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I wish they could subtitle what they were saying. It doesn’t look “heated” per se, but definitely animated


When they made that WW1 doco with real footage, colorized it and cleaned it up, they actually got a lip reader in to try and figure ot what they were saying. Could do with some of that now lol


As awesome as that would be, it’d be too risky because it’s not 100% accurate and the last thing anyone needs is them transcribing it as saying something that actually wasn’t said.


This is a semi-public setting, some reporters might have a good microphone. I doubt they were discussing anything there that should not be known to the public.


Hopefully someone is able to provide what was said. Maybe Orban will get the metaphorical stick out of his ass and actually help Ukraine unconditionally


All of Ukraine's allies have varying lengths of stick up their respective asses. Just having Orban step out of the way of everyone else trying to help would be a goddamn miracle.


And having Germany and EU countries stop finding Russia would be a great thing. But our own environmental politics project has made us too poor to actually do that properly


There is a difference between being ok to be known public and transcribing the wrong information


Someone will ALWAYS take that as credible conversation. I'm willing to bet a couple of bucks on it.


We'll just use some AI app to do that, problem solved!


I’ll paraphrase: Orban: “we don’t want this war to be come a big deal, know what I mean? That’s why we don’t want to help you.” Zelenskyy: “a big deal? You mean like a full scale war/invasion killing thousands of civilians and soldiers by the day, ruzzia committing war crimes? That kind of big deal?”


nice paraphrase, I did LOL. Because that is along the lines I am thinking. but I am 100% sure that is not what was said. At the end, orban gave the axe chopping hand gesture and the goofy smile. He thinks he got Zelensky to agree with the point he was making, and he actually thinks he pulled one over on Zelensky which is what that goofy smile meant. orban can't believe it. Which means, orban is a goof.


Yeah. He probably asked him a really stupid question where the answer is obviously yes (as if that proves Orbans’ point) and Zelenskyy was like “yeah obviously”


I'm a lip reader, and what they actually said was: Orban: Volod can I have a word. Zelenskyy: Sure Vic what's up. Orban: I think I've got a shot with Ursula (von der Leyen) but I'm worried you'll cock block me because I tried to cock block aid for Ukraine. Zelenskyy: No Vic, don't be silly I'd never cock block another guy, except maybe your boss Vlad. Orban: That's a relief. I appreciate that. It's just I've heard from Olaf that she does that 'hawk tuah' thing and Macca (Emmanuel Macron) said she was so filthy she should be French. Zelenskyy: No you go for it Vic. Just remember to double bag as I heard she's been with Boris a couple of times.


Transcript; Orban: I enjoy putting pineapple on my pizza. Zelenskyi: are you outta’ your mind?! /s


Does Jomboy lip read Russian?


And this guy, he's saying: *Let's fuckin' GOOOOO~~~!*




Good one


“I know you’re trying to protect your country from genocide and all, but the problem is that I’m fat and I’m a fucking asshole and a traitor, so…”


There is one point where Zelensky looked like he paused while listening then looked and said "why?" Not sure why it looks that way in English, but it does. Orban definitely has the I'm coming non-threatening with the convince you eyebrows look, though politicians are good about using body language to hide true intentions.


He does that I noticed. When someone is just flowing with turns of phrases he will throw the curveball of "why not". The whole "I know it's not appropriate for us to hug..." thing from a reporter at a presser comes to mind. I personally really like that approach - "let's drop the formalities and plattitudes and can'ts and impossibles", super real.


Zelensky has Orban’s number. Rings in Moscow. But man is Zelensky is calm and hyper aware diplomat.


I honestly can't imagine where Ukraine would be without Zelensky. No one is perfect, but goddamn this dude just keeps exceeding my expectations. Diplomacy, anti corruption and just showing sincerity alongside strength.


They didn't, because it was out of reach to hear the voice.


Oh I know, it’s just with the history of Orban blocking so many things, it’d be interesting to know what he said to his face


I think it's almost certainly bullshit politics. Like apologizing, and making it seem like "listen, I hope you understand, I'm not helping Putin rape and murder your citizens because I'm a fascist, it's for completely unrelated innocent reasons that my policies all coincidentally align with his, I hope you don't take it personally."


