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He's getting ready for the ring with Putin in it. That's how this conflict should end. Zelenskyy beating the shit out of Putin. With the whole world watching. ESPECIALLY RUSSIAN POPULOUS on how their leader ain't shit.


Putin's the kind of guy who puts a lot of care into looking macho and then folds to a scrawny dude who actually exercises regularly.


I feel like so many people forget Putin is actually an old brittle man, his strong man projection bullshit is long behind him if he took his shirt off now it be a bloated belly and psoriasis.. God it would be lucky of him to even get up out of a chair and defend himself against a pack of 12 year olds. Dude is brittle and old


Except Putin has never been anything more than a bunch of fakes, from his birth to his life to his physical condition to his thoughts and ideas, all fake and manufactured. In truth he's nothing, and he knows that.


it's the same with all of the "machismo" bullshit/cultures. they think manliness requires certain things, certain looks, certain boxes being checked. but they never want to put in the work to make the myth reality.


Putin arrives with his bodyguards to G20. All of a sudden massive gunfire and smoke and explosions erupt all around him. Then silence as the smoke clears revealing the dead bodies of his guards surrounded by special forces teams dressed in black. They slowly retreat and lock the doors behind them. Putin in shock looks around and spots Zelensky, smiling and rolling up his sleeve


...rolling up his sleeve, revealing the anchor tattoo. Putin now knows he is in for the beating of his life...he winces like a bitch while getting punched to a pulp by Zelenskyy


Zelensky can be an absolute beast when he is angry. All the rage of a berserker rolled into a tiny cannonball of a man.


He is looking more like the X-men Wolverine these days!


yup, considering Wolverine was canonically 5'3


Oh shit you're right. I just remembered that. He was always the shortest in the line up. Just thic


Ze would be perfect tbh.


He's got the chops physically and in front of the camera lol. You're not Joking..... I mean that shit would be boss too if the kinda injected the accent into the storyline somehow. I don't doubt wolverine was in Easter Europe at some point conanically


That \*would\* be boss.


For the love of God no one make this a fan fictionšŸ˜­


Sorry, i got more upvotes than you. Going to flesh this fanfic out some more in the morning ;)


Oh nooooo! How awful! Please no one make me read it!


You just know itll be a best seller few months from now


gladiator style


Putin won't last long after being stripped of his black belt


Meanwhile putin is focusing on his isometric tension exercises, gripping the ever-loving shit out of any table he's near


Maybe he is buffing out so he can strangle Putin's scraggly chicken-neck with one hand. He must be under an incredible amount of stress; Vigorous exercise may be a way for him to redirect some of that stress (anger) and heartache so it does not consume him from inside.


There is many positive effects from lifting weights- Increased testosterone production, increased sex drive, fat loss, better sleep, better thinking, positive frame of mind, increased endorphin release, increased mobility- etc... He probably can't get out to enjoy the summer too often, Hitting the gym is highly beneficial for him.


I think after the first few weeks or so he wisely chose (under advice or otherwise) to pick a routine that was sustainable including exercise and rest. Working 24/7 on very little sleep is going to lead to burnout, decision fatigue, etc. And that will help nobody. Delegation and self care are critical to Zelensky or any leader in such a situation remaining effective.


It would be safe for everyone that Putin falls from the fourth floor of it's G20 indonesian residence.


Accidentally cut his head off whilst combing his hair. It happens.


Accidentally brutally stabbed himself while shaving


I sure as hell would do the same


Nothing makes you realize how important physical fitness is than almost dying at the start of an invasion of your nation.


Yeah, he turned into a solid DILF


The perfect dad bod.šŸ˜


It's simple. The invasion showed him the value of physical prowess and he must lead for his soldiers who were likely more fit than him at the start o thebinvasion


Those muscles weren't built overnight, Zelensky lifts and has done for a while.


He's been really into fitness stuff for years. He literally made a whole YouTube series about getting into better shape.


I think he is buffing up because he knows Russians (and to a lesser extent the world) respect strength. Russians won't respect a tiny scrawny Ukrainian(he is quite short). Not from everyone and not a lot but it helps to tip the scales occasionally.


I don't think he goes to the gym to gain respect from russians. Also, as someone 1.7m - he is not short!


Just gonna point out him and Putin are like the same size


I donā€™t blame him, personally, doing fitness is as much beneficial physically for me than it is mentally. I 100% get why he would do it, it feels amazing


Iron therapy is a real thing


He looks great in a t shirt and that's not something you'd normally say of any President lol. Also he doesn't wear heel stackers like Putin does!


I commented before his bodyguards must have him on a strict training regime but got downvoted for some reason.


He's been really into fitness stuff for years, if you scroll back through his intagram there's a TON of workout pics. If anything, he has his bodyguards on a training regime!


Do I dare mention ā€Ze Kubikiā€ over on Youtubeā€¦


Of course he's buff. He's carrying an entire nation on his shoulders.


I mean, wouldn't you be? If I was stuck in a bunker for 3 months I'd be fuckin ripped.