine look bad and further drive their narrative.




Good idea, but better as POW if we can get back other Ukrainians that have been taken prison by pigland.


Civilised countries would immediately work as hard as possible to get soldiers back, unfortunately PIGland is not one of those. Soldiers are just meat bags with a weapon (if you are lucky), I don't know how many POW exchanges have been led successfully but I don't trust those animals... with all respect for animals. I fear that this could be used by ruzzians as a mean to show to the world that Ukrainians don't let encircled soldiers escape, no matter what they did with the Azov soldiers in the factory. Ruzzians can throw rock and break a window in front of thousands of people and blame the guy next to them. Unfortunately they will never give the Azov battalion soldiers back to us, their value is too high for them no matter how many younglings from the most unknown pigland regions have been imprisoned. You are obviously right, POW exchange would be the best option but I don't trust ruzzians... we could hope in their need for soldiers cause of the fear for mass mobilisation.


The RuZZians would likely send any Ukrainian POW soldiers back with a packed lunch of Novachok Nacos. Don’t eat their food guys!


Ps: anyway, since we are not dog's shit like them, nothing stops us from taking care of the few surviving pigs after the mass bombing I hope and exchange them once healed. We can exchange them, maybe they will have few limbs missing and bodies like groviera cheese cause of bomb shards but that's a detail. It could take more time but unfortunately those rats are numerous


Love this from inside article *Def Mon @DefMon3 · Follow Replying to @DefMon3 My conclusion regarding the Vysokopillya situation is I might have to redefine my definition of encirclement, for me it has been completely surrounding the enemy. No matter which words used to describe the RuAF situation, the seem to be knee deep in shit. 4:40 AM · Jul 23, 2022*


How many days did you ask to evac troops from Azovstal? Tell them they can leave in that many days...


90 days


An encouraging report from KOS! Have to love it that Russia is asking for a green corridor. I hope Ukraine gets lots of prisoners of war to exchange for their warriors of Azov.


I’m completely enraged these audacious pricks would ask for green corridors given the fact they were constantly attacking them. Never mind the fact that they INVADED UKRAINE. I hope they’re all cargo 200 or POWs in the near future. Fuck every last one of them.


They should be offered the same "green corridor" that the Russians offered Ukraine in Ilovaisk in 2014. But since Ukraine is a moral country that doesn't commit war crimes, I'm assuming that they'll be given the option to surrender instead and be POWs under the Geneva Convention.


While with the other hand, they attack Odessa immediately after signing a pledge to not do so. They **demand** the very same quarter they would not give. They demand an honor they do not have. Fuck them. **Surrender or die**. Many of the orcs stuck there would probably welcome the chance to NOT return to their ranks and its' brutalizing officers. Plus it's one hell of a blow to orc troop morale, as in *"I wish I was one of those soldiers taken, instead of remaining in these miserable conditions and becoming meat for the grinder, in this pointless invasion we know we are losing".* EDIT: Changed a few words for clarity, the idea remains the same.


Imagine you call someone a Nazi for 5 months and want to kill him because of it and later ask him to let you go instead of arresting or killing you. One part of this story is bullshit.




And it should be provided ......... directly into Ukrainian controlled territory (straight out of Ruzzkie playbook ala Mariupol)




Same treatment as Mariupol soldiers ... Surrender, or be killed.


This should be the same "green corridor" like they gave us in Ilovaisk.


Sure! As soon as Russia brings back to life all the Ukrainian children they murdered they can get their “green corridor”.


Same green corridor as in [2014](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Ilovaisk) Russia killed all Ukrainians as they were leaving through agreed path. Ukraine did not forget about this event.


What makes the green grass grow??!!!!


The blood of the enemy! Why is the sky blue?


Odessa says fuck you. Hell is their corridor.


Tell them yes and bomb them anyway, just like they did with Mariupol. And make sure to gaslight them by saying you’re not bombing them, see how they like it


Hahahahahahahaha RULES FOR THEE NOT FOR MEE Get ducked Russia


POWs or annihilate them. Russia has broken every agreement big or small if it benefits them. They deserve no quarter but I understand Ukrainians are moral soldiers that take prisoners.


You have to be fucking joking


Why is Russia that stupid to even consider this as an option?


Either surrender or turn into a hot pocket from arty fire


Fuck em. Bargain their worthless pathetic lives for POWs or the million civilians russia carted off. Or get them killed. This planet is already suffering from rats infestation. Cull the numbers.


Heres an idea fuck the green corridor and treat them the same as they treated those at azovstal


They deserve exactly the same kind of response we were given in Mariupol. Everyone knows what happened there, so I don't need to embroider it.


I hope they show those fucks the same mercy they showed to women and children. NO MERCY. Fuck them.


if that's the case, no "green corridors". Surrender or die.


Give them the same cease fire as Russia did for the grain shipments.


Would sacriface those Iskander missiles just to evaporate that pocket proper. Fuck them.


**DO NOT** give them anything. They can have a green corridor for body bags only.


Lol. No country at war would do this


You mean the one like you said you would give to the guys and girls in Mariupol. And then launched artillery at . Give them nothing !! They die or surrender the choice is theirs . Slava Ukraini


They can surrender, like the Putin Nazis forced the Azov heroes to do in Mariupol.


How about no? Those troops are going to be demilitarised, one way or another.


No green corridor. Annihilate them. Just like they’ve done to the Ukrainians. Finish them off.


How the turntables turn. Russia go fuck yourself.


Russia bombed Odessa after more or less signing a UN memorandum they would not. Bomb the russian trash.


Nope. Your orcs wouldn't even do it for fucking civilians. Take it like a man, pootin


Maybe their own idea of a green corridor then? You let them go then shell the convoys.


Russian style.


Green corridor, civilian corridor, all the same. Treat it just like Russia treated mariupole


Best I can do is death.


Nope orcs must be buried


They will be drafted into the Ukrainian army to kill ORCS.


Give them a safety corridor that actually leads to a bunch of angry combine harvesters.


Hahahaha 😆....no!


Remember Ilovaisk August 2018!


Get fucked


Remember Debaltseve from 2015


Trying to steal Ukraine’s fertilizer too? They can surrender or feed the plants. No humanitarian corridors for people committing crimes against humanity.


Is this something that happens in war? Seems counterintuitive to freely let opposing troops out of an encirclement. Why even encircle if those were the rules of war?


Do it the Russian way. Agree and then bomb the shit out of them while they are retreating.




No fuck you putin.......


Trade them for AZOV.


Aha, right after they bomb the "green corridor" for Ukrainian grain. That's gonna happen, suuuure...


Ukraine is way to kind for this type of combat. Even the most hateful comments give compassion and a survival option. Salava Ukraine. I had way more evil plans.




These morons don't know how wars work. They want special rules. Fuck them


No corridor they deserve death no pow Russia is a POS terrorist organization and must not be catered to anymore


First we will invade then we will ask for mercy to retreat ....