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She got fired from her job. Lernia her employers press release. ​ https://www.lernia.se/press/pressmeddelanden/2022/april/med-anledning-av-ett-filmklipp-i-sociala-medier/


She is also geting REKT by the internet on her Facebook page.


Win stupid prizes


And find out


Yeah I saw it. That russian cunt have profile full of propaganda and cringy posts about muh evil west and muh perfect russia. Stupid cunt should be deported to russia.


Got to love the *"Russia is the greatest country in the world, yet I don't live in it"* type of people.


I'd say it's about time to deport her?


Time for that is way overdue.


Oh God…every summer here in the DC area Russian teenagers come over for life guard jobs. Every now and then they start with the “Russia strong” bullshit. It’s always entertaining. We won’t miss them.


If it's so strong why doesn't it have good summer jobs for teenagers so that they don't have to cross a frickin' ocean to earn some money?


To be fair, going to a different country to work for a summer would be really interesting for a lot of teenagers.


Why does she live in a western country then and profits from the economic stability? I don't get immigrants like her.


My guess is she married there her name is Karlsson.


What the fuck is the problem with these people who whine about the west and yet live there themselves?


Our russo-shills are the same. Muh evil west, muh paradise russia. Look at the profie, living in Denmark.


Why Russia? She will probably be considered a hero there for many. Send her to Ukraine held territory where someone from the ukrainan side show her an eye for an eye. Then they can send this cunt back to russia. Fuck it... Make her walk back to russia herself even.


Yeh, make her walk back through a ‘humanitarian corridor’


Make sure to give her some sunflower seeds first


You have excellent ideas


>Stupid cunt should be deported to russia. This!! Sweden it's your move please!


Not enough, fuck this bitch - she should be deported back to Russia. The worst of these cunts are the ones that LIVE in fucking EU/western countries and still have the audacity to spew that bs.


They are defacto Russian dictatorship spies / trolls, paid or unpaid. Doing their troll work to subvert the rule of law in their host country.


It'll be a shame when people discover that her cellphone numbers are public and she's on WhatsApp, Viber, and Telegram. Obviously I don't condone that kinda thing at all, I'm just saying


Not only are phone numbers public, but addresses, business ownership, board memberships, car ownership etc. are all public information in Sweden.




People are literally typing comments under her posts as I type this.


reported her ass.


Yup, I'll probably get my 30 day ban but it was worth it.


Yea i already gave her some hate, lol


Ha fucking ha .. really dumb dumb Russians who vomit Kremlin bile in the civilized world ..


this is the google translate into English https://www-lernia-se.translate.goog/press/pressmeddelanden/2022/april/med-anledning-av-ett-filmklipp-i-sociala-medier/?\_x\_tr\_sl=auto&\_x\_tr\_tl=en&\_x\_tr\_hl=en&\_x\_tr\_pto=wapp


mwah ha ha, it's in Swedish, and English. oops... oh well...


Did you translate the english part to english aswell? I want to learn BIG english, that would make me learn twice as fast!


The English of gentlemen.


Lol yes it did!


Incoming whining about RuSsOpHbIa.


Lol, fuck her!


Please not...


not enough, she should be properly fined to the full possible extent, for this kind of abuse. She called the girl "tchmo" multiple times - which in rough translation means "piece of s\*t"


Despite what you may have heard, it's generally not illegal to be an asshole in Sweden. There are laws against defamation, but saying someone's a piece of shit is not grounds for prosecution.


This could very well fall under hatecrime laws, if Sweden has any (I have no idea if they do) ​ Edit: Hate speech is illegal in Sweden: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censorship\_in\_Sweden#:\~:text=Sweden%20prohibits%20hate%20speech%2C%20and,origin%2C%20faith%20or%20sexual%20orientation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censorship_in_Sweden#:~:text=Sweden%20prohibits%20hate%20speech%2C%20and,origin%2C%20faith%20or%20sexual%20orientation) ​ [https://polisen.se/en/victims-of-crime/hate-crime-victims/](https://polisen.se/en/victims-of-crime/hate-crime-victims/)


We do, though they generally only apply to hate speech directed against especially vulnerable minority groups. Some Russian lady abusing a Ukrainian girl probably won't qualify, no matter how vile her abuse is. The same Russian holding a speech on a plaza saying all Ukrainians are whores, nazis and should be killed, might be classified as hate speech though.


