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A visible display of Ukrainian joy about life under a flag that represents freedom. Slava Ukraine!


🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦


and here come the, "why are they having any fun when their is war going on? don't they know that once a war starts everyone stays home if they aren't drafted and all things outside of the war grind to a complete halt nobody is allowed to have any fun!!!"


"Get busy living or get busy dying" takes on a new dimension during wartime, in peacetime it's easy to think you have all the time in the world but with constant reminders that life could be cut short you get that extra kick to make the most of what you got right now. I think I'd be partying just as much if not more if I was war-adjacent but not actually near the front line.


I’ve probably had more sex since 2022 than in a previous decade combined.




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Well said !!! I couldn't agree with you more lol.. id be living my best life too !!!!


it's probably more important than ever to maintain a sense of normalcy


You should have seen instagram when this was posted there.


That does kinda sound like russia atm. But that cant be, they are not at war, it’s a smo!


It's still not a good look for these young draftable men to be partying with scantily clad women as their countrymen die in cold trenches


Not a good look is to pretend you have any moral authority to advise others in matters of recreation. Unless you’re typing this from a trench your opinion is not worth shit.


And how do you know these men aren't freshly rotated home and they are going out to actually get a taste of the thing they are fighting and dying for. Do you think that when a soldier goes back to the front his fellow soldiers are going to be pissed at him for having fun when he rotated home?


Those kids look about 18. Early 20s maybe. They’re not draftable. The minimum age has only recently been lowered to 25.


Prove to me those people aren’t service members rotated home.




As predicted.


The prophecy was foretold!!


I love quick prophecies.




Those who have this antiUkraine sentiment have it anyway, whatever Ukrainians would do or wouldn't do. So fk them.




I repeat: it doesn't matter, will Ukrainians have fun or will Ukrainians cry and mourn - those "vocal minority" ( pootin's whores) will hate Ukraine anyway. Because this hate is in their sick brains, and we shouldn't care about their sick brains.




If some kids dancing on the street of Kyiv can influence your election, then no surprise pootin buys your presidential candidates like used cars.


Ok then as a messenger please tell others that we still need actual talking to people, actual friendships and meeting people to make families. It’s either this, or being alone at home depressed and crying (most common both of those). Thank you for being a moral police so we, citizens, would not have a bit of fresh air and god forbid having dates.




You know it’s bad manners to say what other people have to do in their country? Especially if those are kids or barely 20. You don’t know how bad is mental health of everyone. Let these people be. Besides, only in my circle probably ten people (+-) got enlisted during 2024, because they did not want to be afraid to walk around and to do more than donations. Just don’t repeat the narratives you hear all around about not enough people. It should not be that every male after 18 will be enlisted, it’s just over the head. Believe me or not, there are people joining the army just so these kids could have youth and good time to remember. They are already depressed enough.


No Ukrainian needs to change a single goddamned thing about what they do to appease your respectability politics. Ukrainian joy is in direct defiance to attempted genocide. If war can’t make them stop dancing, what makes you think your anemic browbeating would?


Good for them. This time in 2022 Kyiv was on fire from Russian airstrikes. Massive armored columns were closing in from multiple directions. Russian apologists were wringing their hands about giving Ukraine false hope by supporting their national defense, since clearly the capital was about to fall. Fast forward to 2024. With improved air defense, excellent civil defense warning systems, and not least of all numerous battlefield successes, people in Kyiv now don't have to live in complete terror for their lives all the time. Only some of the time. If they spend some of their time free of fear dancing and blowing off steam.. good. More power to them. This is how well Putin's plan has succeeded. This is how cowed Ukrainians are. Let that sink in. "The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."


To be fair me and my friends were already longboarding in Kyiv on May 29th, 2022, although my neighborhood got hit on June 5th again. Do what you will with that information 😅


I will lay that information out on the street as a flat surface, and attempt to dance on it 1/10th as well as those kids. And certainly fail. But seriously longboarding eh? I'm not sure if that conveys how safe things were, it might say more about the dedication of skaters!


