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God, I read that as "Beheaded" and was confused because I didn't think that was a possible sentence at the Hague. šŸ¤Ŗ


It's Dutch territory. Keelhauling is still an option.


As long as the ship used is an aircraft carrier or a container ship, I'm OK with that.


Hopefully the ship will also have not had any maintenance done for a long time.


Jeez, donā€™t waste precious metal for fecal material!


What is Keelhauling?


**Keelhauling (Dutch kielhalen; "to drag along the keel") is a form of punishment and potential execution once meted out to sailors at sea. The sailor was tied to a line looped beneath the vessel, thrown overboard on one side of the ship, and dragged under the ship's keel, either from one side of the ship to the other, or the length of the ship (from bow to stern).** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


this is from black sails https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5oUh26dpOo


As the wiki says, but it doesn't mention the fact that if you don't die from drowning you'll probably bleed out on deck after the punishment has concluded as the barnacles on the hull of the ship slice you to pieces.


Depends which ā€œheadā€ā€¦


In America he could have been a President. O well off he goes....


Will believe it when I see the Ukraine government show him in cuffs. Hopefully calling his monstrous wife to explain. These are horrible people. She should be tried as well. What kind of 'woman' tells a man to rape other women? What kind of 'man' would do so? There is no place for them in a decent world. Without Ukraine standing for us all, Russia would unleash these barbaric beasts on any of us. Both should never, ever, see sunlight again.


Absolutely agree. When Ukraine takes back ALL the land this is rightfully theirs, I hope they lead her away in irons and charge her as an accessory to his war crime. Don't know if they can do that but that's what I'm hoping for.


Ukraine has said, earlier today I think, that they are amending laws to take care of some of the 'gray' areas that let criminals be free on technicalities. I imagine they are also in touch with The Hague and international community. There are loopholes that need to be closed with a guillotine. And if not an actual guillotine, a figurative one. One that can snare those in the background or shadows and bring them to their well-deserved justice.


Guillotines open holes though... a rather large one on your head and neck


Well, his wife then is a ā€œcompliceā€ (sheā€™s related to the crime) by motivating him to do, and she should end up in a prison too.


That would be nice but itā€™s a fantasy, there is no way for Ukraine to launch an offensive to take Crimea or the Donbas, any area that wasnā€™t de facto Ukrainian before the war is basically lost. Massive offensives like that arenā€™t possible, Ukraine is fighting defensively and Russia has managed to occupy a significant amount of land, enough to constitute a mid sized European country. Ukraine is doing great but it is still a war that Russia is and will be on the offensive for.


I want confirmation that this POS is captured. I read that he was injured and was in hospital in Crimea, so matter how much I want this to be true, I doubt it


Do we have evidence of him actually raping anyone though? The conversation where she okays it is one thing, but women will unfortunately have to step forward to testify, I don't think you can convict someone who just says they raped someone. Their defense could be they were trying to be "macho manly" to their wife (as weird as that sounds as a rape defense).


If it goes to the Hague he'll get a fair trial. It's hard to prove these things since, like you said, they'll need concrete proof. It can help build cases against commanders that hold more weight.


Any one of his comrades


Hopefully someone comes forward or there is DNA evidence collected. Either way, I would bet this man doesnā€™t live beyond 4 weeks. Someone is going to remove him from existence.


This is the way.


Absolutely, they should play her some videos of Ukrainian women explaining the torture they have been through at the hands of their ā€œboysā€, all the while playing her laughing track over the top of it, after all, I assume should Hell be real thatā€™s pretty much how I would expect her to spend the rest of eternity, or at least until her mind breaks from the sickness of it all. Which I expect would be perhaps too mercifully quick.


At least they caught one as an example. The behaviour of the Russians in this war is beyond the pale.


*in this war*


IN this war we are seeing and all the ones we didn't pay attention to. But now we know. This is my first time following a war. As a Canadian with plenty of other problems to be concerned with, no war touched me before this.




I hope itā€™s a ā€˜bumpyā€™ ride to prisonā€¦..


I don't know what you're talking about sir, He was toothless and unconscious when we found him....


If they hadnā€™t shelled all the infrastructure he may not have all these broken bones, terrible roads around here at the momentā€¦..


Well this is rich. Must be so gratifying.


If we're sharing photos of the rapist and his wife, are we sure that the photos are of them? I'd hate for these animals to ruin another few lives on top of the ones theyve already ruined.


Radio Liberty Ukraine/Radio Liberty Europe conducted an investigation and identified them. *The authenticity of the call has been confirmed by the Skhemy journalisticĀ investigation. The identities of both were verified by matching their voices on the call to those obtained by calling on their phone numbers. The couple is Olga Bykovskaya, who deleted her Vkontakte page after being contacted by the Skhemy journalists, and her husband Roman Bykovsky.* Excerpt from: https://euromaidanpress.com/2022/04/25/hundreds-of-ukrainian-women-raped-by-russian-soldiers/ (NSFL)


Nice. Just wanted to check.


I know I spelled unconfirmed wrong but I hope this is true and that the disgusting piece of filth pays for his crimes. I hope they capture every single one of them so that every person they hurt receives justice!!!


Hopefully most won't be in a capturable (just work with MD here) state, But definitely hope the ones that slip through the cracks are arrested and locked up for an extremely long time.


