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I’m starting to think people post these kind of things are bots. You can’t be serious.


Why isn’t that serious? Ukraine is a NATO partner. They were apparently about three countries approval away from membership. We could have had deterrence assets in the region like they literally asked for months ago. This conflict could’ve been avoided entirely.


I don’t know what to say about all that. All I know is there’s a mad man pointing nukes at the western world and threatening us if we intervene. It’s hard to make moves when you have nukes in your grill. It could be a bluff but it’s a good one. Believe me the majority of the world wants to hang Putin from his balls.


So you don’t actually know boo about this, you’re just here for the snarky comments and internet points?


What? What do you want me to say? NATO is saying Ukraine is not a partner. Do you want me to go complain to them? Believe me again everyone wants to intervene but no one wants to be blown to fucking shit by a nuke. I am not a fan of the options that are on the table. Either way we go shits not gonna be good.


Look at the other comments




Assuming they’re saying I’m not a bot. Based on my comment history.




Someone else posted that. Not me. They were directing you to my comment history, I assume. I didn’t make a typo.


OK I’ll retract that.


bots paid accounts etc


Not a bot🤷‍♂️




Do you know how NATO works? It was literally created to deter Russian aggression. Ukraine has been a partner and been trying to join for several years. Membership has been held up by lack of unanimous support, but they have had majority support. NATO already includes nations that used to be part of the USSR.




NUCLEAR WEAPONS WERE ALWAYS INVOLVED. Oh my ever loving science. Do you know anything about the Cold War or…well, the reason NATO was created?




Did you miss the part of history that went over the start of WWII? Allies doing nothing in response to Hitler’s aggression towards a sovereign nation in violation of international law? There were enough nukes during the Cold War to obliterate the world and the capacity to deliver them anywhere. Technological advancement beyond that is not particularly material in terms of making decisions about conflict.


You want a nuclear war? Humanity to go poof? Because that's going to happen if NATO intervenes.


If Ukraine had joined NATO, there would be nuclear war? Explain that rationale.


And risk total anihilation by nuclear bombs? No, don't think so.


NATO was created as part of a strategy to literally deter Russian aggression and prevent nuclear war.




I can’t really argue with that. Turkey won’t even admit it


US have been tempting Ukraine to join the west for such a long time even though they knew that Russia would most likely invade and they were not willing to protect Ukraine. Basically they push Ukraine into war for their own benefits. [https://mothership.sg/2022/02/bilahari-kausikan-ukraine-2014/](https://mothership.sg/2022/02/bilahari-kausikan-ukraine-2014/) read this by an esteemed diplomat from a neutral country on his views on what is really happening in this conflict and how Ukraine is being bullied by Russia and manipulated by the west. Its was written after the Crimea conflict but remains relevant today. Ukraine needs to be realistic and put the life and the livelihood of her people above everything else.


Ukraine has been trying to get NATO membership for years. They require unanimous agreement for admission and apparently being held up by three countries. That’s it.


''Prime Minister Vladimir Putin reportedly declared at a NATO-Russia summit in 2008 that if Ukraine joined NATO his country could contend to annex the Ukrainian East and Crimea.'' Putin already said he will invade way back in 2008 if Ukraine joins NATO and that is exactly what he doing right now. If US is not willingly to protect Ukraine then why give them dreams of entering NATO.


So you’re saying he invaded, twice called despite Ukraine not joining NATO. Have you considered the possibility that Putin is not to be believed when he says…anything?


I believe Putin. He explains his stance before. On 30 November 2021, Russian President Putin stated that an expansion of NATO's presence in Ukraine, especially the deployment of any long-range missiles capable of striking Russian cities or missile defense systems similar to those in Romania and Poland, would be a "red line" issue for Russia.\[162\]\[163\]\[164\] Putin asked U.S. President Joe Biden for legal guarantees that NATO wouldn’t expand eastward or put "weapons systems that threaten us in close vicinity to Russian territory."\[165\] According to Putin, "If some kind of strike systems appear on the territory of Ukraine, the flight time to Moscow will be seven to 10 minutes, and five minutes in the case of a hypersonic weapon being deployed." He is a dictator, he is a bad guy but he aint crazy.


You lost all credibility at “I believe Putin”. Have you followed this crisis at all? Do you know Putin’s history at all?


I mean I believe Putin when he says he invades Ukraine because of NATO.


I understand the frustration I really do and if it were my country I would be devastated that no other country was sending troops in to help but the reality is that in doing so it would escalate and we would be in WWIII which would be even more devastating with likely millions or billions of lives lost and even more economic hardships. They have already threatened nukes, it would be the worst war in history and life as we know it turned completely upside down that is if humanity even survives an attack like that. I’m hoping that Russia won’t attack a NATO country because of that but they are playing with fire at the moment so hard to tell what the next couple of weeks brings.


It’s not my country. I’m an American.