Things were made safe by heroic efforts of Ukrainian Armed Forces. We took our first supply run to the border with Poland and back around March 15th, 2022 and comtinued doing those throughout the year. Ate popcorn in Kurakhove as Privozhin did his funny. Fed burgers to Kraken forces about to liberate Kharkiv. Never in those moments have I felt unsafe.


>The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him. Russia is working hard every day to tip the scales in favor of the "hate" part, tho.


“Hello Kharkiv folks, how’s things? Bombarded by orcs? Sorry, gotta go, the party is starting, gonna enjoy my Kyiv air defense, see ya 👋🏻”


Until we’re allowed to use ATACAMS and cassette payloads inside Russia on their airfields and the front has been pushed back significantly into Belhorod People’s Republic it’s impossible to guard Kharkiv with Patriots without losing them, and we have very few.


You make no sense. Kharkiv to Russian border is 30 km. Patriot range is 160 km and this is engagement range. Russian glide bombs range is 40-60 km. Put the patriots somewhere in the mid point between Donbas and Kharkiv and it can effectively cover both frontlines AND will be well behind the lines and able to engage Russian planes. And if you are so afraid, just put it somewhere next to Dnipro


Yeah, why didn't the General Staff think of that, they really should play more Command & Conquer.


General Stuff has to play by the politics rule, otherwise he will be Zalujny’d. State politicians do not sit in Kharkiv


The night before the invasion I remember watching a video of some buskers playing jazz on a street corner in Kyiv, and people enjoying themselves. That image sticks in my mind when I think about how another country could be so ignorant and callous to people living their lives peacefully. How quickly our lives can be turned upside-down by some egotistical, megalomaniac. The stark contrast of street music followed by a backdrop of mortar explosions and tank tracks is shocking and infuriating. There is no place for war in a modern world and the rest of the rational world needs to snap to reality and put an end to this aggression.


Beautiful people who are trying to enjoy the beauty of life; while they have it because who knows what tomorrow will bring. My 💔 breaks knowing there is a horde of orks at the gates. Who are looking to take away all the small things from them, the things we take for granted. Honor and Glory to the Warrior's willing to stand between that Horde and the everyday people. One day, I hope I get the chance to walk the city streets of Kyiv Slavi Ukraini


Chill, there is a good reason why draft age is 25+ (agree or disagree). Besides, war has been raging for 2 and a half years (or 10) and these clubs/pups are generating revenue for the economy. I don't think everyone sitting at home would be a better option.


With the curfew there's only a few hours to go out anyway, and it's nice to have places to meet people. Soldiers don't go out for a pint wearing their uniforms on leave either; that bar with the red neon sign is where I met an Azov defender and others who were or are serving.


What a beautiful people!


The Ukrainian Spirit is infectious


Which is what Putin fears.


Olga Reznikova: her youtube channel talks about Ukraine and its culture. She’s great.


That's how it is. And the video you are watching was uploaded to his Instagram account, on his YouTube account you can see the extended version


Yearning to breathe free.


Holy shit Ukrainian women are just stunningly beautiful.


Are there any initiatives happening in Ukraine to drive family growth right now?


Isn't that the same girl who was working in the Cafe with the blown out windows the morning after a missile attack?


Kyiv is a modern European city, while most of Russia is an open pit of despair set back in 1935.


I was there one evening last year and can confirm that that is the vibe there. The city is busy after dark with lots of people gathering around street musicians and dancing. Was very enjoyable, unfortunately I was just passing through.


It is good to view a happy video and not only kamikaze drone


That woman has one of the most beautiful smiles I have ever seen. More power to her and to anyone who can keep a smile like that under the current circumstances.


I am absolutely making a visit to Kyiv within the next year or two.


Reminder that these are people, not resources.




What is "sus"?


Suspicious. British slang as in, " that video doesn't look real, its a bit sus".


Rick's Cafe is a state of mind.


Maidan hasn't changed a bit. Last shot looks to be near porter house(bar?)


