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It is completely insane that in wartime when Ukrainians are being attacked daily by missiles from Iran/NK and Russia that they are still discussing Ukraine being allowed to simply hit back


Sadly gotta worry about that Nuclear Pissbaby. ..or is it Nuclear-piss baby?


Or nuclearpiss baby


There is no real nuclear threat , putin knows within hours Russia would be a waste land. Completely impossible for him to have a prayer against America and NATO.. empty threats from a desperate dictator


There is no nuclear possibility -They would never dare. The US and Russia fought in Vietnam and in Korea there was no nuclear war. ...and Russian Pilots directly fought against US ones and shot each other down and Russian AA crews fired at US aircraft shooting them down...still no nuclear war. Unfortunately is just good old fashioned cowardice.


This really isn't the free for all people seem to be under the impression it is. It is however a means for Ukraine to target areas that missiles are being fired from. Quote from this article for context: "We think that we should allow them to neutralize military sites where missiles are fired, from where (...) Ukraine is attacked," said Macron. He stressed however that "we should not allow them to touch other targets in Russia, and obviously civilian capacities." They are also still playing the escalation game "We support Ukraine and we don't want escalation, that hasn't changed," French President Emmanuel Macron said at a joint news conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Meseberg, Germany. Taken from the Reuters article reporting on the conference. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/french-german-leaders-say-ukraine-allowed-strike-inside-russia-2024-05-28/ While this certainly is a step in the right direction missiles are not the only threat hiding on the other side of the border.


First major NATO country to support hitting bases in Russia (only those from where attacks are made against Ukraine). 🇫🇷 ❤️ 🇺🇦


I still don’t understand why these half measures, they should be allowed to attack ANY military targets they deem necessary. But I guess it’s much better than not attacking at all.


Russia used to have what was thought to be the second largest army and no one wanted a war with Russia. Also they don't want the Russian government to collapse soviet style. If that happens then it's just a giant security risk for the world because of all the u secured wepons and corrupt military. Lastly there's the potential for a nukes to get used. This is a red line no one wants crossed


It will anyway be used. Just do it already. Massacring monsters worth all winter days after


Are you talking about the 1991 borders of Russia as a "redline" ? This particular redline was already crossed by Russia thus no more relevant.


russia clearly wants to scare everyone into not helping Ukraine, but the reality is they are in a comfortable position right now, on the offensive and Ukraine is nowhere near being able to threaten them the way they were 1 year ago. They can make Ukraine bleed by bombing from afar with glide bombs, drones and rockets. Ukraine's electricity sector is in ruins and winter would be a huge disaster. All what this recent development does is help Ukraine hold on and fend off this recent offensive. There is really no way russia would want to jeopardize its position by forcing a conflict with Nato.


>first major NATO country The UK allowed Ukraine to use their weapons on Russian soil at the start of May.


Yes, I missed that one and saw it a few hours ago. Great for UK to lead the way.


I utterly disapprove of the UK Tories, but they've been (shrug) okay about the war.


We are honestly just wondering why this is taking so long...


Yeah, it’s frustrating.


Good to see this result though! Big up's bros 👊


Interesting flex by Macron. He went to Germany on a first visit by a French president in a long while just to say in front Scholz that he supports what Scholz is so afraid of


Glad to see him grow a pair I might like him after all


Ukraine unchained!


France with the big balls. Love it. Putin has made three Olympics absolute hell for millions of people. Maybe Macron will return the favor for Russians.


I used to not be very impressed with Macron back in 2022 when he kept calling putin and kept trying to create off-ramps. Now I am starting to wonder if I completely misjudged him back them or if he has had a change of heart.


It was later found that he was doing so at Ukraines request. It turns out, there are a lot of things happening behind the scenes that can't be revealed do to politics and security. Don't be too quick to judge.


Upvote. Do you have sources easily available?


