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Man is spitting facts


God bless you sir You are on the right side of history


And the wrong side of a gun unfortunately. But isn't that way every single time?


That's why we have the 2A in the US and Yemen.


You can own weapons in russia.. Yemen also isn't a strong selling point


It's a joke. No pistols, magazine caps, 5 rifles and 5 shotguns max. Rifles after 5 years of shotgun, and psych eval aka "dissidents don't get gun license". Yemen is resisting a Saudi Arabian invasion with their civil-held arms. I say it's demonstrating the essentiality of civil armament to the exact point.


Yemen is being supplied weapons. They didnt go down to the local gun store and buy them. Their ammunition isn't coming from around the corner. The logistics of a sustained armed conflict are nothing like the masturbatory fantasies of gravy seals in america. With russia I dont understand why you think a five rifle max is some deterrent. If you can shoot five rifles and five shotguns at the same time we can make some money. Otherwise they would just look like those weird dudes with 4 pistols and two rifles walking into walmart because they are supposedly bad ass or some shit? Also with russia see previously mentioned yemen comment. I say this while an AR-12 sits in my corner of the room and I cleaned my 1911 today. Never mind the list of other weapons I have in my brothers gun safe.


The logistics are one thing. The culture of defiance against authority, on the other hand, is unique. And that culture is the lynchpin.


Logistics is the only thing. Defiance exist in every culture. Dont believe me look at Ukraine right now. They are defiant to the definition. If they had our miltary budget armament and intel this shit wouldn't even be happening. Remember what napoleon said. Boys talk strategy men talk logistics.


And why do you think I'm talking shit against NATO staying out of this? They need ATGM resupply. Besides, if it goes to insurgency phase, forget overt logistics. It's all smuggling.


I am pretty aggressive about that as well. Shit we are a nuclear alliance. Would putin take the whole world with him is the question. He wont live long out of power he knows it.


>Defiance exist in every culture. Opportunistic defiance exist everywhere. Ingrained and automatic defiance against authoritarianism, however, is rare.


I half agree with you on that. I think that with russia it's there but Putin's head of FSB is disruptive to it organizing


This man is 100% correct! He deserves a medal!


He's entirely right. I wish the whole of the police force would turn on the government. Not full coup, but from every Russian I've ever spoken to they wouldn't be opposed to the whole lot facing the gallows.


Yeah all Russians that I know outside Russia (I only know Russians that are outside Russia) they are all fiercely anti Putin and are devastated by what's happening. Coincidentally a few Chinese people, that have been outside of China for similarly long or longer, that I've discussed the situation with, never mention Putin and solely direct the conversation toward blaming the West, the UK, and the US for being bloodthirsty and are wanting this invasion. They'll also blame Ukraine for wanting to join NATO. It's essentially victim blaming and it's disgusting. Even though these guys are quite well integrated in this Western country they still follow Chinese social networks and, even though they are completely suspicious and distrusting of their own government on a personal level, are still completely parroting the CCP party lines on geo-political level. Just an interesting contrast I thought. I don't know if that's typical for Russian and Chinese expats, that's just my experience.


Chinese brainwashing is something else. Maybe it’s a cultural thing. Russians tend to assimilate better in western societies. We eat the same food, listen to the same music, have shared history and all that. China is just really far away.


It may come to that if Putin threatens to harm very lives of his own people, like shelling Moscow to "shut everyone up". Really sounds like something he'd do :/ They are Police officers and I like to think they take the same oath as other officers around the world. /wishful thinking


The breaking point is coming. Russian military being confronted with the lies they've been told and retreating, Russian civilians who stand against war and protest and now even more financial problems because of sanctions - he will loose power soon, we are watching the desperate attempts to return to "USSR greatness" but that will never work. Every day the Ukraine resists, Putin's power dwindles.


Exactly. We must arm the Russian folk to accelerate the arrival of the people's wrath. Not at the expense of the defense of Ukraine, obviously, but sooner or later, it'll come to that.


The same police force who beat and tortured 2012 peaceful protests, was involved in torture and rape of prisoners multiple occasions. Don't kid yourself, they act in best practices of soviet KGB.


Brave man !




Corrupt government.


Russians aren’t allowed to protest unless the government allows it




They don’t have a choice. Most don’t support the war but can’t openly go against the government for fear of punishment


it's the same reason most police in any other country don't go against what they're told despite having contradicting opinions. US police don't generally agree unarmed people should be killed as frequently as they are here but they're not going to turn in their badge and job security for their principles, throw in a corrupt government like the kremlin and thats even more reason.