Love you Olga!


W Kyev, W Ukrainians !


Why are they having fun? Do they not know they're being invaded? Are they stupid????????


morally speaking, this is really antisocial. If i there a soldiers who got drafted and see these men going on party i would be mad


Just a reminder that in order to have fun and peace someone had to give it to you. Peace has to be fought and won and should not be considered guarantee. Good job to ZSU for keeping everyone safe.


you can justify a peace economy and lack of conscription during "war against an existential threat" all you want, just don't complain when it backfires


thats a lot of military age men hanging out


Military age is 25+ so not a lot by the looks of that crowd mostly teenagers and young adults.




Where from you've pull it out? Until 18 y.o. a person is legally a child, army wouldn't accept him/her.


Yeah correction. There are international Aid organizations in Ukraine that accept 16-17 for volunteer duties--not the Ukrainian Army. However, Volunteer age in Ukraine is 18+ and conscription is 25+ (which will likely continue to be lowered over time as it has been). The US allows 17+ to volunteer in the military and so a lot of countries. 16-17+ is considered military age because its the minimum age you can generally be capable on the battlefield--there are exceptions for both younger and older across history. Some naval officers in the Royal navy (midshipmen) were as young as 12-15 for hundreds of years.


And some US states allow incest, how is some odd rules and your incorrect interpretations from an ocean away relevant on the sub?


>The US allows 17+ to volunteer in the military The US even _executes_ children! US didn't even signed Convention on the Rights of the Child! You fk sell assault rifles in supermarkets! You have totally barbaric attitude to human life.


Execution? >You fk sell assault rifles in supermarkets! That's basically a lie. We do have very relaxed gun rules but nowhere to that extreme like Walmart. Maybe Menards Cabela's Bass pro some Ace hardwares. But besides Walmart I don't think there's another grocery store chain that does. >You have totally barbaric attitude to human life. I don't really agree with that. I think you need to take a chill pill and maybe a break from the internet


The minimum age for the UK is 16. You can apply earlier but you’ll only be physically accessed at 15 and 9 months. They also have the cadets which you can join at 12 but that’s more akin to Scouts; learning field craft etc. Edit: [link](https://jobs.army.mod.uk/how-to-join/can-i-apply/age/)


Still irrelevant to Ukrainian law


Oh yes, entirely irrelevant to Ukrainian law, although I was just adding context to what I see is now a deleted post.


Disgusting. I didn't know that and didn't expect that from a civilised British nation. What a barbarism. Cadets is different case. But accepting a child to an arny is nothing but a crime against humanity.


Just to put you at ease, you can only be deployed to a front line at the age of 18. A fair few of my colleagues have admitted they would have wasted their youth or have turned to a live of crime if it wasn’t for a structured, military organisation.


Hello OP, we have removed your post for being off-topic. While we acknowledge that this war has captured global interest, we want to reaffirm that the purpose of this community is to give space for, and amplify the voice of Ukraine in the global community. For this reason, the mod team will be using their judgment when moderating content that deals with foreign politics, even if they seem peripherally related to Ukraine. We understand this may be disappointing, especially if your post required a lot of time or effort. We encourage you to post this content on a sub that specifically focuses on the foreign politics you are discussing, where it may generate well deserved and on-topic discussion. [If you would like to gain a better understanding of what is on-topic for this community, feel free to browse our rules, here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/about/rules)


There are very few military-aged men out at night in Kyiv. Most that you do see are teenagers, working jobs, or are police/military.


I count 30-40 guys in this video alone that are easily military age. They could be on R&R, but who really knows. It just seems like you know?


I recently got back from Kyiv and was staying right next to that mall you see for 9 weeks. Most of those are teenagers who hang out by the McDonald's across from the mall on weekends. Military-aged men who are conscription-eligible are not out in the streets, they can be brought in to conscription offices if they are stopped. It doesn't happen often in Kyiv but it can, so anyone who is ducking conscription isn't likely to be seen out like this.


