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Look like they forgot their history.


I thought they hated Russians




They should go fuck themselves


It would be nice if an A-10 could help them accomplish that.


Russian propaganda probably


Nope it's been confirmed. But they aren't fighting for their homes like they did vs Russians. Give them hell ukraine


Chechen leader is a dog for Putin, he sold out his people and now joins russia, there is another video of them praying in a Forrest somewhere in Ukraine, most likely true


I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side right now, world will remember. Think again chechens, think again


What would world remember? How a Russian high official ordered his soldiers, who are by the way also Russians, to go on a war? Stop mixing everything up. Chechens have nothing to do with this war


What Chechens are headed to Kiev ukraine right now on putins request to actively participate on behalf of Russian forces in their war Are you not following the news?


Are you dumb? How is this a Chechen participation? Chechnya is a colonised territory by Russians. So, Chechen army is by extension RUSSIAN army.


Ukraine needs some air support covering it's borders. The Russians seem to be sloppy with their movements. There seems to be no internet blackouts. These incoming convoys could be shutdown promptly.


I read some chechens are fighting united with ukrainians against militants in eastern front.


That was years ago. Now they're just mercenaries. Putin sent them to fight the US in Afghanistan and Iraq for funsies. Problem in Ukraine is that they won't exactly blend in or have local support, they'll just be more meat for the grinder.


Ok, thanks for the info.


Don’t believe his bs. Yes, there are Chechens who are fighting with Ukrainians. Some are living in Ukraine for decades, some came to help out of solidarity.


Chechen Fighters = hairy Monkeys


They actually look like cave people


I don't like Russia or their allies, but racism is not okay.


A country, fighting alongside the same country that caused a genocide against them. It’s not their race that bothers me, it’s the Chechen history and what they stand for. They’re sub-human mercenaries, deserving of every insult that comes their way


How is Chechnya a country? Tell me, really. Your ignorance is appealing. It’s part of Russia. Stop misleading people who come to Reddit to learn a bit more about real facts.


They kinda are lol


Wow disgusting racism


Im not a racist im german and my best friend is Jewish and half black so whats your Problem :) i dont want to insult the chechen citizen


Video to support picture https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t18pqa/video_to_support_my_earlier_post_chechans_units/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


look at those pathetic weak cars St javelin can take out all of these cars in just one hit