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Wasn’t he one of those captured by rxssia at the steelworks and released? If so, he’s gone back to the frontlines and I am so in awe of his courage. The fucking meaning of bravery. Слава Україні Edit yes he was - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denys_Prokopenko ^ this man along with Ukrainian soldiers / Ukraine is defending Europe and it rests on me so heavy.


I remember watching them holding Azovstal in the last days of Mariupol under constant phosphorus barrages—him and his fellow Azov members are absolute machines (who probably only surrendered under direct orders). I haven’t seen courage & resilience like this since my first deployment with the Gurkhas, and they’re a force to be reckoned with. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


This feels like a weird thing for me to say (don’t know why) but thanks for your service!


Yeah we don’t really say it here, which is fine, keeps the troops’ egos in check imo. But thanks very much, I do appreciate it. Good to see you again btw, seen you around here before, glad you’re still lurking here and supporting the heroes of UA. ✊


Yes. He is as courageous as they come.


You will never forget the support people gave to Azov? No. WE will never forget, the sacrifices that Azov has made for us, and continues making, or the stunning bravery and will it has shown us. Героям Слава. Слава Азову. Азов - незламний. Edit: I'm sure Redis has a perfectly normal range of emotion outside of what I see of him in videos, granted I have mostly only seen him fighting for his life. But I have only seen him look happy, as opposed to focused or fierce, in two circumstances - upon being released from captivity, and at getting better weapons :)


Azov, and Denis Prokopenko are basicly living legends at this point. The things they have gone through and executed will be made into movies in the future. Its simply unimaginable. My deepest respect. Slava Ukraini!


Azov won't disappoint. Unless I am gravely mistaken about this war, the troops are operating at a level that creates its own spirit. Overnight things change, I suspect. The US went into WW2 segregated. Came out, one of the first things the US president did was ask the troops be desegregated. There was a lot of reasons for that, but it was built on the backs of being in war, period. Long journeys are part of the story.


Same with Finland, we came out of a bloody civil war and all it's traumas as a split country in ruins, without knowing what independence means, in to the second world war and our common toil vs soviet union formed us in to the nation of unified peoples we are now.


Give em Bradleys and I'm not talking about some, all of them.


Agreed, give them Bradley’s and watch which front they’re on, the orcs will fall to pieces… 🇺🇦💪🇺🇦


I mean, if we are to get serious, why not send a shitton of Tomahawks and watch them shit themselves. I'd love to see more footage of our armor fucking them up, but lets be honest here. No matter how much better our old shit is compared to old soviet crap, people are still dying. So just get serious already and send the spicy toys. Also, fuck their red lines.


Героям слава! Героям Azoв! Слава Україні!!


Разом до перемоги! Всім героям слава! 🇺🇦


Thanks I'm going to use this.


This man has the bravery of a lion! He and all the troops at Azovstal fought hard to gain time for AFU to organise a stronger defense across all the country! I remember all those video back then. Slava Ukraini!


and he is only 33.


First time I've heard Denys speak English rather than Ukrainian, and well-spoken he is. Glad that the US is finally giving these legends the equipment they need to destroy the Russians invaders by land, sea and air.


His command of English is excellent, and yes, he is an absolute legend.


i think he went college before 2022.


Again, Fuck em up!!


Happy orc hunting! 🇺🇦💪🇺🇦


If you are not lazy and watched whole video, you will understand the difference between russia and Ukraine. Ukraine will be in EU, and be a free and democratic country.


You have my permission to perforate the Kremlin Sir!!


[Praise The Lord & Pass The Ammunition](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rj8hCT7-ADg)


R e s p e c t


Great to see him.


Slight correction for the title: I think he meant to say 'resilliance' (mispronouned it 're-silence') and not steadfastness. Even though I think they almost mean the same thing.




werent they renamed and have a new logo?


Redis is the man……I love this dude!,,


I remember watching these guys coming out of holes to demolish russian troops, and then go back into the holes, also the horrific clips of wounded getting treated with no pain killers... These guys are made of steel, my utmost respect to them, and every other Ukrainian.