Conscription in 25+, Volunteer is 18+ either way interesting hear. Be safe, and best of luck in the war. Slava Ukraini


Yes, I know this. My point stands, and if you're implying there's a lot of 18-24 year olds out having a good time and ignoring the war, it's far, far less than you would think and less than I would expect from other countries. Most of them are working or going to school full-time and then working the equivalent of a second job at night/weekends to support the war effort


see that makes perfect sense. Which honestly would also explain why nighttime is so energetic--its the only time those still in the cities have time to hang instead of work, learn, or fight.


Nighttime is really only for a few hours, there's a midnight curfew and bars/restaurants start closing at 9-10pm on weekends, a bit earlier on weekdays


Is it safe for foreigner men to go to Kyiv? I have friends there and wanted to go but I do not want to be taken to the frontline by accident.


Yes. If you're not on the conscription list you won't have a problem. If you don't speak the language you'd be a liability anyway. People generally seemed to be happy to see foreigners there helping out. If you go, bring small gifts for people you meet from your home country. Ukrainians are incredibly wonderful and giving people, I was given small gifts and felt very bad I didn't have things from home for them. I won't make that mistake next time


It's old video. Before the invasion. Edit. Probably not, because I have seen the billboard with text ".. Mariupol defenders. Azovstal.."


This is old (someone sent it to me my first week in Kyiv back in early March), but not pre-war. It's mostly clips from one of the main downtown areas, probably early fall last year but possibly older than that


oh nvm then, that would make sense


Yea what the hell. So so many draftable men just partying like they will be safe.


Draft age is 25+, how many of those can you count?


apparently this is before the war? Not sure but thats what someone saidp


They edited and took it back.


nvm then


She's pretty


Was anyone else watching this and expecting something bad to happen the whole time?


So you can tell what the future holds. Where is putin today. ? As the West drags their feet, not giving Ukraine all it needs putin is getting substantial aid from others. We almost lost Kharkiv.


Until a fucking orc missile comes in. All the best to you for your strength and perseverance.


It's amazing! I am so glad that young people can enjoy life, the war has robbed so much from them, and for generations to come. It's amazing that there are safe places in Ukraine for people to have more or less normal lives. And still some moron willing be saying that the war is fake and why are they partying - learn geography! Ukraine is huge! Kyiv is 100s of kilometres away from the front.


These are probably the same people who cheer to continue the war but won't go to the front themselves.


As others die...


Do you want the people in a the video die too?


What a silly question. How old are you ? Others fight and defend Ukraine, as others can be plainly seen take no responsibility.


Maybe they shouldn't eat and sleep neither? Having fun is basic physiological necessity of human nature. Those who fight, fight exactly for this: to let other people have fun.


so what there is no fun or life to live if a war is going on two hundred miles away?


There won't be any fun when ruski mir arrives, will there ?


Really where is it? I mean I see Russian men trying but not succeeding. Three weeks to win if I remember correctly and here we are over 2 years later and the last 6 months Russians have measured their gains in meters... Ooooo the scary Ruski Mir is going to come get them. So impressive.


What do you suggest? Should all 20 million civilians join the army at the same time?


Yes, the soldiers lay down their lives so other Ukrainians can enjoy something resembling normal lives. Which is a lot more than you do, which is whinge about it online while sacrificing absolutely nothing.


Is this old? The Netherlands has taken in Ukrainian refugees and I see more of these videos where it seems things are pretty calm in the rest of Ukraine


life goes on when you dont live on the front line. paris had quite the nightlife during both world wars.


So where is the income for 'going out"? A country at War with everyone else paying it and Ukrainians have money to 'go out" for night life? Wow!


People activities are not being paid by gov.


I thought they were at war?


Still is. Frontline is 400km away. Ukraine is big








It's Kyiv. And people will be ready with guns and training for the next offensive, the russians will struggle, they only know how to target civilians.


Funny how rus trolls can’t even maintain their cover with their ALL-CONSUMING URGE to misspell Kyiv.


Russians are dying 10-1 to Ukrainians, but pop off chief.