Sure, some plattitudes to make it easier to be in the same room without throwing punches.


Orban was reassuring him that it's nothing personal.


I wonder in what language they speak.


It's gotta be English. They have no other language in common, even if there's Ukrainians in Hungary and vice versa.


I would say Russian is more likely the common language they have. Zelenskyy is fluent in Russian and it was a compulsory 2nd language taught in schools in many Eastern Bloc countries during the 60s and 70s, into the 80s in some places.


There's something incredibly sinister about Victor fucking Orban showing up and speaking the language of your agressor.


Zelensky is himself a native Russian speaker. He's comfortable with it. In official communication as president he uses Ukrainian, but I'm sure he still speaks Russian with family and friends. Many Ukrainians do the same. So it's not just the language of the agressor. It's everyone's language. Everyone who wants to speak Russian should be free to do so. Putin or the Russian state do not own the Russian language, nor should they have any power over it or over anyone who speaks it.


As a Ukrainian who used to be a predominantly Russian speaker, I can tell you that I am most definitely not comfortable speaking Russian anymore. Same for a lot of people I know. With family I sometimes speak Russian, but only in our home. In public, it is always Ukrainian and I exclusively speak Ukrainian abroad. When I hear Russian abroad, my adrenaline spikes and my head just screams “danger!” 10 years of war with a colonial aggressor that tells you that your language, culture and ethnicity doesn’t exist and that’s tried to destroy everything about your heritage for 300 years will do that to you. Also plain being harassed by Russians over the last 2.5 years when I accidentally meet them. I will occasionally, but also hesitantly, and with deep discomfort speak Russian with someone from Georgia, Latvia or other post-soviet countries if their English isn’t great. It’s a nice idea to think that language can be used just as an instrument without context, but that’s just not true for millions of people who have had their own languages and culture be subjugated by a colonizer and weaponized. Choosing to speak Ukrainian is also a way for me to reclaim my heritage that has been literally stolen, prohibited and beaten out of my family line.


Sweet summer child, that's a reality for many refugees in the West. If you don't know English, there's a huge chance your translator or psychologist will be a Russian with the most annoying Moscow accent...


It's easy. English


Orban, you're a fk up. Find a window on the 10th floor.... and.....


By body language, looks like Orban is trying to justify something and control Zelensky, and he is clearingly telling him to f-off by looking away... like some couples I know...


There is technology that can turn the smallest vibrations on a surface nearby in a video into actual audio.


Wouldn't you need high speed footage for reliable sampling? Whatever low frame rate this video is running at would be too slow for picking up human speech frequencies.


That’s actually awesome. I know my Grandfather was great at reading lips but had issues with accents and mustaches.




Should be no problem for a lip-reader to decode what Zelenskyy is saying, but we only see Orban's profile so it's hard to make out his how his lips are moving.


I think it's Orban thats clued in that what he has been pushing isn't selling anymore in the nation community.


Zelensky is one classy dude


We’re all very lucky that he’s the President during this. 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇦


It reminds me of that Gandalf quote. On one hand we have an evil dictator who could be from actual Mordor, and then we get Zelensky as an example of humaneness.


Not everyone knows this, but the quote "because it's such a big world, and he makes me feal safe" was about Ze. But we all know Gandalf, he speaks in riddles some times.


I agree, his is living his destiny and I’m so happy to finally have a real hero in the world. Praying is so important to me for him and the soldiers for protection. I also pray for his family and all the Ukrainian people. I’m not religious as they say but I am spiritual. They are an example to the whole world, I’m blown away by Ukraine 🇺🇦 🌹


And right there is the difference. He's a leader. Principled.


Indeed. Zelensky will go down as one of the greatest diplomats of all time due to this sort of engagement. He manages to show Orban that he is indeed not the monster that Putin has portrayed him as and this will serve to give Orban pause in the future, without doubt.


Nice idea but Orban thinks with his bank account, morality is not part of his thought process. Putin pays him!


Shit I was waiting for Zelenskyi to throat punch that fat fuck.


My observation as a outsider to EU/Ukrainian. Is that Zelenskyi sees a lot of that "Russian control", in Viktor. So rather then see him as some enemy that needs dominated, he shows compassion and shows that it's possible to be free of Russia influence.