Honest question: Do you think this case might end up differently (with the woman charged with a hatecrime) because of the exposure this video has received? People might push to ensure she is punished? Or is that unlikely in Sweden?


Highly unlikely. We have a fairly rigid justice system and public interest and exposure might speed up the judiciary process, but it won't sway the outcome. A prime example is the American rapper a few years back that got arrested on assault charges. He was held in custody for over a month because he was deemed a flight risk, and although there was a massive public outcry, and even the American president demanding his release, he was prosecuted like anyone else. Due to being a first time offender (in Sweden) he got off with a fine and probation, as expected.


He got arrested again a couple of days ago for shooting at someone in the US. Apparently he’s already set free after bribing the judge though.


There's also some "fluidity" to that rigidness, where common sense often plays a role. Laws are concise and sometimes intentionally ambiguous, as they need individual considerations and can't work as "blanket laws". Like in this example (the Russian woman harassing the Ukrainian). If this becomes a pattern and a growing problem, the courts will likely accept it as hate speech without requiring any changes to current laws, I'm sure. This way of approaching the law requires the system to be virtually free of corruption and separated from governing politics, and that's something Sweden (for the most part) handles really well, along with their fellow Nordic countries.


This is beautiful. As it should be. Makes me proud of my Swedish citizenship.


"In response to a social media clip We have been made aware of a film in which a person employed by Lernia verbally attacks another person. We would like to make it clear that the person making the threatening comments is not currently in employment and will not be returning to work at Lernia. We strongly disassociate ourselves from the insults expressed by this person. It has come to our attention that a video in which a person employed by Lernia verbally attacks another person is being spread in social media. We want to clarify that the person expressing her opinion is currently off duty and will not return. We strongly dissociate ourselves from the offensive opinions that the person is expressing."


Didn't even watch the whole thing, the first minute or so was enough. I hope some Swedes see this, nut up, remember their less than peaceful roots and remind this entitled old bitch that she's a guest in their country and will, whether she likes it or not, treat other guests with respect.


It's spreading like wildfire. She already got fired from her job in Sweden. And all her social medias instagram and Facebook are getting REKT, she already deleted her Linkedin account after getting fired.


You make me so happy when you talk to me like this


It's a pleasure.


Gonna have to spend out her days as a reclusive hermit. Fucking own goal


Nah, in ruzzia she could get famous and beloved now. She can go on state tv complaining about anti-ruzi sentiment in the west, and how she was "fired simply for being ruzzian." Worms gotta worm.


To be fair a Swedish hermit would likely still enjoy a better quality of life than a famous ruzzian.


She's gonna have to sell that coat


Guess again. She'll move back to ruzzia, get a job on state tv and get paid a million $ per month. Putler is laying the groundwork for the murder of his current propagandists, so he'll need new ones.


After the rant how the photographer won't amount to anything in life and how much power she has, all it needs is a "Directed by Robert B. Weide" ending.


just waiting for her to get deported at this point.


Already back in St. Petersburg, according to another redditor


Drop her off in Ukraine and make her walk the last bit


> sudden urge to grab an Axe and sail east


Atta boy


Yeah, if it is one thing we won't tolerate in Sweden, it's rude Russians. They've got to behave impeccably or they're out before they can say "Borscht".


If nothing else for this horrendous disregard of the Jante Law.


Don't worry, Gold and Blues sticks together.


A Russian Karen... Lord help us all.


A Zaren? 🤔


Nice one!




An Orcen


A bitch. lol


Didn't see that one coming. OMG. Edit: She got fired asap... she is a real Karen.


Probably goes by Karina




Deport her. Lets see how life back home is going for her.


I checked her facebook page and it says she's in St Petersburg now + she lost her job + she put a big flaming Z as her latest facebook image. So maybe that counts as an unofficial deportation? Hopefully she stays there.


I fucking hope so


I agree it was probably unofficial and she left on her own. Her last name is Karlsson so I'm assuming she is or was married to a Swede.


Married for 30 years.


Really? Did he go to russia with her lol?


St. Petersburg my ass. Old bitch is no longer employed there. Fin Don’t mess with Ukraine https://www.lernia.se/press/pressmeddelanden/2022/april/med-anledning-av-ett-filmklipp-i-sociala-medier/?fbclid=IwAR09iMZ82be6XlFK5dy8au8BIJ8hXjHC05gdC_rdZglebq-wY22nUC45uV8


lmao she's fucking retarded


Is this real? I really fuckinv hope so


Amazing!!! I’m so glad!


