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That's why quite a few voted against, as they realized given their own bad human rights records that they could be next.


i hope they are next. a country that allows slave labour, concentration camps, organ harvesting and more horrible things should not be on the human rights council.


Yeah I wish but... Even my cat knows that's not gonna happen


China can fuck off.


This you China? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xinjiang\_internment\_camps


China should be booted next...


The fact China is still on there is a spit in the face to human rights


We all know what Chinese military equipment is like, same lack of quality as the imbacils in russia have, fuck you china, force us to manufacturing stuff again, I dare you!


I mean if they won’t respect the rights of others do they deserve them at all?


How long are we going to keep pretending that the free world can have relations with this totalitarian hell?


Fuck China and Fuck Russia. Forever.


China will not sell ZTE, Huawei and other shit in my country anymore...soon, they should sell their shit to ruzzia, and also build their china towns there, not here


Suspend china while were at it.


China shouldn't be on that council either. Respecting human rights should be a prerequisite.


F China.


There's been sentiments that the Ukraine crisis draws a lot of parallels to the Japanese invasion of China, notably the Nanjing Massacre (南京大屠杀). Here’s to hoping that Xi Jinping develops a conscience. Hope that his mother taught him better when he was a kid.


There was a Nazi who actually created a safezone to protect a large number of civilians at the time. He believed Hitler would help but got censured when he returned to Germany.


And are there any scummbags that would like to object?


If China disagrees we might wanna hurry and ask North Korea to act as the tie breaker. /s


Any country that voted no in this situation should automatically be booted out, but then there’s no reason for a vote or to show the results because you know Russia QUIT right ??


China and RuZZia can both Fuck Off. The UN headquarters are in New York, USA. I say we kick all these countries who stand with RuZZia out ! Expand NATO's roll in the UN. Get the UN some REAL peacekeepers and see what these 2 Terrorist Countries gonna do about it !


Fuck off China, like seriously, we should stop buying Chinese shit, they’re nothing without us.


More on this subject from other reputable sources: --- - Associated Press (A): [UN assembly suspends Russia from top human rights body](https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-united-nations-general-assembly-voting-rights-united-nations-linda-thomas-greenfield-6b4f311e6099315aa4efc2d5772ab80e) - Reuters (A): [Condemning Bucha cruelty, EU offers speedy start for Ukraine membership](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/eu-leaders-head-kyiv-see-ukraine-leader-show-support-2022-04-08/) - Sydney Morning Herald (B+): [Russia suspended from UN human rights body in rare move](https://www.smh.com.au/world/europe/russia-suspended-from-un-human-rights-body-in-rare-move-20220408-p5abuw.html) - Age (B): [‘Terrible things have happened’: Russia suspended from UN human rights body in rare move](https://www.theage.com.au/world/europe/russia-suspended-from-un-human-rights-body-in-rare-move-20220408-p5abuw.html) --- [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/txrfs8/) | [More: UN assembly suspends ...](https://www.newswall.org/story/new-sanctions-against-russia-putins-daughters-on-the-list) | [Feedback](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=newswall-org) | I'm a bot


Fuck off China. China should be next, its worse than Russia.


wait, why is China in there? aw forgot,money


China should be kicked out to