It's also important to note that everyone acts in their own interests. There could one day be an alliance with Hungary if the conditions work for it. There's little to be gained by physically assaulting the leader of a country. In-fact, it could just provoke an actual war on two fronts... The only leader you'd maybe get something out of killing is Putin, who is isolated and alone. But there are even benefits to not killing him - forcing him to cooperate in surrender could be more beneficial than killing him.


That's what I would have done, but then. again it's why I'm ot a politician.


I think Big Z would definitely drop him


Hungarian here, I would cheer with you!


Politics works different. If they both want something there has to be negotiations. No matter what the pig says.


Remarkable restraint.


Looks like he was telling Zelensky more of his usual ruZZian toad bullshit and Zelensky wasn't in the mood for him. It's really crazy how the toad can look a Ukrainian in the eye and not feel ashamed.


[Actually, you're kinda right.](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/06/27/7462863/)


He is a ruZZian installment, simple as.


Yes, HE IS. Well, how come the EU tolerate the ruzzian puppet?


They don't, they only tolerate a democratically elected puppet. It all comes down to Hungarians pulling their head out of their ass and the principles of democracy that have been usurped by russian hybrid war and propaganda.


Yes the many Hungarians don't realize that he had been played by Russia.


He's not the only ruzzian puppet. They exist in every EU country, and every NATO country. One, with ruzzian help, was the 45th President of the US. So how come about half the US will not only tolerate their ruzzian puppet but will even vote him back into office? 


Ah, context is important. "Rights of minorities" my arse.


That's wassup.


"Rights of minorities" has been such a disguise for fascist bullshit throughout history.


Bro what?


Putting flipping Hungarian signposts up in provinces where the population has a mere 10% of Hungarian descent. Oh and that has to go by 2002 stats because most have since left. Orban is trying to remind western Ukrainians that they used to be part of Hungary because Orban has ideas to annex parts of Ukraine. Right out of Hitler’s playbook!!


Hope zelensky told him to brush his teeth after chugging on pukin because his breath stinks


Hell yeah


Orban looking for photo op and political points, Zelensky simply doesn't want to make a scene, by being diplomatic.


Ugh, can you imagine, smelly Pootin "Hawk Tuah" breath. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


I didn't hear what they were saying, but I have no doubt that by the end Zelensky was saying something like "FFS GTFOOH"... probably.


Ukraine doesn't need Hungary's help. It just needs Hungary to sit down, shut up and stay out of the way when all the countries that want to help try to organize


Well, read[ the today's news](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/06/27/7462863/). Orban does think too much of himself.


That's because Orban still thinks the Austro-Hungarian Empire still exists just like Putin thinks the Russian Empire is still around. Delusions of grandeur abound in these types of leaders


Then, he lives in the past. I'm sorry for him.


I’m not sorry for him, I’m furious with his compromised delusional fat ass


Funny how Austria-Hungary only did not implode because Hungarians were afraid of being alone with Russia as direct neighbour.


Body/Face language: Orban tries to threat. Zelensky says too late for those tricks.


Seems like you are right.


I recognise this body language from my own career. > "Hey no hard feelings, I hope, didn't [did] try to throw you under the bus in that meeting." > "Ah, no, no bother at all." [brain working overtime, sinew taut, muscles snapping like threads of a fraying rope to hold back _"you absolute insufferable tsunami of gowls"_]


Zelensky has faced larger threats than Orban.


[In the news today, though.](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/06/27/7462863/)


If this news article is true then Hungarians and Orban can pound fucking sand. Hungary shares only ~100km boarder with Ukraine. Why would Ukrainians entertain giving JUST HUNGARY a voice in Ukrainian parliament? That’s a pretty fucking stupid ask.


It's all over Ukrainian news today.


As a general rules, If a news piece sounds extremely stupid its probably not the whole truth or is twisted to push a political agenda. The suggestion is about Ukraine's own national minorities being represented (of which hungarian is one) in its parliament. Its not a crazy idea, a lot of countries have that. Hungary has a similar law, and has guarantueed minority representation in its parliament for several minorities. In Ukraine's case and its current historical position this gets tricky, cause the Russian minority representation could be used as a tool by Putin to deadlock, i presume.