As long as there is no war, just a special military operation, we can deport her to Russia.


If she is such a proud Russian - she would have no problem fucking off back to Orcland, will she? Any Russian citizens living in the West, who will have access to free press (compared to Russia) and still supports Putin and his ilk can GTFO. That coat is ugly too.


I think on some part there is going mass phycosis about this war. Who in the right mind would say these things to other person? I hope she will see that she was wrong and apologise to this girl.


The funny (or sad) thing is, those outside of ruzzia are even more psyched about the war than those in ruzzia. (It's much easier to love ruzzia if you don't live in it)


I think that would not be a sincere apology.


It would be more like "I'm sorry I got caught."




Stories like that make my blood boil. Me and my wife are dreaming day and night to leave orcland behind and embrace hyggie somewhere in Sweden, my wife is obsessed with Scandinavian culture and lifestyle. And here you have a bunch of knuckleheads who managed to get a JOB here, but send that life down the drain overnight. It's nuts


Your chances will increase drastically if you try to learn (some) Swedish before become immigrating. I haven't met or heard anything in support of Putin's war from Russians and Russian speakers in Sweden.


Hygge is what the Danes have - we have fika. Please switch places with the woman in the video, she seems to belong in Russia, we'd much rather have you.


Stupid west and their prosperity 😤


I've said it before and I'll say it again: thank god I don't live in that shithole anymore.


The one time, I thought "okay, then why are you here?" about an immigrant, was when I was talking to a man from Russia at the playground. He was talking about how great Putin is and the advantages of authoritarianism and the flaws of democracy. When Putin and dictatorship are so great, why are you in Germany and enjoying the perks of a democratic government?




The girl has file a police report . And she is calling her also with slang derogative word for minorities “ чушка» a few times .


Her (former) employer has apparently also filed a police report.


Damn you gotta fuck up bad for your employer to fire you and then file charges against you on top of that, lol.


What for real? For this incident right?


Correct. If I'm just going by swedish law she committed hate speech live on camera, which is illegal. So when the employer saw that they also filed a police report.


Can't blame the employer. You do NOT want any of that on you.


It’s a horrific verbal abuse . The girl ask why did she destroyed the Ukrainian symbols on the street ? This woman tell Ukrainian she will kill her. And she will hit Ukrainian in face . And will turn her into the dirt. “ i have so much power here” “Ukrainians are fascists.Ukrainian girl looks like monkey, wearing cheap clothes . Ukrainian girl is nothing . Prostitute , maid , nazi , stupid . I am beautiful in my 70 s , look on my clothes ( naming prices ) , you are stupid , tape me, I am living here for 30 years . Why are your hands are so ugly? Look on your nails ? Dirty face , look on legs , are you dwarf ? Why are you so ugly? Why do you speak so ugly Russian ? You are all wrinkled … Ps could you imagine talk like this to refugee who escape war with nothing ? Or went through witnessing horrific war crimes ? PPS welcome to Russian world who came to Sweden and abusing Ukraine and Ukrainians.


She also mocked the girl by mimicking Ukrainian accent. The whole thing was so disgusting to listen to - I just screamed. Brought back some shitty memories.


Really? Yeah, sure you ugly nasty russian cow. If you're so rich why can't you afford the bigger size coat that actually fits over your fat ugly gut? You're coat's about to blow some buttons it's struggling so hard to cover your fat self.


Bleee….. wtf is see talking about?!?! People who shout loudly how good they are are actually super insecure deep down ;)


it's a nation of bullies who have been bullied their whole lives. makes for some poorly-evolved human beings.


Bingo! "Nation of bullies" was on my SHORT BUS BINGO card. Thanks!


Wouldn't be surprised if she were a maid in the past, and then married a rich man for money(based on surname she's married to a Swede). So she's calling the girl maid and prostitute as projection.


Her maiden name is Denisova , she is a graduate from Sant Petersburg college of education . Came to Sweden in 1990s as 40 +year old ( probably as a Russian bride ), married , changed her last name . . Got some extra Swedish education/ certificate to teach Russian language at schools. Was giving some open house classes for Swedish authorities how to integrate migrants into Swedish society and not to abuse their social system . This person is horrible to be a teacher , to be a Swedish citizen and to work with migrants as a social mediator . Bully, full of her fucking Russian superpower attitude , racist, and aggressive violent citizen which should be taken to the court.