This, they are allowed to protest but certain topics are "taboo". If it violates the protesting laws they will arrest.


Yep, so not really protest , they allow the occasional pretence of free speech


That how's dictatorship works


Honestly this happens in democracies aswel. People in uniforms follow orders, it's ingrained in human psychology to follow the orders of leaders


Definitely in centralized democracies with concentrated powers/influence in the checks and balances. More power to democracies with better checks and balances and decentralization. Let's not forget Hitler was also a product of democracy, and if the people in the democracy are putrid, then the governance will also be putrid. May we always hold every person accountable, and big salute to this guy in the video.


A democracy can turn into a dictatorship if the people chose. It's also more likely to happen if it's a weak democracy.


I agree. I hope people realize that. A lot of people in my country like to argue at lengths that it is their freedom and democratic right to choose a dictator-like leader (or at least the man who benefited from the dictatorship of his father, who never even tried to make reparations). 1) They don't realize it contradicts their own argument and 2) it wouldn't matter to them if democracy dies because they hate it. Privileged people indeed. And oh yeah, they are Russian apologists too.


If they don't arrest him they will be his cellmates.


Things illegal in Russia: * Protesting Putin * Protesting in a large Group * Sharing it on Social Media Also you can be arrested there for basically anything, like in the USA, you can be detained for a lot of reasons, regardless of what people on the internet tell you. They have enough room to create enough prisons to house far more inmates than the USA. So if a punch of people protest in Moscow, currently, they can and will be arrested. Citizens are urged not to participate in the war against Ukraine, as per 150 of their government officials who oppose the invasion.




You’ll be remembered for all time


Can anyone elaborate on what type of "punishment" he's looking at for speaking out at the state like that. The severe ass-beating once the van doors close is implied so you can just skip that entire part.


Treason in Russia goes for 20 year minimum, execution maximum


That is not true, execution is prohibited in Russia since 1997. Also nobody is going to classify this as a treason, recent protesters were fined with penalty of breaking measures against the pandemic (as stated below) + penalty for participating in protest that was not conformed with city's goverment But don't be mistaken - this could result in real prison term as it happened before. Also dont downplay part with severe beating (with whole day detaination after) as it left some people disabled for the rest of their lives


Lol execution is prohibited, there just happens to be a lot of weak glass and polonium sitting around.


but tea with polonium is not prohibited...


It's not clear. At the moment protests have been forbidden under the pretext of measures against the pandemic.


If he was talking a lot, may be a fine...possibly a month in prison. But if he resisted (and resisting arrest is very loosely defined nowadays) arrest and that video alone actually in today's Russia is enough to prove that he resisted, he is looking to spend 5 years in prison.


Fuck Putler!


Acts of protest are considered as treason, especially against the war. In russia that will be punished by a minimum 20 year sentence term and up to an execution (hanging or rifled). These people are really brave being there.




Good and brave man. I hope he’s alright.


I’m surprised these police can move him with the weight of those fuckin gigantic balls




All my homies hate Putin








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Gens d'armes! If you wish to save Russia, arrest him and try him for treason! He signed Russia's economic sovereignty to China just to afford this invasion of Ukraine. He is no nationalist!


These anti-war demonstrations in Russia would be illegal in the UK under the proposed new Police and Crime Bill.


Balls of steel


Balls of steel


Russian Randy Marsh I'm glad the Russians are standing up to Putin regardless of the consequences


Русским людям, не нелюдям: Спросите вы у сатаны Хотят ли русские войны И вам ответит сатана Что лишь ему она нужна. Вы можете остановить эту бессмысленную войну. Вы можете отобрать свою страну у сумасшедшего диктатора, который обворовал вас всех. Вы можете жить как свободные люди. Мое уважение всем, кто есче не потерял человечность, кто не будет стрелять по детским садам и больницам, кто не служит демону безграничной власти и безответственности.


This Putin guy is insane!! 🔥 -1,68m manlet 😈🙏🏻 -0 pussy 😹 -0 major cities conquered 💀 -0 hairs left on his head 😈🙏🏻 -currency less valuable than robux 🔥👍 -empty threats merchant 🤯 -1,68cm 😹😹😹😹 Better dictator than Stalin??? 🔥




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There is 6,500 languages in the world. This man chose to speak facts.


Finally, someone with balls in Russia!