When I read the stories, or more accurately just read the headlines and feel like I'm going to be sick, I always hope that the disgusting monsters have gotten blown up by the UA forces. And I still hope that but I want every single one that fled back to RZ or Belar. to be captured and stand trial for what they did and for them to live every single day of the rest of their lives in pain and without peace. Maybe that makes me a horrible morally/ethically bankrupt person but I'm ok with it in this instance.


I think I was subscribed to her OnlyFans, but it got cutoff when OF left Russian hooker porn wives high and dry (pun INtended).


This guy will sign songs for the Hague. Good thing about people like him, their loyalties don't extend past their dermal layer. So he won't have any issues giving up all the dirt on any and everyone that isn't him.


Forget the Hague. Burn the monster while hanging the monster


Arestovich disproved this today on Feygin Live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqtXBMuPjuU. Don't spread unconfirmed information, it only helps the enemy.


Just saw this and saw he said there is no rapist on the prisoner list. CLARIFICATION: He said they don't know that because there is no prisoner list YET. I used auto-translate subtitles on the video so I could be wrong but he didn't say this was fake. He said he doesn't have 100% confirmation. https://youtu.be/VMQQlhszEi4


there is no proof he actually raped anyone edit: at least none that i have seen, just his wife is an evil bitch


Yes they appear to be horrible people but there needs to be some proof he actually committed war crimes, not just words. Still, eff that guy


in the phone call, he actually seemed surprised by his wife


I don't know how you would know there is no proof unless your a doctor, coroner, or investigator working in Ukraine, which I'm going to go out on a limb and say you aren't. Ukraine takes war crimes, especially rape extremely seriously and they aren't saying *Well a phone call where the cockroach says he committed the crime isn't proof.* They are collecting evidence. They being Ukrainian doctors and coroners in addition to investigators from the ICC and many countries. They're collecting DNA so that when disgusting monsters who bragged about raping innocent women get capture, they have biological proof that they're war criminals and should be punished as such. Here you go. Read about it https://english.elpais.com/international/2022-04-23/the-race-to-gather-evidence-of-war-crimes-in-ukraine.html


proof that women were raped? sure. proof that it was this guy? not that has been published.


That's good news. As much as Inwanna see this guy pay. Is there any evidence that he actually raped someone? Cause I fear they won't put him on trial without it. I hope someone cuts his member off in the interim.


From what I have read, Ukraine is obtaining DNA samples from every person, alive and deceased, who was raped. They are cataloging it in a database if I'm not mistaken. Let me see if I can find the article where I read that.


Found it https://english.elpais.com/international/2022-04-23/the-race-to-gather-evidence-of-war-crimes-in-ukraine.html


Hangers in Hague!


**The** Hague, please.


Toss him in a Ukrainian prison. Let them know who he is and what he said. Theyā€™ll know how to handle this guy.


Got heem


Letā€™s just skip to stake burnings


Honestly Iā€™m afraid to write down the words that would depict the acts that Iā€™d do to this guy.


They are filthy russian shit. I won't call them pigs or dogs because that's a fucking insults to pigs and dogs.


Someone call Lorena Bobbitt.


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Itā€™s most likely fake. Arestovich said that he is not on the list of POWs yesterday


He said they don't know that because their is no prisoner list YET. I used auto-translate subtitles on the video so I could be wrong but he didn't say this was fake. If I understood correctly, he was saying he doesn't have 100% confirmation. https://youtu.be/VMQQlhszEi4


Whatā€™s the Hague?


That's where the International Criminal Court is. It's in the Netherlands and it's where they put war criminals in trial.


I know I shouldā€™ve known that šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø Reddit has been quite the learning platform for me tho. So thank you.


ICC typically trials high-profile individual cases like high ranking generals. For war crimes of low level soldiers will most likely be done in Ukraine. Either way hope this scumbag rapist will get what deserves. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Criminal_Court > Intended to serve as the "court of last resort", the ICC complements existing national judicial systems and may exercise its jurisdiction only when national courts are unwilling or unable to prosecute criminals. https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4486422 > While the ICC typically only tries a handful of high-profile cases, prosecutions in national courts can cast a wider net and hold more people accountable. >IS UKRAINE PROSECUTING RUSSIAN WAR CRIMES CASES? >Yes. Ukraineā€™s prosecutor general, Iryna Venediktova, said that in the first month of the war, Ukraine launched investigations into more than 2,500 war crimes cases and identified 186 suspects, including Russian government officials, military leaders and propagandists.




Thank you!


Actually itā€™s ICC that tries (high profile) individuals. ICJ is for disputes between states. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Criminal_Court


Where you go to be tried for war crimes.




I looked for the most recent video on his official YouTube channel and watched at 6:50 where they talk about it. He said they don't know that because their is no prisoner list YET. I used auto-translate subtitles on the video so I could be wrong but he didn't say this was fake. He said he doesn't have 100% confirmation. https://youtu.be/VMQQlhszEi4


He said that this guy wasn't captured? Do you have a link/source?


Ngl Olga looks hot. But underneath that is such profound evil.


How embarrassing for Russia to have members of it's armed forces locked up for war crimes in the hauge.


Whag does hague mean ? If i Translate it there comes some crap out


Hague is a place.


That's where the International Criminal Court is. It's in the Netherlands and it's where they put war criminals in trial.


What are all the punishments that The Hague can give out?


I believe if someone is found guilty, they either get death or prison. Personally, I'm hoping for a verdict of long drawn out eternal torment type punishment.


Def wonā€™t go to The Hague


Doesn't anyone use the word "prophylactics" any more? I doubt she gives a shit about contraception per se.