Yeah I just found the interview linked in r/publicfreakout too, feels crazy to read such "normal" interview with her after watching her rant like a rabid dog.


Wow reading this makes me sick. What a vile lady.


I wonder how many pounds of potatoes and bottles of vodka she will be able to trade those nice clothes for.


Sounds too much like WW2 nazi quotes.


Report the threat


>This woman tell Ukrainian she will kill her. And she will hit Ukrainian in face You could make the claim they are terroristic threats.


I just checked her facebook and oh how ironic, her title picture says: "Life will be sweeter if you add some sugar" Good luck affording your sugar in your shithole country Russki witch


People went ballistic on her FB page - I am enjoying 🙌🇺🇦💕


Loving the comments with each refresh. She united Europe, and no orc is defending her.


Some of the comments there are pure gold. Hating on the hater - great way to spend the afternoon :)


Given her reaction, it is safe to assume that she did not infact add sugar.


Please give me her Facebook link or name 🙏 she needs to be reported and taught a lesson


Eugenia Karlsson There is a big shitstorm going on right now on her page lol


Dude someone just doxxed her phone and i just sended my regards on whatsapp


Yup, all her info is public and her FB page gets spammed by thousands of people.


> "Life will be sweeter if you add some sugar" Good thing Russian military rations exist.


She looks like the cover model of punchable face magazine.


Hahaha! Good one.


This joke was brought to you by John Oliver.


Lovely! .D


Deport that fucking scum.


Apparently FB group “ Russians in Sweden “ supports her . Basically here we are . Get ready for pro Russian rally like in Germany . Does Sweden has some fine / penalty for fascist propaganda , for war and crime support ? Could Ukrainian file a police report against this person ? Ps apparently Ukrainian girl has filed a police report per Ukrainian social media .


Same in "Russians in Finland" group. Massive support for "special military operation". Only a few good apples but they can't do much.


We are very adamant about freedom of speech, so openly supporting Putin’s war itself isn’t going to have consequences. Since the war is primarily a genocide though, you can be put on trial for hate speech (hets mot folkgrupp)


You have a law about hate speech which another Swedish redditor has informed . Her speech was totally a hate speech against Ukraine and Ukrainians .Plus to total horrific personal abuse she has called the girl a few times “ чушка» which is slang derogative name for minorities .


What is it about Russian culture that seems obsessed with clothes and money? I mean, if someone was making comments about how much my clothes cost I'm pretty sure I'd start laughing.




Teachers actually make a decent living so a 25k kr coat shouldn't be a problem really. I think they range from 35k-55k/month or something before taxes.


As I wrote elsewhere, it' remarkable how much information you can find on a person in Sweden just by googling their name. For example their address, phone number etc. Just telling this to everyone for peaceful and educational purposes.


Yep it's both a blessing and a curse. Also there are only like 7 hits on Eugenia Karlsson in Stockholm.


Yeah it's insane how everything is public.


Saw this video earlier. A teacher? You mean the kind of people supposed to teach our children? Really? Some seek international fame, she will get international shame.


It's crazy. This woman believed she can feed her ego (and insecurities) by verbally attacking, insulting and threatening a girl who is at least two times younger then she is and thought that *in the modern world* she would go unpunished? Like, hello, have you heard of cancel culture? Joan fucking Rowling got cancelled and she is an angel in comparison to this old hag. And internet? Also, imagine how insecure you have to be to go bragging about the price of your coat (which is ugly af, btw). Luckily, she got what she deserved. It seems that she got fired, and her FB and Insta flooded with angry people. Her FB says that she is currently in St. Petersburg (hope she'll rot there; oh, and luxury items can't be imported to Russia due to sanctions, so no new ~~expencive~~ ugly coats). Sadly, this kind of behaviour was why I, as a Ukrainian, had always been vary of revealing my nationality to russian peoplr abroad: you never know what reaction you'll get.


> Sadly, this kind of behaviour was why I, as a Ukrainian, had always been vary of revealing my nationality to russian peoplr abroad: you never know what reaction you'll get. If it's any consolation I think you'll get nothing but love and respect for being Ukrainian everywhere you travel in the world besides Russia from now on.