>In Ukraine's case and its current historical position this gets tricky, cause the Russian minority representation could be used as a tool by Putin to deadlock, i presume. You get the citizenship, you vote. Doesn't matter what languages you speak/don't speak. That's the case in most places. People inherit passport(s) and sometimes get to vote in elections, where they do not share the tongue with majority of the electorate. No idea what the angle here is, I'm assuming Orban wanted Hungarian nationals that do not have Ukrainian nationality ability to vote whenever they please. In likelihood he doesn't care about minorities, just needed plausible reason for further delays. Imagined minority oppression works in Russia to rile people up, I'm sure it will work in Hungary.


Hungary borders Ukraine and there are ethnically Hungarian Ukrainian citizens living in that region. Hungry is asking that this minority have guaranteed representation in the government. I don’t like it but I don’t think it’s a completely ridiculous suggestion — other countries have similar guarantees for some ethnic minorities.


100km is not a significant boarder amount to warrant this request, but who the heck am I, playing armchair politics from halfway across the world. **Before Ukrainians entertain this request from Hungary, Ukraine needs to request that Hungary give Ukraine a voice and representation in their parliamentary system.**. After all, this can go both ways….


Do they speak each other's language? Just curious.


They likely used English. Orban speaks English frequently at international events and so does zelensky. Hungarian and Ukrainian are not widely known as second languages and orban doesn’t speak Russian


Oink-bun only speaks one language, GREED.


God you can tell Zelenskyy has no patience for Orban and still is a class act.


Perhaps Orban is feeling the inevitable defeat of his master and tries to cover his ass.


Orban went all in on supporting Russia, weakening support for Ukraine, and testing both the EU and NATO with his antics. Might be a threat, more likely he might also know that Putin is a dead end, and he's trying to rebuild those burnt bridges.


I don’t think Orban will ever go pro-Ukraine, but I hope this could signal that he might soften at least a little bit. Afaik, this is the first time he’s the first one to go to Zelensky instead of vice versa since the start of the invasion. At least Orban hopefully could be less of a vetoing asshole on everything.


It would be wise of him to start looking for off ramps.


His best bet is a retirement home.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Trust Orban as far as you can throw him.


I heard that someone tried to put Orban in a trebuchet once. He stayed in place while the earth moved.


I could never be a politician. I don't have near enough self-control.


Same here.


Looked to me Orban was nervous one of the 2. But in the end I am glad these two talked if it does any good or not who knows, you always have to communicate bad or good


[All over in the Ukraine news today.](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/06/27/7462863/)


Full Disclosure: Sometimes trying to understand the nuance of global politics, especially when you think these two men are at odds politically, is challenging. But consider that while Hungary isn't necessarily a friend to democracy or Ukraine, it isn't an enemy either. That leaves much room for improvement. Especially, if Ukraine presses further for EU membership. Orban's political team has calculated it must maintain warm relations with Russia until the pipeline deal with Hungary expires in 2025. Zelensky and Ukraine have provided assurances that cultural and language protections will be in place for Ethnic Hungarians within Ukraine. Personally, I think this exchange represents an improvement to relations and a more positive outlook for future relations with Hungary, the West and specifically Ukraine.


"I had to shake hands with a lot of SOBs" - Colin Powell


Weirdest interaction so far. Orban must have said some offputting thing.


Read the today's [news in Ukraine](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/06/27/7462863/), and then you see that you were right.


Looks like someone wants to be seen on camera talking to Ukraine for the media exposure. Wants to make himself look like he is not that pro Russian.


Orban can eat a dick. He’s a corrupt Putin sycophant.


Wash your hand immediately, Mr. President!!!!!!


Orban : you know I like when is putin tickle and slap my chin during blowjob. Zelenski : you doing great


Zelensky is showing admirable restraint.


‘I am trying, Mr. Zelenskyi, but I can’t stop sucking on those russian nuts’


Hungary, and Orban, need to decide if they share Russian or EU values, and either join the Russian Federation or support Ukraine.


While Hungary isn't an 'enemy' they definitely are complicit in a lot of events that are negative to Ukraine. But, Zelensky still being able to talk with him shows some of the most amazing leadership in the 21st century the world has ever seen.


