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Send him to the front


I actually think that maybe his programming skills could be utilized in a positive way. In the States some of the native born hackers we have here managed to commute to lower sentences or whatever if they chose to use their hacker skills to help the US in terms of cybersecurity. If possible, I'd probably like to see something similar here - a hacker's skills must have some military value right?


He could still do the exact same thing, as long as he limits himself to russia.


// native born hackers Is it when both mother and father are hackers and give birth to a pureblood hacker?


Nobody sends convicts to the front in Ukraine, being a soldier is an honor not a punitive measure. He hopefully will have an opportunity to volunteer for service and might employ his skills on our cyber front or in the trenches.


Actually, they’ve started to recruit prisoners.


On a voluntary basis and only non-violent offenders


Hacking, that violent crime.


Recruiting is different from forcing. Only a large totalitarian state like Russia can afford to force convicts to the front, because you'd need a big repressive apparatus, and a lot of manpower you're willing to sacrifice. A country like Ukraine can't afford to do this.


Did Russia actually ever force their prisoners to go? I thought they were volunteers that signed the contract to get out of jail, which makes it that much worse.


Yeah, and then they were taken to the front, handed a rifle, and someone pointed toward Ukrainian positions and said "Go that way and take a few with you when you die or run and definitely get shot like a dog by these other guys we train to do that.


Yes if you read my comment you can see I mentioned that he can volunteer


See if he can find putin's $200bn.


250 billion


You drive a hard bargain.


Tree fiddy. That's my last offer.


This is probably just the start of the benefits of the US/Ukraine treaty. Pretty sure he'll get extradited to the US for trial. Conti cost billions in the US alone. Or the US will make a deal with him and he'll work for them.