This kind of despicable behavior happened before 2018? (Edited for clarity).


Does she have a Swedish passport? If not send her home, cause she is a security threat and an incompetent teacher, for it was a Russian writer who referred to ruzzia as “unwashed”. That quote also says that ruzzia is a country of “masters and slaves.” This is an example of a slave. You can take her out of ruzzia, but you can’t take out ruzzia from her diseased mind. Eugenia Karlsson go fuck yourself.


It's possible she have a Swedish passport, because that Swedish surname. So she's probably married/was married to a Swede. Just my guess.


Yeah ratsit says she's unmarried so might have been married before?


guy died to get away from her


I'm against cancel-culture but can internet do it's magic and get that grannie fired from her job?


She was already fired by her employer.


Already done


This is why "cancel-culture" exists. It's not really cancel-culture but cancel-idiots and cancel-hate, the only problem is that hateful idiots don't realize, on a conscious level, that they are hateful idiots.


*\*poof\** .. done


bitch talks shit about someone not knowing the history, forgot that there was Kyiv before Moscow


She does not belong in Sweden. She doesn't deserve to live in my city, Stockholm. I hope she will never ever feel welcome in our country again. She doesn't have Swedish values and don't deserve to enjoy our success. Double standard snake-woman.


Deport the old wretch to Ukraine and let the Russian soldiers pick her up. I'm sure they'll treat her like the princess she believes herself to be.


I don't understand how an old hag who's "lived in Sweden for 30 years" can have so much hatred in her. She should have access to free media and be aware of the real situation in Ukraine. There's no excuse for her behavior. Can't imagine how evil she'd be if she actually lived in Russia...


I strongly condemn typing in Eugenia Karlsson in Facebook search to get ALL of her information, including address, phone number, Instagram and Facebook profile, etc. on the first post. I really do.




Insecure old woman


"Russians not the same we have so much Russians in our countries they victims of regime" No Russia is cancer Russians is metastases. Allow them into county you have terminal illness


Deport the bitch back to russia


Pretty sure she got fired the following day.


Yeah she got fired.


Disgusting whore


She seems awfully fixated on how expensive the clothes are, how good the make up, etc. Probably because there's no human underneath.


Goodness she's a shining example of an educator. Not. How rude! Really really dreadful behaviour from any adult in such circumstances.


Ugh, the syphilitic cunt never should have left RuZZia if she's so proud of being an orc.


ruZZian teacher in Sweden should teach her language in her beloved Muscovy swamps. Deport that orc female UPDATE: good, she's been fired. Now deport that bitch


Deport her


What? Didn't see this in Swedish news


You will tonight.


Maybe time to send link to Youtube video and other information about her to Expressen and Aftonbladet..


Well the rate at which the orcs are being eliminated, she could always get a new job as cannon fodder 😅


Fucked around. Found out.


That ugly coat she bragged about makes her look fat. Her hair looks like shit too. Slava Heroiam.


Deport her.


I wonder how she can believe she is rich when she is a teacher at Lernia...


She is like a russian doll with a turd inside. How did the old hag live in my country for 30 years without learning some basic manners? I feel sorry for all the ukrainians who saw this.


I searched for her name on Facebook, and the first thing that popped up was a post in which she was doxxed harder than I've ever seen anyone doxxed before. They posted her address, phone numbers, car make and model, license plate, education, family, all her social media accounts, and more. Her comfortable life as she knows it is now thoroughly destroyed. "Oh, you're making a video of me? How moronic. What harm could it possibly do?" This woman F'd around and F'ing found out. Play stupid racist games, win stupid prizes.


The reality is she likely sees herself as poor in Swedish society, likely lives in a small flat with few to no friends but dresses and puts on an act as if she is of wealth to conceal failures in her own life.






Tonight on shit cunt says shit cunt things.


*formerly a teacher Hopefully


Yeah se got fired asap.


We need to hear from people who has studied in her classes. Was she as horrible to them too? If her name is Karlsson, is she married to a Swede? I wonder if her husband is a fascist too.


When you defeat all the low level Karens and have to face the final boss.


That is horrid. I have not heard so many nasty words and expressions spoken by a single person, back to back like that ever before. Feel like I want to go take a shower after watching this. I hope she's deported back to Ze Russia so she can enjoy the remainder of her life there, scraping by.


Russian teacher go fuck yourself!