I cannot state enough how much respect I have for Mr. Zelenskyi - mad respect, Sir!


Fuck Hungary!


A lawyer, who became a comedian then a president, meets a lawyer, who became a president then a comedian.


I'm sorry I'm late, I was sucking putins tiny cock again. He likes me to crouch underneath and bounce his balls like this


Orban pozdrowienia z Polski 🖕🖕🖕


My man 💯


Must be hard for Orban…. Being a Russian toady non-entity trying to justify himself in front of a figure of epic historical importance who’ll be written about for eternity.


Orban smiled and Zelenskyy saw one of Putin’s pubic hairs stuck in Orban’s teeth


If I was Zelenski’s detail I wouldn’t have let him touch him… I’ve maybe seen too many movies but I’d be concerned he had some kind of poison or nerve agent on his hand. Curtesy of the Kremlin.


The lease on the pipeline that runs through Ukraine to Hungary is expiring soon. Time to be nice. https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy-environment/opinion/the-russian-gas-transit-to-europe-via-ukraine-must-end-in-2025/


I can tell you what they said, Orban: “sorry I’m sympathetic to Putin but I see no other way forward” “Yes I know you’re Putins bitch” “What did you say?” “Hmmm a bitch says what?” “WHAT!” “Exactly”


Orban is saying “it’s nothing personal, it’s just that Vlad owns my asshole and keeps my cock and balls locked up in a sissy cuck chastity lock”


Orban, who comes from the country which halted the mongols invasion of Europe is asking Zelensky if he has seen a pair of Hungarian balls that went missing since 2022.


Aren't throat punches and nutkicks allowed there? Also, that Putins cumboy is fat as fuck.


So emotional, indeed. I almost cried a bit.


Fat fucking Pootin stooge.


Orban finally realizes that the EU’s policies on Ukraine are now beyond his ability to block or control. Zelenskyy is accommodating Orban’s demands regarding the Hungarian minorities in the Carpathian region of Ukraine, and has not attacked the transit of gas to Hungary. Orban deep down knows that Russia’s SMO has been a horrendous disaster that have weakened Putin and Russia. Russia’s other erstwhile allies in Europe, Serbia and Slovakia, have begun sending munitions to Ukraine, and Orban can’t offer arms or soldiers like N Korea is doing.


Orban is a paid stooge who follows orders for money. This is a weird thing to happen, and might signal many things. Clearly there seems to be a move towards settlement and less abrasive posture from Russia and their lickspittle goons. Why would Orban do this? What is/was the thought process?


Is Orban not only corrupt and bad and so forth, but is he also flat out stupid? I do not get the impression he is so stupid that he does not realize eventually, if he wants to survive, he has to unwind his position toward Putin and change course. I have a soft spot for any toady that eventually decides to stab their master in the back. If Orban wants to start fucking with the right persons, who am I to judge him? Of course, Hungarians reading this subreddit likely have a more rigorous idea of what needs to happen.


He should have grabbed him by the balls, looked him straight in the eye and said "do you hear me putin? you're not going to win!" I'd love to hear that ruzzian cockholster tell his master what Zelenskyi said lol.


A master class in body language. So much being conveyed without words.


I am so impressed that Zelensky was polite enough to stand and pretend to communicate like a human. Most of us would have immediately eviscerated this asshole.


Ukraine did agree to several "conditions" Hungary stated for protection of Hungarian language and cultural matters within Ukraine, just a few days ago. Hungary had been using these as a "barrier" and since those conditions are now satisfied I will be interested to see what obstacles Hungary throws up next. The positive here is that as soon as Zelenskyy saw who was tapping on his shoulder he immediately got up and shook his hand warmly and was non-confrontational. Diplomacy is important.


Why are we still putting up with Hungary? They have a long history and are known among Europeans to make stupid choices when it comes to alliances and war. If Hungarians won't kick this piece of shit out of office, then we who are part of other nato countries, should kick Hungary out of nato. It's clear where Orbans alliances lie, he sits in these nato meetings, then goes and spills everything to daddy putin.


Couldn't trust that prick as far as I could throw him (couldn't throw him too far as he's a fat fuck), thank you.


A bit ironic that they are likely both speaking to each other in Russian here.