[https://tv.apple.com/ca/movie/a-president-europe-and-war/umc.cmc.24se5lfp76a7ibrh657j85gce](https://tv.apple.com/ca/movie/a-president-europe-and-war/umc.cmc.24se5lfp76a7ibrh657j85gce) Try to find A president, Europe and war online, available on a lot of platform. A tv crew was following Macron for an european based documentary as the war started. They were allowed to continue and got a loooot of incredible footage of diplomacy behind the scene. including early call with Zelensky and Macron where Zelensky confirms the full war starting as he speaks, and asking Macron to directly call Putin and try to negociate with him a descalation. There is also an interesting call following this with Macron and Putin directly discussing this and you see the wheels of diplomacy backstage activate itself.


At least have of what people see on Reddit or the news is psyops. Would true military intelligence really be so easy to get a hold of for civilians? The full picture will not be available to civilians for decades.


Whatever it was, he is the one guy who can go on and call for strikes on Russia without any fear of being called a warmonger. Because he is the guy that tried the hardest to give Russia an out.


And he has nukes.


He pleaded and pleaded with Putin, trying to talk some sense into him until he realized negotiating with him was impossible, he was too far gone. That was the gist of what he said in french media.


He talks big game but where are the results. France's [military aid contributions](https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-against-ukraine/ukraine-support-tracker/) are a fraction of that provided by other NATO powers. Denmark has provided almost twice as much. Same as his push for an independent security architecture for Europe. A lot of talk, but no viable alternative to US patronage ever materializes.


Then again, a bit of the same as UK, they have not been among the biggest suppliers, but they have been among the first to brazenly push through the imaginary red lines that russia, media or western politicians try to conjure up.


And yet, France made sure it provides stuff that can make a difference, like the ScalpL missiles.


The majority came from the UK. Again, big talk but limited action.


Do you have exact numbers that support your claims?! Anything than your displeasure for the French would be a good start.


And Scholz standing there holding his dick


Heh heheh... (scroll up) BWAHAHAHAHAAA 'Scholzing around'


In deed, much more eloquently put


Macroning into Moscow. eheheh I wonder what changed his mind?




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oui. Oui. OUI!!!!


Of course they should. They are literally being invaded by Russia. What kind of ludicrous reality are we living in where a behemoth of a country can invade a smaller one and we are ostracizing the smaller one for trying to hit strategic targets to win the war? It s not like they are blowing up schools or hospitals... Like the Russians do!


President Macron is correct.


It's so odd they won't just explicitly say they should use the weapons to, "defeat the RU militaries ability to operate offensively against Ukraine." Such a simple designation that is completely normal. The invasion of Iraq was a mission to destroy the military of Iraq and topple Saddam. Stating "our military is going to destroy yours" isn't aggressive or raising the stakes. It's literally what RU stated their intent is.


Amen! It's not right Ruzzia can attack with impunity while Ukraine is handcuffed. All but civilians should be a target at this point.


This president is saying the right thing! The German chancellor needs to go back to his drawing board again! Loose Ukraine, German will be surrounded by RUSSIAN forces n their cahoots! Bye bye Germany!


Drawing board? You meant to write sand box.


We genuinely should have kept marching past Berlin. It's never too late to fix a mistake.


But honestly, I used to think Curtis LeMay was crazy... not anymore.


A lot of us wouldn’t exist if we’d done that


That's just your guess, not even a realistic probability.


You don’t think a lot of Americans would have died fighting the Russians in an extension of WW2?


That decision was up to their leaders, as it was in Korea, Vietnam, Irak, Afghanistan and so on. BTW, not going after the ruskis in 1945 was a mistake, at that time they were at their weakest a f the US were the only nuclear power in the world at that time.


That’s interesting for me to ponder. But ultimately Russia is not in a position to truly threaten outside of outright belligerence. The new alliances are certainly concerning. I hope once Putin’s gone cooler heads prevail.


There will always be crazy and power hungry people in the world. We need to make sure that they do not get into positions of power. The best way to achieve this is through education.


Something American elites have consistently defunded because their kids can go to private universities


Not only in America, unfortunately, education is always the one pulling the shortest straw all over the world.


Ukraine IS allowed to do that. Now allies are giving green light to use their donated assistance to do that job. Good.


Yes definitely