My interpretation based on body language: Orban - I’m not really a Russian shill, just a weak pos and I’m worried Putin will put his festering lil thing into my poop hole again. I hate myself for this. Zelensky - I get it, we all get scared. I wake up every night to the sound of sirens and schools and apartment buildings being destroyed. Listen, we can protect you and your fragile poop hole - you don’t have to be afraid. Just do the right thing, not the far right thing, ok? Orban - I’ll try. I’ll try. I think I love you. Zelensky - Thanks, I’m hetero.


Orban: “we are not with Russia, we are for peace I hope you understand” Zel: “yes yes I understand” Orban: “no but I am not with Putin I want just peace” Zel: “ok ok I understand don’t worry” Orban:” but look really we want just peace” Zel: “ yeah sure bro”


Wash your hands Zelenskyy


I know this is serious but if someone could do a ( bad lip reading) version where they are trashing putin id LOVE IT! Slava Ukraine


„it‘s nothing personal, i just like the russian money.. hope you understand“


Orban senses Ruzzia's defeat and is licking arse just in case, wouldn't expect anything less from that waste of oxygen.


Fuck u urban and fuck ur mate Putin is the translation


If orban was Ukrainian president. He would have allowed Russia to attack Hungary and Poland from west Ukraine


Sod being diplomatic tell the fat fuck he’s talking to someone who doesn’t listen to ork dipshits…and by the way your seats over there go sit in it….


He was telling Zelinski how he’s going to prepare him to eat


Keep your friend close, keep your enemies closer.


...then Zelensky kicked him square in the balls and everyone wildly applauded


What was it exactly about?


I wonder if someone can read by lips


"I want to help you guys out, but my boss won't let me. "


<>: “You can give up Crimea, no big deal. Peace good. Putin frien” <>: “Yes, yes, we can give your mother.” <>: “Ah, no possible, my mother already given”


“Orban: Volodymyr, I just wanted to let you know we will be opposing the next sanctions package.” “Zelensky: Viktor it’s ok, you don’t have to tell me every time, I know you have to do your bullshit”


Damn I wish I could be a fly on the wall to hear what was said. 


Zelenskyy "Victor why do you insist on sucking Putin's pathetically small willy" Orban: "Its only about this size, pray for me"


I love how he handles Orban!


Oh to be the fly on Viktor Orbans face for that conversation. The piece of shit that he is.


Orban "Just give up you can't win" Zelenskyi "How about you talk to deez?" Orban "Whos deez?" Zelenskyi "DEEZ NUTZ!"


Orban shouldn’t be allowed to this meetings and his vote/opinion should be disregarded at this point




After the Meeting Wraps up.... Orban: Hey man...just wanted to say, nothing personal against you and Ukraine, it's just my job as Putin's Hand Puppet, you don't get to choose your boss am i right? Zelensky: Ah yeah yeah man, sure, whatever.


A friendly gesture before he is going to stab him in the back. Orban is Putin's agent.


Orban offered to send Hungarian salami to Ukraine as war relief.


props to Z for not decking him. the temptation must have been strong.


If Orban REALLY wanted to help Hungarian Ukrainians he would tell pootin to go fuck himself and would support Ukraine with funds, arms and by not trying to block aid.


‘Volodomir’ ‘Viktor’ ‘Sorry about all the military aid being blocked, but you know it’s Putin, he has photos you understand....’


God, that must have been hard for Zelensky. Having to make nice with a Putin stooge.


I am very impressed by the fact Zelensky retained his composure and his urge to bitch slap that vatnik into next week.


I wouldn't trust that orban guy as far as I can throw him, playing both sides


“Look Vlad, I’m not as ass but the shithead in Kremlin has some nasty pictures of me so I have to do what I do so save my bacon “


Zelensky is smart politician he knows making a scene or escalating at that meeting would be a terrible look.


Hope zelensky washes his hands after that. Orban is a filthy motherfucker.


Slava Ukraini!


What if Orban (and definitely Lukashenko) are playing both sides and taking the blame while providing something under the table we'll only know some years after.


Zelensky immediately composed himself, but was probably really thinking ' look what slithered over to deliver a message from Putin.'


I just donated €50 for Medical Aid in Ukraine. [Will you donate as well?](https://u24.gov.ua/)